A Taste of Twilight

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A Taste of Twilight Page 9

by Aubrey Ross

  “Etoro’s transformation wasn’t reversed when he destroyed Cecilia,” Jessie pointed out. “He’s still a vampire.”

  “He wasn’t transformed against his will,” Rafe clarified. “If the challenge is won by a willing fledgling, they absorb the energy of their maker. Etoro knew organic vampires were the most powerful, so he spent his first hundred years hoarding energy in preparation for the challenge.”

  “Talk about premeditated. Damn.” More and more she was curious about the Covenant. There was a lot more to vampires than drinking blood—and phenomenal sex.

  Weary regret aged Faelon’s face. “Cecilia’s destruction gave Natalie one more reason to hate us. Etoro’s resentment of Rafe brought Etoro into her life and my unfaithfulness left her unprotected.”

  Jessie felt the weight of his loss and her heart gave a little flutter. Kill me now. I’m feeling sorry for a vampire!

  Her sarcastic thought brought ferocity back to his eyes. He rolled his shoulders and flicked a dust bunny off his sleeve. “I harbor no illusions about my daughter’s fate. Natalie must be stopped, which brings us to our final option. Organic vampires are much harder to kill than transformed vampires. I honestly believe our best chance of defeating Natalie is forming a three-way blood bond.”

  Chapter Six

  “This won’t make me a vampire?”

  Rafe couldn’t decide if her reaction amused or insulted him. “Having two cocks moving inside you and two sets of fangs sucking at your throat is less upsetting than becoming a vampire?”

  “That’s not what I meant.” Faelon had taken them to the guest bedroom and instructed them to talk things over. If they decided on the three-way blood bond, Rafe had only to call out telepathically. If Faelon heard nothing, he would presume they’d chosen another course. “Faelon said we’d drink each other’s blood. Won’t that make me a vampire?”

  “Not enough blood is exchanged during this sort of bonding to trigger the change. You’ll take on some of his abilities and some of mine, but only temporarily.”

  She sat on the edge of the massive bed, her hands folded in her lap. Her head was slightly averted, so he couldn’t see her eyes. He lightly touched her mind and found a veritable buffet of emotions—uncertainty and fascination, excitement and hesitation. Underlying it all was her indomitable spirit and the urgency of knowing Dalton’s life hung in the balance.

  “I’ve never been with two men before.” She was calm and rational, even when faced with surreal obstacles. Rafe’s admiration grew right alongside his desire.

  “I didn’t figure you had.”

  “But you and Faelon have shared Antonelli?”

  “You know we have.” He glanced toward the gilt-framed mirror that dominated one wall. Were Faelon and Antonelli watching? He couldn’t sense either at the moment, which made it likely they were in the small room on the other side of that wall. “Why do you bring it up now?”

  “If we do this…if we form the three-way bond, will it change the way you feel about me?”

  He moved to the bed, nudging her legs apart so he could frame her face between his hands. “I’m amazed by your loyalty and moved by your courage.” He stared into her eyes, revealing the depth of his emotions. “I’m not saying I want Faelon to share our pleasure every night, but this will in no way diminish the way I feel about you.”

  “Do you trust him? Is this the best way to combat Natalie and Etoro?”

  “I trust Faelon with my life—and yours.” He brushed his lips against hers. “He isn’t just trying to get in your pants.”

  “Then let’s get it over with. The longer we delay, the longer—”

  “Get it over with?” Faelon’s question made Rafe smile and turn around. Dressed in a royal blue robe, Faelon stood in front of the enormous mirror, confirming Rafe’s suspicion that Faelon had been watching them. “What an insult. If Rafe’s touch has been so unskilled you wish to get it over with, he is in desperate need of a refresher course.”

  Jessie stood and walked toward Faelon, her eyes wide, lips parted. “The mirror thing is superstition too.”

  Faelon’s back was clearly reflected in the mirror. “Encouraging vampire lore has always been a valuable way of—hiding in plain sight. It would be impossible to convince every human that vampires don’t exist, so we convolute the truth and camouflage ourselves in legends.”

  “Rafe said vampires aren’t immortal. What does it take to kill one?”

  “Incineration, decapitation or removal of the heart are the three injuries from which a vampire cannot regenerate.”

  She accepted the information with a stiff nod. “Are there specific steps we have to take to form this bond? I didn’t mean to insult you before. I’m just worried about Dalton and I don’t want Rafe to…”

  Rafe joined them in front of the mirror, caressing her face with his gaze. “I’ve been forming blood bonds for centuries, but I know this is all new to you. I want you to be as comfortable as possible before we begin. Faelon’s mental control is unmatched. If you allow him to touch your mind, he might be able to guide you to Dalton.”

  “A wise suggestion.” Faelon reached for her hand. “If you’re sure your friend is well, will you be able to relax?”

  She licked her lips and glanced at Rafe. “I’ll try.”

  “Look at me and don’t close your eyes.” Shifting her gaze back to Faelon, she pressed her lips together and swayed. “Think of the last time you saw him, remember the last words he spoke, what he was wearing, how he smelled.”

  Rafe watched her closely, resisting the impulse to meld with her mind. Until they had formed the three-way bond, his presence would only distract her. He didn’t want to be jealous of Dalton, but Jessie’s devotion to her ex-partner annoyed him.

  “Is that him?” Faelon was asking.

  “Yes,” Jessie whispered. “It’s a hotel room. Can you tell which one?”

  “I have no idea.” Faelon released her hand and glanced in the mirror. Antonelli must still be watching them. “He was irritable but unharmed.”

  “The irritable part is not unusual for Dalton.” She touched Faelon’s arm and smiled. “Thank you.”

  He inclined his head. “Are you ready, or do you need a bit more time to adjust to the idea?”

  “I’m not sure I’ll ever adjust to the idea, so let’s just go for it.” Jessie stared at their reflections in the mirror, fascinated by all the contrasts. Rafe stood a step back from them, watchful, darkly handsome. The gold streaks in Faelon’s brown hair were about the same color as her wavy tresses. Faelon was half a head taller than Rafe, who was half a head taller than her. Rafe was by far the most physically attractive, but Faelon emanated power and authority.

  So what the hell am I doing here?

  Rafe came up behind her and wrapped his arm around her waist. Their gazes met in the mirror. “You really don’t see how beautiful you are?”

  “Antonelli is beautiful. You’re beautiful. I’m…”

  “Strong, fiercely loyal, extraordinary.” Rafe tilted her head up and back, covering her mouth with his. She twisted her torso without turning around, parting her lips for his tongue and curving her fingers around his neck.

  Faelon unbuttoned her blouse then eased his hands between her and Rafe to unclasp her bra. She went right on kissing Rafe, concentrating on the sweet intimacy of his mouth, his breath, his tongue. This was necessary. Was she supposed to enjoy the warm brush of Faelon’s fingers or the heat radiating from his body?

  I’m right here with you. We’re sharing this experience. There’s nothing disloyal in what we’re doing.

  Faelon eased her jeans down over her hips, taking her panties with them. Years of strict morality contradicted Rafe’s reassurance. This felt wicked and daring. Her nipples tingled and moist heat gathered between her thighs.

  “Watch me, Jessie,” Faelon whispered. “Look at yourself in the mirror. See the beauty you truly possess.”

  Blinking the room into focus, Jessie gasped. Faelon had she
d his robe and he knelt on the folded garment. Candlelight gleamed off his long, lean body. Rafe raised both her hands to the back of his neck, lifting her breasts and arching her spine. His dark gaze moved over her naked reflection, ravenous and appreciative.

  She focused on herself, forcing aside all preconceptions, and just looked at her body in the mirror. Her skin was smooth and golden, marred only by faint tan lines. Long and toned, she’d always been proud of her legs. Her hips flared and her tummy wasn’t quite flat, but her torso was narrow, her breasts high and round.

  “Put your foot on my shoulder.”

  Rafe cupped both her breasts and steadied her against his chest. This was going to get a lot more wanton before the bond was formed. She bent her knee and raised her foot to Faelon’s shoulder.

  “Ah yes.” He stroked down her inner thigh. She followed his progress in the mirror as tingles fanned out across her skin. He traced her slit with his middle finger. The simple touch accented the ache gathering in her core. She glanced at Rafe. His dark eyes glowed with just a hint of gold. Faelon pushed his finger into her pussy and she closed her eyes. “No. Watch me. Watch your cream coat my finger. Watch your cunt swallow me whole.”

  She trembled. Her cunt was eager to swallow more than his finger. Each slow, teasing slide made her inner muscles pulse for the fullness of a thick, hard cock. He pumped. She watched, mesmerized by the graphic display.

  Without warning, he withdrew his finger and hooked both her legs over his shoulders. She cried out, shocked by the erotic pose. Rafe held her against Faelon’s face as the master vampire feasted. Faelon’s hands steadied her hips, but she was literally draped across his face. His mouth moved against her folds, his tongue steadily thrusting.

  His lips kept her open, accessibly to the bold exploration of his tongue. He stroked the velvety walls of her passage, retreated to circle her clit then pushed inside again. On and on he drove her, building the pressure until it bordered on pain.

  “Oh, oh God!” She came hard, her thighs flexing against Faelon’s cheeks. He grabbed the back of her knees and shifted the angle of her hips, drawing her cream into his mouth. Growling deep in his throat, he licked and sucked until the last tingle of her orgasm passed.

  Rafe lifted her off Faelon’s face, cradling in his arms. “If this gets too intense, let us know and we’ll slow down.” He kissed her with tender reassurance, and Jessie clung to him. Where had his clothes gone? She couldn’t remember him taking time to undress.

  Faelon positioned the padded vanity bench in front of the mirror. Rafe placed her on the bench on her back. “Is there some reason we’re not using the bed?”

  “I like to watch.” Faelon grinned.

  Rafe knelt on the floor at one end of the bench and Faelon pulled Jessie toward him until her head angled off the other end. Jessie reached for Faelon’s erection, but he guided her hands to his hips instead. “I want your mouth, little fledgling, not your fingers.”

  She relaxed against the bench and let the men position her. Whenever she thought about being dominated by a lover, she’d imagined resenting the passivity required of a sub. Oddly, she found it liberating. All she had to do was enjoy.

  Opening her legs wide before he hooked her ankles behind his neck, Rafe paused to explore her folds with his fingers. Jessie couldn’t really see what he was doing until she looked in the mirror. Faelon had positioned the bench to display her body for—

  “Is Antonelli behind the mirror?” She tried to sit up, but Faelon held her down. “How many people are enjoying this show?”

  “Whenever I’m with another lover, Antonelli either participates or watches. It’s an agreement we made long ago. Her participation would complicate the bonding and we thought you would be more comfortable without her in the room.”

  Rafe parted her folds and licked from her anus to her clit with one slow stroke. “Does it upset you that she’s watching?” he asked without raising his head from between her thighs.

  She pictured the petite blonde on the other side of the mirror, watching her mate pleasure another woman. Was she touching herself? Did she have a vibrator or dildo? “Is it only Antonelli?”

  “Yes.” Faelon rubbed his cock against her lips. “Would you rather she join us?”

  With a guilty shake of her head, she opened her mouth and closed her eyes. Faelon pushed all the way to the back of her throat before slowly drawing back. Rafe circled her clit, shooting sensations up her spine with each pass of his clever tongue. Jessie matched the movement of Rafe’s tongue, synchronizing the carnal dance. Faelon slid, Rafe licked, and Jessie sucked. Two warm hands cupped her breasts, but she couldn’t be sure whose. The hands shifted, surrounding her breasts, while fingers plucked her nipples. Four hands, two men, it was all so overwhelming.

  Faelon moved faster, his cock rubbing against her tongue, nudging the back of her throat at the apex of each thrust. Rafe caught her clit between his teeth, flicking his tongue over the sensitive nub, while Faelon pinched her nipples.

  She squirmed, restless and hot. Only a few minutes had passed since her first orgasm. She couldn’t be ready to come again. Faelon supported the back of her head as he thrust into her throat. His cum jetted out in hot, rhythmic spurts. She shuddered, swallowing again and again.

  Tingling heat sank to her stomach then fanned out across her abdomen. Rafe lifted her pussy to his mouth, swirling his tongue inside her core. Languid waves washed over her, sweeping her along on currents of pleasure. It could have been minutes or hours, she honestly couldn’t say.

  “This bench isn’t going to work for the rest,” Faelon said, easing his cock out of her mouth. He scooped her up in his arms as Rafe pushed to his feet.

  Rafe sat on the foot of the bed and watched as Faelon approached with Jessie cradled in his arms. “I don’t think she’s ever had anyone in her ass, so make sure you prepare her really well.”

  Faelon chuckled, his passion-bright gaze shifting to Jessie. “Is this true? Will I be the first?”

  “The first and most likely the last. I’ve never been interested in anal play.”

  His eyebrows arched and a smile curved his lips. “How can you dismiss what you’ve never tried?”

  “This isn’t about sexual liberation. I’m trying to save the life of my friend.”

  “Of course.”

  Jessie narrowed her eyes. She was only doing this because they needed the bond to save Dalton. She wasn’t enjoying… Her tingling body branded her a liar. Everything they’d done so far had been shockingly pleasurable.

  “Don’t encourage her to talk or she’ll analyze this to death.” Rafe lowered himself to his back, his feet dangling over the side of the bed. “I’m the only one who hasn’t come yet. I’m feeling a bit neglected.”

  Faelon chuckled and set Jessie down on top of Rafe, straddling his hips. “Would you like my assistance with this, or do you know what to do with that?” He nodded toward the world-class hard-on extending nearly to Rafe’s navel.

  Jessie took a moment to stroke Rafe’s cock before she shifted her weight to her knees and positioned him at her entrance. Supporting herself against Rafe’s shoulders and staring into his dark eyes, she lowered her body onto his throbbing cock. He didn’t move, didn’t try to help or hurry her. He simply poured desire across their mental link and let her take him.

  Her inner muscles opened for him, caressed him. He shuddered beneath her. “Fuck! That feels good.” She smiled and tightened her pussy, squeezing him as tight as she could. He groaned. “And that feels even better.”

  “Lie down across his chest and try to relax, or better yet, kiss him.” Faelon rested one hand on her hip, waiting for her to comply.

  She lowered her mouth to Rafe’s and pushed her fingers into his hair. The comforting familiarity of their kiss didn’t quite distract her from what Faelon was doing. He parted her ass cheeks and smeared something slippery around her anus then he eased into her opening. Cool and wet, his long fingers pushed lubricant into her back passag
e, preparing her for his cock, the same, long, thick cock she could barely fit in her mouth.

  We won’t let you feel anything but pleasure. Relax and kiss me.

  Faelon stroked her back with one hand while he worked her with the other. First one finger then two stretched her tight opening. He slid in and out, twisted, spread his fingers. “One more then we’ll try the real thing. Just keep kissing Rafe.”

  She felt more of the cool lubricant enter with his third finger. She felt pressure and movement but no stinging pain. Faelon withdrew his fingers with slow deliberation and pushed the head of his cock past her sphincter while it was still relaxed.

  Jessie gasped. His shaft was much bigger than his fingers. She felt stretched, stuffed, utterly filled. He grasped her ass cheeks with both hands and soothing heat swirled up through her anus and lodged in her clit.

  She shivered, pleasure echoing through her pussy. Now that’s a nice trick.

  Rafe chuckled, his cock bobbing inside her.

  “Liked that, did you?” Faelon did it again, increasing the intensity of the sensation.

  Her clit throbbed, her cunt pulsed and her anus tightened all at the same time. She pushed up against Rafe’s chest, dazed and breathless. “What now?”

  They gave her no warning, but some silent signal passed between them. They lunged at exactly the same time. Rafe reared up and sank his fangs into her throat while Faelon claimed her shoulder. Jessie screamed. Pleasure exploded in her body, zinging through her bloodstream like fiery darts. Part of her demanded she struggle, twist and writhe like a wild thing. Another part reveled in the ancient power surrounding her.

  Together they sucked, long, deep pulls that triggered spasms of pleasure all over her body. Faelon cupped her breasts, holding her motionless. Impaled on their hard cocks, trapped by their sharp fangs, Jessie could only surrender.

  Faelon brushed her nipples with his thumbs and she came, crying out with the pleasure. Rafe eased his fingers between their bodies and rubbed her clit. With a harsh gasp she came again. They released her at exactly the same time. Golden mist hovered around them.


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