Fury's Bridge

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Fury's Bridge Page 8

by Brey Willows

Selene thought fast. “I have, of course. However, I’m discussing it with a friend of mine at the end of the week. Someone who has often advised me in business matters. It’s obviously not a decision I want to make in a vacuum.” Again, there was a pause, and she wondered what he was thinking. She’d never needed business advice in her life, and there sure as hell wasn’t anyone around to advise her, but she needed to buy some time to think things through.

  “Of course not. I wouldn’t expect a woman of your intellect to do anything else. Are there any questions I can answer?”

  “Honestly, Mr. Falconi—”

  “Frey, please.”

  “Honestly, Frey, I’m not sure the public life is for me, and what you’re talking about isn’t just writing a textbook. I’ve seen what you do, and I know I couldn’t do that. So I’m being very cautious. You’re asking me to change my entire life.”

  “You’re right. I am. I have an idea. I’m throwing a little soiree tomorrow night. Why don’t you come along and meet some of my colleagues and friends? Maybe that will give you some insight into what we do and what we’re working for. And, perhaps, set your mind at ease enough to join me.”

  “A soiree?” Fear swept up her spine. “I’m not really the type.”

  “Nonsense. All you have to do is talk to people, which you do all the time. And feel free to bring a date. Ciao for now.”

  Before she could protest further, he was gone. Oh God. What am I going to wear?

  She opened her closet, and the first thing she focused on were the gorgeous heels she’d never been brave enough to wear. No time like the present. She riffled through her more dressy clothes and flung herself back onto the bed, in an entirely different mood from the one she’d been in the last time she’d done it. Her clothes screamed “crazy professor,” not “soiree.” What she wouldn’t give for a girlfriend to call in a panic, someone to take her shopping and give her advice. She briefly considered calling Mika, but dismissed the thought. Mika had made her position known, and there was no way she would give her the satisfaction of saying Selene needed her. Just when she decided to call him back and decline, her phone rang again.

  “Hello, Frey, I really don’t think—”

  “Hey there.”

  Selene stopped midsentence and tried to calm the butterflies brought on by Alec’s voice. “Hi. Sorry, I thought it was someone else calling back.”

  “Should I let you go?”

  Selene couldn’t think of anything worse. “No, please don’t. Did you forget to tell me one of your favorite things?” She laughed, the unexpected desire to flirt making her feel giddy.

  “I did, actually, and I couldn’t let it go. I wanted to tell you about one of my newest favorite things.”

  “Go on?” She heard Alec take a deep breath and hesitate for a millisecond.

  “One of my newest favorite things is picnics on the beach with genius professors. I just wanted to let you know.”

  Selene’s stomach flipped over and she slid down the side of her bed and onto the floor. “That’s…wow. That sounds like a great favorite thing.”

  Alec laughed softly. “Indeed it is.”

  Inspired by Alec’s statement, Selene said, “Are you free tomorrow night? I’ve been invited to this party, or soiree, or get-together, or something. And I really, really don’t want to go alone.”

  “I’m a huge fan of all three of those options. I’d love to. But a soiree isn’t just a party, so I need to know what to wear.”

  Selene groaned. “I’m trying to figure that out myself. I have a feeling it’s going to be a well-heeled crowd, and I’ve got zilch in my closet for anything fancier than a faculty mixer.”

  Alec laughed. “Well, how about I pick you up after your last class tomorrow and we run to the mall? Maybe I can help you try some things on. I mean, you know, suggest some things. Not actually help you dress or whatever. You know what I mean.”

  Selene could practically see Alec’s blush, and that same giddy feeling rushed over her again. “Really? You’d do that? You don’t seem the shopping type.”

  “Ah, see, that’s where you’ve got me wrong. I like shopping, when I’m in the mood. And thanks to my parents, I’ve had to attend lots of swanky parties. Does that plan work for you? We could have a quick bite to eat before we go to your grand ball, if we have the time.”

  “That would be fantastic. Thank you so much.”

  “No problem. I’ll pick you up at three thirty. Be ready for an adventure in textiles.”

  Selene said good night and headed for the shower. Suddenly, Frey’s invitation had become far more enticing.

  Chapter Nine

  Alec pulled up in a loading zone in front of the E&T building at three twenty-five. If she didn’t want anyone to see the Hummer, it was easily concealed, much like her home. But that didn’t work when she was picking up someone who needed to see her. While she waited, she scanned the area around the building, not just with her eyes, but with her senses. There was no darkness, no eerie feeling of being watched. Just a beautiful winter day in California.

  Selene stepped outside and shielded her eyes from the weak California sun. Alec’s breath caught slightly. Even in clothes at least a size too big for her, she was truly stunning. Her flawless, pale skin practically glowed, and when she saw the Hummer and smiled, Alec felt like someone had pushed sunlight directly into her soul.

  Selene pulled open the door. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “Hi yourself. And yes, I’m sure. Are you?”

  “Geez, I’m sorry. Hi. I’m actually looking forward to it, which is saying something. I don’t usually like buying clothes.”

  Alec pulled out and headed for the super mall fifteen minutes up the freeway. “And why is that?”

  Selene sighed and Alec felt her energy plummet.

  “Because nothing is ever quite right. I don’t like tight clothes because I feel too conspicuous. But baggy clothes never seem appropriate for social gatherings. They’re barely appropriate for work, but no one really cares what the philosophy professors wear, so I get away with it. I don’t like colors, and I feel frumpy and formless in just about anything, no matter what it is.” Selene put a gentle hand on her forearm. “This was a stupid idea. I shouldn’t have accepted the invitation to the party at all. What say we forget about it and go get pizza?”

  “Comfort food. You must really be panicking.” Alec shot her what she hoped was a comforting smile. “We’re totally going shopping, because you sounded up for it last night. Maybe even a little excited about it?”

  Selene moved her hand away from Alec’s arm, and she missed its warmth.

  “That was yesterday. Now, in the light of day, I know I’m a moron. Pizza?”

  Alec glanced at her. “Tell me honestly. Do you want to go to this party?”

  “Honestly? I don’t know.” She sighed again and rubbed her shoulder absently. “The host has made me a career offer I’m considering, something potentially life changing. So in that sense, yes, it would be good to attend.” She shrugged. “But then, he’s a kind of public figure, and the other people there might be too, so I probably won’t like them or have anything at all to say to them. At best, I’m socially awkward. At worst, I’m like a vampiric hyena in a hen house.”

  Alec laughed. “Well, that’s descriptive. Which side, logically, makes more sense to you, and which will you regret least?”

  Selene sighed. “I think I should go.”

  Alec slapped the steering wheel. “Then we’re going shopping!”


  “Seriously? No. You’re kidding, right?”

  Alec pushed the black dress back at Selene. “Yes. I’m completely serious. And we don’t have a lot of time, so you need to trust me.”

  “It’s sheer. And tight. Did you not listen to a thing I said?” Selene hung the offending material on a rack next to her and blew out a frustrated breath when Alec picked it back up and turned away to grab another.

  “You asked for my h
elp. I’ve had years of dressing women, and I know what I’m talking about.”

  “You don’t even know my size. And I won’t even ask about the dressing women thing.”

  Alec raised an eyebrow and grinned. “No, you don’t know your size. I do. I have an eye for these things.” She grabbed another dress and pushed the bunch into Selene’s arms. “Now, head for the fitting room, and I’ll be right there. I want to see each one—you only get one veto.”

  “Rules? Now there are rules to shopping for my own clothes?” Selene grumbled as she went to the fitting room. As she undressed, she slowly began to smile, and that smile turned into a soft giggle. She clamped a hand over her mouth. She couldn’t remember anyone ever making this kind of fuss over her, and although it was slightly scary, it was also exhilarating. She pulled on the first black dress. Backless, it had thick black pieces that crisscrossed over her breasts and then folded into a rain of material down the front. Although it hugged her curves, it also somehow managed to minimize them. She thought she might be in love.

  Shyly, she poked her head out. Alec was sitting patiently in a chair right outside.

  “I don’t know if I can do this.” An army of butterflies began a war with the nerves in her stomach.

  “Come on. You know I don’t bite.”

  The image that flashed through Selene’s mind was far from innocent, and she flushed. “Okay. No laughing.”

  She stepped out. In that second, she wished she could take a photograph of Alec’s expression. She looked…dumbstruck. Selene executed a little turn, letting the folds of the dress flare out. “Well?” she finally asked, when Alec continued to be silent.

  “Yes. Yes, you should get that. Get that right now.”

  Selene laughed, feeling like a schoolgirl. “Really? You like it?”

  Alec’s gaze traveled the length of her body, and she felt it like a caress.

  “No. Like isn’t the right word.” She cleared her throat and looked away for a moment. “But you should try on the other two, just to be sure that’s the right one.”

  Selene grinned and moved back into the cubicle. She put a tiny bit of extra sway in her hips, hoping Alec was watching. When she latched the door she heard what sounded like a soft swear from outside, and once again, she felt like she was floating. The next dress, a deep crimson number with an almost embarrassingly low neckline was also backless, and this one had a slit up the side almost to her thigh. She turned this way and that, and liked the way it made her feel sexy, almost wanton.

  She opened the door and laughed out loud when Alec pretended to collapse.

  “You’re going to give me a coronary. Good gods, woman. That’s…you should get that one.”

  “I thought you said I should get the other one?” Selene turned so Alec could see the plunging back.

  “Get them both. Wear one before dinner and one after. Damn, woman.”

  Selene giggled and put a hand over her mouth, mortified. When Alec began laughing, so did she.

  “One more. This is your fault, by the way. The consequences must be accepted as a part of your choices.” Selene thought she saw a flash of something cross Alec’s expression. Sadness? Fear? Whatever it was, it disappeared quickly enough to make her think she’d imagined it.

  “Too true, lady professor. Last one?”

  The next dress was navy, with a high neck and tight bodice. It was nice, but nothing like the other two, and she knew she wouldn’t be comfortable enough in it to enjoy herself at the party. She shrugged out of it and got redressed.

  Alec stuck out her bottom lip. “I didn’t get to see the last one?”

  Selene shook her head. “It wasn’t right, so there was no point. But now I have to decide on which dress to wear.”

  “Like I said, I think you should get them both.”

  “That’s awfully frivolous, isn’t it?”

  Alec frowned slightly. “You don’t have any party dresses, right? And you said this party is important for your career, right?”

  “Well, yes, but—”

  “Then you might have to go to more than one of these swanky things, right? It’s not like you won’t get to wear them both.” Alec held up her hands. “But I don’t want to pressure you, not really. They just both look really amazing. And a woman like you should have things that make you feel good about yourself.”

  Selene hugged the dresses to her and went to the cashier without another word. No one, ever, had told her she was someone worth feeling good about. The words sank in, burrowed into her heart, and stuck. She felt weightless, breathless, and defenseless all at once. Impulsively, she turned and threw her arms around Alec, hugging her tightly.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  Alec hugged her back before gently releasing her. “Anytime.”

  When Selene had finished paying, Alec suggested heading downstairs for an iced coffee before they got on the road. She carried Selene’s packages, along with a small bag of her own.

  “I didn’t see you buy anything. Did you get something for tonight too?”

  Alec blushed, and Selene found it both charming and adorable.

  “Kind of. It’s a surprise. I’ll show you later.”

  They both turned at the sound of someone calling Alec’s name, and Selene felt Alec stiffen when the woman came strolling toward them.

  Selene felt like a grubby, substandard grandmother figure.

  The woman was a good three inches taller than Selene, with a body that seemed to have been shaped by an hourglass. Long, flowing black hair swung in time with her hips, and her fire-red heels seemed to have sex with the floor as she walked.

  She gave Alec a full body hug and flicked a glance at Selene. “Imagine seeing you in a mall. I didn’t think you stepped foot in these places anymore.”

  Alec tried to disengage herself from the woman, somewhat mollifying Selene’s sudden rush of possessive jealousy. “Melina, this is Selene. Selene, Melina.”

  Melina’s hand was dry and scratchy, her nails sharp and pointed. Something about her made Selene shudder. “Nice to meet you.”

  “It always is, dear. Until it isn’t.”

  Alec stepped back and took Selene’s hand in her own. Selene was filled with warmth and calm, and the fact that Alec had chosen to take her hand, rather than the femme fatale’s, made life bright again.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t understand.”

  Alec shook her head. “You don’t need to. We’re heading out, Melina. Sorry, no time to chat. Good to see you again though.”

  They left Melina standing there watching them with an ugly smile on her face. Selene followed Alec into the food court, where they ordered their coffees. Finally, Selene turned to Alec and simply gave her a questioning look.

  Alec sighed and rubbed her temples. “I’m sorry about that. We’ve got…history.”

  The thought turned Selene’s stomach slightly. “Yes, I gathered that. And is it still history?”

  Alec looked surprised at the question, then bemused. “Ancient history, actually.”

  Selene relaxed and felt her shoulders relax. “I never asked you if you were dating anyone. I guess I just assumed you were single.”

  “Oh, and what gave you that idea?”

  “You said you would have asked me on a date, if I’d been available. I suppose that suggests single to me.”

  Alec grinned, the worry lines around her eyes easing. “And I would have, too.”

  Selene stirred her coffee while they waited for Alec’s. Without looking up, she said softly, “You can, you know. Ask me.”

  Alec softly touched Selene’s hand. “Problems in paradise?”

  “We’ve broken up. I think. We’ve separated for the moment, anyway. It’s complicated.”

  A look of sadness flashed over Alec’s features when she said, “Most things are.” She seemed to shake off her mood and she took Selene’s hand in her own. “Then, sweet lady, may I ask if tonight can be our first date?”

  Butterflies turned into humm
ingbirds in her stomach, and her knees felt like cotton balls. “I’d like that.”

  Alec grabbed her coffee and tugged Selene toward the exit. “Then we’d better get you ready for the ball, Cinderella.”


  Alec insisted on driving Selene home, as the party was closer to Selene’s home in the mountains than it was the university, and taking the train meant it would take longer for her to get ready. She’d said she’d get a hotel for the night, not far from Selene’s, so she wouldn’t have to drive back to her place at the beach after. They’d quickly backtracked to Alec’s place after the mall, so she could grab her clothes. Selene was impressed at the size and beauty of Alec’s home by the canals, and was slightly disappointed when Alec didn’t invite her in. With a quick, “I’ll be back in a flash,” she was gone, leaving Selene waiting in the soft winter sun, watching the water flow gently through the canal. It gave her time to wonder if she was doing the right thing. She was unquestionably attracted to Alec, and wanted to spend more time with her. But she had also just gotten out of her relationship with Mika, if she was, in fact, out of it at all. She wouldn’t want to damage any kind of relationship she might have with Alec by diving into a rebound situation. She sighed, wondering if she should call the night off, when Alec opened the door and bounded back to the car.

  Any rational thought she might have had blew away like dandelion puffs in the wind. Alec carried a suit bag and small duffel bag, and she looked so strong, so sure and sexy, Selene couldn’t back out tonight even if she could think straight.

  “Sorry, hope I wasn’t too long.” Alec got in and started the car. “I would have invited you in, but I haven’t had anyone over in a long time, and the house is a mess. If you get addicted to my charm and are desperate for a second date, maybe I’ll cook you dinner.” She grinned and winked, and Selene’s stomach did a somersault.

  “Can you cook, really? I know you said you liked to when we were at the beach, but you might have been trying to impress me.”

  “After a fashion, I can. I have some specialty dishes I like to make, and there’s something comforting in making your own food. My sister, Meg, she’s the real cook of the family, though. She throws a lot of parties, and people angle for an invitation just so they can get to her food.”


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