Her Two Men in Tahiti: An MMF Bisexual Menage Romance (Total Indulgence Book 2)

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Her Two Men in Tahiti: An MMF Bisexual Menage Romance (Total Indulgence Book 2) Page 6

by Dana Delamar

  “Maybe. Doesn’t mean he’s wrong though.” My way wasn’t working. Two days had already passed, and I’d gotten exactly nowhere with Rod.

  If this was going to work, I’d have to start doing things differently. I couldn’t keep punishing the guys, for one. None of this was their fault. I had to get Rod to listen to me. To fall in line with the program. But how? What could I offer—

  I froze as the thought hit me. I could give Rod something, something he desperately wanted.

  My eyes shifted over to Dev, and I looked into his keen brown eyes, eyes I dreamed about along with piercing blue ones. “Any idea where Rod might be?”

  Dev snorted. “Same place he was last night, I reckon.”

  Last night? What had Dev said? Something about the roadies and resort staff. That was it then. I had to find Rod and make things right. Anyway I could.

  “Thanks for dinner, guys. See you at rehearsal in the morning.”

  “Whatever,” Tommy said. “It won’t make a jot of difference if Rod skives off again.”

  “He’ll be there,” I said with far more conviction than I felt.

  I left the canteen and headed across the resort to the low buildings that housed the Total Indulgence staff and the King’s Cross crew. There were about ten double rooms, and if Rod was in one of them, I was going to find him.

  The search was short-lived. As soon as I approached the buildings, I heard loud music spilling out the sliding glass doors of a second-floor room in the left corner of the building. I entered, found the stairwell, and climbed up to the second floor. The closer I got, the louder the music got, until I could no longer hear myself think.

  Groups of people clustered in the dimly lit hallway, drinks in hand. I recognized Vanessa, the pretty black social media intern who’d flown in with Daniel, and I approached her. “Hey, Vanessa. Have you seen Rod? I have to talk to him about tomorrow’s rehearsal.”

  “Oh sure.” She pointed to the open door. “He’s in there.”

  “Thank you.”

  As I passed by her, she latched onto my arm. “Sky…” Her cheeks reddened and she looked away.

  My senses went on alert. “What is it?”

  She sighed. “There’s a reason so many of us are out here.”

  I frowned.

  “He’s… they’re…”

  When I continued to frown, she shrugged. “Whatevs. You’ll understand soon enough.”

  I looked at her for a moment and chewed on my lip. Whatever she been trying to tell me, it hardly mattered. I had to talk to Rod. Tonight.

  I marched into the room determined to get my way. After all I was in charge here, wasn’t I?

  I froze.

  Music blared from a boombox, and candles lit the room. The scene before me was something out of a sixties porn flick. Women and men were sprawled around the room, some on the beds, some on the couches, some on the floor. All were in various stages of nakedness. A layer of smoke made the dim lighting even hazier. And judging by the smell, it wasn’t from cigarettes.

  Holy shit.

  I walked further into the room. And then I saw him. Rod rested in an armchair. His legs were spread wide as a long-haired brunette gave him an enthusiastic blow job. A swarthy man, who seemed to be a local, sat on the arm of the chair playing tonsil hockey with Rod.

  I stood rooted to the spot as memories of our week together overlaid what I was seeing. The people Rod was with, they could be me and Dev, except that Dev had never kissed Rod like that, not that I’d seen anyway. Could that be the problem between them, that Rod was out and proud, and Dev was not?

  One way to find out was to ask Rod. I wanted to breathe deeply, but I resisted. Too much of the smoke, and I’d be high as a kite.

  Instead, I straightened my back, squared my shoulders, and walked up to Rod. I shook his shoulder. “Rod.” When he didn’t react, I shook it harder, digging my nails in. “Rod!”

  He stopped kissing the man and slowly rolled his head toward me. His usually sharp blue eyes were hooded and dazed.


  “Rod, we need to talk.”

  “What—?” The brunette, who I’d forgotten, started bobbing up and down on Rod’s cock again. “Yeah, fuck, Sharon. Like that.” Rod gripped her hair and groaned loudly.

  I clenched my teeth, steeling myself against the memories that low sound elicited. “Rod!”

  “I’m a little busy at the moment, Sky.”

  “I can see that. Get un-busy.”

  “All it will take is a minute. I’m almost there. Don’t stop, doll.”

  The islander ran a hand through Rod’s hair and resumed kissing him.

  My patience hit its limits. I steamrolled through the room and ripped the cord of the boombox out of the wall. The music cut off, leaving only the sounds of sex.

  Multiple people’s sex.


  “Everyone out. Go back to your rooms.”

  “You can’t stop us, bitch,” someone shouted. “Who the hell do you think you are?”

  “I’m the bitch in charge of this shindig. And if I hear of anyone”—I turned in a circle, ensuring my glare reached everyone in the room—“anyone giving Rod Taylor booze or drugs while we’re on the island, that person will be fired. I don’t care if you work for TI, for King’s Cross, or for the resort, you will be out of a job. Is that clear?”

  Hearing a lot of grumbling, but no arguments, I returned to Rod. The brunette was still latched onto his cock. I put my foot on her shoulder and shoved. Hard.

  Rod grunted, bent over, and covered his crotch with both hands before leveling me with a look that could kill. “That bloody hurt, you daft cow.”

  Ignoring him, I looked at both his partners. “Out, both of you.”

  Sharon stood, and wiping her mouth, she winked at Rod. “Catch you later, babe.”

  “No,” I said, stepping between them. “If you want to keep your job, you’ll stay away from him.” I turned to the local man. “Same goes for you.”

  The local man held his hands up as he backed away. “I no want problem.”

  I nodded and he scampered out of the room.

  Rod remained in his chair, his cock still hard, and still exposed. I grimaced. “Put that shit away.”

  “You used to like it,” he said, his voice a sensual purr that stirred my arousal.

  I gritted my teeth and lied right through them. “Well, I don’t anymore.”

  “I doubt that.”

  I pinched the bridge of my nose. I had to control myself, or this would quickly devolve into yet another useless argument. But I couldn’t talk to him here with the air redolent of pot fumes and Rod’s hard dick hanging out.

  Tempting me. Goddammit.

  “Let’s go.”


  “My bungalow.”

  “Now that’s more like it.”

  I was about to clarify, but when he wobbled to his feet and tucked himself back into his jeans, I shut my mouth. I crossed the room and waited by the door as he picked his way around furniture, discarded bottles, and clothing. The closer he got to me, the slower he walked.

  “Come on,” I said in an attempt to encourage him.

  He crossed his arms, and I could see suspicion dawning in his eyes.


  He cocked his head to the side. “What are we going to do in your room?”

  “We have to talk.”

  His shoulders stiffened, and his lip curled into a smirk. “When I wanted to talk to you, you brushed me aside saying you weren’t ready. Now, Her Royal Highness has decided the time is right, so she interrupts a perfectly good jobby, and I’m supposed to trot along behind her like the Queen’s most loyal subject? Bugger that. I’ve nothing to say to the likes of you.”

  “Rod.” I ground my teeth so hard I probably cracked a molar.

  “What?” He threw out a hand, stumbled, and almost face-planted. “Will you threaten to fire me too? Please do.”

  “Of course not. I just want to
talk to you.”

  “Why the hell should I?”

  I stuck my hands on my hips. I hadn’t wanted to go there, but I was going to. “You’re coming with me, and we’re going to talk, you son of a bitch, because you fucking owe me.”

  Chapter 3


  My still-damp, half-hard cock rubbed against my boxers as I followed Sky to her bungalow. I’d told Sharon we didn’t have anything, and then I’d gone and stuck my dick in her mouth again, and my tongue in the mouth of some guy with the same golden-brown skin and black hair as Dev.

  How pathetic was I?

  Sky opened up her room, not bothering to see if I was following. I stepped in behind her and closed the door, shutting out the sound of crickets, frogs, and more insects than I wanted to think about.

  You owe me. Her words still rang in my ears.

  She walked over to the minibar and pulled out a couple Cokes. She tossed me one. “Maybe this will help sober you up.”

  “What if I don’t want to be sober?”

  “Whatever,” she said and cracked hers open.

  I carefully bled the pressure off mine, the can chilling my fingers, condensation already forming. “So, what do I owe you for?”

  She froze mid-swallow, her eyes flashing. “Don’t play stupid.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Fine.” She took another swallow, her beautiful throat working, then she smacked the can down on the table beside her. “You can’t get Dev on your own. I’m just a tool to you. That’s all I’ve ever been.” Her voice thickened as she spoke, and her eyes welled with tears.

  Fuck. “That’s not true. I’ve always liked you, Sky.”

  “No. You liked the situation, because you got to have Dev in your bed.”

  My cheeks started to burn. “It started that way, yes. But things changed. Our week together is the longest relationship I’ve had with anyone.”

  “Except Dev.”

  “Except him.” I walked toward her, getting so close I could see the dark rings around the irises of her whiskey-colored eyes. God, she was gorgeous.

  “Are you sure you aren’t gay?” she asked.

  What the fuck? I took her hand and pressed it to my rapidly hardening prick. “That answer your question?”

  She went to pull her hand away, but I held it there and lowered my lips to her ear. “You might think I don’t see you, Sky, but I do. How much you care. How hard you work. How fucking hot you are. How ballsy. You run your own business. You don’t take my shit. How generous you are in bed. How adventurous. And how bloody fucking smart. I see you, Sky. Even though Dev practically blinds me, I still see you.”

  She flexed her fingers against my crotch, the caress so soft I almost didn’t register it. She wiped at her eyes and took a deep breath. “I know what you still want. What you need. And that’s Dev.”

  “I want you too.”

  She held my gaze, her own turning to steel. “You think you deserve me?”

  I shook my head. “Never said that.”

  “Just so we’re clear, you don’t.” I wasn’t even insulted; she was right. I didn’t deserve her. Her fingers whispered against my crotch again. “I’ll help you get Dev, but you have to make an effort to keep the band together.”

  “And what do you get out of it?”

  “I get to keep my job.”

  Interesting. She didn’t mention the million-pound bonus.

  “If I tell you to do something”—her fingers stroked me again—“you do it. And you show up to rehearsals, challenges, everything. No more drinking yourself into oblivion.”

  The authority in her voice hung in the air, resonating inside me, and I felt something shifting. Yeah, I still wanted Dev, but I wanted Sky too.

  “Seal the deal with a snog?” I asked, my gaze falling to her lovely full lips.

  “I’ve slept with Dev, here on the island. Does that bother you?” she asked.

  It did actually. But I played it cool. “I’m a bit jealous. But only because I wasn’t there.” I slid a hand around her waist, trying to draw her closer.

  She placed a hand on my chest. “This is just sex. No strings. Not exclusive.”

  I grinned. We’d see about that—at least the “no strings” part. “Whatever you want, Sky.”

  “Do you really want to quit the band?” She almost whispered the words.

  “No. But I can’t go on this way.”

  She nodded. “Dev is miserable too.”

  “Not that he’ll admit it.”

  “I’ll do whatever it takes to work things out.” She swallowed and looked away. “I’ll be the bridge between you.”

  You’ll be more than a bridge, love. You’ll see. I tugged her to me, my mouth just inches from hers, her breath hitching when my cock pressed into her belly. “So how about that snog?”

  “That is the most ridiculous word,” she whispered, but she tilted her mouth up to mine, both her hands snaking around my neck.

  With a groan, I took her mouth, not wasting another second. She melted against me, her lips parting, her tongue dancing out to meet mine, and I was harder than I’d been in months.

  Because it was her. Because maybe this crazy plan could work. Because maybe, just maybe, we could all be happy.

  And maybe I wouldn’t have to leave King’s Cross.

  I kissed down her neck, licking and nipping at that spot below her ear that I knew drove her wild. She shivered in my arms, her breathing speeding up, her fingers clutching my skull. “Oh, Rod,” she sighed into my ear.

  “Get naked for me, love,” I said, my fingers going to the hem of her blouse.

  She let go of me and whipped the shirt off, her lovely tits still covered in too much fabric. Bloody brassieres. If I were king, I’d outlaw them.

  She grinned at me, obviously seeing where I was focused, and reached up to undo the front clasp. She shrugged out of the offending material and I couldn’t resist taking a taste of those rosy nipples. I licked the freckle on her left breast. “Ah, Beatrice, I’ve missed you.”

  Sky giggled, her amusement making me grin too, a warmth filling my chest. This felt so good, being with her again. Right. Like a hole had been filled. A hole I’d overlooked in my misery over Dev.

  “You aren’t naked enough, woman,” I growled against her tits. She moaned when I sucked hard on her nipple and tugged it with my teeth.

  She shoved down her shorts, and the scent of her arousal made my cock twitch. “Get on the bed.”

  She turned to comply, then gave me a saucy wink. “You going to fuck me fully dressed?”

  No bloody way. I wanted us skin to skin. I stripped as fast as my shaking hands would allow, my heart pounding as she bent over the bed, spreading her legs in invitation, her glistening pussy beckoning to me. I grabbed a condom from my pocket and brought it with me over to the bed.

  I shoved her hair out of the way, nipping the nape of her neck, enjoying her shiver when I kissed down her spine, ending on my knees between her legs. “Sit down on the edge, love.”

  Turning, she perched on the edge of the mattress, her legs open, no shyness in her. That was one of the things I admired about her. She knew what she wanted, and she wasn’t afraid to show it.

  I kissed the inside of her thigh, just above the knee, and a tremor went through her. Sliding my hand along her other thigh, I paused just an inch from her slick pussy. She rolled her hips, and I grinned against the silken softness of her leg. “So impatient.”

  “I could die before you get to it.”

  I looked up at her, then blew a stream of air over the finely manicured hair between her legs. “Is that so?”

  “Bastard.” She started to bring a hand down to touch yourself, but I grabbed her wrist and shook my head. “No, love. Let me.”

  She held my gaze, something in her eyes, something I couldn’t read. Then she nodded and dropped her hand to the side.

  I leaned forward and parted those delicate pink lips, revealing the glistening pearl of her clit. I
swept my tongue from her entrance to that pearl, circling it, her fingers thrusting into my hair as she gasped.

  I sucked hard on her clit, and it swelled under my tongue, her hips bucking, and I placed a hand on her left thigh to hold her in place.

  God, she tasted good, so wet and ready for me. Memories of our time with Dev filled my mind, and a fierce ache filled my chest. Could we have that again? Could we all really be together?

  I licked my fingers, thoroughly wetting them, before working two of them inside her. She moaned when I slid them in and out, her hips rocking in time with my exploration of her.

  When I sucked her clit into my mouth again, circling my tongue around it, she came hard. Shuddering, she swore softly and held on to my shoulders, her fingers digging into me.

  She fell back on the bed, panting, and I stood, rolling the condom on. When I nudged her entrance with my cock, she shook her head. “Just a sec.”

  I stepped back, palming myself while she panted. Then she rolled herself over, presenting me with her lovely bum.

  “You want in the back, love?”

  She shook her head. “Just from behind.”

  She wasn’t looking at me, and I knew what she was doing. Shutting me out, pretending I wasn’t there.

  I recognized the signs because I was a master of fucking without feelings entering into it.

  But I wasn’t going to let that happen here.

  I turned her around. “I want to know who I’m fucking.” I held her gaze. “Who I’m with.”

  A shadow flickered across her face. “I didn’t think you cared.” The words were so low I had to strain to hear them, and my chest tightened.

  I cupped her jaw and tilted her face up to me. “I never meant to hurt you.”

  “You weren’t even thinking about me.”

  I lowered my lips almost to hers. “I should have been.” I kissed her softly. “And I’m thinking of you now.”

  Tears welled in her eyes, and she softly struck me on the shoulder. “You don’t fight fair,” she murmured.

  “Never said I did.” I pushed her down onto the mattress and kissed her neck again, pulling her right leg up to wrap around my hip. I rubbed my aching cock against her, and she gasped again. “Still with me, love?”


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