The War Against Earth: A Chance Encounter

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The War Against Earth: A Chance Encounter Page 28

by Saxon Andrew

  Rory was silent for a moment and said, “Now you’ll have the opportunity to do it again. A do over, if you will. My family was killed by a group of Unity street thugs and I’m reasonably certain many of you hearing this also lost loved ones during the Unity Wars. I want you to all know that the Colonies are not going to interfere in what you choose to become. You deserve whatever fate you choose and we’re leaving you alone to decide what it’ll be. However, if you threaten the Colonies again, you’ll not have a third opportunity. Become what you want but if you choose another dictator that is a threat to us, we will take immediate action to stop it.”

  Rory stared to end it there but hesitated. He looked at the camera and shook his head, “Earth is the cradle of humanity. I’m incredibly embarrassed by what we made of it. I can’t say I didn’t play a role in what happened but thank creation I stopped supporting it. Maybe you’ll go back to war and use what nuclear missiles are still on the planet to blow it all up. You were never really united, you were forced into it. That’s over. I hope you make something worthwhile here. Somehow, I doubt you will. You chose George Thorpe, an insane egomaniac to rule you. I don’t think you’d know a good leader if he was yelling in your ears.” Rory looked at Jeffery, “Cut it. I’m sick of talking to them.”

  Rory walked out of the throne room and said, “Don’t lock it. We won’t be back.” They boarded the shuttles and returned to the New York hovering a mile above the castle. The Battleship lifted and disappeared in the bright sky.

  • • •

  Earth was incensed by Rory’s remarks and the News Channels continuously played various dignitaries cursing the Admiral. But one of the News Channel approached the Mayor of Amsterdam and asked for him to speak to the live audience about what the Admiral had said. The Mayor looked at the reporter and swept his arm around, “Have you taken a good look around you?”

  ‘What do you mean?”

  “There is more rebuilding than we can finish in a lifetime and you’re complaining about the Admiral telling us the truth. Name one thing he said that wasn’t true!” The Reporter struggled and the Mayor raised his hand and pointed as his thumb, “One, we did ship anyone that disagreed with the government to the colonies and confiscated their possessions. Two, we put a General, of all things, in power over us. The only thing a General knows how to do well is go to war. Well go take a look at what’s happened. Three, none of us trust each other to treat everyone equally and with respect. The Admiral was right, this so called Unity was forced on us, we didn’t get a vote on it. Four, I hope all of you remember the tender embrace of the Emperor’s Knights and you should be celebrating their removal, we were little more than slaves under the Emperor. And Five, you reporters are stoking the distrust between us by this fabricated, so called insult the Admiral gave us. If the truth is insulting, then you need to tell everyone you’re the real lie.” The Mayor turned around but then turned back, “I’ll give you a bonus; Six, we are all on this planet together and if we can’t trust each other, then who in the hell can we trust. Now get out of my face! I have a city to rebuild!”

  • • •

  The Mayor’s interview was picked up by most of the News Agencies thinking the Mayor would be voted out of office. Within the year, he was chosen President over the new World Government. Now the slogan was, “I have a planet to rebuild.”

  • • •

  Rory arrived back in the Colonies and Meredith asked, “How did it go?”

  “We’ll have to go back to knock them back into the Stone Age. What about you.”

  “I think you better hurry to the hospital if you want to be at your son’s arrival.”

  Rory left the bridge so fast, Ginger was surprised there wasn’t a clap of thunder. Rory was probably right about Earth but you just never knew for sure.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  “Well, I guess we can head back, Kerry.”

  “Do you feel good about what happened?”

  “Not really. Earth can just elect a new insane dictator and this will start all over again. And the Colonies have threatened to blast their home world back into a primitive culture. There’s still a lot of killing to be done.”

  “I don’t think the Colonies are aggressive any longer, so that is a step in the right direction, Lise.”

  “I suppose you’re right. Wait a minute! What’s going on?”

  • • •

  Ginger looked at Dean and said, “What are our orders?”

  “To stand down and take some time off.”

  “Is this not a good time to go?”

  Dean shrugged, “I suppose. Who is going to watch the baby?”

  Lisa Cambridge stood up, “I can do it. How long will you be gone?”

  Ginger looked at Dean and shrugged, “I’m not sure, Lisa.”

  Jeffery looked at Lisa, “I can help you.”

  Lisa smiled, “I’d like that.”

  Jeffery turned to Dean, “Where are you going?”

  “There’s an aggressive civilization expanding into the Spiral Arm the Orion Spur breaks away from and they will be in our future.”

  “What do you mean by aggressive?” Jeffery asked.

  Dean smiled, “They’re very much like your Knights. They enslave the populations of the planets they conquer.”

  Jeffery glanced at Lisa and said, “I’d like to go with you to see them.”

  “Why?” Ginger asked.

  “My Knights have to have something to atone for their actions. Fighting against this aggressive civilization may be what the doctor ordered.” He looked at Lisa, “I’m sorry.”

  Lisa nodded, “We’ll get together when you get back.”

  “That would be good.”

  Dean looked at Ginger, “Do you know where the two-seat high speed scout is currently?”

  “It’s on the Babylon.”

  “Why don’t you and Jeffery go together and I’ll take another Speeder.”

  “Where are we going first?”

  “I think the planet that was attacked by the Paben. The Scouts we sent there should have their language figured out by now.” Dean looked at Jeffery, “You can go with me on a shuttle to the Babylon and we’ll wait on Ginger to arrive after she and Lisa go and get Connie.”

  Ginger stood up and Lisa left with her. Dean watched them go and he looked at Jeffery, “Lisa is…”

  “Something really special,” Jeffery interrupted.

  Dean smiled and nodded, “You’re lucky. I can’t count all the sailors that have made a pass at her and were turned down. She appears to like you for some unknown reason.”

  Jeffery sighed heavily, “Is this what I have to look forward to on this trip?”

  Dean laughed, “Yeah…something like that.” They walked off the bridge and headed toward the landing bay.

  • • •

  “I think we should go and see what they’re up to, Kerry.”

  “I agree. Are they thinking about attacking the Kell?”

  “I don’t know. We’ll soon see. I’m headed out that way and arrive ahead of them.”

  “Good idea.”

  • • •

  “Where are we headed, Ginger?” Jeffery asked.

  “To the Carina-Sagittarius Spiral Arm. The Paben are located on the Spiral Arm closer to the center of the Galaxy but are expanding into Carina. We observed them attacking a planet and barely avoided them following our scouts back to the Colonies. Dean managed to tow one of their Scout Ships back and that’s when we took their long-range scanner and duplicated it.”

  “I wondered where that technology came from.”

  “It played a big role in defeating the Emperor. We’ve assigned Scouts out to keep an eye on this spiral arm and I’m hoping they’ve managed to translate the languages.”

  “Did you say, languages’?”

  “Yes, Jeff. There are two-advanced civilizations in the Carina Arm that the Paben have targeted for conquest.”

  “This should be interesting.”

Yes, but we have to avoid leading them back to our planets.”

  Jeffery shook his head, “I’m amazed at the speed this Scout can fly. It would take our Earth Fleet months to cross space to this spiral arm.”

  “I know. Five-days still feels like a long time and we forget what we once had to deal with. Hold on a minute, Dean just sent a static burst to our Scouts. One should be showing up shortly.” Ginger flew her Speeder over to Dean’s ship and touched wingtips. “Any news?”

  “The last I heard, the Paben still have scouts out keeping an eye on this planet.”

  “What are we going to do about it?”

  “Nothing. They aren’t able to detect the Speeder’s hulls from that distance or our communications. There are some faults with the long-range scanners that the short-range scanners don’t have.”


  “Hello, Captain. Anything changed?”

  “The Paben are gathering a giant invasion fleet in the Corina Arm.”

  “Why is that?”

  “The other civilization further out the arm has ten-planets and a large fleet of warships.”

  “Have the computers analyzed their languages?”

  “We had that nailed six-months ago, Sir.”

  “Send the data to my computer. I’m going to see if I can talk with them.”

  Captain Gibbons moved his scout to Dean’s right wingtip and made connection. “Sending now, Sir.”

  Dean waited and, after twenty-minutes he shook his head, “Why is this transfer taking so long?”

  “I’m sending you both languages.”

  “Oh.” The download finished and Dean looked over at Ginger, “Do you want to come with me.”

  “I promised in our wedding that wherever you goeth, there I will go. You’re stuck with me for better or worse.”

  Jeffery laughed out loud as Dean said, “You act like that’s a bad thing. Let’s go and see what we can stir up.”

  • • •

  The two-Speeders arrived in the planetary system and moved in quickly toward the inhabited planet. Dean stopped a hundred-thousand-miles out from the planet and saw Ginger pull up next to him and make contact. “It appears they’ve been on a building spree.”

  Ginger nodded, “They have replaced most of the warships they lost in the earlier encounter.”

  “Be ready to move. They can trace our communications.” Dean pushed a button on his console and said, “Computer, translate what I’m saying into this species’ language.”

  “Translation ready.”

  Dean pressed his communicator button and said, “A while back your planet was attacked by an alien species called the Paben. I want to discuss what we know about them with someone who is in command on your planet.”

  Ginger said, “My, my…they do respond quickly.” She looked at Dean and saw him point to the left. They broke contact and moved two-thousand miles away. Hundreds of warships passed them moving toward their former location.

  “We can play chase for as long as you want but I really think it’s in your best interests to hear what I have to tell you.” Dean pointed again and they moved further away from the planet. Dean shook his head and said, “Maybe we should just let them find out on their own.”

  “Suddenly they heard, “All ships will stop where they are. Who is trying to communicate with us?”

  “At last,” Dean said. “We were here when they were attacking you and it was due to our actions that they called off their attack. We led them away from your planet and ran into another advanced civilization further out on this spiral arm. It is that civilization that made them back off. My vessels managed to escape without being followed.”

  “We’ve been wondering why they left; we were losing at the time.”

  “They are coming back and once they handle the other civilization, they’ll be coming here with ten-times the number of warships.”

  “You’re not a bearer of good news.”

  “No, I suppose I’m not.”

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “I don’t think you or the other civilization can handle their numbers alone. The only chance against them is for our civilizations to come together and take them on.”

  “Are you also in this spiral arm?”

  “No. But we will have to face them one day in the future and it’s better to do it now than later.”

  “How do I know you won’t attempt to conquer us if we join you?”

  “There’s nothing I can say that would prove I have no interest in doing that. But I’m here warning you and asking you to send a ship with me to speak with the other civilization. The Paben are assembling a massive force in the Spiral Arm closer to the center of the Galaxy and they will be moving soon. However, I won’t blame you if you refuse to trust me.”

  “We found out that our ships aren’t a match for their vessels.”

  “I will share our weapon technology with you that might make a difference in what’s coming.”

  “I find it hard to believe you’re willing to do that.”

  “That’s because you’ve been attacked and it’s difficult to trust once that happens. I came to you first because you are the weakest of the three of our species. You will have the most work to get ready for what’s coming.”

  “I must discuss this with our Chosen.”

  “Take all the time you want as long as you have a ship ready to leave in five-hours. Time is now a priority.”

  “My Military Commander is fearful of your presence. We are unable to see your ships.”

  “I’ll turn on the exterior lights so my two-small ships can be seen. Don’t send your warships to attack us or this offer is off the table.” Dean looked at Ginger, “Light em up!”

  The two Speeder’s exterior lights came on and every warship on their monitor turned their bows at them but remained in place. Ginger shrugged, “I guess this is a start.”

  Jeffery stared at the thousands of warships and said, “Is this how things normally happen?”

  “More or less. It’s the next civilization that will be the real problem.”

  “That’s great!” Jeffery said with sarcasm.

  Ginger nodded, “Isn’t it?”

  “I was kidding.”

  “I know.” Jeffery dropped his head and shook it.

  • • •

  It only took three-hours. “We are prepared to send a ship with you.”

  “Are you prepared to join us in fighting the Paben?”

  “We have a lot of questions and concerns but your willingness to reveal yourself tells us enough to move forward. This other civilization you’ve mentioned will help us decide if we are.”

  Dean pressed a button and said, “Computer, give me the coordinates of the main planet in the Sagin Civilization.” The number appeared and Dean sent it to Ginger, “Their ship can’t keep up with us. Lead their ship to those coordinates I just sent you.”

  “What are you going to be doing?”

  “Trying to make sure they’re not attacked when they arrive. Contact me when you get close.”

  Ginger thought about it and nodded, “Stay safe.”

  “I’ll do my best.” Dean pressed his communicator button taking it off mute, “I will have your vessel follow one of us to where we can communicate with the Sagin Civilization. I’m going ahead to set up the meeting.”

  “We can just go with you.”

  “I wish you could but unfortunately, that’s not an option. I’ll see you at the site.”

  The Kell Warships saw one of the two-small ships activate its engines and it disappeared at a speed that was impossible. The Captain of the vessel going with Ginger said, “I guess he was right.”

  Ginger smiled and said, “Follow me. I’ll only go at your fastest speed.”

  • • •

  Dean left the Corina Arm and moved out into the gap. He pushed the thruster handle fully forward and the Speeder flew at its maximum speed. Two-days later he saw he was opposite the coordinates and he turned
the Speeder back into the Corina Spiral Arm. He slowed slightly and twelve-hours later saw a star growing on the monitor. He slowed and moved into the star’s system and saw the inhabited planet was the fifth-one out from the star. He began passing warships at the tenth-planet. He came to a stop and stared at a warship a thousand-miles off his portside. “Computer, switch to the Sagin Language.”

  “Change made.”

  Dean took a deep breath and blew it out before saying, “I want to communicate with your civilization. How would you suggest I go about doing that?” Dean saw the warship’s engines come on and the blasters on the hull light up. “I come here in peace and have information that is important to your people. How do I get this information to your leaders?”

  The Warship turned toward him and Dean prepared to move away. “How did you manage to get past the outer defense line?”

  “My ship’s hull allowed me to do that. I decided that moving into your system would represent a threat to your planet and decided that I would stop and ask you how I can communicate with your planet?”

  The warship stopped and Dean heard, “What is it you wish to communicate.”

  “There is an advanced civilization that has been scouting your civilization and is building up a fleet to attack. They’ve already attacked one planet in this spiral arm and a representative from that civilization is coming here to share what happened to his planet.”

  “Remain where you are; I’ll contact my Commander.”

  “Admiral, I’m detecting an electronic message being sent to the warships you passed. Three of them are now moving toward us.”


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