Jack Addison vs. a Whole World of Hot Trouble - The Complete Series

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Jack Addison vs. a Whole World of Hot Trouble - The Complete Series Page 31

by K. A. Merikan

  Jack broke out of his stupor and grabbed the handle, tugging it up with all the strength he had. Something cracked, but the window finally opened, and just as they heard a loud thud in the corridor, Roux jumped onto the roof, leading the way toward someone’s empty balcony.

  Jack made the mistake of looking down. They were in the fourth floor, and seeing people pass in the street below had his head spinning. His legs went soft, and he ended up kneeling the moment the icy breeze pushed him toward the edge. He didn’t even see well in the dark, so how was he to follow Roux at such high speed?

  He’d fucking die here.

  “Jack? Come on, come! I’ve got you.” Roux extended his ginger paw, and while Jack hesitated to give up on stability, he grabbed his lover and let him lead the way.

  The air smelled of smoke and the nearby park, but he focused only on Roux’s silhouette in front him. As terrifying as it was to walk so high up with nothing to hold them in case of a slip, he trusted Roux. Roux would never knowingly endanger him.

  “The roof tiles are slippery, so be careful,” Roux said, never letting go of Jack’s hand. “I bet that weasel of a bartender tipped them off.”

  A loud bell resounded through the air, followed by a deafening police siren. Roux hissed, but headed to the tiny balcony at the end of the building.

  “This place used to be empty, so let’s hope for the best,” Roux said, fiddling with the lock on the window as soon as they stood on the tiled floor.

  Jack peeked inside, pressing his cheek to the dirty glass. He could discern boxes and furniture covered with fabric, but it was too dark to tell if there was anyone inside.

  The lock clicked though, and Roux carefully opened the window, letting out a dusty smell. If Jack’s sister were to enter this place, with her allergies, she’d be sneezing constantly.

  “We might be safer if we wait things out instead of running.” Roux jumped in and coughed when a cloud of dust rose from the floor. He then turned to Jack. “What do you think?”

  Jack nodded and slid inside. The floor under his feet felt so much better than the lead roof. “Let’s just keep the volume down, and we should be fine,” he said, and shut the window.

  Roux walked around with confidence, making Jack wish his sight was as good as a chat’s. “Can’t believe it,” he whispered. “It was supposed to be a nice night out.” He pulled on a sheet covering a large sofa and shook it to get some of the dust off. He then placed it over the piece of furniture again, clean side up, and sat down. The owner of the apartment wouldn’t have been happy about this kind of treatment, but Jack didn’t care. If they could afford to keep this place while living somewhere else, they could also afford a bit of clean-up.

  His eyes were adjusting to the darkness, and he realized that they were in a fully equipped apartment, complete with artwork hung on walls, and elegant chairs around a large oval dining table.

  He sat next to Roux, listening to the distant shouting in French.

  “Sorry,” he said, squeezing his hands on his knees. “Maybe you’d want me to keep the catnip. It’s not like anyone’s gonna search me for it.”

  Roux stilled. He didn’t think the catnip topic would just go away, did he?


  Jack snorted. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  Roux leaned back on the sofa with a groan. “Makes sense, I guess,” he mumbled and pulled out a small tin.

  Jack took it off him and put it into his jacket pocket. The silence was becoming eerie when Roux refused to say anything else, so Jack cleared his throat. “I thought you didn’t use it.”

  Roux threw his arms up. “So I do, okay? It’s harmless!”

  “Okay. I have no opinion,” Jack said, watching Roux twitch nervously next to him. “I’m just surprised you lied.”

  Roux pulled his feet up to the edge of the sofa. “Because it’s this big joke that all chats do this. I don’t want to be a stereotype, yet, yes, I like it too. You wouldn’t understand.”

  This again. Jack’s mouth dropped, and he rested his elbows on his thighs, leaning forward as his mood worsened by the moment. “Sure. What else are you keeping from me because you thought I wouldn’t understand? Isn’t that specist?”

  Roux groaned. “What is this about? I just didn’t want you to judge me.”

  “Because I’m so judgmental. Good to know. I bet Tom would have understood,” Jack said through clenched teeth.

  Roux pulled on Jack’s hand, watching him closely. “Not because you’re judgemental, but because I try… I try to keep a certain image. I guess I’m embarrassed I like catnip just like any other chat, but… are you jealous of Tom? What?”

  Jack scowled, rubbing his hands together under Roux’s intense scrutiny. He could feel the green gaze already peeling away all the protective layers Jack kept on, even around him. “Because he keeps flirting with you, and you don’t tell him off?”

  Roux snorted and pulled Jack to the sofa next to him. “He sells me catnip at a discount. He’s a dealer, Jack. And always horny for any chat, but that’s another matter. I would never go back to him.”

  There was that word. “Back”. The confirmation of Jack’s anxieties. Tom was an ex. He hadn’t made that up.

  Jack chewed on his lip. “That’s not what he thinks. And you just told me I won’t understand you because I’m not one of you. Which is it then?” he asked, failing to not let his insecurity spill into the question.

  He might be Jack Addison, but he was only human.

  Roux frowned and cuddled up closer to Jack, pushing his slender shoulders under his arm. “It’s Tom who will never understand me. I’m not like other chats. I know that sounds stupid, since I love naps, belly rubs, and catnip, but I’ve always been different, and never fit in. I went to the venator academy, I like reading, and most of all, I’m… you know, I like men, I’m an anomaly.

  “There was a time I was desperate to fit in. After that whole fiasco with my human boyfriend, I had to hide away during heat, it was so embarrassing. One night, Tom was passing in the street by my residence hall. It was a hot night, I had my window open, and he just climbed in. I thought it was romantic at the time. He pulled me into this whole world of wild parties, and catnip, and lots of sex. I thought that this was what I needed, not a human. But I didn’t fit in with him and his friends, either.

  “I was disillusioned when I found out Tom fucked around whenever he felt like it, and chats like me are rare, so he enjoyed having me by his side. I wasn’t happy doing nothing all day, or that I wasn’t exactly his boyfriend. Other chats didn’t understand it. They thought I was lucky to get a stud chat like Tom to fuck me. I didn’t fit in with humans, I didn’t fit in with chats, so when I finally dumped Tom, I didn’t go out with anyone, and focused on studying.

  “Jack, I didn’t think anyone would get me. That I would be stuck in permanent limbo between the two species. Until you,” Roux whispered, and nuzzled Jack’s cheek.

  Jack felt as if Roux had cradled his heart and pressed it to his own. “What a dick. He wouldn’t see a gem if someone stuck it in his eyeball.”

  “He still hits on me whenever we meet. His ego can’t take the fact that someone might not want to sleep with him.” Roux smirked and reached into Jack’s pocket for the catnip. “Won’t lie, gives me a bit of a thrill to see him pining for me like that. I’m a bad chat.”

  Jack’s lips twitched, and he rubbed Roux’s furry hand. He was glad to hear so much reassurance, but Roux still kept secrets from him, and Jack desperately needed to know the truth. “I just worry that being with me will isolate you. You won’t be able to go to chat bars without being offended by some dickheads. And you’ll miss out on those things you can only do with other chats.”

  Roux shrugged. “If you haven’t noticed, I’ve traveled on my own most of the time, and I fit in better with the weirdos in JUSTICE than with my fellow chats. It can be hard. I’m ‘too human’ for chats, but humans only see me as a chat. I’d never fit in at chat bars, and
I don’t even want to try.”

  Jack licked his lips, leaning closer, until his mouth touched Roux’s cool, tender ear. “But what about the sex things? Won’t you miss any of that?”

  The ear twitched against Jack’s mouth. “What sex things?”

  Jack’s cheeks were on fire, and he shifted, unable to cope with the discomfort of this conversation. What man enjoyed discussing his shortcomings in the sack? “Tom said there were some things only a chat could do when another one was in heat,” he mumbled, staring at the moon outside.

  Roux put his head on Jack’s shoulder and pushed his shoes off to hug Jack with his legs as well. “I recall your dick being more than up for the task last time. He was just being an asshole. Yeah, you’re different, but that’s exciting. I really like your hairless body, and the cockhead that’s wider at the top.”

  Jack would hardly have called himself hairless, but compared to a chat, he supposed he was.

  Jack hesitated, but in the end pulled Roux close and buried his face in the fluff on his neck. It felt fantastic, and even though some of his previous partners had been even more unusual, perhaps easier to deal with, he wouldn’t change Roux for the world. “I want you to be happy. There’s only so many people who I can be myself with. But then I’m still who I am, with the family I have,” he said, still too ashamed to tell Roux he’d spoken to Father.

  “You can’t help who your family is. Speaking of being yourself, though…” Roux shook the catnip tin. “I usually only do it by myself, with the door locked. Would you be my safety guard? We’ll be stuck here for a while.”

  Jack grinned, excited to see a chat use catnip. He’d only heard rumors of how the substance worked, but it couldn’t be as addictive as some of his professors claimed, because Roux was a very well-functioning chat, and certainly didn’t do catnip every single day.

  “Go on, we have plenty of time,” he said, and pressed a soft kiss to Roux’s cheek. His heart galloped with the excitement of seeing yet another barrier break between them, and he was ready for the ride that would follow.

  Roux smiled shyly, looking up at Jack with so much affection that even Tom’s comments couldn’t shake Jack now. “It could get… weird.”

  Jack snorted and slid his hand under Roux’s clothes. “Oh, I’m ready for it.”

  Roux laughed and took off his jacket, then popped open the small tin. Jack had to lean closer to see, but it had a layer of mesh separating the catnip from a chat’s nose, so it didn’t stick to Roux’s fur when he took a long sniff.

  He rubbed the back of Roux’s head with his fingertips and was surprised to see his shoulders relax after another hit of the herb. “So… how do you feel?” he asked, watching Roux put the tin back into his pocket.

  “It’s relaxing. Helped me get through school after that thing when Ivan told everyone about our sex life.” Roux leaned more weight on Jack and nudged his ear. “Also gets me horny. I used to lock myself in the room, and have these jerk-off sessions that could last for hours. I would just sit there and lick myself.”

  Jack’s mind stalled, and then lit up like a firework. “L-lick yourself?” he uttered, and his dick twitched, as if Roux’s words were a command to rise.

  Roux giggled. “Yes, Jack. I can do that. Wanna… see?”

  Jack felt like a kid waiting for the candy he’d been promised for good behavior. Jerk-off sessions? Self-fellatio? Jack’s mind was blown. “Yes, please,” he said, loosening his collar when the cool room suddenly felt warm.

  Roux gave him a kiss, but then opened the snaps on his pants with which Jack was very well accustomed by now. “Pull them off, I need a full range… of motion.” He burst out laughing, already softer in the way he moved, like a drunk person.

  Jack took a deep breath and gently pulled Roux’s pants off first, then his underwear. It was still dark, but when Roux shifted his hips, they moved through a ray of moonlight, and Jack spotted the tip of his cock already peeking out of the sheath.

  “I’m prepared to be amazed.”

  Roux’s tongue darted to his nose, and he smiled. Seeing him like this would never get old. It was a side of him only Jack knew.

  With one foot on the floor, and one on the sofa, Roux folded his body, extending his arms forward. Jack wished there were candles around, because he was dying to see it all in detail, but it wasn’t like Roux couldn’t repeat this performance in better light.

  “Do you want me to do anything, or…?” Breath trembled in Jack’s throat, and he slid off the sofa to open the shutters.

  When he turned around, his knees weakened at the sight of Roux’s slender body bent halfway, and his tongue teasing the tip of his own cock. All the blood from his head drizzled to his dick and balls, making them heavy with arousal.

  To make things even sexier, a deep purring filled the room, and with each lick, Roux’s cock grew, peeking out of the sheath in all its glory. Jack’s head throbbed when he approached just in time to see Roux bend farther and lick his soft, furry balls.

  Wow. Just wow.

  He didn’t even have time to think before his shirt was on the floor. Kneeling by the sofa, mesmerized by the naughty beauty of the act, Jack rubbed the skin behind Roux’s ear. Was this how Roux had dealt with his urges for such a long time?

  “You’re so sexy…”

  Roux’s tongue felt too sharp on Jack’s cock sometimes, but when he caressed himself, this issue didn’t exist. Roux was in control, so could easily add more saliva, or lap at his dick more gently.

  Roux winked at Jack, leaning into his touch When Jack’s gaze settled on his cock and the nubs that got more pronounced with arousal. “And you’re a pervert,” Roux said between one long lick and another. “Perving on a chat just going about his business.”

  Jack’s breath caught, and he leaned closer, pushing one hand along Roux’s chest to roll each of the eight nipples in his fingers. “I am a pervert only when it comes to a certain chat,” he whispered, before nipping on the place where Roux’s long whiskers grew.

  He was wild about all the chat bits of Roux’s body. The fur, the whiskers, the nipples, the pads on his hands. Not because he was a chat fetishist, but because they were all parts of Roux. He didn’t go around perving on random chats, because Roux was the only one he wanted.

  Roux let out a loud purr, nipping on the tip of his own cock with his lips, and Jack could hardly bear how erotic that looked. There was nothing more arousing than a man enjoying himself, and Jack wanted to kiss every bit of that slender, furry body. When Roux’s cock was almost entirely out of its sheath, Jack reached between Roux’s legs and gently squeezed his balls. His own dick was hard now, and while he wasn’t sure what to do about it yet, he was prepared to follow Roux’s lead.

  Roux giggled and pulled his tongue away from his cock to lap at Jack’s cheek. “I love seeing you so horny. I… I’ve never done this with someone watching. But I fantasized what it would be like to be fucked while I did it.”

  “Hell yes,” Jack said, opening his pants. His dick was practically talking to him at this point, its throbbing like heated whispers of desire.

  But… was that an actual request? Because Roux was high.

  On the other hand, he didn’t seem that high. Just relaxed and smiley. He’d only taken one sniff.

  Thinking became obsolete when Roux rolled around and raised his tail with a low meow. He kneeled on the sofa, and once more folded his body to reach his cock with his little pink tongue. The lusty expression on his face was the last straw for Jack. All his focus was on the white fur at the back of Roux’s thighs and the puckered hole between the firm buttocks.

  Each time Roux licked along his shaft, the pucker seemed to tighten, the hips stirred, and he let out the sexiest little sounds. Jack frantically searched his jacket and produced his trusty tin of petroleum jelly. As soon as he got some on his fingers, he teased them against Roux’s hole, prodding his lover to moan louder.

  It was a definite yes, then.

  “That’s so
dirty. Who would have thought? Roux, an upstanding citizen by day, a chat slut by night,” he whispered, gently slapping Roux’s buttock.

  Roux mewled in protest but still choked out a laugh. “It’s not my fault I need cock, Jack. It’s just nature.” He squeezed his hole on Jack’s fingers, sucking them into his body in a promise of ecstasy.

  He was so relaxed his sphincter yielded to stretching with ease, and Jack let out a raspy laugh before tugging on his own dick. “Whatever you need. I’m at your service.”

  Roux’s eyes glinted, and he slowed down, gliding his tongue up his cock at an agonizing pace. Jack couldn’t wait anymore.

  He removed his fingers and pushed his prick at the vacant opening, eyes wide so he wouldn’t miss a second of this wonderful spectacle. Roux’s tail trailed under Jack’s jaw, and he moaned at the touch of soft fur, but was already grabbing Roux’s hips and pressing his cock in. He imagined Roux licking his own dick, teasing it with that agile tongue. He couldn't see it happen in this position, but his mind played images of that nubby tongue against the red tip on repeat. He wouldn’t last long, but hopefully Roux was ready as well.

  The shaft pushed inside, disappearing into Roux, and Jack took his time caressing the relaxed back and thighs of his lover. Roux’s fur was like silk to the touch, soft and warm, and inviting. The tail kept moving, caressing his neck and tickling his ears as they both voiced their pleasure, already rocking their bodies.

  Jack hunched over, reaching into the middle of the ball that was Roux’s folded body. The sleek pelt that covered all of him felt soft and was such a contrast with the naked flesh of Roux’s cock. He didn’t try to squeeze it and just kept his hand still until Roux’s damp tongue slid across his fingers.

  Roux groaned in pleasure, so inviting, so open to Jack. The air smelled of dust and Roux’s fur, and by now, the scent had become an aphrodisiac. In the pale light coming from the streets, blinds created stripes over Roux’s body, and despite Jack knowing every inch of his lover by now, there was always something new to marvel at.

  He grabbed the fur on Roux’s hips and quickened his thrusts to the sound of Roux’s moans. His dick delved into the pliant body like it was soft butter, and with his brain unable to take the tension, the fast thrusts built up. He grabbed the base of the tail and let his other hand roam all over the muscular sides of his lover.


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