Lanie's Choice: Survivors of Paradise Book 1

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Lanie's Choice: Survivors of Paradise Book 1 Page 9

by Kimberlyn Day

  Lanie grinned up at him. “My pleasure.” And it was. Truly. She’d enjoyed sucking him off, had loved receiving his cum. Her feeling of feminine satisfaction probably should have horrified her, but all she could muster was a faint smugness at having quickly brought him over the brink. Hilom’s love was given so freely that it would be hard to ever begrudge him anything. Secretly, she knew she’d do just about anything to keep the youngest of her males happy. He was just too adorable—and so sweet.

  “My turn,” Fen growled. He shoved Hilom out of the way, making the younger Lu’O laugh, and thrust his enormous cock at Lanie’s lips. The bulbous tip nudged her mouth, already leaking pre-cum, but she didn’t open to let him in.

  Hilom’s cum was already at work, and she was nervous about adding more fuel to the fire she could feel being stoked inside her core. Like before, the heat was located between her thighs, an uncomfortable ache that made her squirm. She looked up Fen, a bit afraid to voice her concern—the idea of letting the big lug down was enough to make her eyes tear up.

  He seemed to sense what she was feeling. “Feeling it already?” he asked. When she nodded, he grinned and took his cock in hand. With slow deliberation, he rubbed the drooling tip along her lips, smearing his arousal until she gasped at the fierce tingling. With her lips parted, his thrust the head inside, and her tongue automatically swiped at his slit. “That’s my girl, my beautiful little Charm. You need this. We need this. It’ll be intense, but with all three of us claiming you, it’s necessary. You’re not Lu’O, and we don’t want to hurt you, so you need to suck me—drain me.”

  She swiped his slit again in silent agreement and set to teasing him like he’d teased her. A small swirl with her tongue around the tip, sucking gently as he groaned and dropped his head back. And then letting him pop free just so she could blow cold air over his glistening tip. He shuddered, his big hands slipping into her long hair. “Playing with me? That’s fine then…Hilom and Horny will gladly repay the favor.”

  Lanie’s eyes went wide and she started to shake her head, but Horny chuckled right into her ear. “Finally. I’ve been patient, waiting my turn,” he whispered. Lanie shivered at the raspy, seductive cadence of his words, and leaned back into him as he canted his head closer. The embrace was possessive, no matter that it was shared with the two others in their brakka, and she relished it. “You sucked my cum from me yesterday, and I dreamt of doing the same to you…I’ll be the first to swallow down your pleasure today, the first to sink deep into your pussy as we bond. Hilom and Fen will get your mouth, Lanie—and you’ll give it to them. But you’ll give me everything else.”

  Lanie nodded, unable to deny him anything. She’d known he was the leader, the alpha-alpha, but knowing something and experiencing something are entirely different. Now that he was taking the reins, she was melting into a puddle just for him.

  “Suck on Fen like a good Charm,” Horny ordered, “but instead of using your hands on his cock, brace yourself on the bed.”

  Lanie put her hands on either side of her hips, bracing just as she’d been told. It left her mouth vulnerable to Fen’s enormous shaft, which made her nervous, but the thrill of following Horny’s command outweighed her fears. Her pussy all but wept for more directives from her bossy lover.

  As Hilom and Horny shifted around her, Fen pressed his tip back into her mouth. Lanie closed her eyes and swirled her tongue, teasing in spite of the comeuppance about to be dished. The low groan from her thoughtful, intense lover was reward enough to keep her from fully satisfying his need; when lost in sensation, the faint frown lines between his brows eased. He looked younger and more relaxed, despite the way his jaw clenched as she prolonged the torment.

  Horny settled between her open legs, his face between her breasts. He nuzzled the small mounds and then used the smooth sides of his nose horn to gently rub her sensitive—engorged—nipples. “Are you still teasing Fen?” he asked, licking up the valley between her breasts until he reached her neck. He nipped the taut tendon as she fought to keep still beneath him, her mouth stretched tight around Fen’s girth. “Answer me, Lanie.”

  Lanie pulled off Fen—who complained with a long groan—and then gasped, unable to reply, when Horny settled his muscled body fully atop her. She was leaned back against a reclining Hilom, who had repositioned behind her after Horny had taken over, and the position sandwiched her between them, but it was Horny who fully occupied her thoughts. The monster club wedged against her pussy lips was throbbing. And huge. She couldn’t help but undulate under him, rubbing shamelessly as he continued to suck on her neck, nipping every so often.

  “Answer me, Lanie,” Horny demanded. “Are you still teasing him?

  His commanding voice sent a thrill though her, but breathy moans were the only thing to roll off her tongue. They had been teasing her for what felt like hours, and she was at her breaking point.

  She wanted to get fucked. Now.

  The tease-Lanie-until-she-begs portion of their mating was over. She grinned and rolled her hips up, adding a subtle twist when she withdrew so that Hilom hissed behind her. Just when Delloruin opened his mouth to scold her or ask his questions again, Lanie moaned—intentionally adding a tremble to it so her males would hear her need.

  So what if it was a little over-the-top? It worked. All three males groaned.

  Her hips thrust again, rolling in a sensual mix of traditional belly dancing and good old fashioned lap dancing. Years of jazz lessons as a girl—and experimentation with past lovers—had taught her control of her hips. Set to a pace of pure frustration, her rhythm had both Hilom and Horny whimpering.

  She loved it.

  Lanie ran one hand up Horny’s body, her nails dragging across his muscles, and used her other hand to anchor herself so that she could grind more fully against Hilom. Her ass rubbed his completely-re-erected monster with punishing thrusts.

  Fen groaned from where he knelt next to them, and the sounds of masturbation played like music to her dancing. She reveled in their lust; she got lost in it. The whimpers turned into growls, but she ignored them and their frustration—it was her turn to truly tease! She wanted them to beg this time…

  “Stop, Lanie,” Horny rasped. His hands curled around her hips, as if to stop her forcibly, but she let loose another wild porn star moan and made sure to rub her tightly-peaked breasts against his chest. The big male shuddered and lapped at the sweat glistening on her neck; the edge of his fang made her shiver. “You must stop.”

  As if.

  Her rhythm increased until she was gyrating between them with abandon. Delloruin’s cock was enormous, and it hit her clit with every thrust. Thankfully, her body had provided enough lube to give her an easy glide as she took control of her own pleasure.

  Hilom’s hands crept to her breasts, and his pinches and pulls on her overstimulated nipples were just shy of painful. Her next moan was completely sincere, louder and more desperate than before.

  She was so close!

  …almost there…

  But Delloruin ruined her fun. He lifted off her with a low, rumbling sound that was feral and scary and still somehow sexy. Lanie whined—a real, honest keen from somewhere deep within—until he flipped her over so that she sprawled across Hilom.

  Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

  Lanie screeched, bucking against Hilom’s chest as he held her tight. Her ass burned and tears poured down her face as she fought to escape the quick, hard slaps across her backside. “What are you doing!” she cried, her arousal receding with each spanking. Flashes of being held down flitted across her mind, the locked door to her memories wobbling precariously. “Stop! Please, stop!”

  She was flipped back over, her ass stinging as it landed back on the bed. Her legs were pried apart and Horny situated himself between her thighs again, despite her efforts to twist away from him. Hilom wound his arms around Lanie’s stomach, adding another layer of restraint.

  Tears continued to leak down her cheeks, and she couldn’t bring her
self to look to any of them. She was humiliated and aroused and angry—why had he ruined something so wonderful? Her lip trembled as a sob tried to escape, but she bit it back. They wouldn’t get her sobs—she’d lock those up with her bad memories.

  She wouldn’t be abused, not ever again. Her ass burned from Horny’s over-large hand, and she sniffled as she considered how to get away from them. Her body was still humming with need, thanks to Hilom’s cum, but her mind couldn’t fathom allowing further intimacy. Hivemind, she decided, would be her best bet. She’d beg for help—they wouldn’t abandon her to mistreatment.


  The mission came first.

  Chapter 7

  Lanie knew there was no way out of lifebonding. She had agreed to be the first. It had to happen now because the aliens were expecting it after her little announcement—but it didn’t have to be with these aliens. They could kiss her ass goodbye.

  She was just about to reach for the hivemind amphitheater when Horny put a finger beneath her chin and tilted her face up. She still couldn’t look him in the eyes, but he didn’t seem to mind. Horny leaned down and brushed his lips over hers. “Why did I discipline you, my Charm?” he asked, huffing as if out of breath and obviously still aroused despite her tears. The other two males were silent, but she felt them breathing heavily as they stared at her.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Lanie whispered.

  Gentle fingers brushed her hairs away from her tear-slicked face. “It does matter. Why, Lanie?”

  Her lip trembled. “To hurt me.”

  All three of her brakka growled. “No!” Horny denied, once again taking her chin in his hand. “Look at me,” he ordered.

  The weak part of her, the part that liked his commands, obeyed. She raised her eyes to his scowling face and flinched away from the dark expression staring back at her. It looked as if he was going to hit her again, so she tensed.

  “I did not hurt you, my Charm. I disciplined you. There is a world of difference in that.”

  Not to Lanie. “You hit me. It hurt.”

  “Only your pride is wounded. I did not hurt you.” He paused, his expression gentling as his gaze roved her tear-streaked face. “Ask me why, Lanie.”

  She didn’t want to. In fact, she wanted to get away, to run the other direction as fast as she could. Partly because she wouldn’t stand for abuse, and partly because her body was beginning to burn…she needed to find someone else to fill her brakka’s shoes, someone else to help her bank the fire she could feel rising into an inferno.

  “Ask me, or you’ll get another spanking,” Horny barked at her, his tone brooking no refusal.

  “Why?” she whispered, voice strangled by withheld sobs.

  “To protect you.” He released her chin and sat back. He gestured down at his body. “Look at me, Lanie. I’m bigger—I have horns and fangs and muscles that you don’t, and it would be easy to accidentally hurt you. Especially when passions are high. My singular mission in life is to ensure the health and wellbeing of my brakka—which includes you. Your obedience…in certain situations…is necessary.”

  There was a thread of logic in his reasoning, but not enough to calm her fears. He’d hit her, spanked her like a child, because…she hadn’t answered a question? Had teased him? It didn’t sit well with her, and she couldn’t wrap her mind around why he thought such a simple mistake, something she hadn’t thought significant, was worth her pain.

  “We’re on the brink of lifebonding,” Horny said. “Our instincts are screaming at us to claim you—and to do it now. I had my fangs at your throat! Lu’O have been known to hurt females from our own planet, females who are infinitely stronger than you, by rushing through the process. If there is a lack of control, whether from the males or the female…it doesn’t matter. The bonding is dangerous if not done right. Control is necessary.”

  “How many time are you going to use instinct to railroad me? When will it stop being about your needs?” Lanie shrugged against Hilom’s hold, and he released her. Horny lifted enough to allow her to escape and then rose to pace around the edge of the bed like an incensed predator. She scooted away from them, her fury rising. “What about me, Horny? What about my instincts, my fears?”

  Hilom looked confused. “He explained that bonding sex can be dangerous…and you’re angry at him for protecting you? Why?”

  Lanie sucked in a deep breath and tried to regain her composure. It was hard, and not just because she was humiliated and naked in front of them, but because they really—truly—didn’t understand why hitting her was not okay. “Do you remember yesterday, when I explained that women are equal to men in my species? That I’d never experienced violence before being captured by your people? That the only time I was abused was by your people?”

  All three of the males nodded.

  “I was being honest. My mother never spanked me—and I never plan on raising my hand to my own ‘younglings’ as you’ve called them. Ever. And while there are some humans who’ve explored the darker side of intimacy, including consensual discipline,” she glared at Horny before returning her gaze to Hilom, “I was never tempted. It doesn’t appeal to me—in fact, I find it more humiliating and degrading than being laughed at. And for the same reasons. Despite the way my body is hurting for release right now, I’d rather suffer alone than allow you to touch me again.”

  All three of the males looked horrified. At what part of her little speech, Lanie wasn’t sure, but they were all wide-eyed and slack-jawed.

  “…you’re serious?” Hilom asked. “It was three little smacks on your ass! Nothing hurtful, and he wasn’t trying to humiliate you!”

  “But he did!” she yelled, frustrated by their unwillingness to listen. “And all of you expect me to go along with it, without complaint, because it’s instinct! But it’s not my instinct, and none of you seem to care about that! Furthermore,” she fumed, “I alone am left with no recourse when the three of you do something outside of my comfort zone. You don’t like when I don’t obey? Well, I don’t like you having absolute control in our relationship! You’re bigger, stronger, more dominating. So, naturally, I’m to be meek and obey—except you already know I’m not meek, nor will I allow myself to be cowed. So when I do something you don’t like, you take the easy road and bully me with your size and strength.”

  Lanie ran a hand through her long, dark hair. The fine strands were silky, a throwback to her ancestry. It calmed her to feel that little reminder of her gentle mother’s Asian heritage, so when she spoke again, it was softly. “The really silly part this argument, if I’m being totally honest, is that I would have answered Horny’s question. I would have stopped teasing. I didn’t intentionally ‘disobey’ and I didn’t know that you needed my acquiescence. If you had spoken to me, talked to me rationally, I would have done what you asked. You didn’t even give me a chance.” A single tear ran down her cheek.

  Horny went to his knees, his big body collapsing inward—even his horns swept down as he ducked his head. “I’m sorry, my Charm.”

  Lanie was shocked, to say the very least. Never had she thought to bring the big lug to his knees. Literally or figuratively. Hilom and Fen were also staring at Horny in shock, but they got off the bed and sank down beside their leader.

  The gesture went a long way toward softening her up. In fact, it turned her into a marshmallow. This male—her dominant, prideful male—was offering more than just words by falling to his knees in front of her and their brakka.

  “I’m not one to bow before others,” Horny said softly. “I am a leader, Lanie, and can be no other. But I do not lead with the intent to harm, and I never set out to hurt you. It is easy to forget, my Charm, that your ways are not the ways of the Lu’O. I’m sorry.”

  Lanie, her heart aching for her proud male, crawled to the edge of the bed and then walked to her brakka where they kneeled. She grasped one of Horny’s horns and tugged gently. When he raised his head, she stared down at him with more tears—useless, stupid
tears—running down her face. “Thank you. I don’t want you to be anything but yourself, just as I don’t want you to change me.” She stroked the thick appendage spiking up from his forehead; the smooth horn was as silky as freshly polished marble. “But you can’t forget my heritage, Horny. Like all surviving Paradins, I’m wounded. The ways of your people will not always work for me.”

  “I just don’t…I mean, he only spanked you three times!” Hilom sounded so lost, his sweet face torn between belligerence and regret. “I held you down because I thought you needed to learn our ways,” he confessed. “It never occurred to me that it would upset you this much.”

  “And now you understand?” she asked.

  “No.” Hilom set his jaw, refusing to lie even though they all knew how serious the discussion was—and Lanie respected that. Even if it felt like she was getting kicked in the gut. “But I’m trying, and I promise to always try.”

  Lanie smiled at him, her heart filling with love. “Thank you, Hilom.”

  “I feel like I shoulder most of the blame, even if I didn’t hold you down or put my hand to your beautiful backside,” Fen murmured. “It is my responsibility to think. And I didn’t—it never crossed my mind to link your captors and sensual discipline.”

  “I don’t blame you for the mistake, Fen. I don’t blame any of you, and I won’t hold a grudge. But I’m never going to happy when you force control, especially when I’m happy to concede it…in certain situations. You promised you didn’t want a totally submissive mate and it’s too late to change your minds.” They all seemed to heave a sigh of relief, but Lanie just felt weary. “But I’ll never allow hitting. Ever. Your ‘sensual discipline’ is not permissible with me. Though not unheard of for humans to experiment with BDSM, it all has one underlying principle: it has to be safe, sane, and consensual. Always.”


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