Going For It

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Going For It Page 3

by Liz Matis

  Despite the fact that football and modeling were as different as winning and losing, both were businesses that considered the both of them commodities, chattel even. Hannah gains a couple of pounds and she loses modeling assignments. He gets a concussion and he’s expected to play. Both of their careers have shortened life spans. At thirty-two he was considered a veteran.

  Maybe that’s why Ryan settled down, to ease his way into retirement after the upcoming season. Ryan had taken one too many hits to the head but Jake felt stronger than ever and had a couple of good years left. Still, he wondered if he was the settling kind. Was Hannah? Did she want kids?

  She had him wanting answers to questions he’d never thought he’d be asking.

  From this vantage point he could see Burner, the second-year tight-end slide up to Hannah. “Catch up with you guys later.”

  “Miller don’t hurt him too bad,” called out Todd.

  “Ask if she’ll introduced me to any of her Angel friends,” yelled Glock.

  Jake rounded the edges of the ballroom, using the time to calm his boiling emotions to a simmer. He came to stand behind a panel and what he overheard Burner say ignited a firestorm of possessive feelings inside him. He refused to call it jealousy.

  “Miller’s washed up. An old man.”

  “He’s the Super Bowl MVP. And you’re just a boy.”

  He’d feel bad for the kid if he weren’t sniffing around Hannah. Jake stepped from around the panel. “Burner, thanks for keeping my woman amused.”

  “Oh, was he trying to be funny? I thought he was just delusional.”

  Hannah’s supermodel bitch act was in full mode. Happy it was not directed at him he could afford to be cool. “Man, you better get out of here while she’s being nice.”

  Burner adjusted his jacket like Hannah’s put down hadn’t put a dent in his huge ego and left.

  Hannah turned to him, narrowing her eyes. “My woman?”

  “Take it easy. Just making it clear to the kid so he doesn’t get confused in the future.”

  “Great,” Hannah gestured quotation marks with her fingers as she continued with, “teammate” you got there.”

  Jake shrugged his shoulders like it didn’t bother him. “You did invite him.” Now that bothered him.

  “I invited the whole team.”

  “Except me.”

  Hannah’s pout almost undid him. “Now Jake.” Her fingers trailed up the lapel of his jacket. “I didn’t ask you because I wouldn’t have been able to bear it if you came with a date.”

  “So you understand how I feel when I see you with another man?”

  “I do.” Hannah conceded. “And I’m not beyond starting a cat fight.”

  There wasn’t a man on the planet, civilized or not, who wouldn’t pay good money to see that, especially if the fight was over themselves. “Let’s dance.”

  “I really should get back.”

  “Just one.” He couldn’t wait to get her in his arms and stake his claim before any of the other men got ideas of coming on to her. Because while two girls going at it was hotter than hell, he’d likely kill his opponent. As they approached the dance floor she pulled away. “What’s the matter?”

  “Let’s wait for something slower.”

  “Come on, a little Salsa never hurt anybody.”

  “If you’re talking about the stuff you put on tacos I would agree but the dance? I might maim you with these heels.”

  Jake laughed. “Those heels do look lethal.”

  Hannah pointed to a woman shaking her business. “I can’t move like that.”

  He leaned in, increasing the pressure of his hand on the naked curve of her back, propelling her forward. “With the way you move in bed I find that hard to believe,” he whispered into her ear, adding a rush of air. Her shiver warmed him all over.

  When they reached the center of the dance floor, he said, “Just follow me.” They took a few tentative steps, but despite the sultry beat of the music her body locked up into a mannequin pose, even her smile was tight. “Loosen up a little.”

  If anything she froze up more. “I think my first time went a little like this.”

  “Yeah, but I know what I’m doing.”

  Her body visibly relaxed and a blush tinged her cheeks and he caught a glimpse of the virginal teenage girl she used to be. His throat constricted, making it hard to swallow, his heart contracted in his chest making it difficult to breathe, and Jake thought when it came to Hannah he didn’t know what he was doing at all.

  Chapter 5

  Those words ‘loosen up a little’ haunted Hannah for sixteen years. But Jake’s gentle and encouraging smile swept the horrible memories back into the hidden corners of her mind.

  She weakened all over when he whispered into her ear, enticing her to move to the pulsating rhythm. With his hands on her hips she easily danced in sync with him.

  “Good,” mouthed Jake as he backed away, sliding his hands back into the partner dance hold.

  She panicked for a moment hoping she didn’t look like an idiot but if you were going be an epic fail you should at least do it with style. Calling on her supermodel persona, power surged through her body. If she could rock the runway to any beat thrown at her while wearing a bra, panties, and a pair of giant angel wings attached to her back—she could do this.

  “That’s it. I knew you’d be a natural.”

  He wouldn’t say that if he knew about her disaster of an 8th grade dance. Tall, gangly, and new to the school, not even her years on the pageant circuit could save her from the awkwardness of being five inches taller than any boy there. The one boy who did ask her to dance soon regretted it and laughed at her clumsy movements, sending her running to the bathroom in tears. It was Samantha who helped to dry those tears, consoling Hannah with these words of wisdom. “His sister told me he pees in his bed.”

  Still, she’d never danced to anything but unhurried, melodic love songs.

  “I think you’re ready for a twirl,” shouted Jake over the music.

  Hannah didn’t have time to shake her head as she spun for a split second, then fell right back into step. Wow, he was good. She practically didn’t have to do anything. Fearing a wardrobe malfunction, she glanced down at her gown. When she took a misstep Jake smoothly turned it into a dip. He’d be a perfect celebrity for Dancing With The Stars.

  Laughing as he pulled her upright, she finally gave into the music and to Jake. He was right; he knew exactly what he was doing.

  And not just when it came to dancing.

  The sex alone would keep her coming back for more. But it ran deeper than that. Jake knew how to make her feel special. She sensed he wasn’t with her because she was Hannah Hahn, Supermodel but because she was just Hannah. Unlike other men she dated he didn’t survey the room internally saying, ‘Look who I’m with.’

  She could be herself around Jake. He made her believe that was enough.

  Even though she was in great shape from running half marathons on the treadmill and pumping on the elliptical like a mad woman, Hannah was gasping for breath by the end of the song. Perhaps the pounding of her heart came from being in his arms, of his smiling at her like she was the only woman in the room—in the world. “Thanks. That was fun.” They walked off the dance floor holding hands. “I better get back to my hosting duties.”


  Hannah turned to go but Jake held onto her hand and her eyes met his amused gaze. “Save the last dance for me.”

  It should’ve sounded corny. But that voice, sincere and deep, made it anything but. And she knew the last song of any party would be a mood setter for the night to come.

  On the ride back to her apartment Jake playfully tugged on her ponytail like he was a grade school boy and she giggled in return. The conversation flowed back and forth, the complete opposite of the drive to the event. Was it dancing together that created this sense of closeness that not even great sex the night before had been able to achieve?

  Now his
whispers spoke to her heart, a simple touch sent her skin afire, and a knowing look peered into her soul. An unopened bottle of champagne chilled in the limo fridge, but Hannah had no need of it. Bubbles of excitement coursed through her blood creating a buzz inside her head. That wasn’t the only place buzzing. She rubbed her legs together to ease the ache between her thighs.

  Jake took note of the movement, his hand riding up her leg as he whispered. “Are you already wet for me, Hannah?”

  Her breath caught. Why did Jake’s dirty talk make her throb with wickedness? Was it the complex bass tone mixed with a slight Texan inflection or the edge in his voice as if he was at the end of his limits and ready to jump into the abyss with her? Or was it because she knew on the other side she’d be clean and whole. “Why don’t you find out for yourself?” She reached over to raise the privacy panel but then the limo pulled up to her building. A disappointed sigh escaped her mouth.

  “Just as well.” Jake inched his hand back down her leg. “What I have in mind for you can’t be rushed.”

  What did that mean? Sounded like torture and not the glorious rush of release she needed. Right. Now.

  Jake didn’t touch her as they walked in the building and rode up the elevator. Didn’t speak. Was he playing some sort of game? Entering the apartment she tossed the keys on the entry side table and though she wanted to throw herself at him, she decided to beat him at his own game and asked in a calm voice, “Do you want a drink?” She would not be the mouse to his cat.

  “What I want is to tear that slip of fabric away from your body and leave you naked for the rest of eternity.”

  Oh, not a cat at all, but a Cougar like his team’s namesake. She followed him to the bedroom like a harem girl following her Sultan. This was so unlike her. In and out of bed she controlled a relationship not the other way around.

  He walked over to the full-length mirror loosening his tie. Why wasn’t he making a move? Maybe this is where she could take the control back. Push him into bed and have her sinful way with him. The moment of opportunity vanished when Jake turned as if he made a sudden decision. “Come.” His hand motioned for her to come forward. “Stand in front of the mirror.”

  She stood firm not liking where this was going. Hannah didn’t take orders.

  He removed his jacket, his penetrating stare never leaving hers “I said, stand in front of the mirror.”

  She finally obeyed but only because she was curious to see what he was going to do.

  He unbuttoned his shirt with a confidence that unnerved her—like he had a plan of action that nothing would stop him from seeing it through. His body sculpted like the Gods of the past belonged in a museum to be admired by all and blushed over by teenage girls. Unlike many athletes his body remained untouched by a tattoo pen. Tossing the shirt to the bed he came to stand behind her.

  His lips grazed her shoulder as he played with the strap of her dress. The expression on his face was one of conflict. Would he rip off the dress or simply take it off? Anticipation built inside of her until SHE wanted to tear it off. But Jake did neither, pulling her hair loose.

  This was going way too slow. Every part of her ached with desire—with need.

  He brought a handful of her hair to his nose and breathed deep. “My Hannah Rose.”

  How did he know her middle name? She turned to look at him.

  “Eyes on the mirror.”

  Again he toyed with the strap before sliding it down her arm, kissing her shoulder again. “You look like a delicious stick of cotton candy. I’m going to make you melt in my mouth.”

  Way. Too. Slow. She’d prefer if he gobbled her up instead.

  Pulling the other strap down, he kissed that shoulder adding a lick. “Taste like it too.”

  Kisses trailed down her spine. The tug at the zipper left her bottom exposed to more kisses. Her knees buckled but he held onto her hips.

  Coming back up he pulled the dress down over her breasts and the gown pooled at her feet. His fingers swept down the curve of her spine to her bottom and he rubbed the swell of her cheeks before taking off her thong.

  “Now lean against me.”

  As if she could do anything else as his hand slid down her torso to the apex of her thighs. Photo shoot ready her pussy was shaven and already glistening with wetness.

  “Have you ever looked at yourself?”

  Hannah knew what he meant—down there. “Not lately.”

  “It’s pink and plump – like a piece of cotton candy.” Spreading the folds of her sex, Jake used his middle finger in a circular motion on her nub. “See?”

  Erotic feelings erupted within her as she watched Jake’s magic fingers tease her into a frenzy; she looked up for a moment to his hungry gazed locked on her pussy. His finger increased the pressure but used the same agonizing slowness, then fast, and then when she came to the brink he slowed again. His solid body supported her weight and her bottom ground against his erection urging for more than his fingers. His other hand played with her breast, teasing the nipple between his fingers.

  “Jake. Jake.” Hannah tugged on her lip so she wouldn’t whimper.

  His deep timber voice wrapped around her like a cloak of passion pushing her higher and higher until she feared there’d be no release. “That’s it Hannah, say my name, over and over again until it becomes a prayer. Until I’m your God and I’ll make you my Goddess.”

  Who talks like that? Any other man and she would’ve laughed in his face. But she wasn’t laughing. She was coming. Delicious power jolted through her insides. “That’s it, baby.” He pulled her closer. “Look in the mirror and see what I see when I make you come.”

  She did and the feral look in his eyes undid her. The power drained from her body as she sobbed his name. Her knees gave out but Jake was right there scooping her up and gently laid her on the bed.

  Why couldn’t he be just another dumb jock looking for a quick lay? But then she wouldn’t have experienced this. Whatever this was. Bliss? Heaven? There was no name.

  Hannah enjoyed sex, but with Jake, enjoy didn’t cover it. Didn’t even scratch the surface of what she was feeling. And he hadn’t even used his mouth. Yet.

  Jake wet his lips with his tongue like he was getting ready to indulge in a delicacy. But it was Hannah who wanted the treat. Normally, she didn’t take a man into her mouth. Such activities were hell on the skin, causing wrinkles and breakouts.

  But she wanted to taste Jake. Wanted him to be the one to moan her name. Wanted him to feel the way he made her feel. To make him feel like a king and enslave him all at the same time. When Jake moved to lie down, she sat back up and stood on wobbly legs. He held her steady. Regaining her balance she maneuvered him back to the mirror with one hand while the other worked at his belt. Tugging it through the loops of his pants she purred, “Your turn.” The belt came free and she snapped it as if she were Catwoman.

  “Oh God.”

  Hannah licked her lips as she pulled down his zipper while rubbing the tips of her breast against his chest. “God’s got nothing to do with it.”

  Chapter 6

  Jake swallowed hard as Hannah made short work of his pants, shoes, and socks. His erection jutted out, ready for anything that she had in mind. With Hannah still in her heels she was taller than he was.

  She surveyed him like she was a Dom and he her Sub. “Stand sideways,” she ordered.

  He arched an eyebrow but did as he was told. For now.

  She took a frilly pink pillow from the bed and tossed it at his feet. “You’re going to watch as I take you in my mouth.”

  That mouth. He would last all of ten seconds. In fact if she didn’t stop talking about it he’d be done. Stepping closer her hands roamed over his shoulders, down his abs, lingering a moment before wrapping her fingers around his cock. “Do you think I can take all of you in?”

  “Hannah,” he breathed.

  Catching the breath in a kiss she took his tongue into her mouth and sucked. A bead of come sprung to the
tip of his cock and with her finger she spread it around the head moaning with deep satisfaction. “Now look who’s wet for who.” An evil feline smile lit up her face. “Do you have any idea how hungry I am?”

  Instead of being intimidated by the question he grew harder in her hand. “That’s good, I have a lot to feast on.”

  “That you do,” she said sliding to her knees.

  With nothing to hold on to Jake planted his body in a stance that the largest linebacker in the NFL couldn’t take down. But then Hannah’s lips encircled his cock; he swayed like an Oak sapling in a hurricane.

  Sweet, slow, and deep, with no rush, Hannah seemed to savor each stroke almost as much as he did. Almost. He wasn’t going to last, wasn’t going to make it to the fast and furious pumping of her mouth. If she even flicked her tongue he’d spill every drop.

  Jake averted his gaze to the ceiling and recited the new playbook inside his head. Hannah must have felt the brief disconnect and stopped.

  “Look in the mirror, Jake.”

  His cock jumped, demanding to be back in the warm, wet heaven of Hannah’s mouth. Looking back to the mirror he caught Hannah’s misty gaze. Her blue eyes, which always reminded him of the sky, now matched the flowing waters of the Caribbean. She smiled a pure feminine smile like a woman who knew all the mysteries of the world. As far as his cock was concerned she did.

  Her swollen lips surrounded him again. The sight of her kneeling naked, her full breasts jiggling slightly as she moved back and forth tore him in two—one half the Emperor of the Universe who wanted Hannah to pleasure him until he exploded in her mouth, the other half beast who wanted to throw her on the bed on all fours and take her from behind—which side would win?

  Hannah picked up the pace and what was once one torturous long stroke after another became short and rapid. The pressure built and it felt like every drop of blood in his body had rushed to join the party. His legs quivered like he finished sprinting down a hundred football fields. Just when he thought he’d fall to the floor in defeat she slowed and swallowed him whole, settling his cock in the back of her throat. Enough. He needed to be inside her right now. To make her feel alive with want until it became a need that only he could fill. Grabbing at her hair he pulled her away.


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