Red, White and Sensual

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Red, White and Sensual Page 12

by Bec Botefuhr


  “Sierra, get in.”

  “I said no.”

  He growls and leaps out, grips my arms and hurls me into the limo. I land on the seat with a thud and go to charge forward but he slams the door and then flattens his body against mine. I squirm angrily and push at his chest, but he doesn’t move.

  “What did I say about running?”

  “Get off me, get off!”


  “Marcus, I can’t do this, I can’t keep watching it.”

  “It was an image,” he breathes. “It meant nothing.”

  “Bullshit!” I cry.

  “Sierra, enough.”

  “No, not enough. I can’t play this game anymore, it’s hurting me, Marcus. You’re hurting me.”

  He stills and his body stiffens. “I’m hurting you?”

  “Yes,” I cry. “You’re hurting me.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you, sweet girl.”

  “Well you are.”

  “I have to put up an image, you know that.”

  “I know, but…”

  “Why did you run?”

  “I was hurt.”

  “I don’t like it when you run.”

  “Well, I did.”

  His face grows determined and he leans down, grazing his lips across mine.

  “Don’t kiss me after you’ve kissed her,” I spit.

  He grins and then murmurs, “Fine, I won’t use my mouth.”

  Before I can protest, his hand is sliding up my dress and gripping my thigh. I groan when he widens my legs so he can fit between them and he rocks his hard length against me. I whimper as it presses against my now damp panties. He gently rotates his hips, and uses his other hand to graze over my breasts. I squirm beneath him, angry that he’s doing this when I’m supposed to be mad at him.

  “Stop,” I whisper.

  “No,” he murmurs. “I told you…if you ran…”

  He slips his fingers underneath my panties and finds my clit, I cry out and whimper against his shoulder as he gently begins circling it, causing electric bolts of pleasure to shoot through me.

  “We’re not going to do this slowly, we’re going to do this quickly, angrily and passionately.”

  “Marcus,” I whisper.

  He grips his pants and jerks them down, when he’s freed himself, he raises my leg higher and drives into me with one, hard thrust. I cry out his name as he fills me, stretching me and making my body come alive. He pulls his hips out and then drives back in. My nipples become hard buds and my body jerks as pleasure threatens to overtake. Thrust after thrust, I build higher and higher, screaming his name as I get right to the edge.

  Then he stops.

  He just stops. I groan and squirm. He’s panting, his breaths coming hard and fast against my cheek. I cry out and shove at him, wanting him to move, feeling my orgasm die down. When it’s gone, he starts moving again. Oh I see what’s going on, he’s dragging our pleasure out. His breathing becomes heavier as he begins working his hips again, titling them on that perfect angle so he hits my sweet spot. I raise up quickly, my release so close, so ready.

  Then he stops again.

  “Marcus,” I bellow. “Please.”

  “I said, don’t run and you ran…I told you not to run from me.”

  It hits me hard and fast, he’s punishing me! Oh god, he’s punishing me. I spit a curse at him as he begins rocking his hips again. I want to be so angry with him but the pleasure that shoots through my body has me forgetting my anger. I groan and try to rub myself against him so I can get there before he feels it, but he’s too in tune with my body and as soon as I’m ready to come, he stops again.

  “Fuck you, bastard!” I spit.

  He doesn’t answer, he’s panting and his body is rigid. I know it’s taking everything he has not to come too, but he’s stronger than me and he’s good at what he does.

  “Why did you run, when I told you what I’d do if you did?”

  “I was hurt!” I scream.

  “You should have spoken to me.”

  “Fuck you, Marcus,” I cry. “Fuck you.”

  He moves again, gently stroking his cock into my heat. I’m so wet I can feel the dampness between us, but it doesn’t stop him. He works me as I squirm, trying to push him off. He’s going to do this until I can’t breathe. I know he is. He’s punishing me because he doesn’t want to face what’s really going on. He’s hiding behind his control. He’s using it as a barrier to keep his feelings away. There’s only one way to stop him, and I don’t want to do it, but I am so hurt right now that I know I have to.

  “Purple,” I scream, shoving at him. “Purple, Marcus, Purple.”

  He stops instantly. I hear him curse, and then he pulls out of me, that easily. He sits back and his back slams against the chair.

  “Let me out,” I whisper, pulling my panties back and fixing myself.


  “Let me the fuck out of this car, now!”

  Marcus presses a button on the side and says, “Pull over, John.”

  I make sure my dress is completely fixed as the car swiftly comes to a stop, then I open the door, leaping out.

  “Sierra!” Marcus calls.

  I spin around and glare at him.

  “Don’t you ever punish me for feeling again! Ever!”

  Then I turn and hurry off. He calls out to me again, but I’ve said our safe word, he knows better than to chase me right now. When I’m safely away from the limo, I let my tears fall. I pull out my phone and I call Quinn. I have no one else I can tell about this that won’t say ‘I told you so!’


  Quinn finds me, hugs me and then drags me to the nearest bar. I look completely out of place dressed like this, but after a few hard drinks, I don’t care. I dance, laugh and forget everything that happened tonight. I don’t care about anything that Marcus did, I just focus on having fun. Quinn feeds me drink after drink until I’m so drunk I can hardly stand upright.

  When a tall, dark and handsome man asks me to dance with him, I agree. Quinn winks at me and waggles his brows as he leads me to the dance floor. I smile up at the dark stranger and he grins down at me. He’s very handsome and seems sweet. Well, I think everyone seems sweet to me right now. He grips my hips and we begin dancing, he’s quite the gentleman and keeps his hands above my hips at all times.

  We’re in the middle of doing a sexy dance, when I hear people scream and yell. “Ohmigod, it’s Marcus Harrison.”

  I don’t turn, I don’t even get a chance to, before I know what’s happening Marcus has my arm and is spinning me around. Most of the room has fallen silent, which is saying something considering it’s a bar.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Marcus hisses into my ear.

  “I’m dancing,” I slur. “Not that it’s any of your business.”

  “The fuck it’s not my business. You’re coming with me. Now.”


  “Don’t make a scene in a place like this, Sierra.”

  I see a bright light and turn to see the pap photographing us, great. Just great. Marcus growls and then pulls out his phone, he mutters something to someone on the other line, then he grips my arm and hauls me out of the bar. Quinn comes rushing out after us.

  “Hey, stop, you can’t take her.”

  Marcus spins around. “She’s my employee, she signed a contract. I can take her.”

  Quinn stares at me, but I’m giggling at the man still snapping shots. Marcus opens the door to his limo and shoves me in, before climbing in himself and slamming the door.

  “Hey,” I grumble. “You can’t leave Quinn there.”

  Marcus shoots me a glare so angry, I flinch. “I suggest you shut that beautiful mouth, or I won’t be responsible for what I do!”

  “You can’t just charge into a bar and drag me out, you don’t own me,” I continue, ignoring his words.

  “I can and I will. Do you know what I risked coming in there?
Only to find you grinding against some filthy…”

  “Hey!” I snap, putting a hand up. “I didn’t ask for this, so back off. You made your choice.”

  “No, I didn’t.” He growls.

  I cross my arms and stare out the window, my body is swaying slightly and every now and then, I giggle.

  “How many did you drink?” Marcus asks.


  He mutters something I can’t make out, but doesn’t say anything more. I let my head rest against the cool glass and it begins to spin. Dammit, I really need to get out more. Marcus surprises me by rubbing his hand over my back in small, soothing circles. I whimper and let my body fall back into him. He wraps his arms around me and presses my cheek against his chest. I can hear his pounding heart.

  “Why did you chase me?” I murmur.

  He sighs loudly. “I can’t believe you still have to ask that question, Sierra.”

  Then everything goes black.


  Oh. My. God. I’m never drinking again. Ever. When I open my eyes the next morning, they burn. My head is pounding and my mouth is so dry my tongue doesn’t want to move. I sit up in bed and focus my gaze, and freeze. Where the hell am I? Oh god, did I go home with a random stranger? Oh no. No no. I quickly scurry from the bed and search for my clothes, I’m wearing only a bra and panties.

  I hear a chuckle and spin around so fast I lose my balance and land on my ass. I look up and see Marcus leaning against the door frame wearing only a pair of boxers. My mouth drops open.

  “You thought you’d gone home with a stranger, didn’t you?”

  I frown at him. “Where are we?”

  “My house.”

  “What?” I cry, leaping up and then groaning as my head thumps heavily.

  “Don’t panic, Chayne doesn’t come here often. She has her own condo.”

  Good foundations for a sturdy marriage right there.

  “Why did you bring me here?”

  He walks forward and I can’t help but gaze at the stomach muscles that pull and bunch as he moves. God he’s beautiful, so fucking yummy I want to drop to my knees and lick him from head to toe, stopping right in the middle. I let my eyes fall on what I know is a perfect length and he snorts.

  “Did you just fuck me with your eyes, Sierra?”

  I grunt and look up at him. “No, I was just…”

  “Just what?”

  “Doesn’t matter, have you got water?”

  He waves a bottle in his hand, right, I hadn’t even noticed that. He hands it to me and I quickly unscrew it and bring it to my lips, letting the cool liquid slide down my aching throat. When I’ve drained half the bottle, I stop drinking and peer around the massive room I’m in. Black carpet complimented by furniture that ranges from dark wood to soft maroon. His bed, the one I leapt out of minutes ago, is massive. Dark covers, maroon sheets, the color combination is very…manly. It reminds me of a bachelor pad.

  “You hungry?” Marcus asks.

  I turn my gaze back to him. “What happened last night?”

  “You were at the bar, I found you, took you out and…”

  “Oh god and what?”

  “You passed out,” he smirks.

  “You know why I was drinking, don’t you?” I snap.


  “You can’t keep doing that to me, Marcus, fucking me or teasing me and then walking away as punishment.”

  He raises a brow. “You agreed to this, Miss Walters.”

  “Stop calling me that, and I know what I agreed to but sheesh, it would be nice if you could just fuck me properly once in a while. Is that so much to ask?”

  I throw my hands up and turn, looking for a bathroom. I need a shower, stat. Marcus is suddenly behind me, his hard, hot body pressed against my back.

  “You want me to fuck you, baby, all you had to do was ask.”

  I shudder. “I need to shower.”

  “Well what do you know, so do I…”

  I let my eyes fall closed as he slides a tongue up the side of my neck.

  “I didn’t like you dancing with that man last night,” he murmurs into my ear as his hands find my hips.

  “Well, I didn’t like you kissing Chayne.”

  “Touché,” he purrs.

  “Someone was taking photos last night, Marcus.”

  “Already dealt with,” he whispers, sliding his fingertips up under my shirt and causing shivers to break out all over my body.


  “Now, are we having a shower…or not?”

  Oh yes, we are. We certainly are.


  Marcus fucked me in every way possible in the shower. Against the wall with my legs around his waist and bent over so my hands were on the floor. By the time I got out, I was five orgasms up and feeling extremely pleased. Marcus dressed before me, letting me linger in the shower just a moment longer. When I get out, I’m feeling a whole lot better. The smell of food wafts through the house and my stomach grumbles.

  I walk through the large halls with their black tiles and exquisite paintings, until I find a massive living room. Marcus is on the couch, sitting in those damn sexy boxers and nothing else. He’s sipping coffee and staring down at his phone. His dark hair is wet and messy and oh god, I could so easily go another round with him. Maybe two. Ok, definitely two. He looks up as I enter and a small curl stretches across his lips.

  “Well, you look…happier.”

  I grin and take a seat next to him, I sink into the luxurious leather couch. He hands me a coffee and a croissant and I eagerly take it.

  “Why don’t you come here more?” I ask, staring around the massive home.

  He shrugs. “It’s lonely here.”

  “Chayne doesn’t come home with you?”

  He shrugs again. “She has her own condo for weekends, but mostly we stay in my suite at the White House, it’s just easier for work. I come back here on weekends, usually alone.”

  “You don’t like being alone, do you?”

  He shakes his head. “No, I don’t.”

  “Where do your family live?”

  He smiles and I see his face light up at the mention of his family. “Six hours north.”

  “Do you see them much?”

  He nods. “As much as I can. I’m actually going to see them this weekend, I was going to ask…will you come with me?”

  I just about drop my coffee cup. “Me? I thought…you have a fiancé, Marcus.”

  “Chayne hasn’t spoken or seen my family in four years Sierra. They don’t get along.”

  “Still, wouldn’t it be a little strange to bring a random woman home?”

  “Not to them. They’ll love you.”

  “They’ll be suspicious.”

  “Let them be. Please consider it?”

  I nod, sipping the coffee again. “Ok.”

  Marcus stands and with a sigh, drops his pants. I gasp and splutter as I’m faced with one very impressive, even though it’s soft, cock. Marcus chuckles and grips a pair of clean boxers off the couch beside us that also holds his suit for work.

  “Did I startle you, sweet girl?”

  “You better pull those boxers on, Marcus Harrison, because I may or may not be completely satisfied.”

  His brows rise. “Really? After five orgasms…”

  I shrug. “You’ve kept me wound up, what can I say?”

  He grins and leans down, running his tongue along my lower lip.

  “I’ll come to you later tonight, I have a lunch date with Chayne to discuss…what was meant to be discussed last night. Then she’s going away for a week.”

  “How do you think that will go?” I ask, peeking up at him.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Well…I guess I should come to work too.”

  He meets my gaze, then turns and continues dressing. I have a lot running through my mind right now, mostly the fact that things are getting serious so quickly I don’t know where to go from here.
Marcus is in a tricky situation and I don’t know if he can get out of it, even though he claims to want to try. Even if he does, do I want to be his new woman, to be flaunted in front of the world? Everyone will know he left Chayne for me, the news won’t go down well.

  With a sigh, I pick up my purse and wait for Marcus to finish changing. When he’s gathered his things, the awkward silence between us stretches. The entire ride to the White House is the same, and by the time we’re there, I’m drained even though I haven’t actually done anything. I get out of the car, thanking the driver and I follow Marcus down the halls.

  He stops and gets into discussions as soon as he’s noticed by the other workers. I continue on to the office, knowing I have a lot of work to catch up on. When I get into Marcus’ office, Chayne is at the desk, leaning against it. She smirks at me when I come in and my whole body goes rigid. Why is she looking at me like that? Is there something I don’t know? I give her my best smile and say, “Good morning, Chayne.”

  “Yes, it is a good morning, I imagine it’s a great morning for you…I mean you did spend the night with my fiancé, did you not?”

  My jaw goes slack and I stumble for something to say. She doesn’t let me get a word in though, she just continues speaking.

  “I know your type, looking for power and fame. I know what you’re doing.”

  Oh hell no.

  “You should know the type, being that you’re one of them.”

  She steps forward and gets in my face, her eyes flare with rage. “Be very, very careful how you speak to me. I have the power to ruin your life, little miss sunshine and I will. Marcus is mine. Do you understand me? Whatever little fling you’ve been having with him, it ends now. He will always be mine, if he didn’t want to be here, he wouldn’t be. Marcus loves me and I hurt him, but he didn’t leave, because he is mad about me. Can’t you see that? If you can’t, you’re more naive then you look. Whatever happened between the two of you, is now over. You can run along and play with someone else’s partner now, it tells me a lot about the person you are.”

  That burns, it burns to the very core of me. Chayne gives me one last scowl and then leaves the room. I stand in that spot for long moments, feeling my knees trembling and threatening to give way. Is Chayne right? Does Marcus truly want to leave her? I imagine a man as powerful as he, could have found a way around that pre-nup if he truly wanted to. However, the thing that hurt the most, was her last comment about the kind of person I am.


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