Agent Nine and the Killer Beats

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Agent Nine and the Killer Beats Page 3

by Olga Ordina

  Chapter Three

  Nine landed his ship on an empty grassy field on planet Zedd. The three agents, currently dressed as djs, jumped out of their ship and walked towards a lady with a clipboard. They noticed a few stages being set up out in the distance.

  "We are the..." before Nine could finish Six interrupted him.

  "The Caribbean Crew." Six told her.

  "I'm sorry I don't have you on the list." the lady with a clipboard replied.

  "We were told that if any of your sets cancelled we were to fill them." Six explained.

  "We'll work for free." Natalie added.

  "I guess I can accept that." the lady replied and wrote something down on her clipboard. "Please," she pointed to a tent near a stage. "you can go set up over there."

  Nine and his team walked toward the stage carrying a briefcase and a dj set. Six was very excited to play some beats, Natalie was monitoring her surroundings, and Nine was studying everyone entering the concert.

  As the three walked closer to the stage they noticed a crew setting up more stage props out on the field. There was a cool zone area that would spray some water on the dancers. A fog machine was set up on the stage. They noticed just how gigantic the speakers were and the amount of wires and plugs that were present.

  "Carl!" one of the crew members shouted. "We need more speakers up on the stage, we promised a deafening experience."

  "Yeah, yeah, I'm only a one man crew here dude." a second crew member shouted back. "Speakers are being plugged in as we speak."

  "This place is pretty cool." Six pointed to a few blown up balloons that seemed to welcome everyone to a Magic Field Party EDM. There was also a giant blue dog balloon, an air dancer, and the giant floating neon signs.

  "Don't get too comfortable Alex, we still have a mission to complete." Nine reminded him.

  As the sun got higher in the sky the planet got warmer. It was getting hot and soon Nine found himself taking off his tie and jacket, leaving his pants and unbuttoned shirt on. Natalie was in a dress and liked the warm feeling. Six, however, changed to a wife beater shirt and some cargo shorts. He put on a ski mask and gelled his hair into spikes. He purchased some glow in the dark bracelets, bought some beads, and got temporary tattoos. He offered a few to Nine and Natalie, but the two were not amused.

  "Well this ought to be good." Natalie told Six. "You know, you're not actually going to perform."

  Six nodded and looked out to the field where he noticed more djs arriving on their spaceships. He got excited and took out his autograph book.

  "Everyone, keep looking out for LiveKitty and Krewe. They got to be arriving sometime soon." Nine told his team and a by standard sucking on a lollypop.

  Soon enough more hippies arrived to enjoy their music concert. Most of the hippies wore costumes, others wore skimpy clothing, and the rest had nothing on but shorts and backpacks. Beach balls started to appear and the first dj took over the stage. Lots of colors were involved.

  "Who is that?" Natalie asked Six.

  "That's Candyland. He plays the best beats, my personal favorite." Six replied.

  As Candyland played his set the team noticed LiveKitty's spaceship descending from the sky and landing near by. He stepped out with two young girls on both his sides. One of the girls had pink hair and goggles on, the second had blue hair and sparkles all over her body. The two girls wore red tank tops that read 'We R Krewe' and green cargo shorts.

  "There they are!" the by standard finished his lollypop and pointed to Krewe. Natalie, Six and Nine looked at the new arrivals. LiveKitty and Krewe walked up to the tent, where the three agents stood, and nodded them a hello. LiveKitty stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at the three agents once again.

  "Hey, aren't you guys the couriers? Where's my briefcase!" LiveKitty shouted at the team.

  "Here." Natalie handed him a briefcase.

  LiveKitty laughed and Krewe frowned. "You fools," LiveKitty began. "I'm going to place this in a safe and blow this motha into smithereens." when he opened the briefcase he was shocked to find a metal rod and a dead cell phone inside it. "Where's my bomb?"

  At that moment Natalie took out her gun and shot LiveKitty who fell to the floor. The music at the concert was too loud for anyone to even notice. Nine grabbed Krewe's hands and lead them to his ship. Natalie grabbed her phone and ran after them.

  "What about my set?" Six shouted.

  "Let's go!" Natalie ran back to grab Six by his arm and dragged him behind her to the ship.

  "You'll pay for this!" LiveKitty shouted at them.

  "Holly notes you guys." one of the Krewe members spoke up as they ran with the agents. The five hopped into Nine's ship and took off.

  "Thanks for the save!" the girl with blue hair told them. "We thought we were doomed."

  "Where is this secret melody of yours?" Natalie asked her.

  The girl with pink hair then took out her player and handed it over to Natalie. "It's the third track. We made it by mistake, we had no idea it was the secret to all of music."

  "Wow." Six jumped to look at the player. "Let's listen to it."

  "No! We have to lock it up in a safe on planet Zedd." the girl with blue hair told them.

  "I don't get it? Why can't we just destroy it?" Natalie asked.

  "We can't destroy it. We sold it to Zedd. They want to store this secret for the rest of our days. They want to be known as the most melodically harmonic and secret planet in our whole galaxy." the girl with pink hair explained.

  "Got you." Nine replied. "We have to plan a way to sneak onto Zedd's building of musical safes without LiveKitty noticing us."

  "We can always let Six do it." Natalie suggested. "He can sneak inside without being noticed. Possibly the old fashioned way, through the roof."

  "Great idea!" The girl with pink hair said. "We will give you directions. You must break through a few codes, hack into the main frame, then place it into a safe 7D."

  "Isn't there anyone in the building who can just put it in there on your behalf?" asked Nine.

  "LiveKitty will know, he'll stop us. He knows what we have to do. We'll have to sneak in unnoticed." the girl with blue hair explained.

  "Then I'll do it." Six replied. "Drop me off at the building. I got this one."

  Six changed into his tuxedo, in front of everyone on the ship who were a little uncomfortable with that, and Nine flew his ship to a solid gold building that was only a few kilometers away from the EDM party. He hovered over it as Six jumped down onto its roof with some gear in his hands. The girl with pink hair then threw her player down to him and he caught it. Six gave his team a thumbs up and ran to the side of the building.

  "Six can you hear me?" Nine asked as he beeped the agent through his watch.

  "I'm on the roof." Six replied. "May the mission finding the safe and secure the beats commence."

  Six took out his sunglasses and turned on its heat sensor motion that showed him if any guards were in the area. He quickly scanned the building's interior and took out a rope, the size of dental floss, from his pocket. He tied it to the edge of the roof and used it to repel down to the first window. Once he got to the first high up window he used his shoes to break through the glass.

  The glass shattered, most of it flew inside the building, and Six swung himself in through the window. It was dark, but his sunglasses provided night vision for him. He always wore those sunglasses at night, for vision enhancing purposes. He ran towards the door at the end of the room and called Nine.

  "Need that code." Six spoke into his watch.

  "It's 955291." Nine replied.

  "I'm in. The squirrel got his nuts." he replied. "He got his nuts, over and out."

  Six carefully, and silently, slid the exit door open, and spotted a guard monitoring the floor up ahead. Six took out a tranquilizer dart from his jacket and threw it at the guard's neck causing him to fall down on the floor unconscious. Six moved inside the next
room and spotted many open safes. He placed the player in safe number 7D and closed it shut.

  "The squirrel had buried his nuts, buried his nuts, over." Six broadcasted back to Nine and ran to the window he came in from.

  Six jumped out and grabbed hold of the dental floss rope, pulling himself back up onto the roof. Nine hovered just above, moved a little closer to Six, and descended for him to get inside the ship.

  "Mission accomplished." Six smiled at his team and brushed off his hands.

  "Great!" Krewe gave each other high fives. "Now please take us back to the concert." the girl with pink hair demanded.

  "What about my set?" Six asked his team.

  "You are not a dj!" Natalie slapped Six across the face. "Get it together."

  "Sorry girls." Six then shook both Krewe's hands. "I have to grow up now." he then sat down, opened a newspaper, and started reading it. "The economy isn't doing so well, must be that Russian war."

  Nine took the girls back to their concert and hovered above the stage as they were being announced by Candyland.

  "And here are the Krewe girls themselves!" Candyland shouted.

  Natalie gave a kick to both girls who fell from the ship onto Candyland. She then dusted off her hands and told Nine to take her back to their organization.

  Nine did so, and the ship blasted on its course to Earth to see Strawberry and the many more missions to be had.

  As Nine landed on Sebastian's property, a driver in a jeep, took the team to the beach house. Strawberry appeared to have just returned from surfing out in the ocean. She gave a hug to all three members, but an extra long one for agent Nine.

  "You guys!" Strawberry told them. "Krewe and LiveKitty are planning to take over our galaxy."

  "What? They're working together?" asked Natalie.

  "Yes. Apparently you helped them hack into a system through a safe that kept most of the secret melodies locked up. They now have access to the most secret music in the entire universe." Strawberry explained.

  "Oh my goodness." Natalie looked at Six.

  "It's not my fault. You gave me the mission." Six told Strawberry.

  "I'm sorry, I had no idea they were using us." Strawberry replied. "We were set up."

  "You should never trust anyone in the music industry." Nine told his team. "That's why I quit my guitar lessons long time ago."

  "We should jam, I play some mean notes on the old keyboard." Six added.

  "So what now? We got to go back and retrieve that player." Natalie told her team.

  "It was retrieved a while ago. When that security guard you knocked down woke up he took it out, but it was too late. LiveKitty and Krewe had downloaded all the secrets to music onto their own sets. If they play it at their next gig, they will officially take over the industry and the world! People will be too vulnerable and let them have control. It's inevitable I'm afraid. I tried to reach you, but all of your phones were out of service for some reason." Strawberry informed her team.

  "How do we stop them?" Six asked her.

  "Their next concert is planned on planet Katy Perry. I believe you've been there before." Strawberry pointed to Natalie and Six. "You will have to pass as ecstasy dealers and steal LiveKitty and Krewe's set. You are then to destroy the set once and for all."

  There was a popping sound of a beer can being opened. Everyone turned to Six. He didn't have anything in his hands. They looked at Natalie who was chugging down a can of beer.

  "I love that hippie planet." she replied and downed the rest of her beer.


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