Charmed Destiny (The Charming Series Book 2)

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Charmed Destiny (The Charming Series Book 2) Page 9

by Dee King

  “Good. Thank you.” I walk back to my chair.

  “What the hell was that?” Ian asks me, as I scoot up my chair to the table.

  “That guy. He was starting to creep me out.”

  “True that. Funny, I haven't seen you be like that in a while. All ‘you see me fool, you know I'm the god of the underworld.’ Funny.” Ian is talking in a lower range, as if I sound like that.

  “Shut up, dork.” We both laugh and again for a moment, I get lost on what I was supposed to be doing.

  Watching her. Watching my love, my Selene. Everyone is finishing, and this was the time I had been looking forward to the most. Mingle time. I move around the table, making my way to Selene, who is making her way to me. I want to take her in my arms, but this isn't the place for that and I can feel the eyes watching us.

  “That was fun.” She jokes.

  “Yea and what's up with him.” I point with my head towards Alex.

  “He says he wants to talk to us after this thing his dad wants to show us.”


  “And, I guess we should. I think he is on our side. Iris said it was worth at least hearing him out.”

  “Yea, Ian said the same.”

  “All those people that stood. Was that for us, or was that because they had too?” She was biting her lip.

  No doubt, nerves were coursing through her veins as they were for me.

  “No clue, but the line was drawn. Whether Alex is a part of the master

  plan will be up to him, but still... Watch yourself.” I take my arm wrapping it around her waist, pulling her towards me.

  “There aren't enough words to describe what you do to me, in this dress.” I breathe out the words on her neck.

  “You have no idea how gorgeous you are do you? Every girl is staring at me. They all want you, and I feel..” I step back from her.

  “You feel what?”


  I decided against my better judgement, it might as well be now or never. I scoop her up into my arms, holding her tight, kissing her on the lips. She pulled back, but then gave way, and kissed me back.

  “You got an audience.” Ian was closer to my ear than I would like him to be when I am kissing Selene. We part ways from one another.

  “You could have just tapped him on the shoulder, freak.” Selene tells Ian before I can say anything to him.

  “Sorry, your majesty, but I thought I would give you a heads up.” He bows all the way down to his feet.

  “Exaggeration much?” I tap him on the shoulder.

  “Just doing my job, sir.” He is now laughing, which in return makes us laugh. He lays one arm around me and the other around Selene.

  “You two need to stay low profile. I have a feeling I know what's coming next on our little field trip, and I think you should be prepared.” He is whispering to us.

  “What's the effing surprise, Ian? I'm not in the mood.” I tell him.

  “Then your gonna love this. He built a whole new part to the mount.”


  “Yep. No lie. He has been working on it since we left for Earth from what I heard, and tonight he is unveiling it.”

  “How do you make a new part to a heaven?”

  “He is a god, blondie. He can do whatever the hell he wants. Who is going to stop him?”

  “What the...” Are the only words that left my mouth.

  “Yep. Seriously, brace yourselves. You’re gonna hate it.” He releases us and steps back.

  Selene and I stare blankly at each other. How had I not heard any of this before tonight? Zack is making his way to us as I see Alex coming behind Selene.


  “Alex.” We both stand at attention, neither one of us blinking.

  “We should talk.”

  “I was just thinking the same thing.” I make the first move towards him.

  “Not here, and not right now, but I think I can help you. You game?”

  “I'm always game, Alex. You know me.” I smirk.

  “Yes, I do, and I'm hoping that we can become friends after this.”

  “You’re dreaming.” Selene chimes in.

  “Maybe, but you will see.” He leans over and kisses Selene on the cheek.

  Before I can punch him right there, Zack has ahold of me.

  “Chill, we are all playing our parts, and I am just playing mine. No worries, and sorry Selene.” He says quietly.

  “You ever do that again...”

  “There won't be an again, I promise.” He shakes my hand, leaving me standing there wishing I had punched him.

  We move around visiting the other tables, making small conversations with friends and foes, it was like playing chess. Moving from this place to the next, hoping to knock someone off the board. Selene and I stayed together until the horn blew again and it was time for everyone to be back to their table. I didn't kiss or hug her as I wanted to, I just smiled as she smiled back at me. I hadn't noticed till I was leaving her that she was still wearing the engagement ring. That even made my heart smile. That was a risk, and she had taken it. She was worth every risk and now I knew she thought I was.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Welcome to Alexandria

  Zeus asks for everyone’s attention and the room is silent in seconds.

  “Okay, your chariots will take you to our next destination. Please everyone I hope you have enjoyed the dinner, and now on to the big finale.” Zeus is pleased with himself, smiling from ear to ear as the crowd explodes into clapping and cheers.

  We are allowed to leave table by table. Of course, the council table being first to leave, then Selene's table,

  and then mine, and so on. I run to catch up with her.

  “Hey, you want to ride with me?”

  “I can't. Colin gave explicit rules that I had to arrive in our own carriage, and you know how I feel about rules.” She lifts her eyes to me, tilting her head slightly.

  “I see. Well, if you were a rule breaker I would tell you that I could let you hide as a stow away with me, but since you are not..” Leaving her smiling, she takes my hand in hers.

  As her chariot leaves without her in it, we hear Colin cursing our names. We laugh, running to my carriage, where Zack greets us first.

  “Ladies first.” I hold open the carriage door for Selene.

  I follow next, Ian sitting across from me, and Zack bringing the carriage door closed sitting across from Selene.

  “You know Colin is flipping out right now.” Zack is laughing so hard he is holding his side.

  “Wish I could have seen his face. ‘Dammit, Selene, I told you to do what I say!’” Ian makes fun of Colin in a deeper voice as we all burst into laughs with him.

  “Selene, I am only doing what's best for you. Selene, dammit, is that all you think about?” Now, Selene was making fun of Colin, and even Zack kept laughing because he knew it was true.

  Of all the gods, Poseidon was the most serious and his son followed his example. His daughter, thank the gods, didn't. She was fun, funny, and pretty much fantastic. Not that Colin is a bad guy or anything, he is just fairly strict when it comes to rules and how things should go. That was just his nature. Colin couldn't help it. Selene was raised by a mortal, and that meant she had her own heart, her own rules, nothing that Colin could ever understand. We stop suddenly in the sky and then we drop to the

  ground, hard. Everyone was holding onto something or someone.

  “What the hell was that?” Selene asks.

  “I told you, I knew I was right. There must be a shield, and the pegs' can't get past it till he takes it down.”

  “A what? What are you talking about?” Selene asks still holding me tight.

  “He built a new part to Mount Olympus while we were on Earth. I guess you could say he expanded.”

  “Why? I mean, that doesn't make sense?” Selene scoots back over, pulling her dress back down where it had flown around her knees.

  “Because we will
be the next gods to inherit this place? Who knows, really? Who in the hell knows?”

  “Does your dad?” Selene asks me. Ian and Zack bust out into laughs.

  “He would know, because he is the one who rules hell?” Ian is crying through laughter.

  “No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I swear. I just meant did your dad say anything to you?”

  “No not a damn word. If he did know this is all a secret to me.” I shake my head no, trying to make sure she knew I know nothing.

  “Someone is coming to the carriage. Stay still and quiet.”

  Zack is in stealth mode. We all sit back, Selene holding my hand, and we await our visitor. There's a knock on the door and Zack motions for us to stay quiet.

  “Yes? State your name please.”

  “It's Colin, jack ass. Open the door.”

  By the laws of being a protector, Zack actually has to ask me if he can open the door. Yes, I nod.

  “Why are you guys still sitting in here? Get outside. You are wanted. Like now.” He points to me.


  “Your father.” Ian answers something like, ‘Oh, man,’ but I quiet him with just one look.

  “Thanks, Colin.”

  “Selene, now.” Colin says to Selene in a very stern voice.

  “Colin, suck it.” Selene is smiling as she high fives Ian on that slam.

  “Cute. Real cute.” He stands to the side with his broad shoulders leaned against the carriage.

  We all file out of the carriage. I ask Colin where my dad is when I already know, standing behind me.

  “Selene, darling, your father needs you by his side.” My dad tells her.

  “Told you so.” Colin smirks.

  “I know you are but what am I? You’re such a child, Colin. Grow up.” Selene punches him in the arm.

  Turning back to look at me, shrugging her shoulders, she follows him.

  “He has asked that we be by our children when he unveils this... whatever this is.” My dad is telling me all this as we walk towards the front of where the crowd is.

  “What is this?”

  “I seriously don't know. There were rumors going around but no one knows because he built a shield around it.”

  “Is it a trap?”

  “No, he wouldn't be that stupid.” My dad almost laughs at the possibility that Zeus could trap him.

  Arrogance runs in my family obviously. We are all standing around a huge wall, not a normal wall, a crystalized wall. It looks like glass, yet you can't see through it. Colors glowing through the wall, it's very cool, for Zeus. Selene waves at me, and I walk over with Dad and Cato. Great, one big family affair. Poseidon, Colin, and Selene are standing the closest to the wall.

  “Have you figured out what this is?” Poseidon asks my dad.

  “Haven't got a clue, but I assume it will be something for the children.”

  “Indeed. Otherwise, we wouldn't be here. Now the question will be why did he do this? That's what we will need to figure out.”

  “Agreed.” My father is smiling.

  I think somewhere in his heart a little evil wants to come out, but he hides it for the simple fact he likes alluding others to believe he is not all bad. Like an underworld God should be.

  “Selene, dear, I forgot to tell you how lovely you look tonight.” My dad takes Selene's dainty hand in his and kisses her palm.

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “I told you, call me Hades, Dad, but never sir.” He kisses her hand one more time, smiling, and she drops her hand back to her side, smiling up at my father.

  “Welcome, welcome one and all. May I have your attention, please?” Zeus is now standing about a foot away from us, shouting into the small crowd.

  Every single person quiets down, yet, you can still hear small whispers.

  “In just a moment, I would like to reveal to you the newest lands of Mount Olympus.”

  Everyone begins clapping. I know that many years ago, Mount Olympus was made larger. That was centuries ago, a millennium ago. I guess I am watching history in the making.

  “Many years ago, we needed to expand our doors for our loved ones and I always dreamed of building on, making this a place for everyone to want to call home. Now you may. Welcome to Alexandria.”

  The shield falls down and before our eyes are mansions, many mansions. Streets paved with gold, flowers blooming everywhere, and a waterfall just like the one when you enter the gates to Mount Olympus. You could

  hear the gasps from people’s mouths. Even I made a noise. This was unbelievable. Some of it looked like Malibu and some looked like it was in the Rockies. Other places looked like they were islands. He made every

  season come alive over each part of the land.

  “Please, take a look around. Find the home that best suits your needs and feel free to make it yours. This is for our children and we want only the best for you all. Welcome.” Zeus stretches out one hand, his lightning rod in the other and he bangs it on the ground.

  The new Mount Olympus comes alive. Alive, as in the areas where there was snow, it was now snowing. In the areas where there was a beach, the tide was rolling. In

  areas where it looked as if spring had bloomed, it was blooming more. This was like a dream. I’m not sure if it was a nightmare or not, but most certainly, a dream. There are homes for as long as the eyes could see. Many mansions among smaller homes, names of streets as you pass by a home, our names to be exact. It was beautiful, and it was a dream come true. Yet, I felt like I just walked into the trap. ‘Our children’ were his words. Alexandria? He was serious about Alex becoming what he had

  wanted for him. He just put a big shiny bow on what he wanted, hoping that we will fall for it. This had to be the first of his many tricks. The wedding should be a real treat.


  “Yea, he isn't a favorite child or anything.” Ian snickers.

  “What in the name of all things holy is this? I am scared to step inside.”

  Selene's blue eyes are racing back and forth.

  “This is his way of saying, ‘Hey look at what I did! Now you owe me.’” I roll my eyes.

  “We have to live here?” Colin interrupts us.

  “Who knows? Might as well check it out?” Ian shrugs and takes the first step into Alexandria.

  Zeus is standing there waving us inside, smiling like he is a spider who has caught us in his web. Alex is standing by his side with a fake smile. We walk the streets with everybody else, everyone whispering among themselves. Selene spots her name on a street.

  “Wow. That's a little much.” She points up to the glowing street sign.

  “I guess this is your street.” I tell her.

  “Then shall we go see my home?”

  “Why not?” I try to smile at her but this whole scenario was giving me the creeps.

  We walk hand in hand to a mansion with a handmade looking sign in the front says “Poseidon's Way”.

  “Cute.” This time she rolls her eyes.

  We walk into the all glass house. Different shades of blue peek out through the furniture. Blue was everywhere. You turn a corner and more shades of blue from counters to floors. A large blue chandelier hangs about our heads in the entryway. No stairs. Every room opens to another room, all surrounded in glass, to see the beach he had created just for her. Surfboards lined walls, surfboard tables, dolphin-jumping figurines on anything that could be considered a counter or table.

  “This is over kill.” She blurts out.

  “You think?” I take my shades off, finally, and hang them down the front of my collared shirt.

  “I don't even know where to begin with all this!” She runs her hand along the blue wall. As she touches it, the wall changes colors. It's now pink.

  “What the hell was that?” She is staring at the wall.

  “Tricks, more freaking tricks.” I shake my head as the wall changes back to blue after she drops her hand.

  “Okay, it's official. I'm cr
eeped out. Let's go find your house.” She says, almost running out of the front door.

  “I'm sure mine is far from yours.” I stutter.

  We begin the walk back down Selene Street, turning the corner to seeing Alexander Lane. Of course, he put his house right beside Selene's. What a joke. We keep walking, her pulling me toward the next street. Colin


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