Sons of Justice 5: Seasoned With Love (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Sons of Justice 5: Seasoned With Love (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 1

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Sons of Justice 5: Seasoned With Love

  Kendra’s got secrets, including being a Marine, owning a multimillion dollar company, being an inventor, and once loving three men who broke her heart and made her sour toward other men. So when four seasoned soldiers start making her feel again, she does what she thinks is best and takes off for Costa Rica.

  She hasn’t a clue that her ex-lovers have once again screwed up and brought danger her way. When she’s attacked on her trip and forced to use her skills as a Marine to evade capture, the last thing she expects is for her seasoned soldiers to fly to Costa Rica to rescue her.

  It’s a race against who can get to her first, her exes and her current lovers or Gazleer Numon, a man determined to make them all suffer.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Romantic Suspense

  Length: 36,249 words



  Dixie Lynn Dwyer


  Siren Publishing, Inc.



  Copyright © 2017 by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  ISBN: 978-1-64010-600-0

  First Publication: September 2017

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2017 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  Dear readers,

  Thank you for purchasing this legal copy of Seasoned With Love. Kendra has been a bit of a mystery from the start. Her assertiveness and tough demeanor, not only a sign of her independence and self confidence, but a shield over her heart to ensure she never felt heartache again.

  Despite the fears she has, it seems the attention, compassion, and assertiveness of four seasoned soldiers is all it takes to break down those walls and win her heart. But is isn’t easy, and so much is left untold and unsaid that could make them question where she stands with them and whether or not she really cares. Sons of Justice are loyal, lethal, capable men and even though their relationship with Kendra isn’t official, they will move heaven and earth to help rescue her from danger, and she will fight tooth and nail to see them again.

  May you enjoy their adventurous journey.

  Happy reading.




  People seem to be more interested in my name than where I get my ideas for my stories from. So I might as well share the story behind my name with all my readers.

  My momma was born and raised in New Orleans. At the age of twenty, she met and fell in love with an Irishman named Patrick Riley Dwyer. Needless to say, the family was a bit taken aback by this as they hoped she would marry a family friend. It was a modern day arranged marriage kind of thing and my momma downright refused.

  Being that my momma’s families were descendants of the original English speaking Southerners, they wanted the family blood line to stay pure. They were wealthy and my father’s family was poor.

  Despite attempts by my grandpapa to make Patrick leave and destroy the love between them, my parents married. They recently celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary.

  I am one of six children born to Patrick and Lynn Dwyer. I am a combination of both Irish and a true Southern belle. With a name like Dixie Lynn Dwyer it’s no wonder why people are curious about my name.

  Just as my parents had a love story of their own, I grew up intrigued by the lifestyles of others. My imagination as well as my need to stray from the straight and narrow made me into the woman I am today.

  Enjoy Seasoned With Love and allow your imagination to soar freely.

  For all titles by Dixie Lynn Dwyer, please visit

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  About the Author


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five







  Copyright © 2017


  Kendra Flay let Murphy, the team leader, check her parachute once again. Just a final inspection before each jumper took the leap from the plane and descended into the glorious blue sky, allowing her to let go and be free. Free from the pain, the heartache, the loss, and the decisions she needed to make, including leaving the military.

  “Good to go, Marine,” Murphy said to her and gave her a wink. He was one bad ass retired soldier and a man she called a friend. Whenever she was down, or thinking about the past, the decisions she needed to make, the loss she sustained, she gave him a text and he gave her his location and time for the next jump. He always made room for her, but he was a man and men wanted one thing from a woman, and she wasn’t ready to go down that path again. No thank you.

  “Coming up,” he called to her as two other jumpers parachuted out of the plane taking off. The one guy, Baron, who remained on the plane with the pilot, checked Murphy’s gear and gave the thumbs up.

  “Taking it up a little higher,” he said to Murphy and they felt the plane rise. The difference not even affecting her. She loved parachuting out of planes, and had years of experience jumping even before the military.

  She got herself ready to go. Murphy would go first and then be down below when she got to the landing zone.

  “See you on the ground, gorgeous,” he said and then took the jump.

  “Ready, Kendra?” Baron asked her. She nodded, got into position and then closed her eyes a moment, remembering why she called Murphy yesterday and why she drove the two hours to get here. The wind was fierce, blowing against her body and she loved it. The adrenaline rush not as fierce as years ago but still enough to get the feeling she needed. The freedom she craved as her mind fought over decisions to make and memories to bury. She was shocked as she jumped, felt the sensation of her stomach reaching her throat, the air shoved her upward and then she was descending, arms and legs spread wide and she exhaled.

  I’m free.

  She thought of her life. Of being forced out of her fairly new position in the military after working so hard from age eighteen to become a Marine and to make her father proud. It was ironic how he died a year later after seeing her graduate and receive various awards in weaponry, survival skills, and shooting. He taught her well, a jarhead through and through. When her mom died when she was fourteen, it should have been a warning
that marrying military brought heartache and needed a toughness. She got it times three meeting Brandon, Skylar, and Paul, falling in love with them, with a ménage and the idea that she would never be alone, and despite their careers in the military that one of them would be by her side. She bought their promises, their declarations of undying love, only for them to betray her one by one, and ultimately cost her everything. Her military career, her pride, her reputation as a woman, and her ability to ever trust a man, a person, fully ever again.

  Tears stung her eyes but the wind slammed against her skin and she threw away the thoughts and focused on why she was jumping today. On the need to clear her mind, to re-energize and focus on her. On what she wanted, what she fought for and what she would get out of this life. She was in charge and her emotions had no power over decisions she made and accomplishments she needed to achieve.

  The earth got closer and closer, the landing zone nearly in sight and she savored the last few minutes of peace, of freedom, pushing all other thoughts and people from her mind and just enjoyed God’s earth, his sky, his air, his power over her and feeling free. She did a couple of flips, some sideways turns, a couple of nose dives and then leveled out, prepared for landing, needing to cut it closer and closer, before releasing her parachute. The thought that there was a time she was so heartbroken, so affected by the damage done by her three lovers she thought of not releasing that parachute and giving it all up. It was a flash of a thought countered by that determined, strong willed Marine that got her through every rough patch of life she had. Losing her father, losing the men she loved to fighting for the business she had and the achievements she made on her own. Not with a man, not with a partner, but solo. Yes, solo was the best place to be. She yanked the clip, felt her body jerk back and she glided closer and closer to earth, the others before her landed, pulled their gear, got out of the way and she could see Murphy set his feet down, run and then gather his chute and immediately look up. A friend, a man she could probably have as a lover, no strings attached, but she couldn’t. Two long years of no sex. Maybe if things got bad she would accept his offer. He didn’t want any commitments either. No, solo was the best place for her to be.

  The land came closer and closer and closer and then her feet hit the ground running and the others, including Murphy, were there to cheer and help gather her chute.

  “Ooh Rah!” Murphy chanted, smiling and giving her a slap to her ass.

  “Ooh Rah!” she replied and exhaled. She got her fix, but her mind didn’t completely cooperate and give her the emptiness she yearned for. Perhaps her upcoming trip to Costa Rica would do the trick.

  Chapter One

  Kendra was sitting on the bar stool talking to special agent Andy Spode. Sam was being released tomorrow morning from the hospital and Kendra would go visit her in the afternoon. She couldn’t believe that her ride back from parachuting led to her helping to find Sam, who had been abducted. Talk about being in the right place at the right time. She was glad no one pushed to find out where she had been coming from. Right now, though, most of the state police and other investigators involved in busting Vinny’s operation were at the Filling Station. Andy and a few of his friends all gathered around her.

  That was a shocker when Andy showed up. She thought she handled the scene pretty damn well, not really bringing attention to the fact that they knew one another well. Quantico and his team picked up on it fast and they had yet to take their eyes off of her. In fact, when Quantico cupped her cheek and asked if she was okay out by the woods a short distance from where Sam had been held hostage, she saw Andy’s eyes squint and she didn’t want him thinking that she was involved with anyone. Part of her did though, hoping he would tell his cousins she had moved on, but she hadn’t. She didn’t trust any men, and besides that, she didn’t want to gain some sort of reputation as a slut.

  Men would think since she was involved in a ménage that she was easy and would have sex immediately. That was her hang up, and the reality she lived with because she trusted the wrong three men. Never again, and never would she have sex with anyone who lived near her.

  A quick glance toward the other end of the bar and sure enough Quantico, Leather, Stone, Walker, along with Steve, Eddie, Panther, Mink, and several of Andy’s co-workers, all were bullshitting. She didn’t miss the looks from Quantico and she couldn’t ignore the feelings of not only guilt she felt but insecurity. Andy was a cousin to her ex-boyfriends. Three military men, one who was an agent for the government, Brandon, one who was a mercenary, Skylar, and partnered up with her to create the company she now owned and operated almost fully, and then there was Paul. Handsome, successful retired soldier and now businessman, he was self-centered, egotistical and avoided her at whatever cost.

  The three of them cheated on her, but also caused her to leave her job she had since she was eighteen, working military operations as a soldier in the US Marine Corps. Yes, she was a Marine, but then when the shit hit the fan and some guys tried to make it look like she and her boyfriends were smuggling in illegal weapons and gun supplies, it caused a major problem and two years to try and clear their names. She was twenty-two and miserable fighting to remain in the Corps then fighting to remain out of jail. Her determination, natural business sense and resilience all helped her to move on after losing everything, including the three men she loved. Her bitterness, and finally acceptance that there was no one to trust in life but herself, gave her the fight and determination she needed to take over the company she owned. An online business, her warehouses scattered throughout the US, and all handled by employees and distribution centers. She had to do very little hands on operations now and only engaged in activities to try out new devices or survival tools and equipment. The newest would be sending her and a team of four, her included, to Costa Rica for three weeks. After this situation she couldn’t wait to get out of here and focus on what she loved to do.

  The one responsible for her misery and the accusations of smuggling was a cousin of a man who wanted revenge on her men. A personal vendetta and she was caught in the middle. Gazleer Numon, a multimillionaire scumbag who evaded capture, but not before making her and her boyfriends’ lives a living hell. She was pretty sure Skylar, Brandon, and Paul still searched for Gazleer to this day. Their obsession caused another wedge between her and them, but cheating ultimately led to them parting ways. Forced to leave the military and be a civilian once again, she wasn’t going to leave the business she helped to create. It was her dream, her innovative ideas and even the development of several unique survival devices that were patented and made her so much money. Money she didn’t even spend, but saved in several accounts in the US and overseas. She fought Skylar hard for control of the company and to maintain larger shares than him or Brandon and Paul. She became stone cold from their attitudes and behavior, and he nearly didn’t budge. Slowly over the years he gave her more and more shares in the operations as he invested in other things and went off on crazy dangerous adventures, more than likely adding women to the list of the ones he already screwed while sleeping with her. The pain was still pretty raw, and seeing Andy, their cousin, just seemed to bring back that pain and the heartache she felt. They betrayed her, lied to her about loving her forever and it scarred her. She had meant nothing, but they had been her world.

  Because of them, and what she experienced, it was hard for her to look around at all these ménage relationships and not wonder when they would end. How badly would the men hurt the women when they got bored, or decided she wasn’t enough for all of them to share and that they wanted more? She felt sick thinking that her friends like Bo, Cherokee, Sam, and Mercy could suffer like that, but it was their decision to engage in that type of relationship and take that risk. Been there, done that and boy, did Kendra have the scars to show for it.

  No sweat off her back though because her online company took off. A catalogue of survival tools, equipment and adventures she personally used herself or tried out multiple times. She looked forward to he
r upcoming trip to Costa Rica.

  “You look incredible, Kendra. Absolutely fucking hotter than ever,” Andy said and shook his head. “My cousins are fucking morons.” She smirked then took a sip of her rum and Coke. The pain at him even mentioning them, and knowing that they used her, cheated on her and ended a three-year relationship hurt more than she wanted it to.

  “I appreciate the compliment. So how do you like this new position in the agency? I thought you were looking into the mercenary thing like your cousin?”

  “Ahhh, it’s okay, I guess, not as dangerous or exciting, but I need to drop everything at a moment’s notice and sometimes I’m in the middle of another case or deep into progressing and I need to stop. It’s hard to get used to and frustrating.”

  “I could imagine. You guys sure did get to the area quickly to help my friend Sam with her situation.”

  “I was shocked when I saw you in the middle of this thing. The sight of you, a gun in your hand, that firm expression that was all military and damn, I wasn’t the only guy who got aroused,” he said and looked her over and winked. She felt uneasy about his comment. It was hard being in a ménage relationship and then getting dumped, cheated on, hurt and men who knew looked at her differently. Like as if sex was just a thing. She hadn’t been with anyone in two years. She fooled around a little, but that was it. No one made her think of having sex again, of getting so close, never mind letting a man inside of her. Well, except Quantico and his team. What a mistake that would have been. They definitely weren’t the commitment types, were only after sex, and who knew how they would react knowing she had three lovers at once before. Plus she didn’t think she ever wanted a commitment or to risk investing in the potential of one only to get hurt.


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