The Facilitator

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The Facilitator Page 4

by Tracie Podger

  When I arrived at the venue, I headed straight to the ballroom. Waitresses were still scuttling around doing last minute preparations. The DJ had set up in the corner and was standing by the bar, drinking.

  I found my table and placed my clutch on my seat. I was sitting to Jerry’s left, ‘guest’ to his right. I had thought to move myself but then, if I was directly next to Jerry, it wouldn’t be so easy for him to talk to me.

  And I had Fred, who manned the security desk at the office, next to me. No matter what the occasion, the old man was always invited. Jerry wouldn’t allow any member of the team, regardless of position, to be left out. He always sat at Jerry’s table and I was thankful. He would keep me entertained, for sure.


  “Would you like a glass of champagne?” I was asked.

  The waitresses were ready, standing by the door to hand out glasses of bubbly as the guests arrived. I took one from a nearby tray and thanked the waitress. When I heard Jerry laughing in the doorway, I turned my back, pretending to be inspecting something on a neighbouring table.

  “Lauren, babe,” he called out; I inwardly cringed at the term of endearment.

  I straightened my back, jutted out my chin, and turned. I caught the look of amusement on Mackenzie’s face, at least that was something. I was expecting shock, amusement was better than that I guessed. I smiled and walked over; there was no avoiding it.

  “Mackenzie, I’d like you to meet my head of marketing, Lauren Perry. She’d be my right hand man if she had agreed. Been with me since the beginning.”

  He held out his hand, I reached for it, trying not to look surprised as a pulse of electrical current ran between us.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lauren, again,” he said.

  I saw Jerry raise his eyebrows. “We met in the bar, last night, I hadn’t realised he was your guest,” I said, by way of an explanation.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you again, too, Mackenzie,” I said.

  “Can I get you a drink?” Jerry asked. I raised my still full champagne flute.

  “Whiskey for me,” Mackenzie asked, ensuring Jerry had to leave for the bar, I assumed.

  It was when I found myself alone with him that the nerves kicked in.

  “You ran off,” he said. “Well, you fell asleep, then ran off.”

  “Yes, sorry about that. This is very awkward,” I replied.


  “Why? You’re sort of my boss now.”


  “I’m not sure how it works in America, but sleeping with your boss isn’t really the thing to do here.”

  “We did more than sleep, and I don’t care how you Brits operate.”

  “Look, please, I get enough stick from my colleagues, who think I have more than a friendship with Jerry. Can we just forget what happened? And what with my…”

  I didn’t finish the sentence. “No to your question. And you were going to say...?”

  “My husband, soon to be ex-husband, is our head of development, Scott Perry.”

  “Ah, the one who brought the bitch, as Jerry so politely calls her. I understand now.”

  “One whiskey,” Jerry said, interrupting us.

  “I’m going to check on a few things, you know where you’re sitting?” I said.

  “No, where?”

  I sighed, “There.” I pointed to a round table, centre of the room.

  “What if I don’t want to sit there? I’m all on display,” he said.

  “Jerry, you’ve spent your life wanting to be on display. Now, don’t stress me out, that is where you’re sitting.”

  “Feisty, I like it,” Mackenzie said.

  “Ah, she loves me really,” Jerry replied.

  I patted his cheek. “You wish. Now, please, excuse me?”

  I placed my glass on the table and walked away to the sound of their laughter. I had no idea how my legs managed to carry me straight to the toilets, but they did.

  I walked into a cubicle and locked the door. I lowered the toilet seat lid and sat. I’d only just gotten my breathing under control when I heard a couple of women come in.

  “Did you see? Scott brought his girlfriend,” one said. The other chuckled.

  “Must be awkward.”

  “Doubt the ice queen cares, she’s got Jerry and that fucking delicious hunk at her table.”

  At that I stood, flushed, although there was no need, and unlocked the door. I walked straight to a washbasin and smiled at the women’s reflection in the mirror.

  “Have a wonderful evening, ladies,” I said, as I pulled a paper towel from the pile, dried my hands, and left the room.

  I didn’t know what to do or where to go. We were being called in for dinner, and it was the last place I wanted to be. I swallowed back the tears. At least I had confirmation of the nickname I’d been given; I’d always suspected it would be something to do with the cold.

  I walked back into the dining room with my stomach churning and a fake smile on my face.


  I made it through dinner, thanks to Fred. He only stopped chatting to take the occasional mouthful of food or sip of wine. Jerry had tried to include me in his conversation with Mackenzie. I answered when required to, smiled and laughed when appropriate, but otherwise tried my hardest not to make eye contact.

  When the plates were cleared and coffee was poured, Jerry leaned towards me.

  “This is really hard for you, isn’t it?”


  “Being here with Scott and the bitch.”

  “A little, yes.”

  “You know, it’s okay to drop the act. You don't have to be tough all the time.”

  “And let them see me affected? No way.”

  He smiled and nodded. “Do you want anything from the bar?”

  “I’ll go, what did you want?” I only offered for one reason, I’d be left alone at the table.

  “No, you’re officially off duty now.”

  I laughed at that. “I’m never off duty,” I said.

  “Maybe you should be. It’s okay to be professional. It’s okay to be fucking amazing at your job, but it doesn’t need to consume you and sometimes you let it.”

  Jerry’s comments surprised me. Okay, so he swore constantly, he never wore a suit to work, he was ‘one of the lads’ sometimes, but he always worked hard. He didn’t stop working. All I’d ever done was follow his lead. He paid me well, and I wanted to be worthy of that.

  “I own the company, Lauren. Even if for totally selfish reasons, I work harder than anyone, because one day, I’ll reap the bulk of the benefits. That doesn’t mean you have to match me, minute for minute,” he said, as if he’d read my thoughts.

  He stood and left the table. I felt Mackenzie’s stare, and when Fred decided he’d had enough of my company, I had no choice but to acknowledge him.

  “Did you enjoy your meal?” I asked.

  “Yes, although, no matter how long I’ve been here, I still can’t get used to the way you guys eat.” He moved seats to be next to me.


  “With your forks, you hold them upside down.”

  “I have no idea what you mean,” I said.

  “You eat this way…” He reached for a stray dessert fork that hadn’t been cleared away and held it in his hands. “We eat this way.”

  I watched his fingers slowly turn the fork over. I wasn’t watching the ‘fork,’ I was imagining those fingers on my body.

  “Has Jerry introduced you to anyone?” I asked, needing something to distract me from my thoughts.

  “No, he’s a little, what was that word I heard, scatterbrained?”

  I laughed then, relaxing a little. “Yep, he is.”

  “You know, I think you would be better as his second in command, or whatever he wanted you to be. From what I’ve seen so far, he really can’t function without you.”

  “I don’t want that, I like what I do. And I think his assistant does a good enough job.”
  To make a point, he said, “The assistant I’m yet to meet? The assistant who is yet to introduce herself and offer to help me meet the team?”

  “Fair point. But I guess she feels she’s off duty tonight.”

  “And you’re not?”

  “No. I organised all of this. I have to keep a clear head to ensure it continues to run smoothly and everyone enjoys themselves.”

  I stood and smoothed down my dress. His eyes travelled from my face to my… I wasn’t going there with that train of thought. However, I was sure I heard him inhale deeply.

  “So, how do I introduce you?”

  “Mackenzie Miller, it’s my name. Or Mr. Miller when we get to your husband,” he said, with a smirk.

  Oh fuck! When I’d offered to introduce him to people, it wasn’t because I wanted to spend more time with him; it was so I was working, doing something to distract myself. I hadn’t factored in coming face to face with Scott.

  “Let’s start with him,” he said, standing and doing up his jacket button.


  “Get it over with, Lauren.” The friendliness had left his voice. His face had hardened a little.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t think…”

  He stepped closer to me. “Did you feel worthless, inadequate, lonely last night?” he whispered.

  I found it hard to breathe.

  “No,” I said, cursing that my voice had risen.

  “How did you feel?”


  “Good isn’t a feeling. I’ll ask you again, how did you feel?”

  “Sexy, confident…”

  “Then think of last night. Your pupils have dilated, Lauren. Your heartbeat has increased. You’re reliving those feelings; keep it. You look sexy as fuck in that dress, do you know what I’d like to do right now?”

  I shook my head; my mouth had dried.

  “Rip it from your body and fuck you into next week. Now, introduce me.”

  He stepped away and raised one eyebrow at me. I coughed and reached for a glass of water, took a sip, picked up my clutch, and then pushed my shoulders back.

  I hoped my shaking legs weren’t noticeable as I walked across the room towards a group of people. I could hear Scott laugh and watched as she whispered something in his ear. He turned to face me as I approached.

  “Mack, it’s great to have you on board,” Scott said, reaching out his hand for a shake.

  Mackenzie ignored it and looked towards me.

  “Scott Perry, Head of Development.” I looked at Scott. “Scott, it’s Mr. Miller.”

  “Oh, erm, Mr. Miller, it’s good to finally meet you,” Scott said.

  Mackenzie, finally, reached out and took Scott’s hand. They shook.

  “I’ve heard a lot about you, Scott.”

  “All good, I hope,” he replied with a nervous chuckle.

  Mackenzie didn’t answer. Inwardly I was doing a fist pump.

  I introduced him to the three other heads of departments. He asked each one about their role within the company and assured them he’d take some time to sit with each and discuss his involvement.

  I couldn’t fail to notice the stare from her, and I thought, if I looked hard enough, I was sure I could see drool.

  Mackenzie placed his hand on my lower back, static coursed over my skin.

  “Miss Perry, we have a schedule to discuss, shall we?” He over emphasised the Miss as if it were a statement to not acknowledge my husband.

  As we were about to leave, I heard, “Isn’t she just in marketing?”

  The bitch had spoken. Mackenzie looked at her. “No, Miss Perry is my eyes and ears on the ground, so to speak.”

  Without another word, we walked away. I kept on walking straight out of the room, taking longer and longer strides until I found myself at the front entrance. The porter opened the door for me and I stepped out, into the cold.

  I had my hand on the taxi door, opening it, when I felt him step up behind me. He reached over and shut the door.

  “The lady doesn’t need a ride right now,” he told the driver.

  I spun around, stumbling as my heels caught. He took hold of my elbow and propelled me into the shadows.

  “Thank you! Fucking, thank you, for that!” I said, not bothering to disguise the level of anger in my voice.

  He didn’t speak, but I wanted to slap the smirk from his face.

  “You’ve just fucked up my job.” I said.

  “Say that again?”

  “Say what?”

  “Fuck, say it again.”

  “Fuck you.”

  The smirk turned into a smile.

  “It’s been fucking hard enough working with that lot of shits, you’ve just made it one hundred times worse for me.”

  “Why do you care?”

  “Why do I care? Really? You need to ask that question? You fucking walk into that bar, seduce me with your fucking eyes, now you’ve ruined my career.”

  I sagged, the entire fake ice queen façade left me, and I sat on the low, cold wall behind me.

  “I seduced you with my eyes?” He chuckled as he spoke.

  “Don’t laugh at me, Mackenzie.”

  “I just wasn’t aware my eyes had those capabilities. I would have assumed it was my mind that I used to seduce you.”

  “Play on words,” I mumbled.

  “Your career isn’t ruined at all. In fact, it’s just starting. I have plans for you.”

  “You don’t own the fucking business, only part of it. I decide what I do, not you.”

  “Finally, we see the Lauren with some balls. I do own the business, I own the majority shares.”

  “What? I’m going,” I said.

  I stood, hoping it was just the cold and not a damp wall that had my arse frozen.

  I stepped around him and caught the eye of the porter. “I need a taxi,” I said. He nodded and stepped out into the road.

  Mackenzie stepped beside me. “You can get your own taxi,” I said.

  A car pulled up and he reached forward to open the door for me. I slid into the seat and cursed as he climbed in beside me.

  “Chewton Glen, please,” he said to the driver, giving him the name of the hotel.

  I refused to look at him; I kept my gaze on the side window. I fished around in my clutch looking for my phone. I swiped my finger across the screen, pretending to check for messages. I didn’t have any; no one was missing me. I threw it back in.

  The taxi pulled up and I opened my door. I climbed out and walked straight through to the lift. It annoyed the hell out of me that he matched me stride for stride.

  I jabbed at the call button, again refusing to acknowledge his presence. When the doors slid open, I stepped in and pressed for my floor. He didn’t present his key card to allow him access to his floor.

  I knew he was looking at me, I could feel it. I kept my gaze on the digital dial watching the numbers.

  “Interesting, isn’t it?” he said, mocking me.

  “I’m resigning, first thing Monday,” I said.

  “No, you’re not.”

  “You don’t get to tell me what I can and can’t do.”

  “I won’t allow it.”

  “Allow it? Fuck off.”

  I heard him chuckle and he took a step closer. I could have sworn I heard him hum, or growl, or something. A noise emanated from him.

  “You get off on that, don’t you?” I said, as the lift came to a stop and the doors slid open.

  “On what, Lauren?”

  “Me swearing at you.”

  He held out his arm to keep the lift doors from closing, effectively blocking my way.

  “I get off on seeing a confident woman. I get off on seeing the fire in your eyes and the confidence you think you don’t have, seep from your pores. I get off on seeing someone whose body shook with fear just a short while ago, stand up to me. And, yeah, you have my cock fucking hard.”

  I turned towards him. I tried and I failed to stop my gaze lowerin
g. I tried and failed to not take a sharp breath in when I saw his erection straining against his trousers. I pushed his arm down and walked away.

  “We’re not done yet, Lauren,” I heard him say.

  My hands shook as I inserted the key card; my legs shook more as I stumbled through the bedroom door.

  “Jesus Christ,” I said, as I sat on the bed.

  Chapter Five

  I didn’t sleep well at all that night. I tossed and turned, frustrated and angry. Who the fuck did he think he was? I cursed him, and Jerry, although I wasn’t sure it was entirely his fault.

  In the morning, I showered and grabbed my pad. I wrote out my resignation. I could type it up and then email it.

  I ordered breakfast from the room service menu and sent a text to Jerry.

  What time are we leaving?

  Whenever you’re ready, I’m bored. Came his reply.

  I’m just eating then I’m happy to leave.

  Okay, give me ten.

  I finished my breakfast, packed my overnight bag, and made my way to reception. I checked out and walked out of the hotel. It was a bright day, although chilly, and I pulled my wrap around me.

  Jerry was standing by his car, Mackenzie beside him. They were talking and at first hadn’t noticed me. Jerry’s driver stepped forward to take my luggage and placed it in the boot.

  “Here she is,” Jerry said with a smile.

  “Good morning. Are we ready?” I asked.

  “Sure.” He turned to Mackenzie. “So, I’ll see you on Monday.”

  Mackenzie nodded. I held out my hand to him. “Mr. Miller, it was a pleasure to meet you.”

  He took my hand, slowly closing his around it. “The pleasure was all mine.”

  I pulled my hand away and climbed into the car. It was a minute or so before Jerry joined me.


  “Well, what?”

  “What do you think of him?”

  “I think he’ll do wonderful things for your company, Jerry.”

  “By that, I take it you don’t like him.”

  “I don’t know him. He’s a character, for sure.”

  “I think it’s that Italian American thing. He’s a bit gangster, isn’t he?” he chuckled.


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