Betrayed: A Bad Boy Military Romance

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Betrayed: A Bad Boy Military Romance Page 3

by Penelope Marshall

  Where has she been all my life?

  We ran from building to building, hiding from passing trucks, and anyone on the street who would alert Jesus to our escape, making it all the way to flat desert without being seen.

  "Here is where the real journey starts," she said, pulling a bottle of water from her bag.

  She took a drink then handed me the bottle.

  "Do you know how far we have to go?"

  "Two miles to Otay Mesa. There's a hole in the fence the traffickers use. I've been there a couple of times with Jesus, and I'm pretty sure I know how to get there."

  'Pretty sure' was not very reassuring, but it was better than being killed. I gulped down a sizeable amount of water, holding it my mouth for a while to quench my massive thirst.

  "Ready?" she asked.

  I nodded, handing her back the bottle of water. She started running, and I followed, the small sharp rocks under my bare feet felt like knives, but I set my mind on the task at hand, relegating the pain to a small compartment at the back of my brain. It would have to stay there until I was out of Jesus' reach.

  Behind us, a loud siren went off, and the sound of gunfire pierced the otherwise quiet evening. I stopped and glanced over my shoulder.

  "Keep running," she yelled. "It's Jesus."

  My adrenaline started pumping, and pretty soon I had outpaced her by at least ten feet. I slowed down, waiting for her to catch up.

  "It's fine. Run. Just leave me!" she yelled.

  "Never," I said, stretching out my hand to help pull her along.

  The sound of a few speeding engines were fast approaching. "Hurry, they're coming," I yelled, worried they were going to catch up to us.

  She pointed ahead of us. "There's a small lake up ahead."

  Inhaling a deep breath, I pushed through the fatigue and pain, sprinting the final few feet to the edge of the water. Glancing over my shoulder, the faint circles of headlights appeared, bobbing up and down as it drove over the uneven ground. Night had begun to fall and I was going to use it to our advantage.

  Reaching the edge of the water, I realized a splash and the subsequent water ripples would be easily seen if someone were looking. "We have to slowly walk in. No ripples okay?"

  She nodded as we held hands, and slowly walked into the frigid water. By the time we were neck deep the headlights were only a hundred feet from our position, and she was shivering so much her teeth were beginning to chatter. I knew she wouldn’t be able to hold her breath that long, not with how cold she was.

  "How long can you hold your breath?" I asked.

  "I don't know," she replied, her lip quivering, and her jaw tight.

  The beams from the headlights were beginning to blind me. "It's now or never, Sierra. Take a deep breath."

  We both inhaled then descended into the water. Slowing my heart rate, I was able to make my breath last twice as long. The headlights stopped at the edge of the lake beaming a light over the face of the water. The silhouette of a man floated past the headlights, shining a flashlight over the water.

  Fuck! Move on.

  Sierra began to tug at my wrist and I knew she was running out of air. I had to make a decision…give her half of mine or try and take this guy out, not knowing how many were standing behind him.

  Shifting my gaze from the man, I cupped my palms to her cheeks and pressed my lips to hers, slowly sharing my last breath. My lungs began to burn, and I knew I only had a few more seconds before I would have to come up for air.

  My chest tightened and my survival instinct tried its hardest to take over and make me surface, but I wouldn’t let it. She tugged at my wrist again, but this time I had nothing to give her.

  To this day, I believe we had a guardian angel watching over us, because the minute my lungs told me they could take no more abuse, the headlights backed away and disappeared. Instantly, I pushed us off the bottom, breaking the surface of the water as we both inhaled a deep, satisfying breath.

  We lingered for a bit, making sure all the headlights had disappeared before making our way out of the lake.

  "Which way?" I asked.

  "You saved me," she replied.

  Wiping the water from her face, I gripped on to the back of her neck, pulling her toward me. "Why wouldn't I?"


  I didn't reply. I couldn't. No man had ever put me first. Not my father, my brother, not anyone.

  The electricity between us was palpable, and I was spellbound by the way he seized the nape of my neck. Was it crazy I wanted him right then, right there? We were running for our lives for God sake’s and I was thinking about ripping off my wet clothes and letting him take me.

  "God, I want you," I professed in a whisper, staring at him under the waning light of the setting sun.

  Out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of another set of headlights, coming straight for us. It was too late to jump back in the water at this point, and all I could do was look to Chance with disappointment in my eyes.

  "We almost made it," I said.

  He didn’t reply, except to push me behind him as the lights neared. Both doors of the truck opened and closed, and a set of flashlights blinded us from seeing who was holding them.

  "Don't shoot," Chance said, holding up his hands.

  "Que haces aqui afuera?" the man asked with a slight American accent.

  "American?" Chance asked.

  "Yes. California Border Patrol. Get on your knees," he ordered.

  Chance got on his knees and I followed, holding my hands in the air as well.

  "You might as well turn around 'cause you aren't crossing my border," the patrolman said.

  "I'm Chance Carmichael, Lieutenant, United States Navy, 676334," Chance stated.

  "What are you doing out here, Lieutenant?"

  "My convoy was attacked and I was held hostage for the last month or so, sir. This woman helped me escape," Chance explained.

  "Hablas Ingles?" the patrolman asked me.

  "Si. Yes!" I stuttered.

  "What's your name?" he asked, still holding his flashlight in my eyes.

  "Sierra Ortega," I replied.

  "Ortega?" he asked.

  "Yes," I replied.

  "Get up, both of you. We'll sort this out at the station," he said, lowering his flashlight, which I now saw was attached to a gun.

  We both stood up and slowly walked toward him.

  "Are you Jesus Ortega's sister?" the patrolman asked.


  "Whew, you are one lucky son-of-a-bitch, Lieutenant Carmichael. Jesus Ortega is one deranged asshole," the other border patrolman said.

  "I couldn’t have done it without her," Chance said, squeezing my hand tightly.

  "Welcome home, Lieutenant," the first patrolman said, patting Chance's shoulder as we walked by him.

  I had never been so relieved to see the border patrol. I just prayed they wouldn't send me back to my brother.


  We couldn't have been at the border patrol for more than an hour when LT Junior Grade Hill walked in with all the proper paperwork to prove I was who I said I was.

  "LT," he said as he walked through the entrance to the back room where they were holding us.

  "Hill, you got everything I asked for," I asked, standing up to give him a hug.

  "Yup. Sorry, there ain't too much fanfare for a returning hero, but you know how it is? We weren't even there."

  "Oh, I was muthafuckin' there. I can tell you that much," I said, taking the papers from him to inspect before handing it over to the border patrolman.

  "Is this her?" Hill asked in a whisper, rolling his eyes over to Sierra.

  "Yup," I said out loud, handing my forms to the man who had the power to keep us there the rest of the night if he wanted to.

  He shuffled through the papers, quickly scanning them. "Okay, everything looks like it's in order."

  "So we can leave?" I asked.

  "Not before I shake your hand and thank you for your servic
e, Lieutenant Carmichael," he said, proudly stretching out his hand.

  I gripped my fingers around his palm. "And I thank you for saving my life," I replied, extremely grateful.

  "Ready?" Hill asked, holding the door open for us.

  "After you," I said to Sierra.

  As I brushed by him, Hill said, "Shit, you need a shower!"

  I turned and glared at him. Quietly, he shifted his gaze down to the floor as I continued on to his government vehicle. The headlights flashed followed by a quick beep.

  "It's unlocked, sir," Hill said, sliding into the driver seat.

  I pulled the door open for Sierra, who warily slid into the back.

  "Just drop us off at my apartment. I don’t wanna go on base, looking, or smelling, like shit," I said, glaring over at him.

  "Sure thing, LT," he said, pulling out of the parking lot.

  It wasn't too much longer before we were pulling up to my apartment. The run down old building was a welcomed sight. Hill pulled into a free spot and threw the car into park.

  "You need anything tonight, LT?" he asked.

  "No, I think we're gonna be okay," I said.

  "I'm sure you are," he said with a twinge of sarcasm attached to his tone.

  "Come again, Junior Grade," I replied sternly.

  "Nothing…nothing, sir," he stuttered. "By the way, your bag from the shop is in the backseat. I'm sure your keys and wallet are right where you left 'em. We had to cut the lock off your locker before I came to get you."

  "Thanks," I said, stepping out of the car.

  After pulling Sierra's door open, she awkwardly planted each foot on the ground before sliding off the leather seat.

  "Are you okay," I asked, laying my hand on her shoulder.

  She just nodded.

  "I'm gonna get outta here, LT," Hill yelled through the opened back door.

  "Yup," I said, waving him off, more concerned about how Sierra was feeling.

  Twining my fingers with hers, I flung my bag over my shoulder and led her to my front door. I pulled the keys from the front pocket and unlocked the door, motioning her to walk in first, praying the place didn’t smell like shit from weeks of being unattended.

  I took my first step in and inhaled a deep breath. Nothing.

  Thank you, Jesus!

  I threw my bag on the floor and showed her to the couch. "Did you want anything to eat?"

  "No. I'm okay."

  "You don’t seem okay."

  "It's just different to be in a whole new country. I don’t know anyone or anything. It's just different," she said with a quiver in her lip.

  "I know, but you know if you go back, your brother is gonna kill you," I explained.

  "I know," she said.

  "I can help you find a job, and your own place if that would make you more comfortable."

  What am I saying?

  I didn’t want her to leave. Why the hell would I want her to leave? I wanted to fuck her so hard she'd never forget me. But I wasn’t going to tell her that, so I continued with the gentleman's approach.

  "Don't worry about the money, I have a small nest egg set aside, and I don’t mind helping you until you get on your feet."

  "How do you know they'll let me stay? I'm not legal."

  "You're seeking asylum after helping an American Navy SEAL escape capture. I've known hard-core killers who have gotten into witness protection for far less honorable things."


  "I just can't go back," I said, my eyes welling up with tears.

  He cupped his hand to my cheek. "You won't. Not if I have anything to say about it…and I do."

  His eyes were solemn as he spoke, which calmed the churning anxiety in my stomach. I smiled, lodging a tendril of hair behind my ear. He leaned in, kissing the small portion of neck I'd just exposed. My eyes fluttered closed as the electricity from his kiss flooded my entire body with desire.

  My heart began to beat wildly, anticipating what the next moments would bring. He traced his fingers down my arm, twining his fingers with mine as he tugged me toward a hallway.

  My eyes adjusted to the darkness in time to make out he was leading me to the bathroom. Flipping on the light, he reached out and turned on the water before turning back to me, shifting my hair from my face.

  He smiled.


  Damn she's gorgeous, and all mine.

  I slid the strap of her shirt off her left arm, kissing the smooth curve of her shoulder, the slight exhale which escaped her lips made me crazy for her.

  My heart began to pound, and my breathing quickened. I wanted to rip my dick out of my pants and slide into her, but she wasn't that kind of girl, and I didn’t want to scare her away.

  So I slowed down, savoring every meandering kiss until she gave me the sign she was ready for more. Her fingers clenched the front of my shirt, tugging me toward her, and with that she opened the flood gates. There was no holding me back from taking her and making her mine.


  He was gentle, but I didn’t want gentle. I wanted him to take me and make me his. I wanted to feel the heat of him inside of me, so I bent my neck back, hoping he would take it as a sign of my willingness.

  He concentrated his kisses behind my ear, and on the vulnerable skin under my jaw. The lady in me thought him sweet, but this wasn't a time for sweet, and I couldn’t wait any longer. My advances became almost frantic, unable to unbutton his pants fast enough. I'd never done this before, but instinct kicked in and I knew exactly what to do. Pulling out the hard flesh from his pants, I stroked him slowly, while he proceeded to undress me. My shirt came off first, up and over my head, which broke our kiss for just a moment, and before I knew it, he had already slid my pants to the floor, inching his fingers toward the edge of my panties.


  I couldn't take it anymore. Gentle wasn't my thing, and there wasn’t a woman I had fucked who wouldn't attest to that fact.

  Wrapping my arms around her hips, I lifted her from the floor as she wrapped her legs around me, the head of my dick rubbing the slick entrance of her pussy.

  I stepped into the already steamy shower, slamming her against the white tiles, crashing my lips against hers as my rigid cock slid into her warmth.


  She broke our kiss, tilting her head toward the ceiling, exhaling a soft moan.


  Clenching my walls tightly around his throbbing flesh, I decided then that I would never let go. He was mine and I was his, as long as he was willing to have me.

  I'd never felt more alive than right at that moment. Continuing to rut himself between my legs as the hot water cascaded over both of our pulsing bodies, a pounding emanated from my core, and in a flash my body exploded. My skin turned hot as every worry in the world melted away.


  She moaned into the steam clouding the air, her aftershocks still pulsing around my dick. I let go of her tightly wrapped legs, and raised her hands over her head, holding them hostage while I hammered into her. My chest crushed her supple breasts as my dick glided over her clit, her moans growing louder with each pass.

  My need for this woman was visceral, and I wanted to lay into her with every primal feeling I had. Her nails dug into the flesh of my back as I thrust in one last time, my cum erupting into her tight pussy.

  I held her against the tile, not wanting to let go. I never wanted to let go.



  Present day…

  It had been a choppy plane ride home, coming back from Afghanistan. It seemed like it had taken twice as long as it ever had before, probably because I couldn't wait to see Sierra and her growing belly.

  Who would've ever thought those words would ever come out of my mouth? Not me. Not the tough guy who'd sworn off women and their conniving ways. But she was different in every way possible. In every way that mattered to me. We fit like puzzle pieces, making perfect sense since the moment I first took her and we concei
ved my baby girl.

  We were still deciding on names for her, but secretly I was rooting for the name, Hope. After all, that's all this shitty world had left to offer…hope.

  I strode through the USO terminal, clutching my ruck sack with my right hand and my cell phone with my left. I wanted nothing more than to call her and tell her I was on my way, but I wanted to surprise her, like she had surprised me with the news of our baby. I had to admit, it made the last few weeks in the hot ass desert with bullets zipping past my head, fly by.

  "Chance!" a familiar voice echoed through the massive terminal.

  I turned to see Nicole, who was waving at me.

  "What in the hell?" I muttered under my breath as she hurried quickly toward me, acting like nothing ever happened between us.


  Shit he looks better than I remember.

  I quickly made my way through the massive USO lobby, excited to wrap my arms around his muscular tanned body. Even from here I could see his bright green eyes, framed with thick black lashes, staring back at me. He wasn’t wearing his usual smile, but I would fix that…eventually. I had tunnel vision, and I felt like my feet wouldn't move as fast as I willed them to. With every step I took, he seemed to move further away.


  "Chance," she echoed, slowing her steps as she neared.

  "What are you doing on base, Nicole?"

  "I got a job at the MWR. That's my desk right over there," she said, pointing to an empty desk in the Tickets and Tours office.

  "I'm glad you finally got yourself together. Have a good day," I said in a low monotone voice as I turned to walk away.

  Her talon tipped hand clutched onto my shoulder. "Wait. I just got off. Let me give you a ride home."

  I shrugged her hand off and stepped back. "No thanks. I can take a cab."

  Making my way outside, I couldn't help but reminisce about the last time I saw her, standing outside of the apartment with Sebastian, half-dressed and holding hands. They didn't even have the decency to admit they had betrayed me, even after I had caught them red-handed. My relationship with Sebastian was never the same after that day.


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