Training Leland [Hard Hits 12] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Training Leland [Hard Hits 12] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 7

by Tatum Throne

  Leland was so glad he was home. The atmosphere at the hospital had been oppressive. Witt was at his beck and call, taking care of him with everything. He wasn’t used to having somebody so ready to look after him. Witt made sure he was comfortable as he put a movie on for him. Happiness filled his heart as he watched his Dom across the room go to the kitchen. He knew that he could see forever with his Dom.

  Right then, he wasn’t sure where things stood between them. How was he supposed to tell the man that he had fallen in love with that he wanted to be with him for the rest of his life? It wasn’t easy to tell somebody how he felt. Witt was a man who kept his emotions close to his heart, too. He wasn’t somebody that told everyone how he felt.

  As Leland watched his Dom go to the kitchen and come back with something to eat, it was then that Leland knew he had to tell Witt how he felt about him. “I’ve fallen in love with you.”

  “I know you have.”

  “So what are we going to do about it?” Leland asked.

  Their eyes locked and Witt smiled. “What would you like to do about it?”

  “I suppose that all depends on what you want with me. Do you want something more together?”

  “I always want more with you,” Witt said.

  All of Leland’s emotions were strung tight as he waited for his Dom to give him the answer he was so desperate to hear. As he waited, his heart beat wildly. He’d come so close to losing his Dom. He didn’t like that feeling and he didn’t want to feel it ever again. “So what do you think we should do?”

  “Well, since you’ve been home for several days and seem to be feeling better, how about we take that long bath you so desperately need.”

  A spark of heat rushed through Leland’s cock as he thought about his Dom taking control of him in the bath. It was exactly what he needed to take the edge off. They went upstairs together. Witt started the water in the bath and helped him undress. Leland’s shoulder was healing nicely despite all the pain. But the pain meant he was alive and he wasn’t dead. As Witt eased into the water, he reached out, holding Leland’s hand and helping him into the tub.

  Leland loved being so close to his Dom in the bath. Witt washed his chest and gently took care not to hurt him. As he washed him more and more, Leland’s cock got hard and Witt took control. He felt his Dom slip his dick deep within his ass. Leland arched his ass, loving the feel of his Dom taking him from behind. Witt’s big hand reached out, cupping his balls and dick, stroking him softly. There was a sweet perfection in the way his Dom control. Leland knew that as long as his Dom had him in his arms, that everything would be okay. Everything.

  Sensations rushed through Leland’s body as he pumped his dick in and out of his Dom’s palm. He was so close and loving the way his Dom kissed his neck, collared him with his left hand, and twisted his hand up and down over his aching prick. He was so close to coming that his cock popped off before he could stop it from happening. “Oh, God! I’m coming.”

  Four lines of hot cum shot across Leland’s chest. Witt smoothed his hand through the cum as his dick hardened deep within his ass. Witt groaned as he came hard, shoving his dick in deep.

  “I love you,” Leland said.

  “I love you, too.”

  Everything in Leland’s life was perfect and just the way it was meant to be. All he needed now was for his Dom to ask him to marry him. Despite wanting to ask his Dom, Leland had to let his Dom take control of this. He only wanted to marry his Dom if he wanted it, too.

  * * * *

  Witt led Leland into the bedroom, pulling back the covers for his sub to relax. He held him close, caressing his hands down over his sub’s body. Everything was perfect. He felt as though he had everything he ever wanted in his arms. He just didn’t know how to tell his sub how he was feeling. He knew they were meant to be together but he never crossed that line with anyone before. How was he supposed to do it now? He joined their hands together, taking care not to hurt his shoulder.

  He heard him softly sleeping and Witt knew that he would never let go again. He would find a way to make this work—any way that he had to. They would be together. He just had to find the perfect way to ask his sub to marry him. Tomorrow was another workday. When he was out, he was planning on getting Leland a ring. He wasn’t going to tell him how much he loved him. He was going to show him how much he loved him. He just hoped to God that Leland said yes and didn’t push him away.

  It was one thing to talk about the future, but it was quite another to commit to the future with each other. The possibility scared Witt. He wasn’t a man who normally made strong commitments but he was now. What was he going to do if his sub said no? How was he going to work it out? He knew he would find a way. He just couldn’t figure it out tonight. With plans of the future lingering in his mind, Witt sighed—content and happy for everything he had in his life. He knew everything was going to work out. It was just a matter of time and patience and love.

  Chapter Nine

  Leland wasn’t supposed to me back at work but he ignored the doctors and went in anyway. There was a hard distance about Witt that morning that put Leland on edge. He had gotten up early to eat breakfast with him but then he left. Worry had Leland wanting to go in to work to take his mind off things. He couldn’t sit home and stare at four walls all day, waiting for his Dom to come back to him.

  “Are you supposed to be here?” Chief Rask asked.

  His chief was giving him the third degree but he didn’t care. “I couldn’t stay home and watch grass grow. I had enough. I’m resting at my desk and working some cold cases.”

  “Any word on that theft?” Rask asked.

  The last few days had been chaos, making it impossible for Leland to check it out. “I put in a camera. I’ll go through the saved files now.”

  “Okay, but just don’t overdo it.” Rask nodded his head, knocking on his doorframe a couple times before walking away.

  Leland was a workaholic before he had gotten to know Witt. Nothing else had mattered but work. Now that had changed. And the fact that his Dom had left without saying more than a few words to him burned a little bit more than he realized.

  The video on Leland’s laptop blurred in front of him. It wasn’t long before he was pausing the frame to see Lt. Austin Wyoming move into the frame. Slowly, Leland moved it forward. He saw Austin open up the drawer where the drug money was kept. Leland’s heart sank as he pulled out an envelope and flipped through it before putting it back. Shit. They had their man. Now, all he had to do was tell Chief Rask but he couldn’t. This was so not Austin. What the hell was going on?

  Unsure of how to handle it, Leland picked up his desk phone dialing Chief Rask. He answered on the second ring.

  “This is Rask.”

  “Lt. Wyoming.”

  Rask cursed. “You have it on video?”

  “Yes I do.”

  “Hold onto the video. I’ll talk to him,” Rask said.


  Leland hung up the phone and stared at the paused video. Something definitely wasn’t right but Leland wasn’t going to figure it out today. Leland packed up and headed out. On the way to his car, he passed Austin in the hallway. His head was buried in a file in his hand.

  “Hey, Austin.”

  He looked up. There was distraction and fear in his eyes. “Hey, Leland. How you feelin’?”

  “Not too bad.” Leland hesitated. Austin was once a close friend and then life had gotten in the way. They’d gone their separate ways career wise. “Let me know if you ever need anything.”

  Surprise moved through Austin’s eyes. “I will. Thanks.” Leland sighed heavily as he went on to his car and drove home. Truthfully, he was tired. More tired than he thought he would be at the beginning of the day. He was desperate to find out where his Dom had gone all day. He knew that his Dom loved him but there was a distance about him that morning that concerned him. There was something going on that he wasn’t telling Leland about and that pissed him off. The house was too
quiet without his Dom.

  Witt finally came through the door an hour later. He looked lost, desperate, and a little upset. It was so out of character for his Dom that he knew he had to comfort him. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. It’s nothing.”

  “It’s obviously something. What’s going on?” Leland asked.

  Witt nodded and smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. “I never thought I’d meet someone like you and I never thought I would be so happy.”

  “I’m never going to leave you.”

  “I’m afraid to let you go. I’m afraid you’re going to stop loving me,” Witt admitted.

  He loved his Dom’s vulnerability. It touched Leland’s heart deeply. He could see that Witt wasn’t a man who normally shared his feelings so deeply. “I’m not going away from you. I’m never going to leave you.”

  “I almost lost you when you were shot. Twice.”

  “It’s a risk that comes with the job. We both know that. So we just need to be careful so that we come home to each other every night.”

  Witt nodded and came in close, kissing his sub passionately. Leland loved the feel of his Dom taking control of him.

  “Where were you today?” Witt asked.

  “I went into work when you weren’t home to keep me company.”

  Witt shook his head. “I knew I should’ve stayed home to babysit you.”

  “You don’t need to do that. I can take care of myself.”

  “Somehow I know that.”

  Witt leaned in close, taking him by the hand and out the front door. “Come with me.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Some place we need to go. Someplace I should have taken you weeks ago.”

  They got into Witt’s car and they drove across town. Witt came around to the passenger side door and opened the door, helping Leland out. They headed up the walkway to a quiet little house. An older man opened the door before they could knock on it.

  The man on the other side smiled. “Is this him?”

  “Yes, it is. Dad, I’d like you to meet my fiancé, Leland.”

  His dad smiled broadly. “I’ve heard so much about you. Come inside I can’t wait to find out more.”

  Leland smiled, glancing at Witt. “Fiancé?”

  “We’ll seal the deal later.”


  “Oh, I promise.”

  * * * *

  Witt loved his family. He loved how they loved him without condition. Everything was as it should be. With the close calls at work, Witt knew that he didn’t want to waste any time in introducing Leland to his family. As they drove home from his parent’s house, Witt knew it was time to tell Leland exactly what he wanted and how he felt about him. He glanced at Leland. He looked tired and weary from the long day. But he was glad that he brought his sub out to meet his family. He parked the car at his house but he didn’t get out.

  “I love you. You know that?”

  “I love you, too.”

  Their hands joined between the seats as Witt pulled Leland into a soft kiss. Their eyes met. He pulled him in close again, giving him a passionate kiss. “I’m so glad that we’re friends and not just lovers.”

  “Me, too,” Leland said. “I can’t believe I spent so much time hating you.”

  “Too much lost time.”

  “It was all that animal attraction getting in the way.”

  “Yes, it was.”

  They kissed again and headed inside. Everything was going to be okay as long as he had Leland in his arms. He knew he couldn’t protect him all the time but he was going to give it a good try. They headed upstairs and Witt kissed him passionately.


  He gave his sub the order on a husky note. His sub quickly obeyed, dropping his clothes to the floor. There was just a small bandage that covered his arm where he had been shot. Soon there’d only be a scar. This time they went to the bed, taking care not to hurt his arm. He came in close with a flogger, spanking his ass hard several times. He went to the closet in change into his leather pants and straps, making sure to pull the straps tight around his cock and balls—so tightly that he wouldn’t be coming anytime soon.

  Pre-cum leaked from Leland’s tip as he came back to the bed. A line had dripped down over his abdomen. Witt let his gaze move down over his abdomen. Witt leaned in close, kissing his sub as he stroked his cock. Witt lubed his fingers, smoothing them down over his sub’s rim. He stroked them inside, making sure that his sub was ready to be taken. With his lubed fingers, Witt stretched his rim gently. When Leland begged for more, Witt pushed his two fingers deep, pushing against his prostate.

  “Oh, God!” Leland yelled.

  Witt pulled his fingers out of his sub’s ass and pushed his cockhead up against his rim, pulling him in tight. He bottomed out deep within his sub’s ass. He pulled his legs up, holding them with his arms as he took his sub with short, hard strokes that sent his cock and balls flying up and down his abdomen. He loved the way his sub’s big dick moved as he worked him as hard as he could.

  Witt usually had better control. He was too far close to coming. He took hold of Leland’s cock, stroking him roughly as he took him deep in the ass. Leland bit his lip, arching back as he came hard, shooting his spunk up over his abdomen. It was then that Witt leaned in, giving Leland a passionate kiss and stealing his breath away. He stroked deep one last time and came hard. Everything was going to be okay as long as he had his sub in his arms. They broke their lips away and their eyes met.

  “I love you,” Witt said.

  “I love you more.”

  Witt untied Lehman and pulled him in close. He loved the feel of his sub’s soft breath brushing against his skin. He knew he had to tell and show Leland that he loved him with a ring. But it wasn’t about to happen tonight. He had plans and those plans were set for tomorrow.

  Chapter Ten

  The next day, Leland was busy waiting for Witt to come home. Leland glanced across the driveway. His Dom was home. A surge of love filled his heart as he let the last few rays of sunshine warm his skin. Witt got out of the car, taking a bouquet of red roses from the passenger seat. No one had ever bought him flowers before. Leland raced across the driveway, leaping into his Dom’s arms and kissing him hard. He wrapped his legs around his hips, holding on tight and not planning on letting go anytime soon. The roses were crushed between them as Leland kissed his Dom with everything he was feeling within his soul. Their tongues flicked together passionately as Leland’s heart raced. Witt’s big hand tightened on his ass. He finally broke his lips away.

  “What was that for?” Witt asked.

  “No one has ever bought me flowers before.”

  “They haven’t?”

  “You’re the first.”

  Witt’s gaze turned serious as Leland slid down off of his Dom. “I’m planning on being the last.”

  “You are?”

  “Yeah. I have plans for us.”

  Leland’s heart raced as the possibilities raced through his mind. “What kind of plans?”

  The flowers were smashed but still beautiful. Leland took them from his Dom’s hands as Witt reached for something in his pocket. He took out a black velvet box. “I wasn’t planning on doing this now and in the driveway.”

  Tears rushed over Leland’s eyes, blurring his gaze. The ring was a platinum band and wide. “Are you asking me to marry you?”

  “Will you marry me and be my submissive for the rest of our lives?” Witt asked.


  Again Leland jumped into his Dom’s arms, grabbing his face and kissing him hard. Witt carried him into the house, slamming the door shut behind him. They both were breathing hard by the time Witt broke his lips away.

  “Say it!” Leland demanded.

  “Say what?”

  “Tell me. I want to hear the words.”

  “I don’t know what words you’re talking about.” Witt pushed him up against the wall. “Besides, I don’t think y
ou’re in a position to make demands.”

  Leland groaned. “Don’t make me beg.”

  Witt nipped and kissed at his ear. His tongue twirled over the curve, making Leland shudder within his arms. “Perhaps I like hearing my sub beg for my attention.”



  “I love you more.”

  Witt laughed. “You love the way I take control of you in the bedroom.”

  “You love taking control of me.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  Leland couldn’t imagine his life without Witt. He couldn’t believe he’d come so close to almost losing him. Now that he had him in his arms, he wasn’t about to ever let the love of his life go again. They had gotten a few scars along the way but it was so worth it. Leland wouldn’t change anything. They were going to get married. After years of running from love, it had finally caught up to him and bit him in the ass. He wasn’t about to let go of Witt anytime soon. Witt slowly eased him to his feet. He wanted children with Witt. He wanted vacations. He wanted long walks on the beach with their kids running in the surf.

  “How do you feel about kids?” Leland asked.

  “You’re serious?”


  “I’m open to the possibility in a few years.”

  Love filled Leland’s heart. “Me, too.”

  Witt twined their hands together, leading Leland into the living room. They sat down on the couch together. Everything was absolutely perfect.





  Tatum Throne has a master’s degree in social work. She left the field of medical social work to be a stay-at-home mom and to pursue her dreams of writing romance. She has three rambunctious boys with her husband, Mr. Throne, one rowdy rabbit named Coco, and two hamsters named Pink Lightning and Sweetie.

  When not indulging her fantasies, Tatum enjoys baking chocolate-chip cookies, hiking, spending time with her family, and spreading awareness of eosinophilic disorders.


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