Her Undercover Prince

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Her Undercover Prince Page 15

by Carol Moncado

  Kirsten walked in with her own binder and tablet in hand. “We need to go over a few things for next week whenever you’d like to. I thought perhaps you’d want to get it out of the way before everyone else arrives and the reception this evening.”

  Jacqueline Grace moved away from the open door but didn’t close it. The breeze felt wonderful. “Now is fine.”

  They spent nearly an hour going over her schedule for the week after their return to San Majoria. She had several events to attend, including a formal fundraiser. Which reminded her...

  “This reception this evening isn’t formal is it?”

  Kirsten checked her tablet. “There’s no notation for dress code, so I believe it’s come as you are.”

  That didn’t mean “come as you are.” It meant more casual was fine.

  Pajamas or sweats were not.

  Neither were flip-flops or Crocs. At best nice sandals, but no heels necessary.

  When they finished their discussion, Jacqueline Grace stood. “I think I’m going to take a shower and a nap before tonight.”

  Kirsten headed for the door. “I’ll see that you’re not disturbed, miss.”

  “Thank you.”

  As she rubbed the back of her neck, Jacqueline Grace wondered if the stress would bleed off under the hot water.

  It did, a little bit. Not as much as she would have liked, but should she have expected anything different?

  Wrapped in a plush bathrobe, with her hair piled in a towel on her head, she curled into a chair on the patio of her hut and sipped a cup of tea. She could see down to the beach, though she didn’t have instant access to it like some of the huts did.

  Kiara and Mary came into view followed quickly by Sofia and Gracie.

  That meant her older brother and sister had already landed, despite their anticipated arrival time being listed for later in the evening.

  The girls were followed by Sofia’s nanny. None of them noticed her watching from under the overhang of her hut. At least the four of them seemed to be getting along.

  It only took a few minutes for them to move out of her line of sight. This time when the knock on the door came, she was more inclined to ignore it, but knew better.

  “Come in,” she called again, but still didn’t bother to get up. And the door wasn’t locked. Not when everyone on the property knew they needed to knock, but security also needed immediate access in case of emergency.

  This time it was her older sister who entered. “You look comfortable,” Astrid walked onto the patio.

  “I am.”

  “I heard about your meeting with the Trade Minister.” She sat in the chair next to Jacqueline Grace. “I think you did better than I would have.”

  She turned to her sister, her hair towel dislodging as she did. “Really?” Jacqueline Grace had always thought of her sister as much more confident and poised. In reality, the Trade Minister likely would have given her a little more respect to start with.

  Not as much as he would have their father or even Kensington, but, as the next monarch of San Majoria, Astrid would be given more than Jacqueline Grace.

  “I would have tried to fake the confidence, but I’m not sure I would have done as well as you.”

  “I was shaking in my stilettos,” Jacqueline Grace admitted.

  “But they didn’t know it.” Astrid reached over and patted her arm. “They respected your stand. The real issue isn’t whether or not you were scared, but whether you did it anyway.”

  “Any idea when Esther and the babies are supposed to be here?” Changing the subject seemed like a good idea. Talking about how well she’d done made Jacqueline Grace a bit uncomfortable.

  “A couple of hours. I haven’t been to the States since they were born. I think almost everyone else has.”

  Jacqueline Grace was there the day they were born. She’d been in the room with Astrid when Sofia was born. She’d been outside the door when Astrid gave birth to Baby David.

  Who would be there when Jacqueline Grace had a baby?


  Or would it ever happen?

  If she did have to legally divorce Dave, she wouldn’t be allowed to marry again, no matter the original circumstances, not without a change to the laws. Unless he died at some point, then she’d be considered a widow like Astrid had been.

  Not something she wanted regardless.

  She’d likely just live out her life as her father’s aide and eventually Astrid’s.

  It wasn’t the life she’d always envisioned for herself, but at this point, it just might have to do.

  Flipping back to the previous page in the binder, Dave looked across the table at the bald guy. Thor wasn’t it?

  “What is it?”

  Dave shrugged. “There’s something I can’t put my finger on.”

  “Can you elaborate further?” Thor pushed his binder away from him and leaned his forearms on the table.

  “Who put the plans together?” Maybe knowing that would help.

  “King Benjamin’s Head of Security was the primary architect of the plans.”

  He looked up at that. “You’re not the Head of Security?”

  Thor shook his head. “No. I’m the Deputy Head of Security. Second in command. But I didn’t have much to do with these plans.”

  “But you’re in charge on site?” Was that his source of confusion?

  “I am, at least on the Eyjanian side of things.” His tone seemed carefully neutral.

  “Where’s your boss?”

  “He had an unavoidable conflict.”

  “But the whole family is here, or will be shortly, right?”

  Thor simply nodded.

  What could be so important that the Head of Security would take time off while the family was out of town and together?

  “Does that make a difference in what you think you see?”

  Dave flipped between a few pages again, trying to put his finger on it. “The press conference is Monday, right?”


  “The journos are being brought in first thing Monday morning to set up. They’ll leave a few hours later, as soon as they pack up afterward.”


  More looking from page to page. “And it’s being carried live in both countries?”

  “I believe it will be live in all four of the Quad Countries.”

  “So why is security lighter after word gets out about the new babies and likely the location of the families, even though it won’t be officially mentioned?”

  Thor blinked then pulled his binder closer. “Is it lighter? There’s no reduction in staff on site.”

  “There’s not but look at the numbers on the job at any given time.” They decreased.

  This time Thor went from page to page, carefully scanning the information. “What’s the printed date on your copy?”

  Dave checked. “This morning at 0800.”

  “Mine is from last night at 2200, but the numbers of those on duty remains the same throughout the week.” Thor reached for Dave’s folder, twisting it around so he could read the pages.

  “These aren’t the same,” he muttered. He tilted his binder up.

  Though it was upside down, Dave could easily read the “final copy” stamped in red on the top of the page.

  It was also on Dave’s, though not in red.

  “So which one is the real final copy?” Dave asked.

  “Mine is supposed to be, but everything indicates yours is the final version as well.” He tapped a corner of the page.

  The initials? Someone had approved every page in the binder. And in Thor’s binder.

  Something funny was going on. “Have the kings approved these? Or do they let security handle all of it?”

  “I know King Benjamin looked it over. He’s still learning about security concerns. Until recently, under the influence of a particular individual, he let security handle it - along with that individual.”

  “And King Edward?”

shook his head. “I’m not certain, though I would imagine he’s seen it.” He reached for the phone on the table. “I’ll get him in here.”

  Dave leaned back in his seat while Thor made the call. After the other man hung up, Dave voiced his next thought. “So what’s the purpose? For sake of discussion, if mine is accurate since it was printed this morning, what’s the purpose behind lowering the number of security on watch at any given time? Is there any pattern to who was removed from the duty roster?”

  “A lowered threat level would be the most obvious answer.” Thor tapped his pen against the table.

  “That doesn’t make sense. The threat level is likely lower now before the press conference than after. Having heightened security to avoid leaks makes sense but lowering it afterward doesn’t. So why lower it?”

  “The first answer that comes to mind isn’t one I like very much.”

  A weight settled around Dave’s shoulders. Thor was thinking the same thing he was. “Some kind of threat that we don’t know about, but someone wants to make certain succeeds.” He hesitated before going on. “And, as much as I hate to say it, my first suspect would be your boss. I don’t know him, but I would think a gathering like this would preclude him from taking time off unless he’s the one in a coma.”

  Before Thor could answer, the door opened and in walked not one but two kings.

  Dave and Thor both scrambled to their feet, bowing at the waist toward the door.

  King Edward waved a dismissive hand as he took a seat at the table. “Benjamin, this is Dave, my new assistant valet and a friend of Jacqueline Grace’s. He has a background in security matters that makes his opinion valuable. Now, Thor, what is it you’ve found?”

  Thor detailed the little they knew as Edward looked through both binders with Benjamin looking over his shoulder.

  Benjamin tapped Thor’s copy. “This is the one I saw most recently.”

  Edward nodded. “My security chief is on his way. He first brought the decrease to my attention and to the attention of Benjamin’s security chief.” The king glanced toward Dave. “The numbers were adjusted after that. Most likely, the wrong file was printed this morning, but it does bear looking into.”

  They all looked up as another man entered the room.

  “My security chief, Landon Jones.”

  Mr. Jones had seven binders with him and set them on the table as the king reiterated his thought that Dave’s copy had been printed in error.

  “That’s possible,” Landon said. He motioned to the binders. “But if that’s the case, every member of my team has been given the same incorrect information. Whether intentional or not, the result would be the same.”

  Grim lines covered each face as Dave spoke the words everyone had to be thinking. “Security wouldn’t be tight enough, and something will happen to threaten those on this island.”


  Skinny jeans with a flowy blouse and strappy sandals was appropriate for an informal royal family gathering right?

  Jacqueline Grace decided to wear it whether it would get a look of disapproval or not.

  She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the twins from Eyjania wearing something similar. If only she could keep them straight. She’d spent some time with them in the States, both at Christmas and when Esther’s twins were born, and knew Genevieve was more outgoing than Evangeline, but at first glance, she didn’t couldn’t tell them apart.

  “Jacqueline Grace!” The one with her hair in a high ponytail grabbed Jacqueline Grace for a hug.

  Definitely Genevieve.

  “It’s good to see you,” Evangeline said as she let go. “It’s about time they told the world, and we can go see them more often. I miss my nieces.”

  Jacqueline Grace smiled at both of them. “It’s lovely to see both of you, as well. I miss my nieces, too. I love Sofia and Gracie, but they’re not babies anymore.”

  The three of them walked toward the banquet hall. “I’m trying to remember the last time we had a baby around the palace,” Genevieve mused. “Probably Alfie, but he’s almost twelve.” She elbowed Evangeline. “Maybe soon, though.”

  Jacqueline Grace looked at them as they walked. “Is the queen expecting?”

  Evangeline shook her head. “Not as far as we’re aware. Benjamin isn’t the kind to share that sort of thing early on anyway. Katrín might, but I think she’d respect Benjamin’s wishes if he wanted to wait longer.” She shrugged. “But he’s the king. Everyone knows they’re supposed to have babies as soon as possible.”

  Genevieve glanced around to make sure no one else could hear, then whispered, “And even though Benjamin comes across as super cold and stoic in public, I’ve seen them when they don’t think anyone is around. They’re so cute. He adores her. It wouldn’t surprise me if they made an announcement before we leave.”

  “That would be bigger news in Eyjania than Darius marrying my sister and having twins.”

  Genevieve nodded. “Which is part of the reason why they wouldn’t make a public announcement but might tell the family before we leave.”

  “If she’s even pregnant,” Evangeline pointed out. “It’s just supposition right now because she wasn’t feeling well on the flight this morning. That’s all.”

  They reached the main building where the banquet hall was housed. A member of the San Majorian security team opened the door to let them in.

  Jacqueline Grace looked around and spotted more security members than she would have expected. Not just San Majorian but from other countries as well. At least she suspected all of the countries represented would have sent security contingents based on the size of the entourage in attendance, as well as relative proximity to the throne of their particular country.

  “What’s with all the guards?” Genevieve whispered as they walked in. “I thought this place was supposed to be secure even without all the extra men.”

  Evangeline shrugged. “Maybe because we’re so much closer to San Majoria, and Thor isn’t convinced Isaiah is really dead.”

  “Where did you hear that?” Jacqueline Grace jumped in.

  “I overheard him talking to Mother on the flight here. That’s just a guess about why there’s more security, but his remains were never found, so I guess it makes sense.”

  “And you heard all that on the flight?” Genevieve confirmed. “Where was I?”

  “I went to use the facilities. They were in the seats in the back, looking over some paperwork. I doubt they knew I was there.”

  They entered the banquet hall and were almost immediately separated. Jacqueline Grace found herself being embraced by her older brother.

  “How are you, Kensington?”

  He left his arm around her shoulder. “Wondering how you and your mystery man from the tabloids are doing.”

  “Dave’s fine.” She shrugged a shoulder under the weight of his arm. “I guess. Haven’t seen him since we landed. I was brought directly here. He and the girls traveled separately. How’s Anabelle?”

  “Tired. Having a nanny is a lifesaver, but Anabelle insists on getting up with Jamison in the middle of the night when he needs someone. He wakes up once or twice a night to eat still, and she does most of the feedings. Every once in a while, she’ll let him have a bottle so she can sleep but not often.”

  “She’s a good mom.”

  “She’s the best.” Kensington’s soft voice. “I couldn’t ask for a better mother to my children.”

  “And she couldn’t ask for a better father. Anyone who saw you last year during everything knows that.” Everything being Gracie’s month-long abduction the summer before. Kensington had been beside himself, as though he’d been Gracie’s biological father rather than her brother-in-law. He and Anabelle had since legally adopted the little girl as their own.

  “I do my best. At least I won’t ever be quite as busy as our father always has been.”

  “Probably not, but you’ll do your best to help Astrid, just like I will.”

  He squeezed h
er shoulder. “At least until you have babies of your own. You’ll want to take time off to be with them, especially when they’re little, just like you have some with Kiara.”

  “I have to find someone to have kids with first.” She leaned her head against her brother. He had no way of knowing she was destined to be alone after this whole civil contract debacle.

  Dave walked in the other side of the room, one of the Eyjanian security team members at his side. So he was back to his job, or his secondary job, at least for the moment.

  More family members streamed into the room, though the guests of honor still hadn’t arrived. Esme, Crown Princess of Islas del Sargasso, arrived and proceeded to pointedly ignore the prince from Auverignon who walked in immediately after her.

  Something was going on between her and Gabriel, with his well-deserved Prince Playboy nickname, but Jacqueline Grace didn’t know what it could be. Esme had never made a secret of her contempt for him and his lifestyle - at least in private.

  Jordan, Astrid’s husband stood at the front of the room and put his fingers in his mouth before letting out an ear-splitting whistle.

  Her father stood next to Jordan. “Thank you all for being here. Dinner will be served shortly, buffet style, but now...” He motioned to the door on the other end of the room. “Our guests of honor.”

  Dave stood off to the side scanning the room as Prince Darius of Eyjania and Princess Esther of San Majoria walked into the room, each holding an infant daughter.

  The rest of the people in the room swarmed them until King Edward called for everyone to back off, promising they’d all get their turn with the baby girls.

  Staff members from the resort brought in tray after tray of food and set them on tables lining one wall. Dave stayed back. He wasn’t considered part of the family for this portion of the weekend. He had to keep reminding himself that he was part of the staff. Right now, the security staff.

  He’d been kicked out of the security meeting not long after the kings arrived.

  Thor moved to his side. “This has to be weird for you,” the astute man commented.


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