Cry For Me: (A Dark College/Enemies to Lovers) (Alder Academy Book 3)

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Cry For Me: (A Dark College/Enemies to Lovers) (Alder Academy Book 3) Page 12

by Erin Trejo

  “You are perfect, Knox. Even when you’re an asshole. You always seem to know what I need and when I need it,” I admit to him. That’s not something that I wanted to tell him or like to admit but it’s true.

  “I don’t plan on stopping that anytime soon.”

  “I don’t know that I’d like you if you did.” He opens the door and ushers me into the truck, slapping my ass on the way in. I laugh and get settled into my seat as I watch him walk around the front. When he gets in, his scent wraps around me.

  “Ready to go get a puppy?”

  “Cal is going to kill you; you know that right?” Knox starts the truck and pulls out of the parking lot. He texted his friend earlier and told him what he needed and he agreed to meet him. A chill runs slowly down my spine as I gaze out the window. I don’t know what it is but I can feel it. I rub my arms trying to warm the cold that now seeps into my bones.

  “You okay?”

  “I don’t know. I just feel a little weird,” I tell him. Knox reaches over and places his hand on my leg, giving it a squeeze of reassurance. The drive doesn’t take long and when he pulls off at a small park, I glance around once more. It’s empty. It is Christmas Eve after all, but that does little to ease the feeling that slowly sinks in deeper.

  “Let’s get out. He’ll be here soon,” Knox says. I watch him climb out and come around the truck. He opens my door and I hop out as he grabs my hand.

  “It’s dark.”

  “You scared of the dark now?” he teases. This playful side of Knox is sweet but I don’t know how to take him. He’s always bossy and demanding but this? It’s… nice.

  “No. It just feels odd.”

  “It should.” And there it is. The voice that could cause my blood to run cold. Knox drops my hand and spins around to come face-to-face with Jeremy and Tommy. There’s a sick smile on Jeremy’s face that causes vomit to burn the back of my throat.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Knox asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “I told you I changed my mind,” Jeremy says casually with the shrug of his shoulders.

  “And I told you to stay out of my way,” Knox hisses. Jeremy chuckles before snapping his fingers. Two more men move out of the shadows as I gasp. Knox moves to step in front of me when all hell breaks loose. Jeremy lunges, Tommy moves in, and the other guys rush toward us. In a whirlwind of punches, screams, growls and roars, I’m knocked to the ground. My head spins when it collides with the concrete. A dog growling can be heard but as I blink my eyes, it’s hard to see.

  “You son of a bitch!” I hear Knox roar as I shove myself up. Someone kneels next to me, grabbing my arm and ripping me from the ground. Gun shots ring through the night sky causing me to scream. Flashbacks of that night flash behind my eyes.

  He’s standing there, the gun raised and aimed at her. I’m shaking, slowly falling down the dark hole that my own brother created.

  “Liz!” I hear Knox before I hear a huff. Shaking my head, I try to get my bearings when some pulls me again.

  “Get off me,” I scream, wiggling and trying to fight.

  “Calm down, I’m Knox’s friend.” I slowly calm as I blink my eyes and focus. There’s a dog hanging off Jeremy’s arm, a man standing over Tommy and the other two guys that were with them on the ground unmoving. I gasp when I take it all in, tears spilling down my cheeks. Knox stumbles and moves toward me, pulling me into his arms. I wrap my arms around him only to feel the warmth under my fingertips.

  “Oh my God,” I whisper.

  “It’s okay, Liz. I’m okay.”

  “What do you want to do with that one?” the man that was holding me asks. Knox keeps me tucked against him as he turns us slightly.

  “Get rid of him,” he growls. I see the man nod as he walks away from us and calls off his dog. The dog instantly moves away from Jeremy and stands by his owner’s side. My heart is beating rapidly in my chest as I take in the gruesome scene.

  “Liz? Are you okay?” Knox’s voice is soft, too soft. I nod my head and bury my face back in the front of his chest. I hear Jeremy yelling something before the silence takes over. My body trembles as I’m lifted and carried back to the truck. Knox puts me in and closes the door. When I lift my head, I see him talking to the guy with the dog. I jump when someone knocks on the window on the driver’s side. When I glance over, a woman pulls the door open and shoves a big black puppy inside.

  “This is what Knox paid for. I’m not sure what happened out there,” she says happily as if there aren’t dead bodies laying a few feet away. Siren’s sound in the distance but no one seems concerned about it. This is it. Jeremy is dead. It doesn’t seem real but when I glance past the woman, I can see him unmoving on the ground. Then I look to the puppy as it stares at me. That dog, the big one attacked him.

  “Boulder is a protection dog. He’s been trained for it. Top of his class. This little guy can be trained too,” the lady adds. Is this normal? Is she used to seeing dead bodies? Is that why she doesn’t seem concerned. When I don’t answer her, she closes the door and walks away. I don’t know what to feel, what to think. This is insane.

  A few minutes later, Knox climbs in the truck and drives off without saying a word.



  I roll over and grab her face in my hands, kissing her until she melts beneath me. She tastes like tears. My tears. She’s giving them to me and I can’t think of a better Christmas present than this. My cock is hard and pressing against her. She arches her back, pressing herself into me. I groan into her mouth before she slides her hand down my side. Reaching between us, she puts me where she wants me. I thrust into her, listening as she moans into my mouth. Last night was hell. She cried, she shook. She was so afraid, but the more we talked, the more she calmed. I told her that everything was taken care of and that no one would ever bother her again. She slowly came to understand and then cried herself to sleep in my arms. All I’ve wanted was for her to cry for me and she did just that. Except this time was different. This time she gave me all of her.

  “Knox?” She says my name breathlessly.


  “If I tell you something, will you promise not to freak out?” I thrust one long thrust inside of her, making her groan before I sit up and look down at her.

  “Tell me what?”

  “Promise you won’t freak out?”

  “I don’t promise shit, Liz. What the hell is it?” I demand as my cock throbs inside of her. What is it with women and wanting to wait until a man is balls deep inside of her to talk? Fuck!

  “I love you.” My heart stops in my chest as I lower my gaze to her. Her hair is splayed out on the pillow, her bright puffy eyes staring up at me. I lean down, brushing my lips over hers. I listen to her groan as I move my hips.

  “I know,” I say softly. She sighs and raises her hips to meet mine. Each thrust is better than the last. Each touch of our bodies together just cements how much I needed this girl in my life. Rotating my hips, she moans louder and digs her nails into my back.

  “Fuck, Liz!” Harder and faster, I take her. She’s so fucking tight and made just for me. As my balls tighten and my cock jerks, I say, “I love you, Liz.” Her nails dig deeper, pulling my body into hers. Her head comes up, her lips devouring mine like a crazed woman and I want it. I want it all.

  We’re both panting and out of breath when the dog starts whimpering.

  “Are you sure that was the best kind of dog to get Bella?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Well, that one last night… What it did.”

  “He’s trained for that. This thing isn’t. They are good family dogs regardless of what people think. You can train any dog to be a protection dog. Look at him. He’s harmless.” I smile as I peer over the side of the bed. When I pull out of her, she crawls over and peeks over the edge at the giant black puppy.

  “He is pretty cute,” she says. He jumps up, putting his front feet on the side of the bed and I reach down
and scratch his head.

  “He is. You think she will like him?”

  “Are you okay, Knox?”

  “Don’t change the subject, Liz. I’m fine. It was a flesh wound. Now, do you think she will like him?” I know she was worried all night about me, but I’m fine. A flesh wound is nothing I haven’t dealt with before. She shifts and sits up on the bed as I do the same.

  “She will love him, but I think Callan might kill you,” she says with a smile. Her eyes roam over the bandage on my shoulder when I grab her chin in between my fingers.

  “I’m fine. Look at me,” I order her. She moves her gaze to mine and damn, I love looking at her. “I’m fine and it’s all over, Liz. This is it. This is us.”

  “Us,” she says softly.

  “Yes, us. There’s no more you or me. It’s us.” She nods her head and as I lean in about to press my lips to hers, there’s a banging on the door.

  “Uncle Knox! Santa was here!” The dog doesn’t even bark.

  “We’re coming!” I call back. I peek over the side of the bed and roll my eyes. “So much for a watch dog.”

  “He didn’t even bark,” Liz giggles. I climb off the bed and grab my sweatpants, pulling them on. Tossing Liz her clothes, she stands and dresses too.

  “You ready for this?” I ask.

  “I can’t wait to see her face,” she says, reaching down to pick the dog up. With him in her arms, he licks her face causing her to laugh. I slip my hand into the drawer and grab the small box out and slide it into my pocket before she sees me.

  “Let’s get down there,” I say, heading for the door. Liz follows behind me as we make our way down the steps. Bella is tearing through the presents we put out last night. Her smile is the brightest thing that I’ve ever seen. It does my heart good to see my family happy for a change. I don’t think there is anything better than this.

  “What the fuck is that?” Callan’s voice thunders through the room.

  “That is a Cane Corso,” I inform him. He shakes his head, anger in his eyes.

  “A puppy!” Bella rushes toward Liz as she leans down and hands off the puppy.

  “You didn’t,” Callan hisses.

  “Oh, I did. Told you I was the best uncle,” I remind him.

  “For fuck’s sake. I’m not cleaning up the shit!” Steele grumbles. I grab Liz as Bella shows off her new dog to her parents. I’m not good at this stuff. Slipping my hand in my pocket, I pull the box out and hold it out to Liz. My stomach is in knots. I don’t know if I’m making the right choice. I don’t know if this is what I’m supposed to do with my life, but what I do know is that I’m never letting Liz out of my sight again.

  “What’s this?” she asks, peering up at me. I reach over with my free hand and pop the lid open. Her eyes follow before widening. The diamond sparkles in the early morning sunlight.


  “This is us, Liz. This is me and you,” I tell her. She looks up at me and then back at the ring.

  “Are you sure? You barely know me. I’ve been nothing but trouble,” she rambles. I pull the ring from the box and grab her hand in mine. Sliding the ring on her finger feels like the right thing to do. My heart races just like every other time I’m near her.

  “I know that I can’t breathe when you’re not near me. I know that you mean more to me than any other person ever has. I love you, Liz. I won’t lose you again. Say you’ll stay with me forever.” She looks up with tears in her eyes before leaping into my arms. She presses her lips to mine and that’s all the yes I need.

  “Uncle Knox!” Bella yells. I reluctantly pull my lips from Liz to gaze at my niece.

  “Do you like your puppy?” She nods excitedly.

  “I love him! Did you get what you wanted from Santa?” Her bright eyes are so much like her mom’s. She’s perfect.

  Turning my head to gaze down at Liz, I nod.

  “I got more than I wanted.”

  The end.


  That was it! I hope you enjoyed the Alder Academy Trilogy! Watch out for more bully romance in the future!

  Connect with Erin and find more of her hot romance books!

  Connect with Erin! She loves her stalkers.




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