Lifetimes (With the Bad Boy Book 13)

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Lifetimes (With the Bad Boy Book 13) Page 3

by Wanda Amard

  A pink nipple calls to me and I latch my mouth around her left breast sucking. Kimber moans, egging me on as I lap at her nipple. My legs move on their own, searching her out as I hump against her in the water.

  She threads her hands through my hair and leans back against the concrete walkway of the pool, pushing her tits deeper in my mouth. I hungrily suck at her flesh, always craving more of her. The tiny bikini barely covered them in the first place and I’m not sure how I ever let her walk around in public wearing it.

  How did we make it out of the hotel room without fucking against the bed? Tomorrow we buy her a one piece. A big ugly one that covers down to her ankles.

  That’s tomorrow, tonight she’s all mine.

  “Touch me, Vinn,” she whispers between a moan, pushing her cunt closer.

  The spot between her legs is hot as my hand rests on top, cupping her. Two fingers slip past the edges of the material and circle her opening. I switch tits, sucking on the other one to make sure they don’t get jealous of one another, and Kimber twist my hair roughly. My baby likes it.

  “More,” she echoes, her free hand pulling down on her bikini bottoms and getting them twisted around my hand.

  What she wants, she gets.

  I help JB by pushing the restrictive material out of the way and free my cock, plunging into her. Legs wrap around my waist and her back settles again the edge of the pool.

  “Grab on to my shoulders,” I command between my teeth as my cock fills her.

  My fingers burrow into her hips giving me purchase to fuck her harder as I move her body on top of mine. Her back scratches against the concrete pool and it has to be painful for her, but when I try to switch positions, she yells out no.

  “Don’t stop. Keep going,” Kimber pants, her tits bouncing each time I move her body.

  She arches away when I step back from the side, her back floating on the water and her hair circling her body.

  It’s a fucking glorious site and my balls scream out in possession. This woman is mine. This cunt is mine and her babies will be mine.

  The dream of filling her with children is enough to do me in and I close my eyes filling her with cum as Kimber tightens her legs around my waist, reaching her own climax and working not to scream into the night. She bites her bottom lip, her uncoordinated flailing fucking with my rhythm as I fuck her in the pool at our family friendly hotel.

  Fucking perfection.

  Chapter Seven


  “Where are we going?” I ask Vinn as he helps to tie the back of my halter top. I was perfectly capable of doing it myself, but he wanted to make sure I got it tight enough. He cupped each of my breasts and kissed the tops before sliding around my back and tying the straps so tight I’m worried my boobs are a little too perky. It’s unnatural. I’m hopeful the straps will loosen as the day goes on.

  He stands back, admiring his work and tweaking each nipple with a thumb. “Just for a little drive.”

  “A drive to,” I ask as he waits for me to walk out of the hotel room.

  “To visit some family.”

  I’m buckling my seatbelt when I ask the next question. “You have family in Florida?”

  “For the last few years.”

  Vinn starts the car, and for the first twenty or so minutes of our drive, I’m perfectly fine to stare out and look at all the palm trees as we drive down the roads. Many of the trees on the side of the highway have been taken over by vines. In our cold weather area, most the trees in Michigan have already lost their leaves, but there’s still green here in Florida. It’s wonderful.

  Finally, when I get bored enough of the view, I finish filing away which of his family members live in Florida and come back with none. I decide to ask.

  “Which family member is it?” Maybe he is taking us to see a whole other line of the Thrower family.

  Vinn shakes his head but smiles. “I was wondering how long until you’d start asking questions.”

  “You can’t lay something on me like going to see family in Florida who I’ve never heard of and not tell me who.” Who does he think he’s married to? If I was a cat, I’d be dead by now.

  “But you have heard of him,” Vinn says turning down the car radio.

  “I have?” I hurry and slide through each of his family members he told me about a second time. Most of them were around at family Thanksgiving, and since we haven’t seen his family for Christmas yet, I cann’t figure out who it could be.

  “About eight years ago when everything went down with Monica,” he says, reminding me of his horrible ex-girlfriend. She hasn’t been around since she started drama at Thanksgiving, but Vinn promised her absence won’t last forever.

  “I remember her.”

  He laughs, too at ease with her crazy. “Well when all that happened, and the accusations started going around, my brother moved to Florida.”

  “Your brother moved to Florida?” Did he move or flee? I can see why he wanted to get away from Monica, but to go the entire distance of the United States to get away from his son?

  Vinn shakes his head. “I’m not saying it was the right thing to do. My brother should make better choices, but it was a bad time. You have no idea how horrible things got. The family picked sides.”

  “Why are we going to see him?”

  Vinn shrugs. “He’s still my brother who I haven’t seen since before I went to prison, and he’s been holding something for me.”

  He doesn’t elaborate on what he’s holding, and for the time being, I don’t ask because the car turns off the expressway headed on an off-ramp toward a little town I’ve never heard of. We’ve been driving for under an hour, but I didn’t pay attention to which direction we started and where we ended. Thank God I trust him or else I’d worry Vinn planned to feed me to the alligators.

  We turn down a long driveway and Vinn slows the car. Marshy land is on either side of the roadway, but the drive we take is dry. At the end of the long driveway, which has to be at least half a mile, is a house — ranch-style but set higher than a regular house you’d find in Michigan. Almost as if it had been built on stilts.

  Vinn gets out of the car with ease, but I hesitate waiting behind. I don’t want to interfere with his reunion with his brother. I’m not sure if he’ll be happy or upset. He hasn’t given me much information about this brother besides the facts. The part always absent from the conversation is Vinn’s feelings on it all. I can’t imagine he’s happy with his brother for sleeping with his girlfriend and getting her pregnant, especially when he then left town and Vinn dealt with the fallout.

  It wasn’t very brotherly.

  Vinn opens my door and waits for me to get out, so I guess we’re doing this thing.

  “Is he home?” I ask when no one comes out the front door. There are no cars in the driveway and no lights on inside the house.

  “Only one way to find out,” he says, ever the unhelpful.

  Vinn walks right to the front steps like he owns the place and twists the door knob, finding the front door unlocked.

  “Victor,” he waits a few seconds for a response but doesn’t receive any. “Stay here while I check the backyard.”

  He shuffles out a small sliding glass door at the end of the tiny dining room, leaving me alone. The quiet of the house settles in, and it’s a little too quiet. I watched one of those Forensic Files episodes the other day and thoughts of dead bodies and blood spatter are enough to give me chills.

  The front door opens again and Vinn walks back inside.

  “Did you find him? This place gives me the creeps.”

  He laughs, but there’s something off. “I would like you.”

  What? He better damn well like me. A lot more than like too. I turn to face him full on. “I would hope so.” First the chili dog and now this?

  Vinn turns, showing me a side of his body as he looks out a window searching the backyard. My eyes fall on the side of his neck… the empty skin that is nothing but pink flesh. The area w
here a green dragon tattoo should be sneaking behind his ear is empty.

  I open my mouth, questioning he’s not Vinn, but all I do is stifle a scream and step back grabbing on to the kitchen counter for support.

  Not Vinn laughs and the sliding glass door crashes open behind me as I hover at the side of the kitchen.

  “What the fucking shit, Victor.” Vinn crashes into the room and wraps me in his arms.

  For a second I fight him, my brain still battling over what I’m seeing. How many Vinns are there?

  Vinn’s brother, the one who cheated with his girlfriend, is a twin. “You’re his twin,” the words rush out of me still unbelieving.

  “Yeah, we know.”

  “But like a twin-twin.” The similarities between them are unnatural. Two Vinns.

  Victor smirks.

  Chapter Eight


  Kimber snores lightly on the bed beside me, her breathing shallow. I bunch the covers around her shoulder tighter and wait until her snores deepen. Then with a simple kiss on her temple, I leave her lying in my brother’s spare bedroom alone.

  Just as I knew he would be, Victor waits for me in one of the plastic beach chairs he has situated in his living room rather than a couch.

  “Nice seating you’ve got here,” I joke.

  He shrugs. “Nobody down here I’m trying to impress.”

  His words are somber and it makes me wonder. Is he really all alone down here? Has Victor not found anyone to keep him company in the years since he left Michigan? Was all my comfortable furniture in the trailer purchased to impress? I don’t think so. I wanted to reward myself with the nice comforts of surviving a hard-cold prison sentence. Literally, all the chairs are hard and cold. Even the beds. I thought after I got out I deserved to have nice things.

  Does my brother feel the opposite? Is he punishing himself for his shitty choices by not allowing himself nice things? I’m conflicted with the thoughts. Part of me — the angry part — says good. He left me stranded in Michigan with his baby and baby’s mama. He doesn’t deserve to have good things. But the other part of me — the part that remembers he’s my brother — is sorry for him. Victor and I both have made some screwed-up decisions in our lives, but they don’t mean we should be punished for eternity. Do they?

  “So Kimber’s hot,” he says, smirking in my direction and wanting to get a rise out of me.

  It works. I can’t say it’s all my fault. We have a history. “Yeah, and now she knows to look at my neck for the proof.” Monica blamed her inability to tell us apart as the reason she slept with my brother the first time. Every time she kept doing that after is anybody’s guess.

  He shakes his head regretfully. “I’m sorry, man. That was a bad joke. I’m happy for you.”


  “You got married though. And she’s so.” I can’t decide if he wants to congratulate me or call me stupid. But his eyes turn cold and he stares at the corner of his room lost in his own thoughts.

  Minutes passed before he speaks again. “How’s Mom?”

  “Good, and barely getting by.”

  He nods. “I’ve been trying to send Mom money every once in a while to help.”

  “That’s good.” I’ve been trying to give her a few hundred dollars a month as well. She and my dad had a lot of kids to take care of, and she hasn’t noticed the fact that we’ve all moved out now. She’s still trying to squeeze ketchup packets from McDonald’s into a bottle of Heinz.

  “And Monica?” he asks as his eyes find the same corner again.

  It doesn’t escape my notice he doesn’t ask about Stetsyn. “I don’t know, man. Monica is drama, still blaming everybody else and wanting some free hand-outs.”

  He nods. “Sounds like her.”

  “Stetsyn spends a lot of time with Mom. I guess it’s good in a way because it gives him some sense of normality.” I can’t imagine what it was like having Monica as a mother growing up. She’s only ever cared about herself and that didn’t change when she had a baby.

  “Can we not start that right now?” he asks, and even though I want to push it, I don’t. Something is bothering my brother, but he has to figure it out on his own time.

  “Fine, but you’re always welcome back at home, brother. I have an extra room.”

  “I don’t know where home is anymore, Vinn.” His words are quiet and pained.

  My heart breaks for my twin. I’d had the same thought so many times the last few years. Even the first two nights I spent at the trailer didn’t seem like it was mine. Nothing ever felt like mine or right or home. Not until Kimber. She slowly unpacked the boxes in my house and the one around my heart. Now I know it doesn’t matter where we live. As long as she is with me, I’m home.

  Victor slaps his knee and stands up from the uncomfortable beach chair. “Well, let’s go get the reason you’re here.”

  He walks out the backyard not waiting for me to follow, but I do. Victor lives close to the Everglades and more than once an animal has wandered into his backyard. It’s not the place you want to be wandering at night, especially by yourself. But it’s not like we can do this in the middle of the day.

  Victor stops with a shovel at the edge of his yard right before a lot of trees with vines climbing up and over them make a wall around his property. The ground is wet and mushy and it takes less than three shovels full before he has a metal box. Mud sucks the item, holding it to the ground, and it takes the two of us pulling to get it out before we pry it free.

  The box is locked and I wait while the man who looks so much like me pulls a key from his pocket and opens it. Inside sit stacks of neatly folded bills, more here than I could count in the time we have. The draw to take it all is hard, but I’ve made some new but poor choices in Michigan. Anything the cops find in my possession if I’m to be arrested again would mean they could seize it as evidence. My life savings is safer here in this box than it is anywhere with me right now.

  Time ticks away as I consider how much money Kimber and I will need to get by for the next few years. It needs to be an amount that won’t cripple me if it gets taken away, but also enough that we’re not making monthly trips to Florida. Just a sample to help us pad the budget when we need it. The Goldilocks of money withdrawals. Not too much, but not too little. In the end I grab two stacks — about 50,000. If I play my cards right, it should be enough to put down the closing costs on a house in the city and help if expenses get tight.

  “How do you plan to get that much cash home?” Victor asks. I weigh the large stacks of bills in my hands.

  I smirk. That new computer hasn’t been a total waste. “The Internet is full of helpful advice.” I’ve read about how to break up stacks and where to hide them in a suitcase. You can line the pockets of your clothes. It’s surprisingly easier than one would expect to take a large stash of laundered money across state lines in an airplane. Two stacks will be nothing. As long as it’s not laced with coke everyone should be fine.

  “The next time you come, you should drive. It’s a heck of a lot easier to hide in a car.”

  I nod as we head back to his house. It would be a better decision next time, especially with the way Kimber responds to airplanes. She hasn’t been herself the last few days and I can’t decide if it’s because she’s found evidence of her mom using again, something she only suspected before, or if there’s more things at play.

  Chapter Nine


  “Are you sad we left your brother on New Year’s?” I ask even though I’m pretty sure I slur at least two of the words.

  I woke up early this morning, and Vinn had already dressed, showered and was ready to go. His brother packed us back into the car, waved goodbye, and we drove away before 9:30 a.m. Vinn said he wanted to get back to the hotel and spend the day with me, but I’ve been around long enough now to realize something else is going on. Time with his twin must be hard. They have a lot of history and not all that good.

  After spending the day at
the beach, the clouds rolled in. We stopped by a liquor store on the way back to the hotel and bought a bottle of champagne. Apparently underage drinking is okay as long as I’m with him.

  I’ve never had champagne, at least real champagne not cheap wine incorrectly labeled. We turned on the NBC New Year’s Eve special, and every time Carson Daly said, “Oh my god,” Vinn has made me lose an item of clothing.

  In less than an hour I’m already naked. In my defense I would’ve put more layers on had I known the game before we started.

  “My brother will be fine.”

  “But don’t you feel bad that we left him all by himself?” The two of them weren’t overly emotional or anything. I didn’t see tears, but his brother looked sad as he watched us pull out of his driveway. He hasn’t been home in years and Vinn is the only family member who knows where he is now. It has to be hard being so alone.

  “Don’t talk so much about my brother before I fuck you,” Vinn says, taking the bottle of champagne from my hand. He swallows a guzzle and then places it on the table beside him.

  I’ve been waiting for this. “Is that what we’re going to do now?”

  “Yes, and if you aren’t good, you won’t get your New Year surprise.”

  “A surprise?” Now I’m invested.

  Vinn tosses the pillow out from under his head. It lands on the floor, hitting the closet door. “Get on my face.”


  “You heard me,” he says, tugging on my hand. “Sit on me.”

  “But I’m naked.”

  Vinn smirks, latching on to my thigh. His fingers dig into my skin trying to move me himself. “That’s the point, Jailbait.”

  “How would you breathe?” My brain is rattled, searching for the answers around the alcohol. People have done this before but I don’t know how.

  Vinn laughs. “I’ll figure out a way, or if I don’t, it’ll be one hell of a way to go.”

  “Okay, if you say so.” I climb on him hesitantly, allowing Vinn to position me how he wants.


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