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Castaways Page 5

by Lily Harlem

  “Good plan,” Olivia said.

  “Here, I’ll take over steering, Evan,” Harry said. “You sit and have your drink.”

  “Thanks, Captain.” Evan sat heavily next to Olivia and picked up his drink. His brow had a slight sheen of sweat on it as did the center of his chest.

  “Hey, look.” Mason pointed to the stern. “Dolphins.”

  “What?” Olivia turned. “Where?”

  “Stop the boat,” Evan called.

  “On it,” Harry said.

  Sure enough a pod of bottlenose dolphins had come to investigate them. They slid through the water, taking time to look at the curiosity they’d come across.

  “I’m going in.” Evan stood and kicked off his deck shoes. He then stepped over the seats, stretched tall and dived into the ocean in one graceful move.

  “Evan?” Olivia jumped up and stared at the fizzing water into which he’d disappeared.

  Suddenly he surfaced, flicked his head to remove his hair from his face and grinned. “Come on in, it’s lovely.”

  She glanced at the dolphins swimming nearer to him, their intelligent eyes watching him inquisitively. There were lots of them, too many to count.

  “Go for it,” Harry said, nodding at the water.

  She gulped. Swimming with dolphins was a dream, but a big pod?

  “It’s fine, look.” Evan held out his hand. A dolphin came close, touched it with his nose, then swam away. “They won’t hurt you.”

  “You haven’t got long to think about it,” Harry said. “Soon they’ll have had their fill of us and be gone.”

  “Yes, you’re right.” Quickly she shucked off her shorts, then stepped out of her soft shoes. She wasn’t as brave as Evan and used the steps at the narrow swim deck to enter the water.

  For a moment she forgot about the dolphins as the chill seeped over her warm skin. It was like a hundred tiny forks stabbing at her. It spread between her legs and over her chest, beading her nipples.

  “Over here,” Evan called.

  He’d swum closer to her, but there was a dolphin between them. It seemed to be hovering there, wondering what was going on.

  She glanced about. They were everywhere. Their sleek, gray bodies rising and falling through the water, and now she was eye level with them they seemed even bigger.

  “There’s a baby one over there,” Evan called. “Look.”

  Olivia glanced to her right. But rather than seeing a baby, a large dolphin with a white scar on its head was staring straight at her. “Oh.” Excitement tinged with trepidation caught her. The dolphin was beautiful. It was also huge and wild and very close.

  “It’s okay. He likes you.”

  Evan was at her side. She was aware of his palm on her back as she trod water.

  “Hold out your hand.”

  She turned to Evan. “But?”

  “He won’t hurt you. You’re hardly dinner for him.” He smiled encouragingly. “Go on. I dare you.”

  Chapter Seven

  “You should know one thing about me,” Olivia said to Evan. “Never ever dare me to do something unless you really want me to do it.”

  “I really want you to do it,” he said with a grin.

  Olivia turned back to the dolphin. It was still there, a little closer.

  She held out her hand. She felt so small in the ocean next to a creature that could move so fast and with such agility.

  “That’s it,” Evan said. “A bit more.”

  She stretched a little.

  The dolphin seemed to come out of the water a fraction, showing her the curve of its mouth. It then touched the hard, smooth tip of its nose against her palm.

  A thrill shot through her as she kicked out to stay afloat.

  “He likes you,” Evan said.

  “He’s incredible.” She went to touch him again, but the creature turned, flicked its tail, creating a splash, then disappeared.

  “Where’s he gone?” Olivia asked, trying to see beneath the surface.

  “He’s heading away with his mates.” Evan pointed in the direction of the pod that were swimming north. “It’s good you got in the water when you did.”

  “Yes. That was incredible. He touched my hand.” She grinned and held up her palm.

  “Yeah, he did, babe.”

  “And he was so gentle, for a big creature.”

  “Beautiful.” Evan pressed against her side and nodded at the boat. “Come on, let’s get back on board before they leave us out here.”

  That thought was enough to make Olivia strike out toward the steps. Within seconds she was standing on the narrow swim deck with water running down her body in small rivers.

  Evan hauled himself out behind her, then jumped up, shoving his hair back over his head as he did so.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “For what?”

  “For encouraging me to get in the water, and then touch him.” She rested her hand on Evan’s arm. Beneath the chilled surface of his skin, hard muscles lurked. “I would have been too scared to do it on my own.”

  “You would have done just fine on your own, but these experiences are always best shared, don’t you think?”

  “I do.” Much as she would have liked to continue touching Evan, she knew she shouldn’t.

  “Here you go, hen.” Mason wafted a huge blue striped towel in front of her face. “You might need this.”

  “Oh, thanks.” She wrapped it around herself then climbed back on deck.

  “Good for you,” Harry said. “Can’t beat a dip with dolphins.”

  “I agree.” She dabbed at drips in the hollow of her throat. “Wasn’t that on your to-do list, Harry?”

  He smiled. “Ticked that one off in the Caribbean when I was a kid.”

  “Oh, okay.” Yes, she remembered his father owned an enormous villa there. She guessed it must be something when swimming with dolphins was the norm.

  “And besides,” Harry said. “That was yours and Evan’s moment.”

  Evan plonked himself down. He’d rubbed his hair with the towel and it stuck up wildly at all angles. Somehow that just made him all the more appealing.

  “Lunch is here.” Raul appeared holding another tray. He paused and looked between Olivia and Evan. “What I miss? Who fell overboard?”

  “No one,” Harry said with a laugh. “A few dolphins stopped by and these guys jumped in.”

  “Ah, dolphins, that is okay.” He set down the tray which held bread, cheese, pate and olives. “It is the sharks I do not like.” He shuddered. “They are not good.”

  “But this does look good,” Mason said, tearing at a chunk of bread.

  “There is more.” Raul disappeared below deck.

  “Do you want me to help?” Olivia called.

  “No, mi niña hermosa. I am fit and strong. Can waiter and chef.”

  Harry sat and popped an olive in his mouth. Lucas cut into the cheese.

  When Raul came back with a plate of cold meats and more iced tea, Olivia looked around the table.

  This is what she’d hoped for. An adventure at sea full of surprises, a great and skilled crew, and a little luxury to boot.

  “To us.” Harry held up his drink. “And to a happy and safe voyage.”

  Everyone chinked glasses.

  “And thank you, Raul for this wonderful lunch.” Harry grinned.

  Their chatter turned to Temptress’ hi-tech modifications. The navigational system was the best money could buy, as was every detail in the engine. Harry had designed the interior, from the wooden panels to the way the galley was arranged. Olivia was impressed. Only a man who knew how to live on a boat could have done that.

  With the cheese, bread and cold meats demolished, Harry declared it was time to set sail again. “We need to try and cover as much ground as possible these first few weeks,” he said. “Then we can take it a bit easier if the wind drops.”

  “I agree.” Evan stood, caught some crumbs in his palm, then flicked them overboard.

  “Mason, Lucas, let’s get the sails filling.” Harry pointed upward. “Raul, you’ll clear this, right?”

  “Aye, aye, Captain.” Raul stood.

  Olivia watched Harry for a moment as he bent and studied the compass. He gave orders knowing they’d be carried out. She’d bet no one had ever said no to him. Harrington Vidal was a man used to being obeyed. Perhaps it was his charm that allowed him to get away with it, or perhaps it was the mountains of money behind him. Either way, Olivia knew damn well if he told her to do anything outside of his remit as the captain of Temptress, he’d likely for the first time have found someone who would tell him to stuff it where the sun doesn’t shine.

  He turned. Saw her watching him. “You okay?” he asked, flashing her a dazzling smile.

  Of course. His smile. That’s how he gets away with it.

  “Fine.” She grinned back, it was impossible not to. His handsome face and winning smile seemed to melt away any of his faults. A little voice in her head told her that was dangerous. Beautiful men with charm were well known to be heart breakers.

  Soon they were speeding over the ocean again. Lucas took a turn at the helm and Olivia caught him chatting to Mason and pointing up at the sails and then into the distance. He seemed the most relaxed she’d seen him and she guessed he really did enjoy being on board.

  After appreciating the open water and the endless horizon for a while, she decided to explore the boat more fully. The guys had had the advantage of spending time aboard, the evening before, prior to her arrival.

  So with that in mind, she familiarized herself with the safety features; the fire extinguishers, the life jackets and rafts and the working of the radio. She had a good look at the navigational system, and was pleased that although it had extra features it was basically what she was used to.

  Before she knew it the sun was dipping low. They’d had a full day of travel with a strong wind and it meant everyone’s spirits were high.

  “We’re going to keep going overnight, as per plan,” Harry said, as he studied the map with Mason.

  “Sounds good, Captain,” Olivia said, finishing off the delicious chicken stir fry Raul had made. She’d eaten her fill on deck with the others, but there was some left in the pan and she couldn’t resist. The flavors were amazing—a rich mix of sesame and soy with ginger and garlic. Her tastebuds highly approved.

  “I’m glad you think so,” Harry said. “Because you and Lucas are on first night shift. Mason and myself will relieve you at four a.m. so you can get some shut eye.”

  “Again, sounds good.” She grinned his way and popped a chunk of carrot into her mouth. “I love being up at night.”

  “I’ll remember that.” His gaze lingered on her for a moment before he returned his attention to the navigational equipment Mason was tweaking.

  Olivia finished off the last of the stir fry then set about cleaning up the galley. Raul helped, singing a Spanish song as he did so.

  She enjoyed listening to his melodic voice and the strange words. She guessed it was a love song by the tempo as it was heartfelt and melancholy.

  “Have you left behind a girl in Spain?” she asked.

  “What, me?” Raul looked surprised. “No. I too busy for girl.”

  “Too busy.” She knocked him with her shoulder. “I don’t believe that.”

  “Si.” He nodded at Harry. “Application for The Challenge, you know. Plus late nights at the restaurant.” He shook his head and wiped out a pan. “It is a sad and sorry stateroom of affairs. When everyone is out having fun, I am working.”

  She smiled and didn’t correct him. He spoke more English than she did Spanish. “That’s a shame, though I’m sure you’re on every girl in Barcelona’s radar as a potential boyfriend.”

  “Maybe.” He leaned closer and dropped his voice. “But not as potential as that one, right?” He nodded in Harry’s direction again.

  “He’s going to need someone who doesn’t mind a bossy boots,” she replied quietly.

  “What is that?” Raul frowned. “Bossy boots?”

  “You know, being told what to do.”

  He laughed. “Si, you are right there.”

  As they put the dinner things away, Raul began to sing again. Olivia couldn’t help but enjoy his easy way. He was sweet and funny, and from what she’d sampled one hell of a cook.

  When they’d finished she pulled on a t-shirt and a gray fleece then headed on deck.

  All the guys were sitting around the table. Mason was at the helm and staring into the distance.

  “We just saw flying fish,” Evan said, gesturing to the port side.

  “Damn it. I missed them. I love flying fish.” Olivia sat down and pulled her sleeves over her hands. The air temperature had dropped and the sky was clear.

  “I’m going to hit the sack,” Mason said, holding his hands up. “Bruv, you up for taking over here?”

  Lucas nodded and stood.

  “And I’m keeping Lucas company,” Olivia said. “So you guys feel free to head down.” She looked upward, there was still some light in the sky, but soon it would be pitch black and she couldn’t wait to see the stars in all their spectacular glory from one horizon to another.

  And will I get Lucas to speak to me?

  They had six hours together; surely she would hear his voice. It would be weird not to, right?

  Harry, Evan and Mason bid goodnight and headed below deck. She could sense the weariness in them all. It had been a day of excitement. A long anticipated date on the calendar and it had left them drained and eager for shut eye.

  But she was happy to sit and plait her hair, one long braid on each side, and let Lucas man the boat. She was on standby to take over, check the compass and keep him awake if necessary.

  After twenty minutes of silence, and the sky had darkened considerably, she adjusted the cushion in her back and cleared her throat. “You know what, Lucas. I haven’t heard you speak since I met you. I have no idea what your voice sounds like.”

  “It sounds like Mason’s.”

  Wow, he spoke.

  And yes, his voice was the same as Mason’s—deep and rumbling with a strong Scottish accent.

  “I guess that figures, as you’re identical twins.”

  He was silent.

  “You are identical, right.”


  “So who is older?”


  “Ah, I see.” That surprised her. “By how much?”

  “Ten minutes.” He turned to her. “Though we have an older brother, Paul. He’s twenty-nine.” He paused. “Anything else you want to know?”

  “Yes. Lots.” She tapped the place, had she worn a watch, it would be. “But we’ve got hours, so I can ask away, right?”


  “So why do you stay quiet so much?”

  “Not much to say.”

  “I don’t believe that. You’re a plumber, a businessman as it’s your own company, and clearly a very accomplished sailor. I’m sure you have plenty to say.”

  “Mason says it as a rule.” He shrugged. “And that’s fine by me.”

  She stood and went to stand by him allowing her shoulder to touch the sleeve of his t-shirt. “Tell me something Mason wouldn’t say. Or couldn’t because he’s not here.”


  Olivia didn’t fill it.

  Then, “What day and month were you born?” he asked.

  “June eighth.”

  Lucas pointed to the starboard side of the sail and into the sky. “There’s Gemini. See it?”

  “What? Really?” She peered forward.

  “Yeah. It’s shaped like two people holding hands. The wee feet are a bit faint tonight.”

  Olivia tried her best to join the dots. It took a few seconds but she did it. “Oh yes, I see.”

  “Geminis are gentle, affectionate, curious, adaptable, they learn quickly and love to exchange ideas.” He paused and studied her.

  It was the first time he’d
maintained eye contact. She realized, as she looked into his eyes, it wasn’t because he couldn’t, but because he chose not to.

  “Go on.” She tipped her head.

  “And they dislike being alone, routine and being confined.”

  “I like open space, that’s true.” She gestured around. “But being alone…well I kind of like that.”

  “Me too.” He stared ahead again. “Well, it doesn’t count having Mason around.”

  “It must be strange, being so connected to someone else.”

  “It’s what I’ve always known.” He shrugged. “Mason and Lucas. Lucas and Mason. Most people can’t tell us apart.”

  “I can.”

  “You reckon?”

  “Yes. You hardly speak.” She chuckled. “Though I think you should, more.” She paused, suddenly worried she was pushing their fledgling friendship too far. “Though if you don’t want to, that’s fine.”

  “Look!” He pointed upward. “Shooting star.”

  She followed his line of sight. “Yes. I see it.”

  A streak of light pierced the velvet-black sky as if a long silver stitch had been sewn into it then pulled out.

  “Make a wish,” he said.

  “Okay.” She closed her eyes.

  “Will you tell me what it is?”

  She looked at him. He was staring ahead. His brow was high, owing to his super-short hair, his eyebrows neat, and his nose was strong and dead straight. She liked his lips. The bottom one, like Mason’s, was slightly plumper than the top and he had a strong jawline. There was no doubt about it, Lucas was a very handsome guy with a tough edge to his looks. “Actually I will tell you,” she said. “Because then it might come true.”

  “Oh?” He glanced at her.

  “Yes. I wished for us to be friends. You and me. I feel as if Mason and I have already struck up a friendship and I’d like that with you. Get to know you.”

  He smiled wide, showing his neat teeth. “I’d like that, too.”

  “Good.” She rested her hand over his where he held the helm. His skin was warm and smooth.

  “But I’m not the same as him,” he said.

  “I can tell.”

  He was quiet for a moment then. “Mason can party all night. He always gets the girls, as friends and more. They’re drawn to him like a magnet.”


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