Taming the Brat (Forbidden Secrets)

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Taming the Brat (Forbidden Secrets) Page 7

by Diana Rose Wilson

  She sighed, wiping her eyes, blushing, her heart skipping around inside her. “No games,” she agreed. “And I’d like to apologize to my friend. In whatever getup you please.”

  He stood, lifting her and set her on her feet. “All right, on all fours on the bed. I’ll get your gear.” The gleam in his eyes promised a new world of delights that she could only dream of. With her heart hammering, she walked to the bed and climbed up. Memories of the night before flashed through her mind as she waited for him to return to her.

  He sat on the bed beside her with a large box and smiled at her as he drew open the lid to show off the bright green and blue leather straps to match her corset. They were wide bands with turned edges piped with gold. The underside looked thickly padded in darker leather. Even without touching them she could tell they would be supple and buttery against her skin.

  “How brave are you feeling?” he asked.

  “I’m feeling kinda shaky,” she admitted, watching him draw out the arrangement of straps, the buckles and bells jingling merrily. The metalwork featured tooling with curling leaves and acorns. It looked like the sort of tack a faery princess would put on her horse.

  “Humiliation play hot for you at all?” he asked, smoothing several straps over his thigh. At last he held up a dark, padded bar that reminded her of a bit. She realized that it must be one fit for a human.

  “I have no idea if it is or not. Normally I want to kick someone’s ass for embarrassing me but—” She couldn’t suppress the tremble of pleasure at the thought of being humbled by this man in a very public way, and blushed. “Maybe for you it would be all right. No one else has used these things before, have they?”

  “Oh, only a dozen or so ponies have used them,” he said with a straight face and then rolled his eyes at the strangled sound she made at the idea. “Of course not, brat! I don’t have some stable of pony-girls. Normally I just use the gear provided in the room. I haven’t screwed ponies before this weekend. This gear is yours and only yours, if you want it. This is the head stall and there’s a pretty feather plume for the crown and some blinders that can also act as blindfolds when and if we get there.”

  When she gasped and squirmed, his smile widened.

  “I’ll move that up on the list.”

  He put that aside after letting her touch the soft leather and held out the butt plug. It ended in a blonde length of horsehair tail and the insertable end was silicone and smaller than she expected.

  Thank goodness.

  She chewed her lower lip. “I don’t know about this,” she murmured, holding it warily in her hands.

  Nodding, he started to take it from her. “I respect your limits. It’s not for everyone.”

  She didn’t relinquish it though, and she smiled at his puzzled look. “You aren’t going to beg me?”

  “Ah. No. I don’t beg. If you don’t want to, it’s fine, sweetheart.”

  “That’s refreshing. I guess unexpected too. I only gave my first blowjob after months of begging and negotiations.”

  “Oh really? And did you get oral sex in return?”

  She crinkled her nose and shook her head, blushing.

  “That seems like an unfair negotiation. Have you ever had oral sex?”

  “No.” She frowned at his smug grin.

  “Did you enjoy giving the blowjob?” he asked softly.

  That made her shift around, swinging her hips from left to right. “To be completely honest?”

  He inclined his head. “Always.”

  “No.” She frowned and bowed her head. “I liked the power I held over the guy while I was doing it, but when it was over, he didn’t know what to do. It was like he saw me as something less just because I put my mouth on his dick.”

  He stroked his knuckles down her cheek and she looked up at him, blushing furiously. “Douche bags. Honey, I never want you to feel obligated to do something with me. Ever. You should do things because it excites you, not because you think it’s going to get me off. Never because you believe it will give you control over me.”

  “You don’t think I could suck you off and make you lose control?”

  His voice stayed calm and even, but there was a bit of an edge to it. “You will be disappointed if you try it. And I don’t want that. I enjoy being in control. I will also likely hold sexual pleasures from you for a very long time if you try some bullshit game like that. Understand?”

  The tone sent an electric thrill through her and she arched toward him, leaning into his side and he stroked her shoulder, caressing and squeezing the muscles of her upper arm.

  “Baby, I always want you to be on fire like you were last night. Tell me how I can make you burn like that and drive you crazy. That is what I crave. Not demanding you suck me off or stuff this plug up your ass if you don’t really like it.”

  She leaned harder into his touch and smiled at him. “I guess what I’m saying is that I would like to try it but…what if I use my safe word?”

  He shrugged. “That is what they are for, to press a limit knowing it will stop when you say the word. This toy is for your pleasure, not for anything more than my amusement to get to use it to wriggle now and then while you eat your breakfast at my feet like the little beast you are. While your cunt is covered with this chastity belt so no other stallions can have you! Just in case you have uncontrollable urges still.”

  He grunted playfully when she slapped at him and kissed her softly on the lips. His smile warmed her mouth as he kept the kiss chaste, breaking it before she could lure him into something deeper. Every inch of her skin felt tingly and her heart raced with excitement as he eased off the bed and left the straps to stand behind her.

  “Don’t look back,” he commanded.

  She moaned softly in expectation, thinking he would just plunge the toy into her, but instead she felt him petting her hips and then lightly over her ass and at last his fingertip, slick with lube, nuzzled against her virgin pucker.

  “Oh god!” She couldn’t believe she was doing this! She liked it!

  “Rock back, sweetheart. I’m going to hold my finger still and you’ll put yourself on me, and see how it feels.”

  “I don’t think I can.”

  He put a hand on the small of her back, the warm reassurance slowly drawing her back toward him and the finger he held against her ass. The touch was light and she could have resisted it and him if she wanted. His encouragement and support aided her urge to let go of the fear. This was supposed to hurt!

  Her toes curled at the realization that she’d recently discovered that she liked the sensual pain. Which meant—

  “Oh fuck!” she growled and leaned back, impaling her tight pucker on his awaiting finger.

  He didn’t move it or flex it inside her, just held steady as her muscles squeezed around him, fluttering and grasping at the strange, erotic sensation of being filled. It didn’t hurt but it felt strange and so naughty.

  At last and all too soon, she felt the knuckles of his hand nuzzling against her ass and when he was fully in her, he pressed slowly deeper, grinding his knuckles against her and very slowly curling his finger inside her. The sensation tore a moan of pleasure from her throat against her will and she fell forward, shuddering. Her pussy squeezed in time with her ass around his invading finger. Not invading—invited. She sobbed out for more but he teased her, staying still.

  “What’s that, sweetheart?” he asked, kissing her hip. “You all right? Do you want me to stop?”

  “Fuck! Fuck no!”

  “Fuck no?”

  “Fuck no, Sir! Fuck!” She shuddered as he chuckled but didn’t provide what she desired.

  “This isn’t play time, sweetheart. Although you look desperately beautiful stuffed with my finger. I’m not going to give you an orgasm. I’m going to pull this finger out and put the plug in, unless you don’t want me to. It will be this sweet pleasure all day. I can remove it anytime you say the word. Understand?”

  Her head spun! He wasn’t going to g
ive her the orgasm? But she wanted it! She needed it! How could he be so cool and calculating?

  “You already came this morning, didn’t you?” she snarled and looked back at him.

  She caught him cupping his hand over his cock and only when their eyes met did she realize that she’d broken his command. His eyes were dark, almost black with his unmasked passion and desire. He looked extraordinarily handsome. She ached to have him with something like a physical pain of yearning she’d never felt before. A gasp sucked out of her as she jerked her head back around but the damage was done. “Shit!”

  He drew the finger buried in her ass away from her, leaving her empty and aching.

  “I’m sorry!” she gasped and bowed her head forward.

  In silence, he walked away from her. He left her on the bed, bowed over the pillows, and she shuddered and quaked. Would he spank her for being bad? Yell at her? Punish her for breaking his command? She heard water in the bathroom. He must be cleaning his hands. He would return and…and…

  But he didn’t return. The silence stretched even after the water went off. Did she dare look back to check on him? Why was she so afraid? He couldn’t really harm her. And yet, her heart squeezed in a rabbit-like panic. She’d fucked up. It was an honest mistake. She forgot. Worse, she’d accused him, and it really and honestly wasn’t her place to question Sir.

  Fuck. She was doomed. She had it furiously bad for this guy. He could be a dirt farmer and she’d be at his feet.

  “Sir?” she asked, hating and loving how her voice quavered.

  “Yes, girl?” he asked, his voice distant, as though he were still in the other room.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Ah,” he murmured, thoughtful but then didn’t say anything else. Did he expect her to say more? Did he want her to?

  “I forgot your command, Sir. I…should not have questioned you.”

  She heard his footsteps slowly prowl back toward her, moving from marble tiles to hard wood, and she kept her head bowed. “I see. Forgot? So soon?” The edge to his voice sent sweet knives down her spine and she quivered, biting back the soft gasp. He sounded pissed.

  “I am n-new at this.” She shivered when she stammered and hunched her hips down lower, expecting him to smack her. Punish her. Was that what he would do?

  His hand, warm and wet from washing, smoothed over her hip, an extremely light contact that she flinched from. “Sssshhh, pet. Why do you cower from me?”

  She felt his weight on the bed but didn’t look up. “I-I’m sorry,” she whispered, struggling against tears. Fuck!

  He didn’t say anything in reply. Instead she felt his fingers touch her chin and he lifted her face up but she kept her eyes closed. This was so much worse than if he’d just taken the belt to her as some punishment. She didn’t want to see the anger on his face that she’d heard in his voice.

  “Sweetheart. Open your eyes.”

  It took her a moment to obey. A slow caress of his thumb over her lower lip and she opened her eyes. He smiled down at her, his eyes shining brightly. “Baby, I only punish you with a spanking when you’re very, very good. You like it. Remember? When you disobey, I’m going to stop what I’m doing. Brats like you, well, you hate that. Don’t you?”

  She moaned in agreement and he petted over her upper lip.

  “Such a beautiful girl. You know that? Sit up.”

  When she did, he pulled her into his arms, wrapping himself around her, and coaxed her into his warm chest.

  “You sounded so pissed,” she whispered into his throat, breathing in the leathery spice with a relieved smile.

  “Doesn’t mean that I was angry at you. Frustrated a little that you forgot so easily but…I still adore my girl. I love this sassy mouth of yours and your fire. I never want to break that. I want you to obey me, but not without question. And when you do something like not follow something I told you, I will correct you as kindly as I can. I’m not some sexual monster. I do get off beating the holy hell out of you, but only because you like it and consent to it. Not because you’re terrified of being hurt. Physically or emotionally.”

  She nodded and whispered, “I think it’s sinking in.”

  That made him laugh quietly. “I’m tempted to have you dress like normal and not press you more—” She whined softly in protest but he spoke through her muted displeasure. “Because you want it so badly. To show you that you don’t get what you want for misbehaving.”


  “You are such a bratty little ass. I am going to put you in an ugly harness and make you wear it until you can behave like a proper pony.”

  She shivered and hid her face in his neck, knowing he was grinning at her discomfort.

  “A ratty old tail and uncomfortable harness. Oh, poor sweet bratty ass.”

  She whined out a wordless protest, which only made him laugh very softly.

  “Oh, this is going to be unimaginably satisfying. Stay right here. Understand?”

  When she nodded, he patted her welted backside, drew back and stood. Walking away, he went to the door of the adjoining bedroom and swung it open. Without a word or glance back at her, he slipped out of view. She could hear the sound of his progress, and strained to hear his movements and guess what he was up to.

  She imagined him opening drawers. Each rustle and creak painted images in her imagination of him selecting the cruel instruments of her punishment. In her mind she saw metal buckles crusted with rust so they would scrape and scratch her skin. Rather than being horrified, the prospect of being so humiliated sent a lick of fire through her. Gooseflesh tickled up her arms when the sharp clap of leather echoed unexpectedly from the next room.

  She longed to get up and crawl in there and present herself for the tack he was arranging. No, his displeasure would be unimaginable if she went to him now. With effort she stayed seated on the bed, her fingers twisting together.

  When he returned carrying a simple canvas duffle, his expression gave away none of his emotions. She wasn’t sure which made her stomach drop farther, the sight of the battered pack or his dour expression. Her face felt too hot as desire and anticipation coiled deep in her sex.

  “Are you ready?” he asked, his voice neutral. For a heartbeat, the corners of his mouth curled into the most deliciously sensual smile she’d ever seen.

  “Yes.” She forced the word through a throat gone inexplicably tight. “Sir.”

  “You don’t look ready to me, girl. A proper pony would be on her hands and knees already.” The words were growled with the same anger she’d heard earlier. His smile evaporated with the reprimand.

  Her stomach tightened as she scrambled to obey, crawling up the bed and onto all fours. She looked back at him once she’d positioned herself, expecting to see the cocky smile, but his expression was a wall of brutal disapproval.

  He walked to the edge of the bed and prowled around the side, making a low rumble of disappointment. “Sloppy.”


  “Are you honestly sassing me right now?”

  Pin prickles ran the length of her body. A cold rush replaced the earlier heat of the blush as the shame crushed down on her. “No, Sir.” She put particular emphasis on his title and felt an irrational rush of pleasure when his hand brushed along her stomach.

  “Good girl. We both know ponies do not speak.” There wasn’t any change to his tone. It was still hard, but his touch was a contrasting comfort where he caressed her. His thumb circled her navel, jingling the dangling charm in reward.

  I am never happy when you hurt like this. She remembered he’d said that.

  Oh yes. Now she understood the game.

  His game!

  He was not really angry with her.

  When she made a small nickering sound under her breath, his free hand cupped her breast and gave a warm squeeze. It was a delicious, though brief, reward. After the swift caress of her nipple, he continued along the side of the bed. His touches stroked over her shoulder and up her neck, pu
shing her hair out of the way.

  When he reached the headboard he tipped her chin up in silent instruction for her to look up at him.

  Her heart pounded at the intensity of his expression. His jaw was tight, his mouth a flat line without any hint of the softness of earlier. His attention pointedly strayed down the length of her body. He was objectifying her, reducing her to her parts under that haughty appraisal. Her nipples tightened as she tightened her spine and she poised herself prouder under his gaze. She wanted more than anything to see approval brightening his gaze.

  It was not as easy as pushing her ass up and her tits forward though. The stony expression stayed in place and he dropped the pack on the bed. Within the mangled canvas metal clanked dully. “Better,” he said grudgingly.

  “Better?” The word came out before she could censor herself.

  His eyes narrowed to slits of azure fury. He roughly jerked the pack open and tore the twisted mass of straps out. They were a mess of battered leather that he deftly untangled for her to see. She was torn between holding eye contact with him and watching the horrible tack. It was far from the buttery-soft, rolled-edged, blue-green fantasy gear. This looked like it might have been left out in the elements to dry and crack for years.

  “The only word I want to hear out of your mouth is your safe word. Understand, pony? Speak again and I will walk out. Since you can’t seem to regulate your bratty-ass little mouth you’re going to wear the bit first.” He shook the handful of leather under her nose, letting the garish brass buckles clatter together with the hostility of the movement.

  For a breath, she thought he was going to slap her.

  Her stomach spun and the dizzy swirl went right to her sex, making her hips rock forward with the exquisite ache of desire.

  She wanted him to slap her. Hard.

  Instead, he grabbed her by the back of the head, gathering a fist full of her damp hair, and yanked her back. He waited, eyebrow arched up as though he was waiting for her to speak the word. His head tipped as though he listened.


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