The Prisoners of Time

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The Prisoners of Time Page 4

by Joe Dever


  Desperately he tries to avoid your Arrow but it penetrates his armour and lodges in the side of his neck. He screams at the sudden pain and tears the offending shaft from his flesh, hurling it back at you contemptuously. Such fortitude is impressive but you can tell that he has suffered a serious wound. Feverishly he scoops the Lorestones into a small velvet sack which hangs from his sword belt, and you shoulder your Bow in favour of a hand weapon as you run forward to prevent his escape.

  Turn to 206.


  Sagely the old Ookor nods her head and retrieves her cards from the table. She bows, and as she turns she mumbles something in her native tongue, before shuffling away to help her daughters gather the empty food bowls.

  ‘She say it sometimes better for warrior not to know his future,’ says T'uk T'ron, and rounds off his meal with a hearty belch. ‘We go now, yes?’ You nod and the little Ookor captain orders his company back to the chariots.

  As you prepare to leave you notice the old fortune teller waiting near the door of the hut. She has something in her hand and, as you approach, she offers it to you. It is a large, wooden charm shaped like the wing of a bird. If you wish to keep this Ookor Charm, mark it on your Action Chart as a Special Item which you keep strapped to your Backpack.

  With a wave, you bid farewell to the cheerful villagers and hurry back to your chariot.

  Turn to 117.


  Your Arrow grazes the creature's eye then ricochets off its horny lid. The sudden unexpected pain sends the creature into the sky, screeching an agonized cry across the empty plain. Then it turns and flies away to seek the shelter of its lair and nurse its weeping wound.

  Turn to 265.


  With dread anticipation you stagger to your feet to survey your new surroundings. A bleak and desolate plateau, seemingly devoid of life, stretches into the distance on all sides. Jagged boulders litter a desert of crimson sand, which is stirred to restless motion by fierce and scorching winds. Neither sun nor moon hang in the amber skies above, yet their absence does not leave this world in darkness, for all along the horizon blazes a fire which glows brighter than a thousand sunsets. You stare across this alien landscape and a feeling of helplessness grips your senses as you realize where you have emerged. This is the twilight world of the Daziarn Plane.

  A knot of fear tightens in your stomach as you recall what little you have heard about this world. The magicians of Sommerlund believe it to be an astral corridor that connects Magnamund with other planes of existence. So, by passing through a Shadow Gate, one of which is situated below the Guildhall in Toran, a person can gain entry to the Daziarn. However, those who have passed through the Shadow Gate in Toran have never been seen again and the magicians believe that the journey can be made in only one direction. They say there is no escape from the Daziarn.

  Your vow to restore the Kai and your stubborn will to survive against all odds refuse to let you believe that there is no way back to your home world. You cast aside your fear and steel yourself for the task of finding a means of escaping from this desolate place. But firstly you must recover the two Lorestones that fell into the Shadow Gate shortly before you.

  If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Divination and have reached the Kai rank of Tutelary or higher, turn to 145.

  If you do not possess this skill or have yet to reach this level of Magnakai training, turn to 297.


  Your Arrow is well aimed and deadly effective. It enters the creature's mouth, skewers its heart, and sends it spinning wildly into the trees amid a spray of foul green blood. Without waiting to discover if it was the only one of its kind, you shoulder your Bow and hurry away from the clearing.

  Turn to 138.


  For his size the warrior is as quick as a cat. At your approach he draws a curvy-bladed sword and prepares to greet you with its razor-sharp edge. You strike first, aiming a blow at his head, but he dodges it and moves continually, presenting you with a hard target to hit. You strike again and this time he parries your blow and turns it back with such strength that you are sent reeling to the edge of the roof.

  Scarlet Warrior: COMBAT SKILL 29 ENDURANCE 38

  If you reduce his ENDURANCE to 20 points or less, do not continue the combat but turn instead to 306.

  If you kill him before his ENDURANCE falls to 20 points (that is, if you score an ‘automatically killed’ result on the Combat Results Table), turn to 123.


  ‘I perceive much in your character that pleases me, human. You possess inner strength, honour, and a fiery courage uncommon among the mortals of Aon. Were it not for these traits I would have no hesitation in ridding myself of you, for I will not tolerate the weak and untrustworthy in my realm.’

  He pauses for a moment and gazes fixedly at the shapes swirling near the centre of the room. ‘I have looked into your mind and the reasons why you are here in the Daziarn are now known to me. The quests and struggles of Magnamund are of no significance to the Shining City, but there are those of this world who would rejoice to learn that the last of the Kai is here, if only to seek you out and destroy you. For this reason you must leave Yanis. But I shall not send you away without guidance, for you have my respect and I shall help you all I can.’

  Turn to 122.


  A wide grin cracks the old Ookor's face. Awkwardly she picks up the cards and shuffles them in her rheumatic hands before asking you to choose three of them at random.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 0–3, turn to 172.

  If it is 4–6, turn to 307.

  If it is 7–9, turn to 224.


  Below are shown four groups of symbols, only one of which is correct. One group, when inscribed on the blank square, will open the lock that secures the great door.

  Study the symbols carefully and compare them with the other three groups in the illustration accompanying entry 131. When you think you have found the group of symbols that completes the sequence of four, turn to the entry given below it:

  If you believe A completes the sequence, turn to 216.

  If you believe B completes the sequence, turn to 344.

  If you believe C completes the sequence, turn to 42.

  If you believe D completes the sequence, turn to 169.


  With deceptive ease the leader and two of his followers dismount from their massive, winged steeds. They each dwarf you by an arm's length and, although their heavy, muscular bodies seem incapable of stealth, they approach the cairn with animal grace.

  ‘Zeeu klo-ka kilkora dau Ztuul n'ra?’ speaks the leader, his voice deep and resonant. ‘Ryl'aan noorna?’ says the being by his side, his eyes blazing like twin discs of amber flame.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship and have reached the rank of Scion-kai, turn to 252.

  If you do not possess this Magnakai Discipline or have yet to reach this level of Magnakai training, turn to 280.


  As you look down from the parapet you are greeted by a stirring sight. Lorkon Ironheart's army is surging into Tolakos, transforming the chaos-choked grounds into a raging battlefield. At their head you see Lorkon, his silver armour and scarlet cloak tarnished with black blood, striking at the enemy with blurring speed and deadly accuracy. He leads a massive wedge of Meledorian warriors whose faces and armour are painted with magical runes to ward off the creatures of chaos. The Agtah melt before them, like ice before a fire, and flee in panic to the dark safety of the Nahgoth. The Meledorians give a rousing cheer of victory to speed the enemy's retreat. But their jubilant cries are soon stifled when, from the depths of the forest, they are answered by a thunderous roar.

  Illustration I—The Agtah flee in panic before the fierce onslaught of Lorkon Ironheart's army.

  Turn to 40.


  In the centre of each clump of
herbs rests a cluster of large, acorn-shaped buds, which exude the sweet pungent aroma that hangs heavily in the air.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Curing, turn to 129.

  If you do not possess this skill, turn to 180.


  Drawing on your Magnakai power you will the beam to move while simultaneously pushing it back into position with your feet. Slowly the thick timber inches towards its bedding but, as it is about to drop snugly into place, your concentration is broken by the sound of a quiet, snickering laugh.

  If you have the Magnakai Disciplines of Divination and Huntmastery, turn to 92.

  If you do not possess both these skills, turn to 316.


  The ghostly spirit-shapes possess the faces of every enemy you have ever slain. They twist and contort beneath your gaze, their empty eyes burning with cold blue flames as they return your stare. You press your fists to your eyes and scream in an effort to block out this haunting nightmare, but to no avail. It saps your strength and numbs you to the bone: lose 5 ENDURANCE points.

  Turn to 175.


  A thick, sinuous tail whips out from the rear of the creature's scaly body and slams into the cavern wall above your head, gouging a deep furrow in the friable rock. Before it can lash out a second time you unsheathe a hand weapon and strike at its vulnerable eyes.


  If you win the combat, turn to 245.


  You draw an Arrow and take aim as he stoops to snatch the Lorestones with his gloved hands. But he is covered in heavy mail and, even at such close range, there are few places where you can be sure that your Arrow will pierce his armour.

  If you wish to fire at his visor, turn to 76.

  If you wish to fire at his throat, turn to 151.

  If you wish to fire at his chest, turn to 333.


  There is a shrieking squeal as the wheels lock and the chariot slews violently across the road. The driver fights to control his team by pulling on the reins with all his strength, but the heavy leather straps are caught among the traces and the onipa do not respond: the chariot is out of control. Desperately you cling to the hand-rail as one wheel rises and the platform begins to tilt.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control, turn to 85.

  If you do not possess this skill, you can leap from the chariot: turn to 299.

  Or you can hold on tight and pray that the driver will regain control of the onipa team: turn to 243.


  You race back across the graveyard and charge headlong into the three creatures blocking the entrance. They bellow and growl as your first blows find their way between their plates of armour. Quickly they retaliate by lashing at you with their long, suckered tentacles. Their attacks are ill-aimed and clumsy, but wherever one of their rubbery limbs touches your body it leaves an angry red weal.


  Unless you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Curing and have reached the Kai rank of Mentora or higher, add 2 to any ENDURANCE point losses you sustain during this combat, owing to the poisonous lash of their tentacles.

  If you win the combat, turn to 133.


  For several hours you accompany the Ookor across a vast tract of grassland, featureless save for a narrow trail and a line of low hills, which rest on the horizon like a sleeping colossus. During the trek you become very hungry: you must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points. Eventually the trail ascends to the peak of the hills and, as you clear the crest, you see a remarkable sight beyond.

  Turn to 222.


  You sense immediately that the tiny orange growths are poisonous Khetu Spore pods. If swallowed, or if the spores are allowed to infect the bloodstream, the toxin can kill in a matter of minutes.

  If you wish to collect a handful of these Khetu Spores, mark them on your Action Chart as a Backpack Item.

  Turn to 247.


  No sooner has the snarling Agtah dropped lifelessly from your arm than another slams against your back and sends you sprawling face first into the mud. You twist yourself free of its grip and aim a blow at its glistening green head, but its reactions are as fast as yours and your blow cleaves nothing but a furrow in the dark earth. It springs forward once more; you pull up your legs and kick out at its chest, catch it squarely and ram the foul air from its lungs. It howls and lands heavily, but it is back on its feet to meet your next attack.

  Agtah Packleader: COMBAT SKILL 27 ENDURANCE 32

  This creature is immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge).

  You can evade combat after three rounds by turning to 303.

  If you win the combat, turn to 254.


  The two guards draw themselves upright and grip the hilts of their tarnished swords nervously as they watch you approach.

  ‘What d'you want?’ growls the larger of the two, his green, piggy eyes glinting through the slits in his rusty helm. ‘I've been summoned,’ you say with conviction, praying that your bluff is good enough to fool them. ‘They want to see me straight away.’

  The porcine guard swivels his eyes, blinks at his comrade, and whispers something you cannot make out.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Invisibility, turn to 308.

  If you do not possess this skill, turn to 259.


  You tug the Silver Rod from your belt and hold it before you. A look of surprise widens the leader's eyes but his shock soon turns to anger when he realizes where you obtained the silvery wand. He bellows his contempt for your act of grave-robbery and, in a fit of rage, he releases from his rod a charge of raw power.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have completed the Lore-circle of Fire, add 2 to the number you have picked.

  If your total is now 3 or more, turn to 191.

  If it is 2 or less, turn to 328.


  Something huge and deadly is striding towards Tolakos. The ground trembles beneath its step and the air is filled with sounds of great destruction. The crack and groan of sundered trees and the thunderous growls of a gigantic beast grow steadily louder, driving many of Lorkon's soldiers to the brink of despair. Desperately he tries to rally them but his voice is lost in the deafening noise.

  Suddenly a gap appears at the forest's edge as, effortlessly, a pair of stout trees are pushed apart by monstrous hands. Morbid terror grips the Meledorians and few stand their ground when they see the awesome visage of the Chaos-master looming thirty feet above. You look upon his massive, naked body and feel sickened by what you see. His features are in a constant state of flux, dissolving, merging, and melting into new and ever more hideous shapes. Only Lorkon appears unmoved by the dreadful sight; he raises his sword and challenges the evil being to single combat, but his brave words are met with a howl of derision.

  Illustration II—Meledorians flee at the dreadful sight of the Chaos-master looming thirty feet above them.

  ‘You would challenge a god?’ speaks the Chaos-master, his mocking voice unbearably loud. Lorkon remains undaunted by his enemy and repeats his call to combat. The Chaos-master laughs. ‘Ha! Then let us begin, for though our sport shall be but a brief affair, I will delight in killing such a righteous fool as thou, Lorkon.’

  With terrifying ease the Chaos-master uproots a tree, pares away the branches with the edge of his hand, and then wields it like a gigantic club. He strides forward, pursuing Lorkon in a grim game of cat and mouse that leaves a trail of destruction wherever they go. The Meledorian relies on luck and fleetness of foot to avoid the crushing blows, but his luck and skill do not last indefinitely. He slips and falls near the wall of the crypt on the roof of which you are crouching. The Chaos-master bellows with glee and strides forward, his club raised to crush Lorkon to an unrecognizable pulp. His loathsome shoulders draw level with the parapet and, as he steadies himself for the coup de grâc
e, he comes within an arm's length of your position.

  If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 341.

  If you possess the Ironheart Broadsword, turn to 204.

  If you do not possess either of these Special Items, turn to 111.


  The shadowy riders raise their black hands, and spears of blue fire appear suddenly in their fists. They scream an unearthly cry as they brandish these crackling lances; then they level them at your chest and charge forward to ride you down.

  Shadow Reavers (corporeal): COMBAT SKILL 34 ENDURANCE 40

  You cannot evade combat and must fight the supernatural creatures to the death.

  If you win the combat, turn to 149.


  A soft, whirring noise emanates from inside the lock, and then silently and effortlessly the great portal swings open. With your nerves on edge you enter the dark interior and follow a featureless corridor to another large but less impressive door, which opens at your approach. A surge of damp air whips past you, sucked into the chamber beyond, as the airtight seal is broken after many decades. Torches ignite spontaneously and, for the first time in its long history, the secrets of the inner sanctum of the Great Sepulchre are revealed to the eyes of an Aonian.


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