Double Magick in the Falls

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Double Magick in the Falls Page 7

by April Hollingworth

  His skin tone is gray, and he has muddy brown watery eyes and no hair, eyebrows, or eyelashes. His nose is more like two slits for nostrils, yet his lips are large and puffy. He is the strangest thing I’ve ever seen.

  “No, I don’t, but them be my wards, witch, and you, you...”

  “Removed them,” I helpfully supply since he/she appeared at a loss for words.

  “How? No one can remove my wards. They’re the best.”

  “Well, if you say so, but you should know they are against the law, so I was only doing my civic duty by removing them. No need to thank me. I don’t mind helping, for obviously, a law-abiding citizen like your good self was about to take them down, weren’t you?” I innocently enquire, turning toward the barmaid I smile, and order my grandmother’s Chardonnay and my drink.


  As the creature slithers away, I ask underneath my breath, of the barmaid, “What was that?”

  “Mr. Vesper. He works for The Protectors. How did you destroy the ward?” she replies, looking slightly frazzled and a lot relieved.

  “Why was it allowed to be put up? I’m Candi by the way.”

  “I’m Nici, nice to meet you, and it wasn’t ‘allowed,’ it was just put up. No choice in the matter.” With a shake of her head, she passes over my drinks.

  “How much do I owe you?”

  “They are on the house, with major thanks.”

  “No problem at all. Those kinds of wards shouldn’t be allowed, they’re too dangerous, also illegal. Thanks for the drinks, Nici.” I grab them and weave my way over toward my grandmother. Sitting down, I pass her a glass of wine.

  After a rather large gulp, she seems much more herself, and I’m pleased to see some color returning to her pale cheeks. Taking a sip of my own drink, I savor the taste before swallowing, glancing around at the still speechless patrons.

  “Is it always this quiet? I feel like I’m in a library.”

  And then as if a spell is broken, everyone starts talking at once, conversation returns, and I notice the witch who had been avoided previously, is now being talked to. Fear is a terrible, crazy thing, but fear with reason is so much worse.


  Everyone starts looking lighter, happier, and freer. Once again enjoying their evening in their favorite pub, talking to whom they wish, without the possibility of being murdered for associating with someone who interacted with another species. I sit back to enjoy a quiet drink with my grandma, which results in a few more, as drinks appear with quiet nods of thanks from different people.

  After the sixth drink arrives, we decide we’d best leave or we would be severely intoxicated by the end of the evening. As we stand up to leave, someone appears at our sides to drive us safely home, courtesy of Nici.

  With a smile of thanks to Nici and the young man, we say goodnight and thank the customers who bought us drinks. As I leave I place my hand on the building, and a crackle of power flickers across and through the building. Dark corners become bright and warmth and peace re-enter the pub.

  Seeing Nici hurrying to me, I stop to explain, “After a ward like Mr. Vesper’s, it takes a while before a protection spell can replace it. As people become happier, this will spread to enclose the land. No harmful spells will work here anymore. Will you make sure the witch who entered before we did receives a safe lift home please, unless she can stay here for the night? Mr. Vesper won’t be pleased, and sadly, she will be an easy target tonight.”

  “I’ll keep her here tonight. Thank you so much for what you did. I don’t know how you did it, but thank you.”

  “My Goddess helped me. Take care as well please, and thanks for the lift home and the drinks. Goodnight.” I hurry to catch up with my grandmother following her out of the building and into the waiting car.

  Five minutes later, we pull up at my grandmother’s house, say goodnight and thanks to our driver.

  Unlocking the door, we enter the house, and re-lock it before saying goodnight and heading off to bed. I am exhausted. I go to the bathroom and quickly wash off my make-up, and get ready for bed.

  After leaving the bathroom, I thank Hecate for her help, feel a warm embrace, and hear Hecate answer, “Helping my children, help others, is a pleasure, child. Be safe, daughter of mine. You have much to do.”

  I happily climb into bed and am about to fall asleep when I hear my phone ringing. Groggily reaching for it, I mumble a hello and come wide awake as Victor’s voice rolls over me like liquid fire, heating every part of my bloodstream with desire.

  “Good evening, Candi, I hope I haven’t woken you.”

  “No, no, I was just about to go to sleep. What’s happened?” I demand hoping like crazy it’s not another murder.

  “I want to see you and was wondering if you could meet me?”

  “When?” I reply in a whisper before clearing my throat and trying again, “Sure when?”

  “Now. Meet me at the bridge in five minutes, please.”

  Before I can say anything else, I hear a click in my ear. The cheeky sod had hung up on me. Climbing out of bed, I get dressed and stuff my wallet, keys, and phone into my pockets, before silently descending the stairs. I exit the house and lock up behind me, hurry to the bridge where I spot Victor leaning against the railing on the other side.

  “You’re late,” he murmurs as he extends his hand toward me.

  Crossing the bridge, I allow him to take my hand, which he tucks into the crook of his arm, before leading me down the road. I don’t ask him where we’re going, and to be honest, I don’t really care.

  We end up at The Blue Lagoon Bar. The darkness inside is only relieved by neon blue lights randomly placed about the pub. The pub’s furnishings are blue velvet curtains and dark blue leather booths. The only contrast is the redwood tables and bar counter. Seedy is the word that comes to mind when I look around. Glancing at Victor I’m pleased to see the grimace of distaste flashing across his face, yet he still pulls me inside the bar. Leading me to a booth tucked into the furthest corner, Victor leaves me so he can order us some drinks. In a few minutes, he returns with two pints of lager and places one before me.

  “It’s the only thing safe to drink in this place,” Victor apologizes.

  “Okay, so why have you dragged me out of my bed, to take me here?” I enquire as I wave my arm around, indicating the bar.

  Grasping my waving hand, Victor clasps it in his larger one, and with a shake of his head smiles at me. “I brought you here, so I can get to know you better. I did tell you yesterday I’d see you today.”

  “Yessssss, but why here?”

  “Because, no one will disturb us or interrupt us here. I want some time alone with you, somewhere where you’ll feel safe, and will know I don’t mean you any harm. I can’t go to the witches bar, and I own Vlad’s Bar across the street. This place is…”

  “Disgusting, yes, I agree,” I interrupt, hiding a smirk behind my pint before taking a sip.

  “Actually, I was going to say neutral ground,” Victor chides me with a rumble of delicious laughter that ripples over my skin like decadent chocolate.

  “Okay, I’ll play, for a while. Since you dragged me here from my nice warm bed, I get to ask you a question first.”

  “Deal. But if you want a nice warm bed, mine is available and very nearby.” Victor smiles. Tracing a circular pattern on my hand, as he leans forward to entice me with his words.

  Taking a fortifying gulp of my drink, I feel the blush heighten on my cheekbones. Lust shoots through my body, as the image of Victor and I entwined flashes in my head. His golden body splayed across his sheets, cradling me in his embrace as he makes mad passionate love to me. Is it wrong I want to say yes and have my fantasy come true? Biting my lip, I stifle a moan as it tries to escape. I notice Victor’s eyes dilate and wonder again, can he read my thoughts?

  “When were you born? And how can you walk about in sunlight?” I just barely manage to ask, too afraid to ask if he can read my mind as there’s no way I can co
ntrol my lust-filled thoughts when I’m around him.

  “Two questions are cheating, but I’ll answer them, just this once. I was born in the year 1823, right here in County Cork. I was turned in the year 1848. I’m able to walk in daylight because the sun doesn’t affect vampires.

  “To protect us from hunters, the original vampires spread rumors of creatures unable to face sunlight and mirrors. All falsehoods, but necessary ones. Think how the witches have fared during persecutions. Vampires were also ruthlessly hunted, and with our healing abilities, the torture was…beyond unbearable.

  “My sire’s brother died during their experiments,” With a shake of his head as if to remove dark thoughts, Victor smiles at me as if he wants to devour me, flashing just a little fang. “My turn, ah, ah, you had your turn, Candi.” Victor laughs as I try interrupting him. “Are you attracted to me?”

  “Uh, yes. I thought it was obvious,” I scoff then try and back track. “I mean…”

  “No, don’t be embarrassed. I’m very attracted to you, too. In fact, I don’t remember ever wanting someone as much as I want you. I think, like you, I’m not sure of how it makes me feel. I’m just glad I’m not the only one feeling like this.” Victor admits, though the tightening of his jaw as he practically spits out the words is far from flattering. I do agree with it, completely.

  We chat for another hour about nothing in particular, just getting to know one another. I desperately want to find out more about the myths of vampires and what the truths are.

  We keep away from personal questions, shying away from anything to do with family or romantic history, as if by asking a question will make our fragile self-control snap and one of us will leap at the other, ripping each other’s clothes off in our need and haste.

  I sneak another wanton look at his mouth and catch him looking at mine like a man dying of thirst, realizing my mouth is the reservoir he’s been looking for, and all he has to do, is take it.

  Chapter 8

  When I arrive back at my grandmother’s, I sneak in like a thief in the night or a teenager breaking curfew. I quietly lock up and climb the stairs. Quickly I remove my clothes and put on my pajamas and that’s all I remember. I must have passed out from exhaustion before my head even touched my pillow.

  I’m woken up by Jasmine in the bathroom; poor thing must have been bursting for a pee since I’d forgotten to take her out last night when I got back, both times.

  “Good morning; how are you today?” I call out to her as I clamber out of bed. My eyes are so bleary I can hardly see through them, and I feel exhausted, but strangely refreshed at the same time.

  As the bathroom door opens and no one comes into my room I decide to enter, obviously she needs to speak to me and the bathroom is the safest place, there are no windows so no one can spy on us if she is in human form. Walking in, I spot her sitting on the edge of the bath in the farther corner, so she won’t be glimpsed by anyone in the bedroom. Calmly I close the door, cross the room, and give her a quick hug.

  “So how was last night? I’m guessing something happened; so tell me everything, and don’t leave anything out,” Jasmine demands.

  Quickly I update her on what had happened last night, including Grandma Eve’s surprise at how Hecate had helped destroy the ward. To be honest it still puzzled me. I tell her about my phone call from Victor and meeting up with him.

  “I can’t understand why she was so surprised. I mean her reaction was as if she has never seen Hecate give help, or I don’t know…” I shake my head in puzzlement.

  “Maybe she hasn’t, Candi. You have to remember not everyone speaks to the Goddesses of old, let alone regularly and mainly to say hi. Most people if they speak at all, just ask for something and never to say thanks. It makes a difference and it shows. You obviously surprised and maybe made your gran look at her relationship with Hecate.”

  Thinking about the first time Jasmine realized I had such a special relationship with the Goddess, I remembered it was quite an eye opener for her. Ever since she made an effort to say hello and ask how Hecate was, until it became no effort, that’s when she finally heard a reply. I still remember the awe on her face the first time Hecate spoke to her. “What about you? Did anything happen here or was it all quiet?”

  “No, it wasn’t all quiet. Someone came poking around, but I don’t think they were expecting a dog, because I heard them scuttle back when I started barking and soon after they left.”

  Giving a deep sigh, she runs her fingers through her long black hair, before continuing, “Look I think they were snooping around because of you. Especially with how you so easily destroyed a ward, it wouldn’t go in your favor. When are you signing the papers for the old Winters’ house again?”

  “Today at two p.m. You’re probably right, the sooner we move out, the better and safer my gran will be.”

  It’s sad, but I think she’s right. Whoever was trying to snoop around is most likely trying to find something to use against me. But I decide I will tell my grandma about the snooper, then realize I can’t because it was Jasmine who was here on her own, and as a dog would have no way of telling me about the unwanted caller.

  “Damn,” I mutter in frustration.

  “Hey, maybe we can look for footprints in the mud, and if we find any, we can give your gran a heads-up, just in case it’s not you causing unwanted attention.”

  Giving her a grateful look, I make her turn around, so her back’s to me, so I can pee. My bladder at this stage is about ready to explode.

  “Now, for the juicy news. You went out on a date with Victor. I want details.”

  “I don’t think you can call it a date, to be honest, I’m not sure what you would call it. We met up, went to The Blue Lagoon Bar, which sells great lager, but is a complete dive. We admitted we’re attracted to each other, and neither of us is majorly happy about it, or knows how to deal with the fact we have never felt so strongly about anyone else. And since Victor is one hundred and ninety-one years old, it’s quite scary,” I admit.

  “Wow, one hundred and ninety-one years old? Really?”

  “Well, he’s been a vampire for, ummm, one hundred and sixty-six years.”

  “Oh my God, talk about mind blowing, and he’s never felt…”

  “Wanted, someone as much as he wants me.” I leave out what he confided about his sire’s brother. His trusting me and sharing such information gives me a warm fuzzy feeling, and I like the fact he trusted me enough to tell me. Though I do wonder what exactly happened to his sire’s brother and why he wasn’t rescued.

  Not knowing what to say, she changes back into dog form, so I jump into the shower. Once I’ve finished we leave the bathroom to billowing steam. Dragging on underwear and a ratty T-shirt, tracksuit bottoms, and my trainers, I pull a brush through my hair before tying it up in a loose ponytail, slap on some moisturizer, and jog downstairs for some breakfast, with Jasmine at my heels.

  I quickly get her some fresh water and her breakfast. Once she’s eating, I pop the kettle on and sort out my own breakfast. With a sense of contentment, I cradle my mug and wish my Goddess a happy morning.

  Finishing my coffee, I take my dishes to the sink, where I quickly wash, dry, and put them away. We head out for our morning run, and a sneaky look around for any sign of footprints in the mud.

  To say our search is uneventful is an understatement. Whoever visited the house last night had left no sign. They had cleaned up after themselves too well, and I mean every print was gone; there should have been paw prints and my footprints.

  Whoever had been nosing around last night had wiped our prints with theirs, maybe they hadn’t realized we were there, maybe this was someone trying to spy on my grandmother.

  Making up my mind, I decide I will tell her Jasmine had seemed upset this morning, and I had noticed all prints had been wiped. That way I can let her know as much as we do about the unknown caller. With my decision made, we go back inside to get ready to see the solicitors. Finally, it’s Friday an
d I’m signing for my home today.

  Quickly I change into black trousers, heeled black boots, and a black shirt. I tie my hair into a single plait down my back, apply eyeliner, and lipstick. I grab my coat and head downstairs. I lock up, and Jasmine and I climb into my car to head to the old Winters’ house for a final look around before signing for the house.


  As we arrive I sense the house being happy to see us again, so I climb out of the car and head toward the front door. With a happy feeling, I place my hand on the door and say hello to the house and to my shock, I feel a wave of power and see a series of images.

  Men had arrived, after I agreed to buy the house. They had tried to take the bath and some other items, but the house hadn’t let them. They had tried to dump rubbish, and the house and surrounding lands threw it back at them.

  “The agreements had been set, and they tried to break them. I will not allow wrongdoing to occur to those who shall live here,” whispered the house in a fog-like voice, gently surrounding me.

  “Thank you, now we must go and sign the papers. We will come afterwards and start the renovations. I hope you will like the plans I have.”

  Going back to the car, I drive straight to the bank to collect the money, and then to the solicitors to sign and pay for the house. With a feeling of excitement, I enter the office of Jameson and Smyth Solicitors and inform the secretary I’m there for my two o’clock appointment with Thomas Smyth.

  Five minutes later, I’m in his office reading the paperwork. After assuring myself everything is as it should be, Mrs. White, old Mrs. Winters’ daughter signs and I sign as well. I take out the money and once counted out to everyone’s satisfaction, I pay my solicitor’s fees, stamp duty fees, land registry fees, and finally the engineer’s report fees for the survey he’d done.

  With a sigh of relief and all the keys to the house and photocopies of all documents, I finally leave the solicitor’s office feeling exhausted, but very happy, as I’m now the proud owner of the old Winters’ house.


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