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Strip Search (Too Hot Too Handle, #3)

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by Valentine, Aubree

  Pulling the door open, he greets me with far too much enthusiasm for this early in the morning.

  “Morning, Gorgeous. Planning on coming inside today?”

  He’s always been a charmer and a flirt, today is nothing different. Aside from the fact that it’s become torture on my soul.

  “Cole. What’s the rule?”

  “If I want you to be nice, I have to serve you coffee first.” His throaty chuckle sends a chill down my spine.

  It should probably be the other way around, but we have a long-running joke that it’s best if I’ve had coffee before anyone speaks to me. Some mornings, I caffeinate at home. Others, like today, I don’t have time, so it has to wait until we get here. Thankfully for all the other employees, they don’t come rolling in until an hour after Cole and me.

  “Cody stopped for coffee this morning. He’ll be here soon.”

  “You boys are too good to me.” I sigh as we walk inside the building together.

  “Yeah yeah, don’t call any customers until you finish that first cup though.” He nudges me with his elbow before heading into his office.

  “I don’t call anyone until after nine! Not everyone is up at the crack of dawn like you!” I call behind him as I settle in at my desk.

  You would think that Cole might keep tucked away on the top floor in some cushy office, but he doesn’t. Instead, he and Cody are right here on the first floor along with the guys who install the security systems and troubleshoot, the IT guys and such. The second floor houses the grunts, the guys who work in the field and do the private sector stuff. The third floor is the small-scale lab that comes in handy for some of the jobs that we’re not allowed to talk about and that top floor is where the monitoring center is.

  Now if only I could convince him that we need an in-house coffee shop. Then I would be living the dream. Sort of.



  “Could you...maybe, stop staring at her? It’s starting to get awkward.” Cody coughs out a laugh.

  I’ve been standing against the doorway in my office, watching Molly work for God knows how long now. I can’t help it. She’s currently dealing with a high-profile client that has his panties in a twist because he wanted someone out to his house to install a security system the minute he called us. That was twenty minutes ago.

  Sure, it would be a great contract to have, but the fact that I can hear him screaming at one of my employees, through the phone, makes me want to take over the call myself and tell him to fuck off. Except for the fact that I am extremely entertained and turned on by the no bullshit attitude Molly is giving him right back.

  “Jesus Christ, Cole. Ask her on a fucking date already and bang her so you can stop with all this sexual tension you’ve got floating around this office.”

  “Cody. Shut up,” I grumble. “I’m trying to listen to this call and figure out what we’re going to have to do to please this fucker.”

  “You do realize, there is an easier way to do that? It’s called, pick up the call monitoring line and pull up that call. It’s amazing, you can even listen to it in real time! Who knew?”

  “You’re a sarcastic little shit. Don’t you have work to do?” I tear my eyes away from Molly and shoot daggers at my little brother instead.

  “Eh. This is more fun.”

  Our attention diverts back to Molly as she slams the phone on her desk and lets out a dramatic shy. “Thank fuck that’s over.”

  “Problems?” I poke.

  “Fuck you. I should have let you handle that from the beginning. Mr. Johnny Bluejeans seems to think that we’re at his beck and call. I told you he was going to be a diva from the moment his team called about extra security for that concert down at Blue Haven.”

  Ah, the cake jobs. The ones we take for a little extra cash, that usually require minimal effort on our part. Like, providing event security for random things. Hell, that’s how both Rhys and Smitty met their wives – at a book signing that we ran security for.

  “Well, you didn’t tell him to go to hell, so I’m guessing we still go the job?”

  “Oh, we got the job. You’re welcome. I think you should send Taylor and Robert out on this one. They’ll probably be the best bet for handling his temper tantrum,” Molly confirms what I already know.

  “Great. Robert can hang back. Cody, time to take a little walk down memory lane.” I slap my brother on the back. “Gear up, you can go play geek squad today.” That ought to be payback enough for giving me shit today.

  Cody lets out a huff. “You’re fucking kidding.”

  “Not kidding little bro, go tell Taylor to roll out. Don’t fuck this up.” I add at the last minute.

  Molly laughs, and Cody sulks on his way back to the technician’s work area.

  “That was pretty mean. But, come to think of it, it was a good call. Cody will handle Johnny much better than Robert, and he’ll keep Taylor from telling the guy off too.” She walks over and taps my forehead. “Smart man you are.”

  I grab her hand quickly before she has a chance to pull away. “What’s the rule about touching?”

  “Fuck off,” she giggles as I pull her closer and tickle her sides. “I hate you.”

  “You do not.” If anything, she thinks she’s in love with me. I’ve tried like hell to convince her otherwise.

  “I’m taking my lunch break. I switched the calls over to the monitoring center welcome desk.”

  “I’ll come with you,” I offer before my brain has a chance to filter the words coming out of my mouth.

  “Uhm, no thanks. It’s a lunch date. Pretty sure that it would be awkward to show up with you.”

  I shouldn’t care that she’s got a date. Nope. Not one bit. Except I do. And part of me wishes I was the lucky bastard. “Well shit, way to break my heart, Mol.”

  “Ha! Yeah okay. I’m sure Jade’s free.” She winks over her shoulder as she heads out.

  Chapter Three


  “No. The answer is still no. Don’t ask again,” I bark across the conference room table during our team huddle.

  My guys have been working on this case for a long time. Too long, in fact. But it was something that couldn’t be fully delved into until I officially retired from the Marine Corps. Since then, we’ve been balls to the wall trying to take down a drug smuggling ring that was left behind when Russel Ives was killed two years ago by Rhys in a SWAT takedown.

  The bastard was responsible for the murder of Smitty’s late fiancé and partner on the police force at the time. He came back with a vengeance when Zoey came into the picture and was brazen enough to put his hands on her. And to top it all off, he almost cost us Rhys. Less than 24 hours after Ives’ death a new kingpin stepped in to take his place. We knew back then he wasn’t working alone, but trouble has nearly doubled since then. It’s become personal now, especially since the local PD as a whole has decided to turn a blind eye to it all. Fearful that they lack the manpower to keep everyone safe.

  It doesn’t matter how many times this new asshole, Dallas, eludes us, there is no way in hell I’m going to approve the plan that my dearest brother and Molly have just pitched me.

  “It’s not a bad idea,” Nick, one of the other guys who have been working this case the whole time, chimes in.

  “It’s a terrible fucking idea. Send the female in as bait? No. Not going to happen.” I shake my head again. “Come up with another way. We’re done talking about this one.”

  “Cole,” Molly speaks up. “If I can get on the inside...”

  Holding up a hand, I stop her. “Don’t even finish that sentence. I’ve made myself very clear, have I not? Final decision. You’re not going undercover at this strip club that Dallas Turner runs. Next person who brings it up, is fired.”

  “Fine. Then I’m done here. I’ll let you finish up without me.” She stands and takes her proposal with her as she vacates the conference room.

  “That went well,” Cody quips.

  “Enough.” I p
oint at him. “What else do we have?”

  For the next thirty minutes, I listen as the team goes over everything we already know and any new intel we’ve acquired this week. Dallas himself always comes up clean. No matter how hard we try, we cannot find anything that points back to him, aside from his name as the owner of one of the shadiest strip clubs in town – The Landing Strip. The same place that Molly suggested she apply at and try to infiltrate as an employee.

  Christ, her brother would have my ass. Not to mention the fact that she has no business in a place like that with someone like Dallas at the helm.

  “Nick, you’ve been inside there. What’s the deal?” I ask.

  He shrugs. “It’s well run. Pretty clean, considering. Certainly, one of the classier establishments. But, Boss, I can’t keep visiting. The missus doesn’t approve.”

  “Told you not to marry her.” Cody snickers.

  “Fuck you. You’re just salty because you can’t even get laid.” Nick rallies back.

  “Focus. I swear you two are like children.” Rubbing my temples, I try to come up with something, but I’ve got nothing. “Nick, hang back. Work a different angle. Cody, if you think you can keep your dick in your pants, why don’t you check out this mixer event their hosting and see if you can find out anything.”

  Cody instantly perks up. “Are all the ladies attending?”

  “For fuck sake, don’t make me regret this.” Closing my laptop, I blow out a frustrated breath. “I’m calling it a night. Zoey’s in labor, Smitty wants me to come by the hospital and meet the baby. Try not to call me for stupid shit,” I tell them both.


  I should be happy right now.

  Over the moon.


  For Smitty at least.

  My best friend, the man who’s been like a brother to me since we were born – has just welcomed the most adorable little boy into the world. I’m standing in Zoey’s hospital room surrounded by some of the most important people in my life as we greet the dude – Jackson Rhys Smith – for the first time and yet I can’t keep my mind off her. The woman who has driven my fantasies over the last two years.

  The text message Cody sent me while we were in the waiting room, waiting for Zoey to deliver, has me seeing red right now. I know my emotions are written all over my face too because Smitty keeps sending me questioning glances. I need to get my shit together. He doesn’t need to be worried about me right now.

  “I think I’m going to head out for a little bit. Let you both get some rest and some time with the new baby. I’ll check in with you later?” I nudge Smitty who is busy watching his wife with stars in his eyes.

  I’m happy for him. It was a long road, but he finally found his happy ending. I knew the first time he introduced me to Zoey that they would end up here. She would be the one to knock him flat on his ass, and sure enough, she did. I envied my buddy – not because he got Zoey, but because of what he has with her.

  Granted my introduction to Zoey started out very unconventional, I’ll be the first to admit that.

  It’s no secret that Smitty and I both have some kinkier tastes, often indulging in threesomes with a woman that one of us had chosen to be the focus of our attention, among other things. At least that was the case, until Zoey. She was his game changer. Smitty finally realized that he was ready to settle down and that he wasn’t about to share what was his anymore. I moved on with someone of my own who happens to enjoy things a little rougher than most and doesn’t expect me to call the next day. Jade prefers sex with one man at a time. And I learned that it’s not the same when you don’t trust the other person involved, explicitly.

  In the end, everything worked out like it should. The day Zoey married my best friend, we all became a family. They know they can call on me no matter what, and I got two of the most adorable nieces and nephews to spoil in return. Placing Zoey firmly in the friend zone was the best choice I ever made, too. Smitty hates it that I take her side more often than not, but it’s pretty entertaining when he gets flustered by the whole thing.

  “Babe, I’m going to walk Cole out. You good for a few?” Smitty kisses Zoey’s forehead.

  “Hey, you don’t have to.” I attempt to stop him from going with me, knowing he’s only going to push for answers. “Stay here with your wife and baby Jax.”

  “I’m fine. Rhys and Kelsey are going to stay for a little bit longer. Lay Gabby on the sofa and go,” she smiles brightly at him. Twelve hours of labor and the woman looks like nothing happened.

  Smitty gives her one more kiss then whispers, “I love you,” before he follows me out into the hall.

  As we make our way to the elevators, I check out everyone around us. I can easily spot the guys I put here to watch over my friends. I’m surprised Smitty hasn’t picked up on it – yet. But as far as Russel Ives is concerned, and the goons he left behind, I’m not taking any chances. I won’t stop until I know we’re all truly safe.

  I’ll give Smitty credit, he waits until we get on the elevator before he starts interrogating me about what he thinks he knows. “You want to tell me what’s going on now?”

  “Christ, Smitty. When did we start doing this shit? You’re getting soft at your old age.”

  Smitty lets out a snort and flips me off. “Nothing soft here man. What the hell has been bothering you? When I walked into the waiting room, you looked like you were ready to rip someone’s head off.”

  “That’s because I was. I’m so close to nabbing this fucker, and then Molly goes and steps right into the lion’s den. After I told her absolutely not!” I can’t help the anger in my voice as I confide in Smitty.

  “Fuck,” he snaps back. He knows all too well that Molly getting involved won’t end well. “I knew she was stubborn, but hell, what makes her think that she’s qualified to get involved?” Smitty asks.

  I pinch the bridge of my nose as the elevator dings and the doors open on the lobby floor. “I don’t know man. I have no fucking clue. I know I’ve trained her well, but she’s in way over her head on this. There’s no way she’s ready to be in the field like this.”

  “Not to mention you’d never let her run with the big boys.”

  It’s my turn to flip Smitty the finger. Didn’t take him long to figure out how I felt about Molly, nor did it take him long to figure out that I’d put her on this pedestal and marked her off limits.

  “These assholes are deadly. She knows it. Man, when she walked in earlier today with this hairbrained idea, I told her flat out that it wasn’t going to happen!”

  We continue walking through the lobby and out into the parking lot, now more aware of our surroundings and what we say out loud.

  For the first time in my life, I’m fucking terrified of what may happen next. Nothing, not even six tours overseas and twenty years in the Marines made me feel like this.

  “She’s there right now. Filling out paperwork for this fucking job that she thinks she’s working. That’s what Cody text me to tell me. They hired her on the spot. He liked her innocent look and thinks she’ll be a huge hit. He’s going to make her a star. On a motherfucking stripper pole.”

  Smitty laughs, and I want to punch him in his face. “Guess we know where you’ll be spending all of your free time now.”

  “This shit isn’t funny.”

  My friend’s face falls. “You’re right. It’s not. We all know it. There’s no going back now though. I don’t know what to tell you, except keep a close watch on her.”

  I glare at the man standing next to me. “Like I need you to tell me that.”

  “You don’t. But if you had taken my advice a while back and told her the truth...” Smitty’s voice trails off.

  “Yeah, that’s not happening. I’m not about to blur the line with an employee.”

  “She’s more than that, and you know it. Maybe it’s time you admitted it.”

  “What I know, is that I’m driving my ass right over to her condo and waiting for her and Cody to get back.
That cocksucker is going to get an ass-whoopin' for going along with her.”

  “Oh shit.” Smitty chuckles at the mention of my kid brother. “He was dumb enough to go with her?”

  “Or smart enough, depending on how you look at it. At least with Cody’s eyes on Molly, she had some sort of protection. They’re both idiots though,” I answer. “Listen, I appreciate the pep talk or whatever you want to call this. I do. Do me a favor though and take your ass back in there and be with your wife and the baby. Focus on them. I’ll deal with this bullshit.”

  “You know, you don’t have to take this douche bag down by yourself.” God. This man is as stubborn as they come and loyal to a fault. I get it though; this whole situation is personal to him.

  “Actually, I do. The department backed off, remember? Your badge says you’ll stay out of it. Don’t make me kick your ass.”

  “I’d like to see you try.” Smitty shakes his head. “Thanks for being here, man.”

  “Nowhere I’d rather be.”

  Chapter Four


  Two hard knocks on my door at three a.m. wake me from sleep.

  I check the security feed, but I already know who is waiting on the other side. I knew Cody would rat me out. The little shit has always been terrified of his big brother.

  “You can lose the attitude. I’m not a piece of property and you sure as hell are not going to dictate what I can and can’t do.” I let him know as he brushes past me into my apartment.

  Ah, good ol’ Cole Davenport, the brooding hard-ass who thinks he’s my keeper.

  Cole leans on the back of my sofa, his arms across his chest, and he lets out a huff. If I weren’t so annoyed by his bossy attitude right now, it would be sexy as hell. Not that it even matters since he doesn’t see me that way, at all. I’m nothing more than Paddy’s little sister. Off limits, because of the stupid code of honor he has in his head.


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