Little Hood and Her Wolf (The Big Bad Wolf Trilogy Book 2)

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Little Hood and Her Wolf (The Big Bad Wolf Trilogy Book 2) Page 14

by Janie Marie

  He chuckled, running his hand through his hair. “Are you fucking serious?”

  “He would’ve killed you by now for that stunt. Unless, of course, he knew the truth all along. Though I think he was just as late finding out as Kylie was. But anything for Sweet Jane.”

  Logan nodded, squeezing his eyes shut tight. He was so tired of the lies. He just wanted to do one thing right. “No one knows you’re working for him?”

  “Very few know anything about him.” She crossed her arms, watching him drop his act.

  “Than?” He opened his eyes, watching her. “Luc? Do they know you’re one of his?”

  “If they knew, I wouldn’t be here.” She smiled, tilting her head to the side. “You still love her, you know? You have a long way to go before you’re ready to really help Kylie, but it is incredible to witness just how much you’re all putting yourselves through for each other. Just like the stories say.”

  “I can’t let Janie get in deeper with Luc.” He glared at her. “This is for Kylie, but I won’t watch him take Janie.”

  “Her fate is not yours to decide.” She smiled sadly. “Tell me about Kylie. What has she told you about her mother and sister? About her father?”

  Logan didn’t want to believe this lady, but anyone trying to get justice for Kylie was worth talking to.

  “How about I tell you my theories and what I’ve learned?” she offered.

  “Anytime now would be good.”

  She shook her head. “Such a prick. All right, I know it’s not Kevin.”

  “It’s not, but there’s no way he didn’t know about it.”

  She nodded, smiling more. “Yes, I believe Kevin was more aware than he pretended to be. Although, you can’t really fault the man for what happened before he married Lorelei. From what I dug up, Kylie’s more traumatizing incidents took place before he came along. In his own way, his presence probably saved her life.”

  “He should’ve stopped this shit when he first saw it.” Logan leaned against a car. “What else do you have? How far back have you gone?”

  “Her police report when she was fourteen. She informed a teacher she’d been hit with a baseball bat. The teacher called the police. Lorelei showed up as well, and she provided Maura with an alibi. It checked out, and Lorelei gave a more believable story that Kylie was upset after not getting invited to a party, so she destroyed some of Maura’s belongings and tripped while trying to throw something down the stairs.”

  “What?” He couldn’t believe how absurd that sounded. “That’s more believable?”

  The detective shrugged. “Maura’s alibi checked out. According to four friends, including parents, Maura wasn’t home when Kylie said the attack happened.”

  “Then they covered it up.”

  “Oh, they did.” She grinned. “I had a little help, but the officers spilled their guts. Lorelei used her body to silence everyone from taking Kylie seriously. They’re on administrative leave with pay until we make an arrest. When that time comes, their cooperation will allow them to transfer to a new department.”

  “They should be fired and charged, not relocated—but if they’re going to help put that woman and her daughter away, I’m happy.”

  She nodded. “It’s a bit unfair, but it’s our only chance to make an arrest. Lorelei saw to it that evidence and any documentation regarding Kylie’s injuries was destroyed or stolen. Even her medical records are missing. Their word is all we have, I’m afraid. That and Kylie’s new statement I’m going to have her file with me. If you have any helpful evidence or statements, I’d like that as well.”

  Logan looked down for a moment. “I took her to my trainer for X-rays. I forced the doctor to keep them anonymous, but he’ll cooperate. He’ll have them in his computer. He didn’t see how hurt she was, but I’ll give a statement about what I discovered if you need me to.”

  “I would appreciate that. Are her current injuries life-threatening?”

  “No. Just bruises. She’s tough.” He ran his hand through his hair. “I think she’s afraid of being called a liar again.”

  “Well, even if she doesn’t want it, she has a strong support team now.” The detective smiled. “Once you’re cleared of the rape accusation, I’ll come back for your help. I need a little more time, and Than’s working on his own investigation into her parents’ deaths. Something isn’t right, and he won’t include me in whatever he’s discovered. Sorry about that, by the way. I thought he was putting his little queen before a girl in need, so I didn’t wait for him when he told me to hold off on speaking to Kylie.” An innocent smile spread over her lips. “I suppose I understood what Kylie feels, coming into a relationship where your man is already devoted to Janie, and I wanted to protect her from all of you.”

  Logan studied her face. She was genuine, and they’d all fucked up. “You don’t have to protect her from Janie. She’s probably the best person for her.”

  “Yes, I think so, too,” she said with a nod. “Maybe it’s you she needs protection from. She has no idea who you really are or what you all are to each other, especially you and Janie. No girl can handle the relationship you have with her, Logan. No one can put up with the stuff Ryder does for her.”

  He sighed, not willing to get into this argument. He believed her, but he didn’t trust her. “You really work for Ryder? And he’s been helping Kylie’s case?”

  She nodded. “He’ll always uncover the truth and force us to face it. But why he and Than are shutting everyone out is beyond me. Unfortunately, neither listen to me, and they’re keeping secrets from each other as well.”

  “I’ll talk to him.” Logan pushed away from the car.

  “Be careful, Logan.” She pulled her keys from her pocket. “There’s a reason for everything Ryder does. Luc’s interest in Kylie’s parents’ deaths may be something you’re not ready to deal with.”

  “What does that have to do with me?” He chuckled.

  “She cares about you.” She walked toward a black car. “And he’s trying to figure out how to tell her you brought Luc here after he told you he had it all handled.”

  Logan swallowed, nodding. “Thanks.”

  “The truth will set you free, Logan Grimm.”

  “Or bury me.” He sighed, glancing up at the night sky. “I’ve fucked up.”

  “Yes, you have. But she’ll forgive you. That’s what she does.” She turned to leave him for good. “By the way, a man entered your apartment a few minutes ago.”

  “Aren’t you going to make sure it’s not a murderer?” He wasn’t scared, just shocked that this detective was so sharp. If he had known she worked for Ryder, he and Janie could have done so much differently.

  She laughed and opened her car door. “I doubt they’d send just one man to dispose of the Big Bad Wolf. Or should I say, Her Reaper?” She smiled. “Good night, Mr. Grimm.”

  Logan didn’t turn to acknowledge her. Even if the person in his apartment wasn’t looking to harm him, he was in a bad mood and looking forward to beating the shit out of someone. If only it was Trevor, but he knew that piece of shit wasn’t going to show his face any time soon.

  He opened the door, waiting a few seconds before entering. It was quiet and everything looked normal, but he knew someone was there. He looked around again, listening, and when he heard a door shut, he walked over to his room.

  “You should lock your door.”

  Logan stopped and stared at the man walking out of his closet; a man he hadn’t seen in years. He looked the same, for the most part. Maybe a little more muscle, but the same bronze skin he had, same dark hair and eyes. “What are you doing here?”

  “How about, ‘It’s good to see you, Dad?’” His father smiled.

  “It’s not good to see you, Lance,” he said before walking close and taking the box from his hands. He wasn’t calling him Dad. “This is mine.”

  His father laughed softly and pointed to the box. “Why do you have that shit? They’re dead, and it’s disturbing to ha
ve pictures of the two of you next to that crap.”

  Logan muttered a few curses as he opened the box and scanned the contents before closing it. He refused to look at the photo glued to the top, but he stared at the words written below it: My Forever. “Ryder asked me to hold on to it,” he muttered, closing his eyes. “In case anything ever came up. And I don’t like to look at the pictures.” He headed back to his closet and hid the box in the chest where it had been.

  “Ryder can deal with Janie, Logan.”

  He closed his eyes, exhaling. “Do you think she wants to see pictures that remind her of her rape?”

  “And there’s nothing wrong with leaving those photos of your mother out,” Lance said. “Or Janie. She still loves you. There’s nothing wrong with accepting that. You won’t ever find happiness until you accept everything you are to her.”

  Logan shook his head as he returned to the room. He wasn’t talking about any of this with his father. “What are you doing here? I got the letter saying you’re out, but I wasn’t expecting you to come visit.”

  His dad smirked and pulled something out of his pocket, a photo. “I told you I wanted it.”

  “And I told you Mom didn’t want you to have her things.” Logan glared at him but didn’t reach for the photo of his mother. It was his dad and mom when they had just gotten married. His mom had tried to destroy it, but Janie had hidden it.

  Lance ignored his anger and looked around the room with a bored expression. “You know the truth. When are you going to forgive me?”

  “Mom didn’t believe you. Why should I?” It was a cowardly thing to do—hiding behind his mom.

  “Your girlfriend does,” Lance said, smirking at Logan’s furious look. “I heard you got back together. Your story is all over the place. You need to learn how to control your emotions when it comes to your past.”

  “Janie’s a friend. That’s it.”

  “That’s not what your little afternoon visit with her suggested. And she believes me.”

  Logan scoffed, but he already knew his dad had been telling the truth. So had Janie. Still, seeing his father standing before him again, he was ready to fight him. “She told me the same shit you did.”

  “But you still choose your mother’s lies? She was fucking Arthur. How would you react?”

  “I wouldn’t go rape some random woman!”

  With a cruel laugh, his father sat down on the edge of his bed. “That bitch admitted she lied to get back at your mother. I was released from prison, for God’s sake.”

  “Is the picture all you came for?” Logan asked. When his father didn’t answer him, he spoke again, “Look, I don’t have time to argue with you over this. I know what Mom said. I supported her because she needed me. I know what Janie said about Mom and Arthur—I don’t care. And I’ve heard your side about the rape a thousand times—I’m still not going to trash Mom.”

  Lance nodded as a strained smile formed on his lips. “No,” he said. “I came for more than the picture. Luc came to see me.”


  Lance sighed. “He’s not going to stop until he’s repaid. You know what he is, Logan. You can’t fuck around with him and expect to live.”

  “I can handle him.” Logan was lying out of his ass, but he wasn’t going to show his fear.

  “Luc wanted to know if you were still in love with Janie.” His dad stared at him, smiling when his nostrils flared and his blood pumped in his muscles. “I’m surprised you’re still breathing after this stunt.”

  Logan knew his dad would see through him. “Everyone knows I wanted her back.”

  His dad nodded. “But a new girl caught your interest at last. Who is she?”

  “Are you really getting dirt on me for Luc?”

  “I’m just curious. I’ll tell him what I want. You’re my son—I’ll always put you first.”

  Logan scoffed.

  His dad ignored his attitude. “Are you with Janie again?”

  Logan walked to his dresser to put his phone on the charger and glanced at Kylie’s raspberry lotion.

  “I guess Gwen was right,” his dad mused aloud. “You two really weren’t right for each other. Or are you? You know the story. She’s your—”

  Logan turned around before his dad could say what he knew was coming. “What are you going to tell Luc?”

  Lance stood up with a sly smile on his lips. “I heard she’s a blonde. I always thought you liked brunettes.”

  Logan didn’t say anything. He needed to know how to proceed. He should’ve figured out that Luc would be this far ahead of them. Was Luc not buying their story already?

  Lance sighed. “I’ll tell him what you want me to. He’s pretty sold after the photos went out. Pissed.” He smirked. “You’ve got balls marking the queen.”

  “She’s not his queen.” Logan couldn’t stop from flexing as he imagined beating the shit out of Luc.

  “Foolish boy.” Lance smiled in that way that always had a secret hidden inside it. “Still, I think he believed what he saw. I saw him outside last night, staring up at the moon—talking. He was furious with her, and Ryder’s reaction fits what Luc is thinking. He thinks Ryder is only staying sane because of the promise he made him.”

  “Promise?” Logan couldn’t imagine Ryder coming up with something to bargain. Unless Ryder did fear Janie was choosing him.

  Lance didn’t answer him. “Do you have any idea how furious they are about that girl posting those photos?”

  Logan sighed, running his hand down his face. He’d been praying Kylie would accept Janie, but she hadn’t hesitated to rip Janie apart further. He didn’t blame her for being hurt, but she’d done something none of them could fix. “I didn’t plan on anyone else seeing them.”

  “Well, too late now,” his dad said. “Just let me see this new girl. I don’t care who you’re with, but you have to stop fucking Janie over. I told you to protect her, not damage her as much as you possibly could.” He smacked him across the back of the head. Hard. “I saw her before coming here. She has no idea what you’ve done, and you have some fucking nerve to make her lie for you. You’re lucky I don’t skin you for that.”

  “I’m sorry.” He closed his eyes.

  “Just wait until your brother hears about this.” He practically growled. “Ryder’s the only reason you’re alive, boy. You know the Godsons are the most dangerous, but her men will eat you alive if they’re given the chance.”

  Logan nodded; Janie’s men were not the people you fucked with. “I’m seeing her tomorrow. I’ll tell her.”

  “You’re damn right you will. I’m picking her up for breakfast since she can’t even be seen with Ryder now.” His dad made a fist as if he was ready to beat the shit out of him, but he shook his hand loose and took a step back. “Have your ass ready to treat your girlfriend to waffles, bacon, and a cold Dr Pepper.”

  He smiled, but his heart was dying. “Are you here to destroy me? I can’t let this one get hurt.” It was pointless lying to his father anymore.

  “You’re my son.” His dad’s anger died, and he stared at him the way he used to when he was a little kid. “I put my family before my job.”

  Logan eyed him, then pulled his phone off the charger to find a picture of Kylie.

  Lance took the phone and smiled at the picture. “She wears a red hood, too.”

  Logan didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to; he knew what his father was thinking.

  “You sure it’s her?” His dad handed him back his phone.

  Logan looked at him, then nodded. “She’s the one.”

  Lance patted his shoulder as he stared at Kylie’s picture before clearing the screen.

  “I’ll tell him this thing with Janie is real. All Damon told me when he brought me here was they had a plan. He’s going to tell her the truth, Logan. Get your head together.”

  Logan looked down at the floor. His guilt almost made him throw up. “I didn’t know what to do.”

  “Really?” Lance shoo
k his head. “How about stop lying? She’s family. She’s everything. Forever. Fix this. It’s bad enough you still have her lying about—”

  Logan cut him off. “Don’t.”

  “You have a long, painful road ahead of you,” Lance said. “You’ll lose this one, too.”

  “I get it,” Logan said.

  “You better. And heads-up, when Damon brought me by earlier, Trevor was watching you. I don’t know who he was with—they left quickly—but don’t let your guard down.” Lance smiled. “You’re welcome, son.”

  Logan looked up and stared into the man’s eyes for a long time. He had so many regrets, just like he did with everyone who mattered. But for now, he could make one thing right. “Thanks, Dad.”


  Dark Path

  “You’ve already paid me, Scarlet. What’s changed?”

  Kylie placed her red crayon down next to the Big Bad Wolf on her Red Riding Hood coloring page and pushed herself up to peek over into the next booth. All she could see was the back of a man’s head as he spoke to her mom. Her mom’s trembling voice had been drawing her attention for a while, and she was starting to wonder if the man was a bad man.

  “I just changed my mind,” said Scarlet. “I can’t. I still—”

  The man let out a low laugh and spoke before she could finish her sentence. “You still love him.” He laughed again. “You know what he’s doing, Scarlet . . . And he’s fucking your ex-best friend. You know he’s not going to stop seeing her. And if he decides to file for divorce, your emotional issues could cost you custody of your daughter.”

  “I know.” Scarlet’s voice grew soft, and Kylie frowned at the tears falling down her mom’s face.

  He put his hand over her mom’s. “Then let me do this for you.”

  “No.” Her tone was firmer as she fixed the man with a stern gaze and pulled her hands free. “Keep the money and stay away from my family.”

  The man chuckled, amused. “It’s not that simple, Scarlet. I told you contracting me meant there’s no going back—you took that risk when you came to me. I don’t leave loose ends—and an unfinished contract is a loose end.”


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