Paragon- Ghost Hunters

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Paragon- Ghost Hunters Page 24

by Freddy Milton

  It was while he talked to the transfer technician that one of the staff members came over to Major Frumkazyl.

  ”Another spaceship has landed nearby, Major.”

  ”Another spaceship?”

  ”Yes, and it’s not one having something to do with the prison riot.”

  ”What can it mean?”

  ”I think it has something to do with us.”

  The Major went with him over to the communications center. Paragon and his small group of four soul companions watched to hear what it could be.

  ”An envoy from the spaceship wants a meeting.”

  ”For what reason?”

  ”Something with a security check.”

  The Major snapped.

  ”Chucks, there are so many circulars and regulations expected taken into account in our day. Well, let him come onboard. We’d rather listen to what he has to say. Then we’ll show him away and pretend adjustment if he argues something critical. Now the kitchen facilities are well in order?”

  ”Uh, I am not sure...”

  ”Send someone out and wash thoroughly. Also the cutting plates!”

  ”Right away, boss!”

  Over in the dock area at Kolossos the freedom fighters had removed the respiratory equipment. The Bastytjaks had let the approach port open so now the atmosphere of Taurus X spread into the dock, an atmosphere, both Bastytjaks and the freedom fighters could breathe. It was an average atmosphere under an average pressure, which had proved useful to most life forms. Some creatures couldn’t tolerate this atmosphere composition, but prisoners of this kind were held secluded on the prison planet.

  They had somehow regretted these exceptional measures. It was associated with unreasonable costs to implement imprisonment for these demanding lifestyles, so the stay of their kind was in liquidation. Contractual arrangements with the last prisoners expired and were not being renewed and these prisoners locked up on their respective home planets in the future.

  ”Well, now you just have to listen to this!”

  Lorkamel XXX came back to the other freedom fighters and he was in a good spirit. Fortunately, there were some of the Bastytjaks on board who had learned different language, and had managed to communicate with them.

  When jointly standing there watching some technical problems they found out about things, even if they could not directly converse. There’s nothing like technical problems to create a community of people, at least in the case of the male species. Now single sexuality not shared supreme among the many forms of life, even in Taurus X, but the part involved in criminal or position-creating conduct had at greater risk for placement on the prison planet. They exhibited somehow a kind of masculine behavior and to that belonged the interest and preoccupation with technical and material issues.

  ”We simply replace the engine.”

  They stood overlooking one of the two stern drives, the strato fighters had shot to pieces.

  ”That’s impossible. There has to be a balance in the vessel, and it’s not certain it will be maintained if we replace one engine on The Centennial Eagle.”

  Lorkamel raised his flippers.

  ”I have thought of it. We just replace them both.”

  ”Have the Bastytjaks offered that?”

  ”Yes, or rather the top brass. The Major is sympathetic to us.”

  ”I hadn’t dared hope for that much.”

  ”No, but I think it’s because we have hooked us up with these soul representatives, or vice versa. He thinks he owes them something.”

  ”How can that be?”

  Maskyvir was apprehensive but Lorkamel had heard rumors.

  ”It has something to do with the soul transfers. There’s something not quite legitimate with it, and he’s aware of that. He sees it as an advantage if he can keep up good face. I also think he’s a little reluctant towards his obscure project, whatever it is. But we can only be happy with the decision to help us and not send us back to the prison administration.”

  ”I'm a little worried about the new engines.”

  ”They are much more efficient and reliable than the old ones. It’s second generation fusion engines.”

  ”Precisely for that reason I have my doubts. They are too sophisticated to work together with all the other old equipment on the spaceship.”

  ”I see what you mean, Maskyvir, but the Bastytjaks have also promised to help us repair and upgrade other elements of the ship.”

  ”Well, then it must surely come to the test. If it doesn’t work, we just have to come back and get it redone.”

  ”It's just that we don’t know for how long they’ll stay here. I have a feeling they are leaving as soon as they have loaded the souls.”

  ”Where are they going?”

  ”I have been told they are going all the way to Cassiopeia.”

  ”That’s very far off. I have never been out there.”

  ”No, there must be a special reason they have traveled this far because of those souls.”

  ”I heard something about them having driven their home planet into the ground and desperately needed new grants of life from the outside.”

  ”It has certainly been a dictatorial system of government existing for too long. Just what we are fighting against.”

  ”No, it wasn’t like that. There seemed to have been freely elected governments in many places on the planet before the collapse.”

  ”I always thought that elected governance was a guarantee that a planet was kept on track.”

  ”It’s obviously not the case. What terms seem to be crucial is the way of life and consumption of global resources. If people decide, they choose the politicians who provides the easiest short-term solutions.”

  ”I'm afraid you're right.”

  ”So if we put our minds to abolish dictatorship and despotism on our planet, we must not believe that everything will be fine? Then comes public control of elected politicians, and that part is more complicated. Here we are up against the collective indolence rather wanting a short-term gain than a secure future.”

  ”Matters are really not that easy to handle.”

  ”No, the thing with a collective responsibility is hard to get in place. It’s also why they need the addition of somewhat better soul material on their planet.”

  Chapter 29


  While Paragon followed him, the Major went over to the arrival pipe. This was quite inconvenient. If there was an inspection, might it also be devoted to the soul transfer? Nowadays there were a lot of principles and ideals in circulation concerning individual freedom, and the Major could easily imagine that you could find something to criticize about this whole soul transfer business not handled by the agreed standards and regulations. Well, he would probably be able to talk his way out of such a situation by referring to the backers with a higher authority and stuff. He wasn’t all that worried.

  The Major had now reached over to the arrival terminal. A person in uniform came up through the luminous tunnel. The figure stepped out of the beam and looked around. Paragon recognized him. The Major went over and greeted with his flipper. So did the guest.

  ”Major Frunkazyl from the planet Phironsamir’s soul administration. At your service.”

  ”Major Klamuffel III from the planet Earth soul administration, security service. Hello.”

  Paragon noted that Klamuffel had taken his dress uniform on with ribbons and insignias and plumes on the uniform hat. Paragon had not seen that before, but it looked impressive. Major Frunkazyl remained neutral.

  ”What is the reason for your visit?”

  Klamuffel cleared his throat.

  ”You see, it has something to do with the soul transport. I can see that my second in command, Paragon, is standing right over there, even though he looks somewhat different now. You may already be informed?”

  ”I was told a thing or two. It surprises me, however, that you yourself come here. The most communication can well be done through the digital media in ou
r day.”

  ”Absolutely, Major, absolutely. We just haven’t been able to connect with you, and we were met with great difficulties obtaining contact with your home planet. I wonder why?”

  ”It's not easy to know.”

  ”No, but we decided to seek you out. A talk among peers is perhaps being the best, all things considered?”

  The Major was still courteous.

  ”Maybe so. Please tell me.”

  ”Yes, it is like... Can we sit down?”

  ”Of course. We can go over to the conference room.”

  Frumkazyl gave a sign with his flipper. Klamuffel cleared his throat.

  ”I would like my second in command to go with us.”

  Deputy Commander. Paragon was overwhelmed. Well, it was probably just for show. He joined them.

  In the conference room, they went over to a super-elliptical table with some stools. Stools were the most common piece of furniture among life forms equipped with tails.

  ”Here you go, take a seat.”

  ”Thank you, sir. Major.”

  ”A refreshment? A liqueur, perhaps?”

  ”Yes, thank you.”

  The Major snapped. A servant came in.

  ”Will you fetch the liqueur and three cups?”

  ”Yes, sir. Major.”

  The Major turned to the other two. They didn’t seem like much at one end of the large conference table.

  ”In just one moment you’ll be served.”

  Klamuffel began.

  ”Actually, we probably should be more persons present, but that’ll have to wait. This meeting is provoked in haste because of some information that has recently come to our attention, and not through regular channels, I must add.”

  ”I see?”

  Frumkazyl pretended surprise, but he had probably already guessed what was the actual cause for it. He, however, continued pretenses as long as possible. Then the lackey came in with liqueur and poured the drinks. Frumkazyl raised his small cup.

  ”On mutual understanding and respect.”

  Paragon and Klamuffel did the same, and they sipped the brew, which was quite tasty. Tastes differ, but sweet liqueur was an attractive drink most cognitive life forms had found out how to produce.

  Klamuffel continued.

  ”Understanding and respect, yes. We are also in favor of that with us, as far as it can be provided. However, it worries us that it seems people associated with you have executed some poaching in a location of souls with us, yes, also recently even within our headquarters. What do you say to that, Major?”

  The Major looked straight ahead.

  ”I will not refuse. Their information is correct. I'm sorry but I will not try to deny it.”

  ”I take note of that. Is it a traffic you intend to continue?”

  ”I have to say yes.”

  ”And why?”

  ”Our planet desperately needs an immediate upgrade of soul mass if its population of Bastytjaks is to survive there. The current average incarnation level has unfortunately come a long way below the minimum of natural recovery.”

  ”Does that include the physical conditions of existence on the planet?”

  ”Let me put it this way, that Phironsamir for long has suffered from a growth philosophy with widespread use and throw away mentality plundering the planet's resources. It was through regrettable political reasons not adjusted in time, and the current required sustainability in daily life thereby carried out within so limited a level of self-realization that it is unbearable for most. They comfort themselves now with abusing drugs, so they forget reality and that also corrodes the soul mass.”

  ”That is also how I have had it described.”

  ”So you are informed on this?”

  ”Yes, it was not easy, because everyone beats around the bush in these matters, if you know what I mean?”

  ”I think so. Just like the hot potato?”

  ”Exactly. The hot potato. This is precisely the case.”

  Klamuffel had now arrived at the principal matter not being postponed any longer. It was probably impossible to avoid a confrontation, but it had been underway for some time.

  ”You are aware of the UOJMIECCC?”

  ”I am, yes.”

  ”Have you complained about your distress situation to them?”

  ”We have.”

  ”And what have you achieved?”

  ”Nothing. Our request for relief is ignored. It’s most unnerving.”

  ”Were you given any reasons?”

  ”Not directly, but it was implied that we had to make do on our own. It was our own fault that it had come so far in our case, and they could not support any irresponsible planet’s laissez-faire attitude when it continued despite warnings from the Universal Council for habitable planets.”

  ”So you acknowledge that responsibility?”

  ”We are forced to, yes, but the planet's population may not realize that they now have to pay the price for past overspending and breach of the planet's resources. It led to wars and uprisings, which came to nothing, and the indifference and apathy spread. There seems to be no way back. Our home planet is a system in decline, and the condition is deteriorating rapidly. Therefore, we are forced to do something radical, even if it’s desperate measures not following universal agreements.”

  ”I saw a number of souls outside, coming up in the spaceship here.”

  ”Yes, this is our next cargo of souls to be deported.”

  ”Some of them come from the Earth quadrant?”

  ”They do, yes.”

  ”And we cannot persuade you to stop this illegal traffic?”

  ”I am sorry but I have no authority. You can contact the planetary council on Phironsamir.”

  Klamuffel knew it was a counter-motion to gain time.

  ”What would that help?”

  ”It might be that they would reconsider.”

  ”Honestly, you don’t believe that yourself. If as you say, it is a case of an acute emergency, negotiation is apparently impassable. Am I not right?”

  ”I must be honest and admit that I agree with you in that assessment, Mr. Klamuffel.”

  ”What do you propose then?”

  ”I have no suggestions. We continue our contingency plan and you must complain through the official channels.”

  ”We don’t intend to, and neither does the UOJMIECCC. A line drawn in the sand, the strategy has failed. Piracy ends here.”

  ”It sounds very ultimate. In this case, we have hardly more to talk about. I’m sorry but your journey has been in vain. You might as well go back where you came from. We will continue our rate reduction of soul contributions so we can transfer them to Cassiopeia, where they will be tasked to assist with the revival of Phironsamir as a worthy home to Bastytjaks.”

  Klamuffel shook his head.

  ”It will not happen. Not in that sense.”

  ”Really? You sound pretty certain.”

  ”Yes, because I come with the backing from the UOJMIECCC. They will stop your traffic, starting with this soul transfer in progress right now.”

  ”And how should a ban like that be enforced? Your spaceship is no troop ship, and we have enough space war ships to take a stand against any enemy. If worse comes to worst, we will go under in the battle. We don’t have anything to look forward to.”

  ”My good Major Frumkazyl. That position has failed. All planets life forms that have come so far as yours should have understood by now. Using violent confrontations for benefits is over. All civilized places in the universe have eventually come to that realization. You only obtain to squander more resources, so life is made even more difficult, and it is as you say difficult enough already.”

  ”But we will do it! Believe nothing else!”

  ”I believe you when you say that they would try it if they got the chance. It is the last desperate action. In the old days, we would have talked about honor and pride, flag and country, heritage and traditions. That kind has fortunately landed o
n history's scrap pile. They are too expensive and luxurious principles. I can indicate a number of interplanetary examples, but it is probably not necessary, for you are no doubt an educated creature who is quite aware of the limitations of militarism.”

  The Major lowered his head and his tentacles dropped. What could he say? They had lived through a series of fruitless distribution wars on Phironsamir. There was nothing more to say. He rose ostentatiously.

  ”This transport is at least implemented, even if it will be the last.”

  Klamuffel also rose.

  ”I assure you that it does not, and if you will sit down I'll explain you why.”

  They both got back into place at the end of the conference table.

  ”Will you offer us one more liqueur? It is tasty and there is no reason for us take it all so personally.”

  The Major poured up to all three of them. This time Klamuffel lifted his cup.

  ”At the survival of Phironsamir!”

  The Major raised his cup. They drank all three. Klamuffel put the cup down on the table's polished surface and hoped there came no rim from the cup.

  ”If you go over to the navigational system of Kolossos you will note that all functions that have to do with the soul handling has been blocked. It has come from the UOJMIECCC administration making it impossible for you to transfer souls to Cassiopeia in this pirate-like manner. There is also too big a waste of valuable soul material during the process, a process which you are performing in a crude and primitive way. It’s now the end of that practice and transfer of souls must be approved by me. Then I will make sure the system lock will be removed.”

  ”So I must then go home empty-handed?”

  ”It is the UOJMIECCCs opinion. If it were up to them, nothing more will happen. However, you will not be prosecuted from the Institute of Authorized Soul Managers for the souls you have been unduly transferring until now.”

  ”It sounds like you have a ward agenda?”

  ”You are quite right. I would not come here without a compromise proposal. Although the UOJMIECCC plans to make the scandal at Phironsamir a matter of principle as a horror example to other irresponsible planets on a similar path, all hope is not out. Local soul administrations at the universe’s habitable planets do not necessarily agree with the rigorous line of the umbrella organization. They actually want to help. And as for the material matters, a number of planets are also willing to give loans to Phironsamir on concessional terms, so living standards need not be bombed back to a survival stage.”


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