Charmed Destiny (The Charming Series Book 2)

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Charmed Destiny (The Charming Series Book 2) Page 6

by Dee King

  She begins to cry. I don't know what to do. Everything I thought I knew, I didn't. Everyone I thought I could trust,

  I can't.

  “Stop crying.”

  “I hate this place!” She screams at me.

  Throwing her chair across the room, it shatters into splinters on the cold hard ground.

  “Stop, stop!” She was about to throw another chair, and her temper seemed worse than mine at the moment.

  “When did you find out about Cato?” I ask her quietly.

  “Right before the fight broke out. I had no idea. I swear it. He told me I wasn't allowed to tell you. I didn't know. I didn't know what I was supposed to do, and I was wrong. I should have told you. I should have told you...” She wraps her arms around me, crying onto my shirt.

  I can't be mad at her for long and I hold her in my arms. We stand for a few minutes together, but the anger inside of me won't let me relax.

  “Listen, we need a plan but it has to be a good one.” I tell her.

  “Agreed.” She leans back from me, standing with her arms folded.


  “I don't know yet, but I do know that they think they all have a plan, and I plan on running this show from now on.”

  “Okay, what do we do then?”

  “First, my mom will come around, and if she doesn't, then she will miss out, not me. Second, this can't be said to anyone till I know who we can trust. Third, we need to find Cato, but before we see him, you need to know something.” She stares at me.

  “Cato and Colin hate each other. I do mean hate, like I hate Alex.”


  “Iris.” Her name rolls off my tongue. That was the one person I knew I could trust.

  “What about her?”

  “Cato and her, um, they kind of love each other, but Colin always loved her. He always competed for her attention, and she lead him on.”

  “Wait. They hate each other over a girl?”

  “She isn't just some girl. She is the daughter of Aphrodite and she has the power to control most. Marrying or being with her would make them a power couple. Kind of like me and you.”


  “Because her father is Zeus.” I just dropped a bomb on her.

  “What? Are you serious?”

  “Yes, hardly anyone knows that, but yes, it's true.”

  “How can that be?”

  “Zeus is a slut, that about sums it up.”

  “Does Alex know?”

  “Gods no. But talking about her, I know who we need to go to first.”

  “Stop. I need to slow down. I need to understand what's happening.” She paces back and forth.

  “Here's the deal. My dad wants us to be married, my mom doesn't. Cato is my half-brother, which also makes him a migades, which my parents kept a secret. I think my parents won't be together much longer and your brother believes that Cato is the enemy and Cali is the good one. Ian knows none of this and we are to be married in a couple of days. Then, we will return to Earth. Cato can have my place by my father and you and I will live together wherever your heart’s desire is.”

  “You’re going too fast. What about Alex?”

  “What about him?”

  “Didn't we also come here to make him pay for what he did to Ian?”

  “Who cares.” I know I shouldn't have said that but I didn't care about them anymore.

  “Who cares? You care, Sebastian.”

  “Wrong. I did care. I don't know.” My hands are in fists to my sides.

  “You do care and I won't let you become this. I won't let you be miserable. We will take care of Alex, get married, and find out the truth to all of this. I promise.” She touches my face with her hand.

  “We will have to play the part and hide what we know till we can prove everything. Are you willing to do that?”

  “I was willing to come here so I am pretty sure I am willing to lie and hide for you.” My girl. So sweet.

  “You will have to make nice with your father, we may need him on our side.” I explain to her.

  “That's a huge task but I guess if you can do this, then I can. Plus, he has a nice house.” She winks at me.

  Selene hadn't changed at all here. She was the one person in all of the worlds that I truly trusted and seriously loved. I embrace her and begin to kiss her passionately, letting all my anger drift away through her lips. She

  kisses me back and begins to rub her hand down my back. I can feel parts of me wanting this to go further, but now was not the time. She stops me before I can stop us and we are both out of breath.

  “We should do that more often.” I whisper in her ear.

  “Yes, we definitely should.” She whispers back.

  We discuss how we will have to go to the dinner and play our parts. Not letting anyone know what we know, what we had figured out, and how we would marry, but then leave. That would be the hardest part of all this. Leaving Mount Olympus to live on Earth wasn't going to be easy, if even possible. Zeus would never allow that. Only the children could live there. We could visit but never to live. I would never see Ian again and although that made my heart sad, I know he would understand. Some day. We

  would have to be smart about it and we would have to do what no god or goddess had ever done before. Defy Zeus. The God of Gods.

  First step, getting married. He could have his son and he could have Cali as his daughter-in-law. I cared no more. My mother would hate me for sure. We were taking back our lives, step by painful step.

  Chapter Nine

  Some truths are revealed

  I peer out the hidden door making sure no one or nothing was around, leading her out of my hideaway. The sun was starting to set and dinner would be soon. Tonight was a dinner where everyone got together to welcome home the Gods or Goddess' that had been gone. The last one they

  had was probably two years ago when Cato, Colin, and Iris had returned home. There was more at stake at this dinner. This would be for everyone to meet Selene, also seeing us together as a couple. I had no idea where to

  take us though. Going back to my home seemed to be the worst idea. Going to Poseidon's wasn't a great idea either but that's where we would have to go. We find our way back to their home and she walks in like she has always lived there. Colin and some of his friends are sitting at the

  kitchen table when we walk in.

  “Everyone, I am proud to introduce you to my little sister. This is Selene.” Colin says with pride.

  “Hello.” She says as they all stand to their feet.

  “Sebastian?” I hear my name.

  “Iris?” I look over Selene's shoulders seeing Iris's beautiful face.

  “Where have you been?” She leaps over the chair, taking me in her arms.

  “Here. You look great.” I tell her.

  “Look at you, my gods, could you get any hotter?” I blush.

  “Selene, it's an honor to meet you.” She finally says, acknowledging her.

  “You too, I have heard a lot about you.”

  “You should never believe everything you hear.” Iris tosses her dark hair over her shoulder, taking Selene arm in arm to the table.

  “Sit, sit. Please. Our home is your home.” Colin comes to my side, laying an arm over my shoulders walking me to the table.

  “We were just discussing the two of you anyway.” Colin says.

  Searching around the table, I see most of Colin's friends. To my right was Maddox. Beside Maddox, was London, and beside Colin was Zack. These are Colin's best friends, or what Ian and I call the Rat Pack. Colin could be

  a great asset or he could turn around and rat you out without blinking.

  Learning this early on, I knew I had to keep Colin as an ally versus an enemy. You could understand why he and Cato never got along. Colin was the one always telling on him, in a sort of childish manner. Hence, the Rat Pack.

  “Hey, man. How’ve you been?” Maddox stood to shake my hand.

  “Good.” There was n
o way I was going to say a damn word to any of them.

  “Have you seen him, yet?”

  “Who?” I knew who he was talking about, but it was better that I let him ask.

  “Alex. The little asshole.” Maddox says with a weird laughter I hadn't heard in a while.

  “No. We need a game plan, and we haven't come up with one yet.”

  Looking to Colin, letting him pretend he was the boss.

  “I was just saying how tonight would be a great chance to call him out in front of everyone.” Colin boasts.

  “Only one problem, Ian swears that what happened was an accident.” Selene speaks up.

  “That's bullshit. Alex knew exactly what he was making Cali do.”

  “Is that what Cali said?” I needed to be slick about asking this.

  “No, but come on, Cali? Cali couldn't have done that on purpose! What would be her goal for doing that?”

  “I don't know, maybe the fact that I would be out of the way?” Selene wouldn't play as nice as I was, which would work in our favor.

  “What is your problem, Selene? The girl wants to be your friend. She was trying to help you and since that night you have been just cold to her.”

  “Colin, you’re blind, deaf or dumb. Or all three.” Selene leans back in the chair, folding her arms over her chest.

  Iris lays her arm around Selene, laughing, and making the obvious statement. She liked her, and that was going to also work in our favor.

  “I guess tonight we will have all the true answers. I'm going to the council.” The room got quiet as Colin spoke of the council. The council consisted of my father, Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Aphrodite, Aries, and Athena. They were the high council and bringing this to them, could be

  the worst mistake Colin could make.

  “No. You’re not doing that.” I couldn't help myself.


  “We need to have evidence, or something, you can't just call out Alex and think his parents aren't going to make this harder for me and Selene. So, we wait.” I stood up from the table.

  “What's your problem? I thought you wanted him dead. He tried to kill my sister.” He points to Selene.

  “My problem is that if you jump the gun, we are all under the microscope in this, and you need to remember that his plan is to see all of this fail.” He knew I was right, and he knew I was talking about Selene and I getting married.

  “Fine, we wait, but not much longer.” He turned his head away from me.

  Colin didn't like being the one not in control, but I wasn't about to have him take revenge before I could have mine.

  “Well, this isn't fun, and today is a day of celebration.” Iris tries to lighten the conversation by making everyone smile.

  “Selene, tell us what do you think of the Mount?” London, also known as Iris's best friend, moves facing Selene.

  “It's ... it's different.” London's laugh is contagious, while Selene seems to be searching for the answer.

  “That's so true.” London lets Selene see her beautiful smile.

  “I hate to cut this short everyone, but I have been asked to get Selene ready for tonight and that was an offer I couldn't refuse.” Iris steps down from her chair and motions for Selene to come with her.

  “Wait, what?” Selene and I both ask her at the same time.

  “Yes, my mom and her dad thought it would be a great way for her to get comfortable here. And, since tonight is not going to be a normal dinner, they thought she should look her best. We all know that I have tricks up my sleeve that could make Alex even cute.” She winks at me.

  “No, I want to stay with Sebastian.” Selene comes to my side.

  “Sorry, but even Sebastian knows that every god or goddess has to prepare before they go to the dinners. Sorry, Sebastian, I know you don't like this, but it's the rules.”

  “F the rules, Iris.” I was beginning to get angry.

  “I think you will live without seeing her for an hour or so.” Iris begins tugging on Selene's arm.

  I'm about to protest when Selene puts her hand

  on my arm.

  “I will go, let's just get this done with.” I nod my head, but I don't like this.

  “Plus, Sebastian, don't you need to do something before the dinner, anyways?” Iris raises her eyebrow at me?


  “You need to make sure you and Ian are matched, if he is coming as your protector.” She winks at me.

  In other words, this was Iris's way of letting me know that she would protect Selene. I thank her and watch as Selene, Iris, and London take their leave from the house.

  “You’re still going to use Ian as your protector?” Maddox asks me.

  “Yea, why?”

  “I just thought you may need a little more than him.”

  Maddox was offering to be one of my protectors. I didn't know if I found this alarming or honored.

  “I volunteer.” Zack finally speaks after not talking the entire time.

  “What? Why?”

  “You don't think that I could?” He asks me.

  “Yea, but why would you want too? I mean, don't you need to be the protector of Colin or hell, yourself?”

  “I don't need protection. Plus, either of them would be great to have on your side.” Colin is now standing in front of me.

  “I guess if either of you two want to, but don't feel like you must.”

  “It's settled. Zack, you go with Sebastian, and Maddox you’re with me.” Colin announces.

  I nod, and motion for him to follow me. We say goodbye to Colin and Maddox, and now back to the house of horrors. My home.

  Chapter Ten

  It's Dinner Time

  Zack follows closely behind me, watching everything around us. When your dad is the God of War; I guess you learn to watch everyone closely. Zack is Ian's older brother, only he is a migades. This should be interesting

  to say the least. Zack isn't close to Ian and vice versa. I guess this is what it will feel like for Cato and me. Great, a brother who has hidden his identity from everyone. I could have sworn his father was another God, not my dad. Thinking about it just makes me angrier as we reach the door to my home.

  “You know you don't have to do this. I can handle myself.” I turn around telling Zack.

  “Yea, I know. But it's time I do something.” He says with a slight smile.

  I turn back around taking a deep breath. We walk inside and the house is quiet. That can't be good. The house is never quiet. I motion for Zack to stay quiet and follow me. He nods and we make our way up the stairs.

  Then I hear them. My father was in his WAR room. Stopping suddenly, Zack runs into the back of my heels. I keep walking into the room. Inside is my father, Poseidon, Aries, and Ian.

  “Hello son.” My father announces my arrival.

  “Hello father.”

  “Come, come. Oh, I see you brought company.” My father stands greeting

  Zack. Zack is almost as tall as my father. They shake hands and I watch as Ian and Aries stand at the table.

  “Son, come. Sit.” Aries tells Zack. Ian grunts and gives me a look of disgust.

  “Okay, let's get this over with. Since Sebastian has finally decided to grace us with his presence. We can get the details worked out.” My father sits down at the head of the large wooden table.

  The chairs all have high backs, looking as if he stole the table and chairs from the Vikings. He probably did. I sit at the side of my father, that's the chair I was meant to

  sit in. Zack takes the seat between Ian and me. This was all kinds of awkward, but that wasn't important at the moment. I lay my hands on the table, waiting to hear what words of wisdom the old man was going to try to give, and me figuring out how not to do what he wants.

  “Tonight, our brother has made sure that this will be the beginning of what is to come. Zeus has decided that he will have the council members sit at a table all to ourselves. We will not be permitted to sit with our children.”

/>   “Blasphemy!” Poseidon yells out.

  “Now, now, we both knew that this could be an option. He will not allow them to sit with one another either, except for siblings together. He is going to make sure that all dirty laundry is aired out tonight.” My father looks straight at me.


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