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Declan (Wild Men Book 8)

Page 10

by Melissa Belle

  His facial hair is thicker than usual as if he hasn’t shaved in a few days, and I reach out and run my fingers over his jawline. He sucks in a breath, and his beautiful gray eyes darken as we study each other in silence.

  I slide down his hard, solid body until my feet hit the carpeted floor. “What are you doing here?”

  “We got home early. You weren’t at our cabin, so I thought I’d offer to take you home.” He grimaces. “Except I’m an idiot. You drove here, right?”

  I smile. “I did, but you must be psychic. I’m too tired to ride my bike tonight. I was going to call a cab.”

  He takes my hand in his and hits the down button for the elevator. “Let’s go home.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  The ride in Declan’s truck is warm and comfortable. We catch each other up on little things we didn’t get a chance to talk about on the phone. Like how excited I am about Chronicle Montana and how busy my job has been.

  “Congratulations. That’s awesome,” Declan says as he reaches over and gently pats my arm.

  I swallow at the tingling feel of his large, warm hand touching me. “Thank you.”

  He pulls his hand back quickly. “So you said you’ve been busy with work. You love it, though, right?”

  I smile. “I appreciate the question. My mom would have wondered the same thing.”

  He flicks his gaze to me. “What’s the answer?”

  “I do love it,” I say. “My dad and I agree on next to nothing from a business perspective. I think that’s partly why he hasn’t retired yet. I don’t know that he trusts what I’m going to do with the company when it’s fully in my control.”

  “What are you going to do with it?” he asks as we make our way through the dark night toward the ranch.

  “I want to get involved in saving abused and neglected horses,” I say. “Dad doesn’t see how our company can swing something like that. But I think we can. And I have an idea.”

  “Oh, yeah?” He puts on his signal, and we turn off the main road and down the tree-lined back road.

  “Yeah. I’ve been talking about starting a foundation that specializes in rescuing horses. We have funds allocated for pro bono charity work. My dad is slow to agree, and it may not happen until I’m in charge of the company, though.”

  “Mia.” Declan reaches over and puts his large, warm hand over my thigh.

  And I very nearly have an orgasm.

  “I think that’s an awesome idea,” he says. “Maybe you can involve Wild Ranch somehow.”

  “You think Luke would be interested?”

  “Luke’s goal in life is to eliminate abuse,” Declan says mildly. “He’ll deny it all he wants, but the guy has a penchant for saving shit.”

  “He acts like he’s a bad guy,” I muse as we pull onto the ranch and Declan slows the truck down even more.

  “He’s self-deprecating. Possibly self-punishing,” Declan says.

  “He says you’re a good one,” I can’t help from adding.

  Declan smirks. “Of course I am.”

  “Ha, ha.” Impulsively, I reach over and take his hand in mine.

  That was a mistake.

  A bolt of electricity shoots through the palm of my hand and up my arm. And it doesn’t stop there. My stomach flutters with butterflies, and below my tummy, well…let’s just say I’m suddenly ultra-aware of what’s going on between my thighs.

  Declan’s fingers tighten around mine. And thank God we’re nearly at our cabin because his driving becomes erratic.

  He nearly drives us off the gravel road and into the open field. He rights the wheel just in time and jerks the truck into the parking area in front of our cabin.

  I hear him curse under his breath before he gently disentangles his hand from mine. He turns off the engine, but neither of us moves to get out.

  Silence fills the cab as we both stare out the windshield into the darkness.

  I want to kiss him. I want to climb his hard, sinful body until we’re both moaning.

  But I don’t do any of the above.

  Instead, I sit with my hands curled into fists at my sides, wishing like hell things were different.

  Eventually, just when I think I can’t take the sexual tension filling the truck for another second, Declan pulls the keys out of the ignition.

  “Let’s go see what my cousins are up to for dinner. I’ll take your bike off the truck later.”

  I know what he’s doing, and I’m right there with him. “Sounds great. I’ve been eating with them every night.”

  Declan looks at me sharply. “Every night?”

  I nod. “They invite me. Your cousins are friendly.”

  He grunts. “I’ll talk to them.”

  “No, they’re fine,” I say.

  “They’re cowboys,” Declan says like that explains everything. He almost sounds…jealous?

  I smile to myself as we exit the truck and walk toward the main house.

  “You must be starving,” I say to him. “You use up so many calories at your job.”

  His hand brushes mine as we walk, and I feel the current again that’s always between us. God, I burn for this man.

  “I’m okay,” he says. “I’m always half-hungry during the season. Unless I’m dead tired instead.”

  “I’ll make sure to stock up on snacks for you when you’re in town,” I say. “You should leave me a list of foods that you like.”

  “Thanks,” he says, sounding genuinely touched.

  “Of course.”

  “Um, I meant to tell you—I’ve got your seat reserved for all our home games,” he says softly. “Two seats—for you and whoever you want to bring.”

  “I’m expected to attend your games? Starting this week?” I don’t mean to sound ungrateful. But this particular week on the calendar is a difficult time for me. Still, I don’t want to tell Declan that.

  He chuckles. “I’m used to women begging me for tickets, not turning them down when I offer.”


  I grit my teeth. “I’ll take the tickets. Thanks for the offer.”

  “Of course. And you’ll want to arrive before the puck is dropped. Preferably before the anthem. The press will be looking for you. Therefore, so will the board.”

  Right, the board. The only reason Declan would want me at his games.

  “You don’t have to come until you’re ready,” he says. “I know it’s a lot of attention that you’re not used to.”

  “Maybe next week?” I say.

  “Sure. We have a long stretch of home games coming up.”

  Yay! That means he’ll be around more.

  “I’ll set an alarm so I’ll arrive on time,” I say. “I do tend to get engrossed in work, but I’ll bring Jamie Beth. She’s very punctual.”

  As we reach the main house, we find Luke standing out on the back porch. He waves.

  “How’d the gloves work out?” he asks me as we reach him.

  “What gloves?” Declan says in that same sharp tone he used a few minutes earlier.

  I enjoy hearing him knocked off, and I focus on Luke when I respond. “They worked great. Thanks for lending them to me.”

  “Any time.” Luke winks at me like he and I are in on a private joke. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was trying to get under Declan’s skin on purpose.

  Then again, maybe that’s exactly what he’s doing.

  Declan’s dark eyes fix on his cousin like he may deck him. “Did Chase get stuck with the cooking tonight?”

  “He did.” Luke tilts his head toward me. “Mia hasn’t complained yet about our meals. Of course, she pitches in, too. You married a good cook, Dec.”

  Declan’s mouth twists into an irritated frown. “Lay off, Luke.”

  “What?” Luke holds up his hands. “I’m just paying your wife a compliment. You don’t have to get all pissy.”

  “I’m not fucking pissy.” Declan takes my hand and leads me past Luke. “We’ll see you inside.”

�ve just stepped into the living room when Cooper looks up from the couch. He jumps up and throws his arm around my shoulders.

  “Mia! Can you help Chase with the potatoes? He can’t cook them for shit.”

  I take off my coat and lay it on the back of the couch. “Of course.”

  “What kind of potatoes do you make?” Declan asks me.

  “Just mashed,” I say. “Nothing special.”

  “They taste so damn good, though.” Cooper’s blue eyes brighten. “It’s her mom’s recipe. Right, Mee?”


  Mee? So now they have a nickname for my wife? I don’t even have a pet name for her yet.

  I can’t stop the murderous feeling coursing through my veins as Mia and Cooper head into the kitchen, and I follow along behind. Chase is at the stove, and he turns and grins like a damn dog greeting his human when Mia walks over to help.

  One thing is for sure.

  They like her.

  I mean they genuinely like her. I know my cousins, and they don’t extend themselves for someone they don’t genuinely want to spend time with. They’ll help anyone in need, and they know everyone in town, but they don’t have a lot of close friends.

  Mia is already inside their tight inner circle. And she’s not even trying; she’s just being herself.

  I don’t blame them for falling for her.

  She’s got a zest for life I admire. She works as hard at her career as I do at mine, but she smiles a lot more. She’s fun and smart and beautiful, and she intrigues the hell out of me.

  And I want her so much I can hardly keep my hands from reaching for her as she stands at the stove and stirs milk into the potatoes.

  Cooper and Chase are hovering around her like fucking mother hens, so I grab a beer and go looking for Luke.

  He’s left the back porch, but I find him in his favorite spot—his dad’s armchair in the den.

  “So.” I take a seat across from him on the couch. “You and your brothers seem to have grown close with Mia while I was away.”

  Luke’s eyes flash with humor. “Jealousy’s not a good look on you, cousin. Not used to losing the spotlight, huh?”

  I squeeze the bottle of beer in my hand so tight I’m afraid I’ll break the glass. “Shut the fuck up.”

  “And you’re just going to keep hiding in here with me, huh?” Luke raises an eyebrow. “You’re a damn coward, Dec.”

  “I’m pragmatic,” I argue him. “I can’t…”

  “Be alone with her because you won’t be able to keep your hands off of her?”

  Something like that.

  He shakes his head. “One day, you two kids will figure out your shit. Until then, you’re welcome to hang out here as much as you want. And for the record…” His gaze turns serious. “When you’re away, we look out for her. Nothing more, nothing less. You got me?”

  I hold out my hand, and we bump fists. “Got it.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  I may have gotten over my initial irritation during my chat with Luke, but by the time Cooper and Chase and I go to the barn to check on the horses, I’m surly again.

  After dinner, Mia and I returned to the cabin. As soon as we were alone, the chemistry between us hit nuclear levels, and she immediately made up the excuse that she had to take a bath.

  A freaking bath.

  I tried to distract myself with the TV, but all I could see in my head was the visual of a naked Mia in a bathtub filled with bubbles.

  So I gave up on the television and headed back to hang out with my around-the-clock chaperones, AKA, my cousins.

  And here I am in the barn, listening to Coop and Chase talk about the latest feed they ordered from the store in town.

  Coop glances over at me. “You’re not listening.”

  “I am. But let’s be honest, I don’t know anything about what you’re discussing. I’m a hockey player, not a cowboy.”

  “You’re also a husband.”

  Chase grins like he’s found his new favorite topic, and he and Coop waste no time telling me how awesome Mia is.

  “She’s got a great sense of humor,” Chase says. “She’s cool.”

  “She is,” Coop says. “We took care of her for you while you were gone, don’t worry.”

  They take one look at my face and crack up.

  “How long are you going to deny the fact that you want her?” Chase asks me.

  “I’m not getting into this shit with you,” I say. “Mia and I both need something out of this marriage. And once we both get it, our marriage will be dissolved.”

  “Just like that, huh?” Cooper asks.

  “Just like that,” I grind out through clenched teeth.

  “Shame,” Cooper says casually. “You two could fit. And Mia’s going to find someone else once she’s single again. Hell, maybe even someone on Wild Ranch.”

  I take one look at the gleam in his eye and shove him against the barn wall.

  He just laughs. “What are you gonna do, Dec—beat me up? This isn’t a hockey game, cousin. There are no refs around to break up the fight. And believe me, every cowboy worth his salt knows how to win with his fists.”

  I’ve still got him and his grinning face pinned against the wall when—

  “Everything all right?” Mia walks into the barn. She’s wearing leggings and her big parka.

  I drop my death grip on Cooper’s flannel and step back. “Fine.”

  She looks between the three of us. “I don’t want to know, do I?”

  Cooper smirks. “That depends.”

  I glare at him, and then I step forward and take Mia’s arm. “What are you doing outside? I thought you were going to bed after your bath.”

  “I stepped out to look at the stars, and I heard voices from the barn.” She smiles at me. “Do you want to go home? You must be exhausted.”

  All the tension in my body dissolves as I look at her concerned face. I’m not used to having anyone worry over how much sleep I’m getting or how well-fed I am. I like it way more than I should, considering this whole thing is short-term.

  But I’m enjoying this whole fake marriage thing.

  So, the question is, how do I get closer to my wife and still keep her at arm’s length physically?


  The rest of the week is like this.

  We eat with the cousins every night. If Declan has a game, Luke, Chase, Cooper, and I eat without him and hang out until he arrives home for his leftovers.

  When he is there, without fail, at some point in the evening, Dec disappears with Luke into the den.

  “What do they talk about?” I ask Chase as we do the dishes one night.

  “Women,” he says. “Whiskey. I don’t know—boring shit.”

  Women? What does that mean? Does Declan wish that…

  “He would never cheat,” Chase says like he’s reading my mind. “You don’t ever have to worry about that. I was talking like he’s still single, which obviously, he’s not. I don’t know what he and Luke talk about nowadays. Maybe Luke has a secret woman.”


  “Doubtful. But my oldest brother can keep some pretty big-ass secrets.”

  He talks like it’s happened before.

  The twins are super sweet and funny, and the three of us have gotten close.

  Cooper wanders into the kitchen. “Hey, guys. I just texted Luke.”

  I furrow my brow in confusion. “Isn’t he right down the hall?”

  Cooper’s blue eyes dance with mischief. “Uh-huh. But he’ll be out momentarily. Count on it.”

  Just as he finishes his sentence, we hear the bang of a door.

  A few seconds later, Luke barrels into the kitchen. Declan’s behind him.

  “What the fuck?” Luke barks at Cooper. “If the bull’s out, help me go get him!”

  Cooper doesn’t move.

  “Coop, get your ass moving,” Luke growls.

  Cooper leans back against the fridge and crosses one leg over the other. Then, he c
rosses his arms over his chest. “Luke,” he says in a deliberately slow drawl, “I was just fucking with you.”

  Luke’s expression turns murderous. “The bull…”

  “Is safely in his field. Just came back from checking everything out.”

  Luke’s on Cooper so fast I barely realize what’s happening. It takes Chase and Declan to pull him off.

  None of this deters Cooper and Chase from laughing their asses off.

  “God, I love making you break form, big brother,” Cooper says.

  I glance at Declan, and we both break into laughter.

  Luke looks at me. “Not funny, Mia.”

  “Oh, come on,” I say to him. “You should feel lucky he told you before you ran all over the ranch trying to find the bull.”

  Luke’s lips twitch. “You’re fitting in here a little too well.”

  Declan winks at me, and the smile on my face grows wider.

  I didn’t know how nice it was to have siblings. And that’s what the Wild cousins are starting to feel like.

  Other than Declan, of course, who feels more like a five-alarm fire I crave to feel the burn from.

  Despite my off-the-charts attraction for him, though, I haven’t gone to his games all week.

  The fact that my dad falls apart every year during the week of Mom’s birthday isn’t something I feel right dumping onto my brand-new husband, a husband I married for business reasons.

  Dad likes to say he saves up his grieving for one week a year. He takes the time off from work, and I spend my days running between the office and my father’s apartment three blocks away.

  We order takeout for lunch. We look at old photo albums. We cry together.

  Normally, I would stay the night. However, since I’m married now, my father insists on me getting home for dinner. But reminiscing about Mom all day long is draining, and the last thing I feel ready to do when I get home is dress up and go to an arena full of seventeen thousand people. Especially after Declan told me the owners and board will be aware of when I arrive.

  To avoid an awkward conversation, I tell Declan I’m going to ease into this whole hockey wife thing by brushing up on the rules from home.


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