Rich Love

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Rich Love Page 15

by Zoe Adams

  Royce did not smile back. “I don’t know if I ever want to be a sugar daddy again. This is more than that. I’m offering you more than money.”

  “I know,” she said quickly. “So far, I like you. We enjoy each other’s company and fit well together. We are both taking time off from work, and so far it’s been really nice, but we still need to go back to reality in a few weeks.”

  Royce picked up her hand. “You don’t ever have to work again.”

  “I know.” She shrugged with her other arm. “But I don’t know what I would do with my time.”

  “I can keep you busy, I promise you that.” He pulled her mouth to his face.

  Susanna received a passionate kiss that sealed his promise, whisked from one place to the next with the fervor of a rich man.

  Chapter 11

  Pearl of A Time

  Royce was pleased. He had wanted to break Susanna in to the magic of wealth slowly. There were many things to come, but this was the perfect starting point for what he had in mind.

  He knew she would be his; it would just take time. He had already silently made the important decision for both of them, and was ready to direct her. In the meantime, he was forced to make small-talk about other things.

  He wanted to keep her attention all the time. She could definitely hold his attention. He raised his finger and pointed. “Come on, there’s something I want to show you.”

  As usual, Royce had her undivided attention, and she didn’t question him. They entered the wide hallway of orderly rooms, and didn’t have far to go before they entered a bedroom.

  Royce flung aside long airy drapes, and he manhandled a few windows open. The decorative switches that brought forth natural light were camouflaged into the walls. Once there was proper lighting, the room turned into a peach and cream luminescent sheen.

  The end zone for opulence was non-existent. The room was a pearl, and heavily ensconced in them. Its walls were flat, creamy white, and it made the peach pearls gleam. Heavy chandeliers were obscene and hung in a circle around the room. Matching wall sconces swung tiny candles on elegant arms that dripped pearls, crystals, diamonds, and gold casings.

  “This is amazing,” Susanna whispered her new mantra. “I feel like I need to pinch myself. Like there’s no way this can be real.”

  Royce could understand her completely and sat down beside her. “This room is the heart. It has housed the mothers of my bloodline for…” He gulped, a little overcome. “It’s been empty for too long. I knew it would be like this, when I finally brought a woman to this room. I know you’re overwhelmed, but you handle it like a star. If you can get past this, everything else is just a reflection of a shimmer of this sort of wealth.”

  Susanna shook her head. “I thought we were kind of equal, but this is like royalty. If I hadn’t seen pictures of Catherine the Great’s amber room, I’d think this was impossible.”

  Royce swooped her up and into his arms. His voice took on a kingly, demanding note. “Well then, you are my prairie princess, and you belong here because I wish it. Now, there’s something I’ve been wondering for a while.”

  In the adjoining changing room, he seated her on the round ottoman. Gold-mirrored doors circled around her in a lazy wave. Royce opened one of them and began skimming racks.

  “Aha.” He held out a little red dress. He tossed it forward for approval, and Susanna caught the hint.

  She slipped the scarlet piece over her shoulders. The top was snug and barely contained her breasts. The fluffy skirt was short for her, and it came to a thin thigh. She quit squirming and shrugged. “The zipper won’t go all the way up.”

  “That’s all right; we aren’t going anywhere.” He picked up a shoe, slipped it onto her foot, and studied the proportions. “It’s nice to know that fits.” He withdrew the shoe and compared her feet. They were starting to look more uniform. The scab was healing well on her foot, and soon she would regain her freedom.

  He had been keeping her all to himself to make sure she remained off her healing foot. Soon, he would have to share her or himself, and he wasn’t ready.

  Susanna interrupted his selfish thoughts. “This is a beautiful room, but why don’t you keep jewels in a safe?”

  “And never enjoy the glitz and dazzle?” Royce waved his hand nonchalantly.

  Susanna considered for a moment, then said, “I suppose the wealth of the world has to be somewhere.”

  “Doesn’t everyone want to be surrounded with beautiful things?” Royce asked.

  Susanna shrugged. “For me, beautiful things don’t just happen. I can’t imagine not working for all of this.”

  Royce watched her eyes settle into an aloof color of pale blue. “All of this is replaceable. Do you want to leave?”

  “No.” She said it so quickly the word had to have been borne from her soul.

  Royce nodded, relieved. “There is something special about being a piece of sand that a living thing turns into something shiny. It’s kind of like you, coming out of hardship spotless and perfectly rounded.”

  “This room makes me feel different. Like I just entered the Twilight Zone of wealth.”

  “That’s how this room is supposed to make you feel. Like you’re an expensive treasure made to show off.”

  Royce watched a look of recognition dawn in Susanna’s eyes. She was starting to understand his position. He knew he would be asking her important questions in the future, but he thought it better to warm her to new ideas slowly. Royce exhaled as if breath were his prisoner that had finally escaped.

  They had both been bounders in other worlds. Susanna had secluded herself on a ranch, and Royce had secluded himself in wealth. They had both made their choices, and somehow still had met. It made him believe in magic, like something inevitable had brought them together. They had met in the darkest of night, on a never-ending road, and this pinnacle of short breath and pounding hearts was comforting.

  They spent the next few days being tourists in the old city of love. After another day’s completion of some of France’s must-sees, they relaxed in the country manor.

  A private dinner was set up in the formal dining room. The room was very large, and the table went off in both directions. They sat together near the middle of the table and eyed each other appreciatively.

  Halfway through courses, a note of frenzy overtook the semi-private meal. The men who usually remained sedate and discrete began to quicken their paces. Something clattered and echoed throughout the hollow stone hall. Forks and knives were delicately set beside matching gold filigree plates.

  “What is it, Lawrence?” Royce barked from the candlelit table.

  “Lady Eloise is in the west drawing room. She is requesting your immediate presence.” Lawrence and his many different colors of hair waited to be waved away, and exited sharply.

  Royce looked at Susanna indecisively.

  “Your grandma?” she asked.

  Royce answered by inclining his head.

  “Is this normal?” She scooped her fork on the plate but set it down.

  Royce smiled and winked. “She wants me to work. This won’t take long. I swear.”

  He saw her blue eyes turn into silver moonbeams that absorbed the situation. She played it cool, waiting silently.

  He realized if he left, it was surely a taste of dinners to come. His reasoning carried him to a scenario of her toughness, that if she really wanted to leave, crawling would not stop her. All thoughts flew southward, and he decided to finish his dinner.

  “I brought you here for a reason. Why would I leave you alone?” Royce said it like it was the stupidest question.

  “Ignoring issues and people doesn’t make them go away,” Susanna remarked.

  “I know.” Royce smiled. “It’s all right if she waits a little.”

  They finished dinner at leisure, and Royce took pleasure escorting her upstairs afterward. Her handicap was his reason to be noble. He liked his life with her, and taking his time with her served every bene

  He settled her on the couch with a movie, then excused himself for official business downstairs. A few moments later, he entered a regal sitting room.

  “Grandmama,” he said from the doorway, “it’s nice to see you.” He went to her and customarily kissed her wrinkled cheek.

  Eloise stood and looked down at her grandson. “My Royce,” she said and patted his collar affectionately, “you look well.”

  “We had an agreement,” he chided her. “I told you when I found the right woman, there would be no distractions.”

  Brown eyes met his accusation knowingly. “That was before I found out how quickly you’re moving.”

  Eloise held up a superb reconnaissance snapshot. “This is an excellent picture, Royce. Simply go to Claude’s, and you look like a gallant knight carrying a weary princess. You are so clever.”

  Royce viewed the paper window of time. His sharp memories were no less of that first breakfast in Paris. He had carried Susanna through the restaurant with ease. Her peach dress and his suit had made the picture timeless. It was a classic shot of a beautiful woman smiling at a ridiculously happy man.

  When the words came out of his mouth, they sounded like they came from very far away. “Consider this a wedding announcement. I’ll try to take it slow, for her benefit. I’m sure you know what to do.”

  “Yes, I do know what to do.” Lady Eloise shook her head. “However, I would hardly call this going slow. I’m rather surprised at your speed.”

  Royce grinned. “You say this now, but wait until you meet her.”

  “I can’t wait to meet her,” Eloise said earnestly. “You have a lot of things going for you. I can trust you, because you have never been serious about any of your flings before. Susanna must be very special.”

  “She is,” he agreed. “That’s why I can’t let her get away, or get bored.”

  “Hmm,” Eloise sighed.

  Royce recognized it as her way of worrying without speaking, and he knew exactly what she was thinking. He hadn’t thought of Susanna as a cheater. The option hadn’t yet entered his mind.

  He had only been thinking of her in his bed. He could honestly admit Susanna clouded his thinking in a sexily satisfied way, but some parts of his brain had more clarity than had ever been there.

  It was all right for Eloise to question Susanna. It was to be expected this early in a relationship. Royce realized that both women were hard to win, but once they trusted you, it covered everything. He went to Eloise and held her hand faithfully.

  “Grandmama, it’s all right. I know you have been on the lookout for me a long time. You know, it’s strange. Sometimes Susanna reminds me of you. She is stubborn, smart, and always watching out for things and looking around.” Royce smiled. “I think you’ll get along well. But first I have to keep her, so if you will excuse me.”

  “Of course.” Eloise patted his hand then let go.

  Royce walked away with a new purpose to his gait. He mentally hurdled the obstacles between him and the wedding-altar. He had a plan and was right on time when he reached his room, and his unknowing bride.

  Susanna was halfway through the old movie when he returned.

  “How is your Grandmama?” she asked.

  The thought of lying to Susanna never even crossed his mind.

  “She can’t wait to meet you,” he said softly. His knuckle admired smoothness of flesh, and his mind relished a rival intelligence, before it disappeared in primal instincts.

  Their attention diverted. Susanna did everything well with Royce, and sleeping was no exception.

  Chapter 12

  Poseidon’s Caress

  The next day, they slept in late. Sometime around noon, they showered and prepared themselves for another day.

  Royce had a very self-assured style. He wasn’t used to answering questions, and Susanna was not used to asking them. She didn’t ask where they were going, and didn’t think to ask if they were coming back. She dressed as he did, and they looked like two upper-class tourists. He wore a white linen shirt and slacks, and Susanna wore a flowery sundress. He carried her around as if she were his prized possession.

  They left the country manor together and were each handed a coffee before boarding the helicopter. As they approached the coast, the smell of dirt and worms gave way to salt and sea.

  The helicopter landed on a mega yacht. Susanna looked at Royce in surprise. He had a coy smile on his face, but took off his headgear. They wouldn’t be having a conversation until he was ready. Susanna sputtered and followed cue.

  Once free of the wind hurling helicopter, he welcomed her aboard in high style. “Welcome aboard the Black Water Splitter.”

  “This is your ship?” Susanna asked.

  “Of course it is. I told you we were going on a cruise.” He upheld sham innocence well.

  Susanna shook her head. “I just didn’t expect it to be a private yacht.”

  Royce nodded. “Yes, this is my ship. I think you will enjoy it.”

  Susanna looked around. It was an old ship retrofitted to look new, and it sat in first class style. Shiny brass fixtures that could have been old or new held lights that looked like they ran off gas. The floors were solid wood planks with countless coats of lacquer. Deck chairs and tables were white and remarkably clean. Black railings spindled into a curve that kept the wealth-riddled items from sliding overboard. Just like the country manor, it was hard to tell how old everything really was, but the smell of oils, salts, and woods seemed to go together nicely.

  The entire second deck of the ship was reserved for Royce’s private quarters, and it contained them easily. No one had told Royce that treasures could be lost at sea, because there were enough artifacts to make an insurance salesperson cry. Tall, ornate ceilings and gold leaf décor provided private decks for the pool. The master suite had a full view of everything in front of the ship.

  Susanna barely noticed when the two-hundred-and-eighty-foot ship pulled up its lines and slipped from the harbor. The land began to disappear, and the couples played at love in a Grecian tropical splendor.

  The ship pulled further from the shallow inlets, and the rolling waves grew taller. That first night on board the yacht was a wild one as they were pushed through a storm.

  “Royce, I don’t know about the ocean. I’m a prairie girl, and I like my feet on solid ground.” Susanna set her fork down and closed her eyes.

  He quickly closed the curtains with a push of a button. “Well, you are not allowed to put both feet on the ground, so let’s try this for one more day. I know the best thing for Poseidon’s caress.”

  He put her to bed. By the second day, her instincts and limbs cried out from the constant bed rest.

  “I usually don’t have time to be sick,” Susanna said obsequiously as Royce massaged her bandaged foot. “I feel silly lying in bed with my foot up.”

  “Maybe you should just enjoy it.” He shared his attention with her other foot in an eager-to-please caress.

  Susanna giggled, and the elicited response had his attention at full mast. She tried to resist the instinct of jerking her foot away from his tickling grasp. The heavy breathing and focused eyes did not bode well for the dinner that was to be served shortly.

  “We have to move that table before it gets kicked,” she said.

  Royce cocked his head, intrigued. “What else would you change about my room?”

  “Nothing.” Susanna smiled. “Well, maybe more plants.”

  “All right, you can do whatever you like to this room. We can land in Italy for renovations.” He was completely unconcerned.

  “That is really nice of you, but it wouldn’t be right. I’m not going to stamp your property with my signature.” Susanna crossed her arms.

  He threw back his head and laughed, but she remained adamant despite the flush she felt warming her face.

  “I want you to feel at home, and be entertained. I’d like to keep you mildly busy, and if you want, you can redesign the whole deck for us.
Don’t forget to plan for our little additions.” Royce kissed her belly in anticipation.

  “Royce.” Susanna giggled, but it only spurred him on. “You are so arrogant.”

  “And you are too sexy. Did I say something wrong?” He looked up in feigned innocence.

  “It sounds like you have a lot of plans for me. How am I going to find the time to decorate?”

  Royce huffed on his fingernails, before buffing them on his chest, and teased, “That does sound like a lot of work. I might just have to fly in a couple of people to help.”

  “It’s not too hard,” Susanna said with a laugh. “You just want me to boss people around.”

  Royce was truly indignant when he looked up and said, “Now you’ve done it. You have to do everything by yourself.”

  “That just means more work for you, because you’ll have to hold my measuring tape, and be my assistant,” Susanna teased with an arched eyebrow.

  Dinner was delivered with a delicious whoosh of steamy, deliciously scented air. Tender meats and sweet sauces titillated their palates; they agreed that many things were better left to the professionals. In this state of coddled bliss, it was easy for them to enjoy life, and the prospect of their future together.

  Chapter 13

  Height Restrictions

  A dazzling sun rose across the distance, and waves put on their morning dapple. The ocean rocked its wide, swinging hips, and the ship reflected its veritable smoothness.

  Susanna stretched languidly on an oversized couch in the formal salon. Royce had disappeared to an obscure command post of the monstrous floating transport.

  She was watching TV, and a modern day chess game fought for ten yards at a time. The action had excited newscasters reverberating within the room. The game was exciting, and Susanna sat forward.

  The phone started to ring. Looking around the plush room, she found it. Susanna hadn’t talked to her family in a week, and that was about normal. But it had been harder to go without news about the ranch.


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