Business and Pleasure (Lavender Lace, Book One)

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Business and Pleasure (Lavender Lace, Book One) Page 3

by Lynn LaFleur

  “You can’t fire me. I’m indispensable.” The humor faded from Peggy’s expression. “Seriously, Marci, he’d be perfect for you. He’s gorgeous—“




  “Has a great sense of humor—“


  “Don’t let some office gossip keep you from finding someone special. What happened with Ben—“

  “Taught me a valuable lesson. If I find someone special, he’ll be from outside this company.” She took another sip of the cold beverage. “Besides, Keefe is too young for me.”

  Peggy frowned. “Who made up that silly rule? Since when is six years too young?”

  “Since I said it was. I don’t date employees. End of discussion.”

  “He doesn’t officially start until Monday. That gives you five days before he’s an employee.”

  Surely Peggy wasn’t suggesting… “You aren’t serious.”

  “You have his phone number. Call him and ask him to meet you for a drink.”

  “I can’t do—“

  “But before you call him, get rid of the suit and buy a really sexy dress.” Her gaze passed over Marci’s body. “I know about a new lingerie store that opened Saturday. I haven’t been yet, but a friend told me about it. Lavender Lace. It’s on Sixth Avenue. I’ll bet you don’t have any sexy underwear.”

  Peggy would lose that bet. Marci wore a professional suit every day, but that didn’t mean she had to wear plain lingerie. Every bra and pair of panties she owned were made of lace and satin. Her thigh-high stockings were the sheerest she could buy.

  She was an executive on the outside. On the inside, she was very much a woman.

  A soft rap on her door announced another visitor. Marci’s assistant, Lauren, peeked around the edge of the door.

  “Tyler Wilson is on line two.”

  “Thanks.” Marci turned back to Peggy. “I’ve been waiting for his call.”

  “I know you have.” Peggy stood as Marci did. “Think about what I said about calling Keefe. A drink, maybe dinner, maybe a night at his place…”

  “Goodbye, Peggy.”

  Marci shook her head once her friend had left. She knew Peggy was trying to help. A drink and dinner and a night all sounded wonderful…if they could be with a man other than her employee.

  Pushing thoughts of Peggy and Keefe from her mind, Marci hurried back to her desk and picked up the telephone receiver. “Mr. Wilson, thank you for returning my call.”

  * * * * *

  Keefe wondered what Marci would do if he asked her out for a drink.

  He didn’t officially start work at Marshall Media until Monday. For the last three days, he’d gotten acquainted with some of the staff who would be working for and with him, and the layout of the building. He liked the open concept, the flow of the work spaces. He’d stood back and watched people for several minutes at a time. Everyone seemed to truly enjoy their work.

  That would make his job a lot easier.

  It might be casual Friday, but Marci Bayne hadn’t worn jeans and Reeboks. She hadn’t seen him, but he’d watched her interact with several of the employees today. She’d worn a suit, the same as she had every day since he’d met her on Wednesday. They were different colors and styles, but always a suit. Answers to some careful questions to certain young women who’d openly flirted with him let him know that she always wore a suit and her hair piled on top of her head.

  What a waste. She should wear her hair down and clothes that showed off her curves.

  Other carefully worded questions to those same women had informed him that interoffice dating happened a lot…except for Marci. She didn’t date any employees, not after the scandal a year and a half ago. He couldn’t get any more information about the “scandal”. The women immediately clammed up and refused to say any more.

  That intrigued him.

  He noticed people begin to clean up their desks and close down their computers shortly after four o’clock. Apparently, casual Friday also meant go-home-early Friday. That meant he could have some alone time with Marci even sooner.

  Someday, Keefe would like to meet that special someone…the one he’d be with for the rest of his life. For now, he had no interest in anything serious with a woman. Drinks, dinner, movies, sex…he wanted all those things. Especially the sex part.

  Which brought his thoughts back to Marci Bayne.

  He waited until the last employee had left the floor before he strolled to Marci’s office. Her assistant had already left. Good. He wanted to walk into Marci’s office without being announced.

  Her door stood open. Keefe leaned against the frame, his thumbs hooked in the belt loops of his jeans, as he drank in the sight of her. With her hair on top of her head, that long, ivory neck was exposed.

  What a perfect spot to start nibbling.

  She frowned as she studied something on her computer screen. “Shit,” she muttered.

  Keefe chuckled. “Now is that any way for a president to talk?”

  She jumped and released a soft squeak. “Keefe!” She placed one hand over her heart. “You scared me.”

  “Sorry.” Pushing away from the frame, he sauntered toward her desk. It pleased him to see her gaze sweep down his body. She focused on his fly several seconds before looking at his face. “Problem?”

  “An email I wish I hadn’t received.” She pushed a few buttons on her keyboard, then looked at him again. “What can I do for you?”

  He sat in one of the two chairs before her desk, his knees spread, his hands linked over his stomach. Her gaze dipped to his fly again before quickly moving back to his face. So the lady found him attractive. He liked that.

  “I’ve spent the last three days introducing myself, looking around the different offices. You have a lot of happy employees, Marci. I’m impressed.”

  Marci smiled. “Thanks. That’s good to hear from someone new.”

  “I’d like to know more about the company.” He started to ask her out for a drink, but decided he’d rather have dinner with her instead. That would give them more time together. “Will you have dinner with me and fill me in?”

  Her smile faded. “Dinner?”

  “Tomorrow. I have plans with my friends tonight.”

  She lowered her head and straightened some file folders on her desk. “I’m sure any of the vice presidents can answer your questions. Or Lauren, my assistant. She’s been here six years.”

  “You know the company better than anyone.”

  Raising her head again, she intertwined her fingers on top of her desk and looked directly into his eyes. “I don’t date my employees, Keefe.”

  “I’m not asking you on a date, Marci. This would be a business dinner.”

  At her skeptical look, he raised both hands, palms toward her. “Strictly business, I swear. Besides, I’m not your employee until Monday.”

  She stared at him for several moments. He imagined the wheels turning in her brain, trying to decide if she should believe him. It would be a business dinner. He wasn’t lying about that. But what happened after dinner would be total pleasure.

  “You pick the restaurant,” he said, nudging her toward agreeing to his invitation. “Wherever you want to go. Steakhouse, seafood, Italian, Chinese. I’m not crazy about sushi, but I’ll eat anything else.”

  She drew her lower lip between her teeth. Keefe almost groaned aloud. He imagined nibbling on that lip first, then her neck, then moving down her body…

  “There are some incredible seafood restaurants in Seattle,” Marci said.

  “Seafood it is. I’ll pick you up at, what? Seven? Seven-thirty?”

  “No, that’s okay. I’ll meet you there. It’ll be easier.”

  He understood her reluctance in not giving him her address. He was her newest vice president, but she knew little about him. “Okay.”

  She picked up a notepad and pen and scribbled something on the top piece of paper. “Here’s the name and addr
ess of the restaurant. It’s right on the waterfront, so you won’t have any trouble finding it.” She tore off the paper and pushed it to the edge of her desk. “I’ll be there at seven.”

  Keefe picked up the paper and looked at what she’d written. He knew the restaurant. His friends had taken him there the first night he was in town. “Tomorrow night at seven.” He stood and smiled at her. “See you then.”

  Chapter Three

  Strictly business, I swear.

  Once again, Keefe’s words played over and over in Marci’s mind. She’d told him in his interview that she’d always be available if he had questions or needed help. He had questions about Marshall Media and his position. She could help Keefe, and enjoy dinner at her favorite restaurant at the same time.

  Strictly business.

  A business dinner meant she should wear a suit. Wearing a suit on a Saturday night didn’t sound like any fun at all. Yet here she stood in Nordstrom, looking through the racks of wool and linen. She didn’t know why she’d decided she should have something new to wear tonight. Business wear filled over half her closet.


  Marci turned to see Molly hurrying toward her, a huge smile on her face. “Hi! Shopping for a new suit?”

  “Yes. No.”

  Molly arched one thin eyebrow. “You want to make up your mind before you answer me?”

  Peggy had told her to buy a sexy dress. Maybe she should. Marci hadn’t bought a new dress since she’d dated Ben.

  She shouldn’t even consider wearing a sexy dress tonight. This was a business dinner with her new employee. Okay, so he wasn’t officially her employee for two more days. It had been so long since Marci had dressed up and gone to dinner with a man. She wanted to feel like a woman tonight, not the president of a corporation.

  “I have enough suits. I’m thinking about dresses.”

  “Now you’re talking about my area. We have some gorgeous party dresses.”

  “Not a party dress. I want something…” Marci stopped. She wasn’t sure what she wanted, so didn’t know what to tell her new friend.

  Molly’s red curls bounced when she nodded. “You want something feminine.”

  Marci smiled. That’s exactly what she wanted. “Yes.”

  “Follow me.”

  Leaving business wear behind, Marci followed Molly across the store. “You want a cocktail dress,” Molly said. “Not black. Maybe something in blue that’ll bring out your eyes. Ooh, yeah, I like that idea.”

  Molly stopped by a round of soft, flowing dresses and quickly rummaged through them. Smiling broadly, she held up a dress for Marci to see.

  “Ta-da! What do you think?”

  Marci gasped. The dress was made of silk, or perhaps a silky polyester. A deep periwinkle blue in color, it would hug her curves to just above her knees. The cap sleeves would show off her arms, the square neckline would show a hint of her breasts.


  “Do you want to try it on?” Molly asked. “This should be your size.”

  Peeking at the tag, Marci saw that her friend had chosen the right size. “You’re good.”

  “After six years, I should be.”

  Marci also noted the price on the tag. The dress cost more than she would normally pay for one piece of clothing, but what the hell. This wasn’t a day to worry about her budget.

  If she was going to blow her budget today, she might as well go all the way. “I want new underwear too…something as sensual as this dress.”

  Molly glanced around the area, as if checking to see if anyone stood close by. “Don’t tell my boss I said this, but I suggest you go to Lavender Lace. It’s a new lingerie store on Sixth Avenue. I haven’t been there yet, but my sister said the selection is amazing. She was so impressed, she applied for a job there.”

  First Peggy, and now Molly had mentioned Lavender Lace. Since two people had told her about the store, Marci took that as a sign. “Okay, I’ll check it out, after I try on this dress.”

  Molly grinned. “This way to the dressing room.”

  * * * * *

  Llyr crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the counter. He tried to keep his lips from twitching as he watched Ashlyn with her customers. Watching her always made him smile.

  The lass loved helping people. He’d been with her two weeks, doing whatever he could to help in her store. With a snap of her fingers, she could have everything perfectly arranged and the store spotless. She preferred to do everything the mortal way. She said it gave her a lot of pleasure to unpack, sort and display the lingerie.

  Whatever gave her pleasure made him happy…especially when they made love.

  His lovely goddess turned into a tigress in the bedroom, or the living room, or the kitchen, or any of the rooms in her house. Ashlyn had never believed sex only belonged in the bedroom. She drew the line about sex in public, but little else was forbidden. Even after five hundred years, she made everything fresh and exciting.

  His duties would require him to leave soon. He hated the thought of waking up in the morning without Ashlyn in his arms.

  The front door opened and a lovely blonde entered the store. Llyr noticed she walked with her chin up, her shoulders straight. This was a woman of power, one who was confident and sure of herself.

  She walked directly to the black display. Ashlyn had set up her store by color. Each section held all types of lingerie in that particular color. She’d told him black had been the most popular so far, followed closely by white.

  Llyr still thought bare skin was better.

  Tipping his head, he watched the blonde studying the panties. Black wouldn’t look good on her. Her face would fade away if she wore such a dark color. Blue would be better, or maybe green.

  He chuckled. Two weeks with Ashlyn and already she had him thinking of which color would best complement her customers.

  He strolled toward the blonde. She was so engrossed in the lingerie, she didn’t seem to notice his approach. “Do ye need some help, lass?”

  She jerked and whipped her head toward him, her eyes wide. “I’m sorry. I didna mean to scare ye.”

  “No, it’s fine.”

  “Do ye need some help?”

  She blinked and her mouth slackened. “You’re offering to help?”

  “Aye. Is that a problem?”

  “No. It’s just that… I don’t think of men as selling lingerie.”

  Llyr smiled. “Ah, but who better to tell a woman what a man likes?”

  She returned his smile. “You have a point.” She gestured at the display. “So? What do you think of black?”’

  “I think ‘tis a grand color for many women. I donna think it works for ye.”

  Her smile faded. “Really?”

  “Ye want to wear a color that’ll show off those beautiful eyes.”

  Ashlyn walked up to them and slipped her arm through his. “Are you bothering my customer, Llyr?”

  He saw the humor in her eyes, so knew she wasn’t upset by his talking to the lovely blonde. “Not at all, lass. Just tryin’ to help.”

  “How about if you ring up the two ladies at the counter and I’ll help this customer?”

  “Aye. That I can do.”

  Marci watched the handsome man walk away. When she’d heard his voice and looked up, she’d thought for a moment that Keefe stood next to her. Both men had intense pale blue eyes and black hair that brushed their broad shoulders.

  She admired the way his jeans fit him. Both men were blessed with great asses too.

  “He is gorgeous, isn’t he?”

  Heat climbed into Marci’s face to be caught staring at the man’s ass. She quickly looked at the blonde whose name tag said Ashlyn. “Yes, he is.”

  Ashlyn smiled. “Don’t be embarrassed. I stare at him every chance I get.”

  “He’s your husband?”

  “No. Just a very good friend who’s helping me until I hire more salesclerks.” Ashlyn clasped her hands in front of her. “How can I h
elp you?”

  “I’d like a new bra and panties. I was thinking of black, but…” She glanced at Llyr. “He said that wouldn’t look good on me. I wear black a lot.”

  Ashlyn smiled again. “You should wear whatever makes you feel good. But some colors do work better than others, depending on hair color, skin tone, things like that.” She tapped her chin with one finger, her eyes narrowed. “I agree with Llyr. You’d look better in dark gray than black.”

  Marci wrinkled her nose. She hated gray. It made her think of her third grade teacher, Mrs. Jewel. She’d always worn gray or brown old-fashioned dresses that made her look frumpy.

  “But not for lingerie. You want something very feminine and sensual. Perhaps something to match your new dress?”

  “Yes, that would be per…” Marci stopped when she realized what Ashlyn had said. She’d left her new dress in her car. Ashlyn couldn’t possibly know about it. “How did you know I bought a new dress?”

  Ashlyn shrugged. “Lucky guess.”

  Before Marci could question her further, Ashlyn continued. “Let me show you the lavender and blue displays. I’m sure we can find something you’ll love.”

  Marci followed Ashlyn across the store, nodding and smiling at women along the way. There must be at least twenty women in the store, ranging in age from late teens to mid-sixties. Lavender Lace hadn’t been open long, but it was already a success.

  The display made Marci stop and stare. The royal blue demi-bra and thong on the mannequin was the sexiest lingerie she’d ever seen. Ivory lace edged both items, making them look feminine as well as sexy.

  “Would you like to try them on?” Ashlyn asked.

  Marci dragged her gaze away from the mannequin and back to Ashlyn. “I, uh… I don’t wear thongs or bras that low-cut. I mean, I do wear nice lingerie, but nothing like…” She waved one hand at the display. “That.”

  “Why not? You have a lovely figure. You should show it off to your special man.”

  “I don’t have a special man.”

  “What about the one you’re having dinner with tonight?”

  “That’s just a business dinner. He isn’t…” Marci stopped again. Ashlyn couldn’t possibly know about her dinner with Keefe tonight. She’d go along with the lucky guess about the dress. This went way beyond lucky guesses. “How did you know about my dinner?”


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