Nessa's Two Shifters [Wolf's Pass Shifters 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Nessa's Two Shifters [Wolf's Pass Shifters 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Marla Monroe

  She couldn’t help her gasp at the size of the massive bed in the center of the room. She’d never seen one that large before. A deep-maroon-and-gold comforter lay turned down at the foot of the bed, revealing brilliant gold sheets that looked softer than anything she’d ever felt before. Two enormous chests of drawers were located on one side of the bed and an equally impressive dresser on the other side. Nessa had never seen such beautifully made furniture before. Even when her mom and stepdad had been alive, they’d never had anything this elaborate before.

  Joseph walked across the hardwood floor toward the bed and carefully eased her down until she was able to stand next to it. He kept a steadying hand on her arms as she regained her balance. Then he released her and stepped back next to his brother. Both men stared at her as if she were the most amazing thing in the world to them. She didn’t know what to think about their intense scrutiny.

  “We need to talk about what being our mate means, Nessa.” Jessup eased down on the bed to one side of her.

  “I agree. I don’t understand any of this. I didn’t even know that werewolves—um—shifters existed before now.” She almost squealed when Joseph lifted her with his hands at her waist and settled her on the bed before stretching out next to her.

  “That’s why we need to talk.” Jessup lay down on his side and pulled her down between him and his brother.

  “When wolves mate, Nessa, it’s for life. There are no divorces in our world. Many of our kind mate in groups. Usually two or three males to a female. It is nature’s way of assuring that our females are protected and cared for. While one mate is out hunting, the other is there to protect her and any cubs.” Jessup stroked a calloused finger down her arm as he spoke.

  “Cubs? A–Are you saying I’ll have puppies?” she all but squealed, trying to sit up.

  Joseph growled and held her still with one hand pressed lightly against her upper chest. For a brief second, Nessa worried she might suffocate if she didn’t sit up, but he relaxed his hand on her chest.

  “No, silly. We call them our cubs, but they are born just like you were born.” Jessup kissed her lightly on the forehead, easing some of her anxiety.

  “So, there are other, um, families around with more than one man in the relationship? Don’t they get jealous of each other?”

  “No. There is no jealousy. All we want is to see our mate happy and healthy. As long as the other males are helping to keep her happy, we are content.” Joseph spoke up for the first time.

  She turned to look at him now. His eyes continued to pierce her in their intensity. She couldn’t shake the feeling that he was fighting himself to keep from scaring her. She had no doubt that both men could be scary as hell, but Joseph didn’t need to turn it on like Jessup would have to. Joseph was just the opposite. He had to work at hiding that side of himself. Despite his constant scowl and easy growl, Nessa found that when she looked deep inside of herself, she wasn’t really afraid of him at all. He startled her and made her uneasy at times, but she was positive he would never hurt her.

  “As our mate, you will be taken care of and kept safe. You will be a member of the ruling family and have some responsibilities, but you will not need to hold a job. We will provide everything you need.” Joseph’s words sounded so cold to her. They lacked any passion though his body reeked of tightly leashed emotion.

  “All of this sounds nice on the outside, but how can a relationship work if we don’t love or at least care about each other? Aren’t we rushing this? I mean I’ve only known you a few weeks, Jess, and just met Joe the other day.” She felt as if her entire world had been upended, shaking the foundation of all her beliefs.

  “Precious, we knew the moment we scented you that you were to be ours. Normally, when wolves meet their mates, there are no preliminaries,” he said.

  “They know they belong together and mate, sealing their bond as soon as possible. We don’t waste valuable time on rituals or getting to know each other. We belong to each other and nothing is going to change that fact.” Joe seemed to be watching her reaction to his statement.

  Nessa wanted to protest that she wasn’t a wolf and needed time to get to know them, but the fact of the matter was, she already knew that she cared about both men on some level. It was as if her heart had already made up its mind and was only waiting for her head to catch up with it. Still, she wasn’t letting them think she was easily manipulated or they would walk all over her the rest of their lives. She looked from one serious expression to the other then stared hard at Joseph.

  “So all you have to do is fuck me and you’re bound to me?”

  Chapter Ten

  Joseph narrowed his eyes at Nessa’s blunt statement. He wasn’t fooled. She tried to act as if she understood and wasn’t uneasy about the situation she had found herself in. No doubt it didn’t feel that much different than the one she’d been in with her brother at this point. She didn’t have a lot of say over her life right now and that had to bother her. Most human women were used to a certain amount of freedom. The fact that Nessa had not had that in several years didn’t mean she didn’t yearn for it.

  “If you want to put it that way, then yeah. Once we fuck you, you’re ours as much as we are yours. Do you want to know what we’re going to do to assure that we are well and truly mated?” he asked.


  “We’re both going to take you at the same time. I’ll be in your hot ass and Jess will take that sweet pussy. We’ll bury ourselves inside of your body over and over again. Then, when we’re ready to fill you full of our seed, we’ll each bite you between your neck and shoulder on each side of you. I can almost taste the fiery tang of your blood in my mouth already.”

  “That’s enough, Joe!” Jessup actually growled at him.

  He could feel Nessa’s fine tremors where her body touched his. His dick pressed painfully against the unforgiving zipper of his jeans, throbbing in time with his heartbeat.

  “She deserves to know what we are going to do to her, Jess. She needs to understand what it means to be our mate—my mate. I’m not an easy man or wolf to deal with. You know that, Jess. We are part animals and me more than most.” He needed to claim Nessa and soon.

  If they waited much longer, he wasn’t sure he could hold back the demon inside of him that wanted out. Jess was taking too long. No amount of sugarcoating it would make things any easier on her. It would only make her not trust them to tell her the truth in the long run. They needed her trust in order to keep her safe. He wasn’t about to compromise that at this point.

  “You’re scaring her unnecessarily, Joe.” His brother frowned.

  “It’s okay, Jess. Joe’s right. I need to know what to expect. If we are going to live together, I need to know what my life is going to be like. Don’t treat me like something breakable. I’m not some simpering idiot who can’t handle the truth. You have no idea what I can handle or what I have handled in the past. Treat me like an equal. I won’t trade one prison for another one.”

  Joseph wanted to smile at her bravery, but instead he pushed off the bed to undress instead.

  “Enough! It’s time.” He grasped the collar of his T-shirt behind his head and pulled it off before tackling his boots.

  Jessup seemed to search Nessa’s face for assurance that she was okay with everything before he, too, stood up and began to strip. Their little mate didn’t join in. Instead, she went up on her elbows and watched them strip as if they were putting on a show just for her. When she bit her lower lip, Joe felt his balls tighten.

  He shucked his jeans in record time. Since most shifters didn’t wear underwear, his cock sprang free, standing out from his body, hard and heavy. He felt her eyes rest there. When he looked up it was to catch the tip of her tongue running lightly over her lower lip. His dick jerked painfully at the erotic sight as he imagined her hot, wet mouth wrapped around him. A drop of pre-cum leaked from the slit at the top. He wanted to watch her tempting tongue swipe it away. He could almost see her fac
e as she tasted him for the first time.

  Jess had finished undressing as well, and their little mate’s eyes traveled up and down both of their bodies with obvious lust. Joseph couldn’t wait to taste her nectar that even now he could smell easing from her pussy. By the flaring of his brother’s nostrils, Jess could smell her as well.

  He couldn’t stand it any longer. Joe bent down and removed her shoes as his twin unfastened her pants. They each took a leg and pulled the material down, letting it pool on the floor. Before he even knew what he was doing, Joseph buried his nose between her legs, inhaling her feminine scent through the crotch of her panties. Her sudden gasp and his brother’s chuckle didn’t faze him in the least. The feel of his teeth elongating drew a growl from him. Without saying a word, he ripped her underwear so that he could jerk it from her body and reach what he’d longed for.

  “I’ll handle her top by myself, brother. I can tell you’re a little busy at the moment.” Jessup’s amused voice was lost on him.

  All Joe could think about was finding the source of the delicious scent that had his balls aching and his cock twitching. The smell of her arousal had loosened the wolf to the point that he had to give it something or he’d lose complete control. Right now, her juicy pussy called to him in both forms.

  The first taste of her when he drew his tongue along her wet slit had his toes curling in ecstasy. Licking her essence from his lips, Joe lost himself in her taste and smell. He attacked her with his mouth, cleaning her thighs where evidence of her arousal glistened on her skin and following it to the source where he made himself comfortable as he dined on her pleasure. Had he not felt her thighs tighten around his shoulders, Joseph might have missed her first orgasm. His brother must be kissing her because the only sound she made was a muffled moan.

  “W–why is he growling?” Nessa’s voice shook, pulling Joe back to himself.

  He realized his growls hadn’t been low keyed at all, but loud and wild sounding. No doubt she was scared that he would take a bite out of her down there by the sound of them. He cursed, and after taking one last swipe of her juices, Joe lifted his head and kissed the inside of each of her thighs.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to scare you. You taste so fucking amazing. I couldn’t control my wolf’s approval.” He struggled to keep his face as calm as possible as he stared into her eyes.

  “It tickles when you growl like that.” Her tentative smile encouraged him that she might not be as scared of him as he’d worried.

  “Let’s get you settled on Jess, Nessa. I need to prepare your ass for my cock.” He kissed her belly before backing away.

  He watched her face as she finally caught the meaning of what he was talking about. Instead of the fear or loathing he expected to see, she smiled, almost looking eager before she rolled over and he lost sight of her face. She crawled over his brother’s body, straddling him until her pussy was lined up with his twin’s swollen dick. He watched his brother’s face as she slowly sank down, engulfing his thick cock. For the first time in years, Joseph relaxed the strict control he kept over the link between he and Jess, allowing him to feel some of what his brother was feeling in that moment.

  * * * *

  Dear, God! The pleasure of Nessa’s sweet cunt as it swallowed his rock-hard cock nearly had him cross-eyed. Then he felt his brother’s pleasure as he watched, and Jess realized that their connection was once again intact. Not wanting to waste one second of the precious link, he allowed his body to take over and just feel what their mate was doing to him. He hoped it would overwhelm Joe and prevent him from closing down once again.

  Hot, wet flesh surrounded his dick, jerking him back to what she was doing to him. All kinds of curses circled in his head as she slowly ruined him for any other female, human or wolf. It was as it should be. He would have no desire for another ever again. She was it for him—for them. Her body, her heart, and her soul would be forever tangled with theirs.

  Each second that elapsed as she worked her body down the length of his shaft seemed like a lifetime. Gazing up into her face, as she took him into her body, Jess fought tears at her expression. Pure pleasure and something bordering on bliss shined there for them to see. He wished his brother could see the beauty of her face just then. He allowed the blooming love in his heart to race across the link, building his desire even as he tried to build his brother’s awareness of their mate’s perfection for them.

  “Fuck, what are you doing to me, Jess?” He heard the deep growl in Joe’s voice. “I have to be in control or I’ll hurt her.”

  “You won’t hurt her.” He was sure his brother wouldn’t harm a female or child. It was engrained in the wolf as well as the man.

  His thoughts disintegrated the moment Nessa completely took him. Her slight weight rested against his groin, her pubic hair mixing with his, light entwined with dark. He couldn’t take his eyes off it.

  “Ah, hell, sweetness. You undo me,” he whispered in an emotionally hoarse voice.

  Her raspy breathing let him know she was struggling to sit still. Then she gasped as his brother bent her over his chest with a hand to her back. Jessup looked over her shoulder into the dark, wild eyes of his twin that gleamed with some inner fire unique to him. The sheer lust and satisfaction that shined out at that moment as he looked down at their mate’s gently rounded ass worried Jess for a second before he fought it back. This was still his brother, and no matter what, he knew his brother wouldn’t hurt their mate.

  Joe looked up, meeting Jess’s gaze, and some of the feral heat slipped away. He reached back and carefully grasped Nessa’s soft ass and pulled each globe back, revealing her tender bud to his brother’s sight. He would keep her buttocks spread while Joe prepared her tiny rosebud for his penetration.

  “Nessa? Has anyone ever taken your sweet ass before?” he finally whispered in her ear.

  She lifted slightly to look at him and shook her head. “No. Will it hurt a lot?”

  The fact that she was willing to let them take her in this way believing it could be very painful tightened the hold she had on his heart. He looked over her shoulder at his brother. Joe had closed his eyes, an expression of love if he’d ever seen one evident on his twin’s face. There was no way Joe would ever allow harm to touch her either from his hands or another’s. He loved her.

  “Precious, I won’t lie to you. It may hurt some at first, but it will ease and I promise we will make it good for you. Just relax and push out. Don’t tense up or the pain will be worse.” He hoped she would be able to follow his directions.

  He didn’t want to cause her any undue discomfort if it was at all possible. With proper preparation, if she relaxed and followed his directions, the pain would be minimal if at all. Every time they took her like this, it would get better and easier for her. They only wanted to give her pleasure. Seeing her wrapped up in it would be the ultimate in satisfaction for them.

  Her body clamped down on his cock, forcing a hiss from between his lips. Joe had started touching her dark hole now. He would be lightly running his lubed up finger around and around the delicate flower. It was his job to help distract her from the eventual penetration of his fingers in her ass. Jessup kissed her cheek, never letting go of his hold on her ass.

  “Kiss me, sweetness. I need your mouth on mine.”

  She obeyed, gently applying her lips to his. He immediately took control, deepening the kiss until she grasped his head between her hands and returned it in equal abandon. Her taste was better than the sweetest of candies. He could only imagine what her pussy would taste like. Right now, her demanding kisses and the way her hot, wet cunt fitted him like a glove commanded all of his attention. Sweat broke out along his forehead as her body moved against his. There was no way he would ever last once they started fucking her together. Already his balls had tightened to the point of pain.

  He pulled from her kiss. “Joe, hurry, man. I’m fucking dying down here.”

  “Her ass is tight, Jess. I’m not going t
o risk hurting her. Man up, wolf!”

  His brother’s taunt was as close to joking as his brother had gotten in years. Even as he struggled to control the urge to push deeper into their mate, his relief at another chink in the wall of control his brother had built gave him the strength to hold out a little longer.

  “Fuck you, brother. You’re not balls-deep in her hot, wet cunt, either.”

  “Oh, God!” Nessa’s voice held both pleasure and pain.

  “Easy, sweetness. Relax and let Joe take care of you.”

  The look she gave him told him right quick to shut the fuck up. He couldn’t stop the grin that broke over his face. No doubt he would pay for it at some point, but seeing that quick moment of defiance told him that she wouldn’t be a weak mate for the other females in the pack to try and dominate. Then she clamped down on his dick again and stars exploded over his vision.

  Chapter Eleven

  Nessa couldn’t believe she was sitting astride Jess with his amazing cock deep inside of her. Nor could she believe that she was letting his twin, Joseph, finger her ass to prepare her for his equally endowed dick. What had happened to her in only a few short days? Why did she trust these two men—wolves as she’d come to find out— in such a short time period? None of it made sense, but neither did her brother using her as collateral for his bets either. Anything was better than that.

  Yet she couldn’t compare them to Derrick’s treatment of her. They’d been nothing but good to her, taking care of her injuries and treating her more like a princess than the worthless servant her brother had made her into.

  And sweet Lord, Joe’s mouth had taken her to heaven and back twice. She would endure anything that made them happy after the way they’d taken care of her. Just the promise from Jessup that they would make it good for her was enough to strengthen her resolve to endure no matter how badly it hurt.


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