Rendezvous With Yesterday (The Gifted Ones Book 2)

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Rendezvous With Yesterday (The Gifted Ones Book 2) Page 26

by Dianne Duvall

  Gasps ricocheted through the room.

  Beth peeked over her shoulder to gauge the reactions of the accused. The looks of shock and abject horror that painted the men’s rough faces were absolutely priceless.

  She burst into laughter. “I’m just kidding, you guys.”

  “Jesting, my lady,” Marcus corrected softly, his gaze darting back and forth between her and Robert.

  “Jesting,” Beth amended, waving her hand at the men, who seemed uncertain how to react. “I’m just jesting. You guys should see your faces. It’s hilarious.”

  Still chuckling, she strolled forward, slid her arms around Robert’s waist and leaned into him. There was nothing sexual in the gesture. Just another expression of affection that probably astounded all present. “It was me,” she admitted freely, rocking slightly from side to side. The glint of amusement she saw enter Robert’s eyes confirmed her guess that he wasn’t truly angry. “I was desperate to get them to clean this place up and thought it might distract them. Although they did,” she said, raising her voice, “assure me that all was good and proper.”

  Robert closed his arms around her and locked his hands at the base of her spine. “I suspect you knew otherwise.”

  She winked. “Guilty as charged. I missed you today.” Rising onto her toes, she kissed his chin. “Did you miss me?”

  A smile tugged at his lips. “Aye.”

  “Good.” She lowered her voice so that only he would hear her. “I’m sorry, Robert. I know it wasn’t proper. But this place was a real health hazard. When I walked past it earlier, I almost gagged at the stench. Something had to be done. And the men were whining so much about having to clean up their own mess and doing what they considered women’s work that I had to hurry and distract them before I gave in to the desire to strangle them all.”

  “Why did you not simply assign some of the women from the castle to…” He trailed off when she narrowed her eyes.

  She had fielded that question far too often today. “Because there is absolutely no reason these men can’t pick up after themselves. They’re not children, for crying out loud. Besides, I was afraid any women I sent in here would end up with their skirts tossed over their heads.”

  “You are a woman, are you not?” he asked, his expression unreadable.

  “Aye, but we both know none of them would dare touch me. And as you can see, my skirts are still down around my ankles.” Her voice sank to a whisper. “Plus, if anyone ever did try aught, I would totally kick his arse.”

  “I know that. Others do not.”

  She frowned. “What do you mean? Someone might actually think the men have been in here gangbanging me all afternoon?” She kept forgetting that appearances meant everything here. “Well, it doesn’t matter anyway, because here everyone already thinks I’m a—” She broke off, remembering that he didn’t know about the whole whore thing.

  He frowned. “A what?”

  “Nothing. I mean, naught.” Alice had done a complete turnaround since the kitchen incident, going out of her way to help Beth despite the continued ribbing and belittlement of her peers. The two of them were actually becoming friends. Beth didn’t want to get her into trouble, so she changed the subject. “Hey, while you’re looking all fierce and murderous, would you order the men to finish their cleaning so we can sneak off and be alone together?”

  “You would not perchance be attempting to distract me, would you?”

  “I would,” she conceded. “I have been indulging in some very imaginative fantasies about you today, and thought maybe we could try a few of them out.”

  Robert scowled over her head. “Finish the task she has set before you.”

  Beth whispered, “And repeat it every fortnight.”

  “And repeat it every fortnight,” he ordered.

  No one protested, though Beth suspected he would hear a few grumbles tomorrow.

  “You’re wonderful,” she praised him with a smile.

  “I know.”

  Beth laughed. Releasing him, she tucked one of her small hands into his and faced the men. “It’s been fun, guys. I had a great time getting to know you all and shooting the breeze with you today. There isn’t a single one of you that I don’t like.”

  Uncertain of Robert’s mood and whether or not there would be ramifications later for misleading her, the men all offered tentative smiles.

  And, of course, she thought many of those smiles also held a good bit of confusion over her peculiar words. But they seemed to glean her meaning.

  “See you later.” Beth drew Robert out of the tower and led him across the bailey, swinging their linked hands between them. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?”

  Squinting against the descending sun, she sent him a wry smile. “I’m never going to fit in around here, am I? I keep forgetting the rules.”

  He shrugged. “You shall learn them all in time. And once you have, I shall be endlessly entertained, watching you choose which ones you will follow and which you will discard.”

  Shouldn’t he be more concerned than that? “You won’t be angry if I decide to buck the system every once in a while? You won’t send me packing?”

  The pause that followed, she felt, was due more to his need to decipher her meaning than think through his answer.

  “Nay, Beth, my feelings for you are not contingent upon you obeying the rules.” He smiled and raised her hand to his lips for a kiss. “And I shall only become angry if you place yourself in danger.”

  She grinned up at him. “So, you like me a little, do you?”

  “More than a little.”

  Good. Because she was crazy about him. “You know what?”


  “I’ll bet Edward could scare up enough hot water for a bath if we asked him nicely.”

  His eyes sparkled with interest. “Could he now?”

  She nodded. “Of course, there probably won’t be enough to fill two tubs, so we would have to share.”

  “With the right incentive, I believe I could resign myself to such a fate,” he murmured thoughtfully.

  “The right incentive, huh? How about…” Beth stopped. Moving in close, she slid her hands up his chest, over his shoulders and into his hair. “This?”

  Robert’s heart stuttered as Beth rose onto her toes and fastened her lips to his in a kiss so rife with hunger that he forgot they were standing in the middle of the bailey. Locking his arms around her, he dragged her against him and lost himself in the feel of her. Her warm, slick tongue stroked his own. Her full breasts teased his chest. Her fingers clenched in his hair. And her hips…

  Cupping the back of her head with one hand, Robert slid the other down to urge her hips closer and assuage the ache she inspired.

  “Ahem.” Something thumped Robert’s shoulder. Hard.

  Reluctantly abandoning Beth’s sweet lips, he raised his head. Michael’s back swam into focus. Apparently he had bumped into them on his way to…

  Actually Michael did not seem to have any particular destination in mind. Why had he bumped them?

  Blinking, Robert glanced around and gradually became aware of the gaping stares directed their way by virtually every man, woman, and child in the bailey. A quick look up confirmed the avid interest of the guards atop the walls. Even the hounds that had been romping with the children seemed to have paused in their play long enough to goggle.

  Beth’s face flushed a bright red.

  “We seem to have attracted a bit of attention,” he understated.

  “Believe it or not, I only meant to give you a quick kiss.”

  Robert smiled. “If you think I am objecting, you are mistaken, love.”

  “Really?” She plucked at the front of his tunic. “You aren’t angry?”

  “Shall I
repeat what I have already told you? I care not who approves or disapproves. Were I to receive such a greeting each time I returned home, I would forever be a happy man.”

  Pursing her lips, she cast him a flirtatious look. “But you would be happier if we were both naked in a bath, right?”

  Robert groaned and laughed at the same time. “Unless you wish me to take you here before all of Fosterly, sweetling, I suggest you restrain that wicked tongue of yours.”

  “I will do aught with my wicked tongue that you request,” she countered in a sultry voice, nigh making his knees buckle with the passionate images her words evoked.

  Latching onto her hand, Robert practically ran up the stairs to the keep, her light laughter following and making him grin.

  A resounding cheer followed them through the huge double doors.

  “I could be wrong,” Beth proclaimed breathlessly as they raced up the narrow stairs inside, “but I think they may know what we have in mind.”

  Robert laughed, feeling lighter and younger than he had in years. At the top of the steps, he swept Beth into his arms and claimed another kiss.

  A kiss that didn’t end as he staggered down the corridor, trying to carry her and fondle her at the same time, the lust she incited robbing him of his usual finesse.

  Never had he been so frantic with need.

  He groaned when she eagerly wrapped her legs around his waist and locked her ankles behind his back. His mouth never leaving hers, Robert pressed her up against the wall just outside the solar and supported her weight with one arm. The other hand he slipped up between them to knead one full, tempting breast.

  Beth moaned, tightening her thighs around him and urging him to rock against her. “Off,” she whispered raggedly, tugging on his tunic. “I want it off. All of it. Now.”

  Pushing away from the wall, Robert carried her inside his chamber and kicked the door closed behind them. Their laughter resurfaced, shaky with passion now, as he set her down and they began to fumble with each other’s clothing, their hands clumsy in their haste. When both at last were naked, he urged her back onto the bed, then slipped his hands beneath her knees and dragged her back toward him until her bottom rested near the edge of the soft mattress. For many long seconds, he stood staring down at her, his hands kneading her spread thighs, his chest rising and falling swiftly.

  Finally, Beth said hoarsely, “Robert, if you don’t touch me soon, I’m going to scream.”

  She almost did scream when he gave her a heated smile, knelt on the soft rushes at his feet and buried his face in the soft curls at the juncture of her thighs. Moaning, she sank her fingers into his hair and clenched them into fists while he laved the tiny hidden nub with his tongue. She tasted so good. Was so passionate. So eager for him, crying out as a first climax overtook her.

  Her breath still came in gasps as Robert rose above her.

  Her beautiful breasts beckoned. Fastening his lips on her breast, he sucked hard, nipping her with his teeth.

  She moaned.

  He guided her legs around his waist once more, his body trembling with need. Every muscle was taut. And he clutched her so tightly he feared she would have bruises the next day.

  When he reached between them and positioned himself at her entrance, she increased the pressure of her legs and drew him in.

  He groaned, burying his face in her neck as he sank into her. “Do you know how good this feels?” he asked hoarsely.

  She nodded, her hands roving his back.

  Unable to remain still any longer, Robert began to move. Long, deep strokes he mimicked with his tongue as he claimed her lips and teased her breasts with rough hands, driving her swiftly toward a second climax.

  “Robert!” she cried.

  “More,” he growled.

  And the pleasure began anew.

  Chapter Fourteen

  A persistent pounding on the door heralded the dawn and roused Robert from a sound sleep.

  Beside him, Beth stretched, then settled back into slumber.

  Content to join her, he cuddled her close and sighed.

  Boom! Boom! Boom! “My lord?”

  Robert groaned.

  “I don’t think he’s gonna to go away,” Beth mumbled.

  “My lord?” Marcus called.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  Growling epithets, Robert threw back the covers and lunged out of bed.

  Beth squealed when the icy morning air hit her sleep-warmed skin.

  Laughing, he tossed the blankets over her head, then drew the bed curtains closed and called to his squire to enter.

  “Forgive me, my lord,” Marcus said upon entering. His gaze darted to the concealed bed and back again as he closed the door behind him. “A missive has arrived.”

  Robert crossed to his trunk and retrieved his braies. “From?” he asked as he donned them.

  “Terrington. The messenger insisted it be brought to you at once.”

  As Robert reached for the rolled parchment, Beth poked her head through an opening in the curtains, clutching them closed beneath her chin. “Good morning, Marcus,” she offered with a cheerful smile.

  Marcus jumped and lowered the scroll, his head whipping in Beth’s direction. Face flushing, he bowed. “Good morrow, my lady.”

  “Would you do me a huge favor and light a fire in the hearth? It is frrrreezing in here!”

  “At once, my lady.” Tossing the missive to Robert, Marcus hurried to the hearth and began to carefully construct what Robert guessed would be a great, roaring conflagration.

  Robert glanced over at Beth and fought a smile.

  Her hair was loose and adorably mussed from sleep, her eyelids a little heavy. The many kisses they had shared the previous night had left her lips puffy and rosy. The coarse stubble that coated his own jaw had abraded hers enough to leave it a bit pink.

  Just the sight of her made his heart light.

  Forcing a frown, he nodded his head toward Marcus, whose back was to them, and motioned for her to duck back behind the curtains. Even though her head was the only thing visible, he did not want any other male to see her so enchantingly disheveled.

  A teasing glint entered her warm hazel eyes. Glancing at Marcus to confirm he couldn’t see her, she suddenly flung the curtains wide, giving Robert a thrilling look at her beautiful bare body bathed in the morning sunlight that sifted into the room, then yanked the curtains closed again.

  Robert laughed silently as she tucked the heavy material beneath her chin, her face alight with amusement and feigned innocence.

  Setting the missive down on his trunk, Robert quietly crossed to the bed.

  Beth grinned up at him, daring him to do he-knew-not-what.

  Grinning back, he palmed her face and gave her a little push that sent her tumbling backward amidst blankets and giggles.

  Ensuring no gap remained in the curtains, he returned to his trunk and grabbed a linen shirt. Marcus, he noticed as he tugged the material down over his head, concentrated overmuch on his task, adding to Robert’s amusement.

  “Robert?” Beth called sweetly.

  He could not seem to stop smiling this morn. “Aye?”

  “May I please borrow your robe?”

  “For what reason?”

  “I’m awake. I may as well get up.”

  “’Twould be best if you remain where you are until my squire has left the chamber.”

  Marcus rose. “Shall I leave now, my lord?”

  “Nay. Stay until I have read the missive.”

  Beth cleared her throat pointedly. “The robe, Robert?”

  Sighing with exasperation, Robert retrieved his robe and strode to the side of the bed that was hidden from Marcus’s view.

  One of Beth’s pale hands extended through a gap in th
e curtains.

  Instead of placing the soft material in it, Robert took her hand in his and pressed a kiss to her palm.

  Beth drew the curtains back and smiled up at him. “Thank you.”

  Robert shook the robe out and draped it around her shoulders, helping her arms find the sleeves. “I was attempting to be discreet, love, and would not have alerted Marcus to your presence had you not spoken.”

  “Marcus is family. He won’t gossip.”

  Her words pleased him. Had Beth learned of Marcus’s painful past? If so, ’twas kind of her to claim him as kin since the boy wanted no part of his own.

  “Besides,” she continued, “I think discretion is sort of a moot point now, don’t you? We weren’t exactly subtle yesterday in the bailey.”

  Nay. They had left little doubt as to their intentions.

  Robert helped her out of bed and took care to cover every inch of her pale skin from the neck down.

  “Besides,” she said, “I’m cold. And Marcus is building me a nice, big fire. I plan to take full advantage of it.”

  When he frowned down at her, seeking some other excuse to keep her in bed, she leaned up on her toes and kissed his neck just below his ear.

  “Still like my independence?” she whispered.

  “Aye,” he grumbled.

  Beth laughed and started around the foot of the bed. As soon as her back was turned, Robert smiled and shook his head.

  “Ooh. That looks wonderful, Marcus. Thank you!”

  Flushing anew, Marcus smiled as she skipped past him and held her hands out to the crackling flames.

  “Ahhhhh. I love the gigantic fireplaces you have in this place. They let you warm everything at once.”

  As Beth turned around to warm her back, Robert picked up the missive and scanned its contents.

  He stiffened, his fingers tightening on the parchment.

  Beth’s smile faltered. “Robert? What is it?” She crossed to his side.

  “Lord Edward thinks he has captured my enemy.”

  “Who is Lord Edward?”


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