My Beginning With Mr. Darcy [Book One]

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My Beginning With Mr. Darcy [Book One] Page 5

by Lauren King

  “Well, well, Lizzy. There are three men in competition for your attention it seems.” Both Aunt and niece giggle quietly.

  Mr. Gardiner suggests that they leave a little earlier than everyone else to prevent being caught in a big line to get their outer wear and their carriage. Mr. Lucas Allston sees Miss Elizabeth and Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner leaving; therefore, he approaches them while they are retrieving their outerwear to bid them a good night.

  “Goodnight, Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner, Miss Elizabeth.” Mr. Lucas Allston says cordially.

  “Ah! Goodnight, Mr. Allston.” Mr. Gardiner responds affably.

  “It was very nice to see you again Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner, and it was a pleasure to meet you, Miss Elizabeth.” Mr. Lucas Allston smiles warmly directly at Elizabeth. He really wanted to dance a second set with her, but he did not want to look too forward.

  Everybody relays their pleasantries before leaving. Mr. Lucas Allston walks out to their carriage along with the beautiful Miss Elizabeth; he is glad to be able to hand her into her carriage. He is determined to meet her again. He will ask his Mother when she will call upon Mrs. Gardiner so he can escort her in order to see Miss Elizabeth again.


  Elizabeth, Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner all work diligently at his office. Elizabeth sends a friendly note to Miss Darcy.

  October 29th, 1810

  Dear Miss Darcy,

  I hope this note finds you well. I just wanted to check on your well being. I trust that you and Mrs. Annesley have rested sufficiently so that your recovery was swift and complete. I do hope that you have a wonderful week. God bless you.

  Best Regards,

  Miss Elizabeth Bennet

  1673 Grace Church Street, Cheapside

  That evening Elizabeth receives a note that was delivered in the afternoon from Miss Darcy.

  October 29th, 1810

  Dear Miss Bennet,

  I was very glad to receive your thoughtful note. Mrs. Annesley and I are doing well. We have healed completely. We both will be sure to be more careful when next we see children running around us. I will always be grateful for your assistance that day. It is not easy to find someone truly genuine and kind. I hope that your family situation has resolved to your satisfaction, and it was not too troublesome.

  I would still like to have tea with you and Mrs. Gardiner if you remain inclined. May I suggest this Sunday afternoon? Please let me know if this is convenient for you both. Have a good day. God bless you.

  Best Regards,

  Miss Georgiana Darcy

  Darcy House,Mayfair

  Elizabeth and her Aunt are glad that they will finally be able to get to know Miss Darcy better. She seemed amiable and truly kind, not arrogant. Elizabeth replies to Miss Darcy that this Sunday tea at two o’clock will be agreeable.

  Mrs. Gardiner reminds Elizabeth that they have accepted to have tea with Mrs. Harold Allston at the Allston residence this Friday. Mrs. Gardiner teases that this is a tribute to Elizabeth. She thinks that Mr. Lucas Allston is rather taken with Elizabeth.

  “I have a feeling that Mr. Lucas Allston will be at home that day. I wonder if he will offer to show you their gallery, Lizzy.” Mrs. Gardiner teases and then giggles openly.

  “Oh, Aunt; you tease me. He was probably being polite at that moment.” They both giggle playfully.

  Mrs. Gardiner and Elizabeth have a comfortable tea visit with Mrs. Harold Allston. As predicted by Mrs. Gardiner, Mr. Lucas Allston is present to charmingly greet the ladies; afterwards, he leaves to write some business letters in his study. Elizabeth has to admit that Mr. Lucas Allston is quite handsome; he is more handsome than Mr. Henry Wright and Mr. Andrew Thompson. He is well rounded in many aspects.

  As the ladies discuss about the plays that are performing this month around town, Mrs. Allston says that she knows that Miss Elizabeth likes certain types of paintings. She wants to take this opportunity to show Miss Elizabeth their gallery. There are several paintings in the style that Miss Elizabeth is sure to enjoy.

  “My son Lucas knows more about them than I do, so I will ask Lucas to come and be our guide.” Mrs. Allston states good-naturedly.

  Elizabeth and Mrs. Gardiner smile pleasantly and agree to visit the gallery. When Mr. Lucas Allston comes out, he says that he will be glad to guide the ladies through the gallery. Elizabeth and Mrs. Gardiner understand Mrs. Allston’s actions, thus they could not help but smile discreetly about it. Elizabeth does not mind being in Mr. Lucas Allston’s company; he is charming.

  At the end of the enjoyable gallery tour, Mr. Lucas Allston asks Elizabeth if she will be attending the opening play ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’; he will be attending, and he hopes that he will be able to greet her there.

  “I am happy to say that I will be attending with my Uncle and Aunt, Mr. Lucas.” Elizabeth smiles prettily.


  “Lizzy, the gown looks lovely on you as I already knew it would.”

  “Thank you, Aunt. Your gown is beautiful on you, too. Uncle, I think you will need to be careful of all these men staring at Aunt, tonight.” They all laugh gaily.

  “I will have to keep an eye on each of you.” Mr. Gardiner chuckles; he is proud to be with his two pretty ladies.

  They take their seats towards the front of the stage in the middle of the house seats section. This is a good place to watch the play but not a good location to people-watch. Elizabeth will not be able to look at the people in their boxes unless she turns completely to her left or to her right and gawks at them. She certainly will not be doing that. That would be unbecoming. Perhaps, during the intermission, Elizabeth will be able to look around without seeming indecorous.

  The play is amusing yet touching. Elizabeth enjoys it very much. At intermission, Mr. Gardiner goes to purchase their drinks while she and Mrs. Gardiner wait at their seats. As they discuss the play, Elizabeth sees Mr. Lucas Allston walk towards them. They all greet one another and then cheerily speak about the performance when Mr. Gardiner comes back with a waiter carrying their drinks. The men greet each other cordially; afterwards, Mr. Lucas Allston invites all three people to join him in his box for the rest of the play. After Mr. Gardiner assures that his wife and niece are agreeable to it, he gladly accepts the invitation.

  At this point, Elizabeth looks to the side and sees Miss Darcy make her way towards Elizabeth’s group. Miss Darcy and Elizabeth make eye contact, and they both smile gleefully at each other. Walking next to her is a handsome gentleman in an attractive military uniform. He looks straight at Elizabeth as if he knows her, but she knows that she is not acquainted with him. Who is he to Miss Darcy?

  Elizabeth reaches out to hold Mrs. Gardiner’s hand to obtain her attention. She wants to let her Aunt know that Miss Darcy is coming their way. Mrs. Gardiner turns towards Elizabeth and also sees Miss Darcy coming their way.

  With a bright but shy smile on her face Georgiana says, “Mrs. Gardiner, Miss Bennet, how are you both?”

  All three ladies curtsy to each other and relay their greetings.

  “Miss Darcy, I am well; what a pleasure it is to see you. You look well; I am glad to see it.” Elizabeth smiles cheerfully.

  “Thank you, Miss Bennet. I am happy to see you both here tonight. Are you enjoying the play?”

  “I am enjoying the play. Miss Darcy, you must address me as Miss Elizabeth because my elder sister has the title of Miss Bennet; I keep searching around for her every time I hear someone calling me that.” Elizabeth chuckles merrily. “How is Mrs. Annesley?” Elizabeth asks genuinely.

  Georgiana smiles back happily then replies. “Mrs. Annesley is well; I will tell her that you asked after her.” Georgiana turns to her side at her cousin and then back at Elizabeth to say, “Forgive me; please, allow me to introduce to you ladies my cousin, Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam. Richard, this is Mrs. Madeline Gardiner and Miss Elizabeth Bennet. They are my and Mrs. Annesley’s saviors.” Georgiana says with
a big smile.

  “Miss Darcy you are too kind. Actually, Elizabeth is the savior not me; I only helped Mrs. Annesley inside your home.” Mrs. Gardiner explains kindheartedly.

  Pleasantries are exchanged, and then Elizabeth introduces Mr. Gardiner and their family friend, Mr. Lucas Allston. Everyone speaks to each other for another quarter hour about the play before the intermission bell sounds signifying that there is ten minutes left before the play will begin again. Miss Darcy says that she looks forward to their tea time on the morrow at two o’clock, and then everyone bids each other a good night.

  Elizabeth along with her Uncle and Aunt join Mr. Lucas Allston in his box which is empty; Elizabeth is surprised by this. Once they are seated she realizes how intimate it must look to others to see the four of them in this box together. Once settled, Elizabeth wonders where Miss Darcy is sitting. She is happy to see that Miss Darcy looks healthy and joyous. Miss Darcy appeared truly pleased to see Elizabeth and Mrs. Gardiner. Elizabeth looks forward to speaking and interacting with Miss Darcy, further. Elizabeth wants to get her Aunt’s impressions about Colonel Fitzwilliam because she is impressed with his elegant manners; this is not surprising given that he is from the first circles.

  Back in the Darcy theater box, Richard cannot believe his luck that he was introduced to Miss Elizabeth Bennet tonight. He is surprised to learn that Miss Elizabeth Bennet and Mrs. Gardiner are the two ladies that helped Georgiana at Hyde Park a couple of weeks ago. This is even a better reason for them to know each other. Miss Elizabeth Bennet is as beautiful tonight as she was at the ball last week. Richard can see that the descriptions of her at the ball are all true. He can talk to her and gaze at her for hours if he is allowed. Goodness, she is a breath of fresh air. She speaks well, sounds intelligent, and makes everyone feel easy in her company.

  He is very glad that he decided to attend this play with Georgiana tonight. He will tell Darcy all about how he missed meeting the beautiful Miss Elizabeth Bennet, again. However, Darcy will have a chance to meet her tomorrow when she and her Aunt come for tea with Georgiana at Darcy House. Richard also intends to be present to greet them at tea time tomorrow.

  Richard is curious as to where Miss Elizabeth is sitting, thus he discreetly looks around at all the theater boxes and spots Mr. Allston’s box. There are only the four of them in the box. It surely appears to be private between those two couples. Richard ponders if Mr. Lucas Allston is anyone significant to Miss Elizabeth? Is he her suitor? He sure looks like he wants to be more than just a family friend. If they are not in a courtship, then Richard will make his intentions known to her once he knows her a little better. He definitely wants someone like her in his life. He wants to call upon her, but he will have to wait until after tomorrow at least.




  When they break their fast, Richard gladly tells Darcy about the lovely Miss Elizabeth. Georgiana has not come back from church services yet, thus Richard and Darcy are able to speak freely about these matters. Richard mentions Miss Elizabeth Bennet’s name and Darcy is surprised at the coincidence.

  “I was surprised last evening, Darcy. I am very glad I was introduced to Miss Elizabeth because I can greet her if we should ever meet outside now. You missed seeing the beautiful lady again. I am telling you – she is witty, intelligent, charming, kind, and lovely. Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner are her Uncle and Aunt; they both seemed rather genteel. Are you sure they are in trade? By the way, she is from Hertfordshire. Is that not where you visited with Bingley recently?”

  “Really? She is from Hertfordshire?” Darcy asks with sincere surprise.

  “Yes, her father is a gentleman with an estate in Hertfordshire. Do you know of it?”

  “Oh Lord! I do; this Miss Elizabeth Bennet must be from the same family as Bingley’s neighbors. The Bennets have five daughters and Mrs. Bennet is absolutely coarse, common, and crude, Richard. You do not even want to speak with her. It was embarrassing to see how she had expectations of Bingley towards Miss Jane Bennet – their eldest daughter – after only one set at an assembly dance. I admit that Miss Jane Bennet is very pretty, but that was all that Mrs. Bennet crowed about. Actually, she also bragged about how Miss Jane Bennet is kind, caring, and dutiful.” Darcy shares his experience concerning the Bennets.

  “I understand that Bingley did show his partiality towards Miss Jane Bennet and danced with her twice that evening. However, rumors were already spreading about the two of them making a perfect couple, and Mrs. Bennet fueled it all she could. Mrs. Bennet was loud and obnoxious. I do not understand how Mr. Bennet is a gentleman and tolerates Mrs. Bennet being like that.”

  “I heard that Mrs. Bennet’s family was in trade, and they are still in trade, of course. She was lucky to land a gentleman for a husband. The talk is that she always runs around looking for husbands for her five daughters. The youngest daughter is only five and ten, yet she flirts shamelessly. There is an Army regiment encamped there for the winter, and the youngest daughter flirts with many of the soldiers there. I saw her at that assembly that we all were invited to, and I saw her being very flirty with most of the soldiers that evening. It was embarrassing to see. Mrs. Bennet did not even try to curb her youngest daughter’s actions; she seemed approving of them. Mrs. Bennet was not genteel at all – not in any way, whatsoever.” Darcy is firm in his descriptions of all he saw in Hertfordshire, especially of Mrs. Bennet and the youngest daughter. He cannot approve of their behavior, in any way.

  Richard states with clear astonishment. “Last evening, Miss Elizabeth Bennet and her relatives were the exact opposite. All three of them were very sophisticated and elegant in their manners, speech, and dress. I would not have known otherwise.”

  “Are you sure you are not clouded by her beauty, Richard? The Uncle and Aunt are from trade; Miss Elizabeth Bennet and Georgie have corresponded several times and their address is in Cheapside. I was actually thinking about this potential effect on Georgie if she associates with Miss Elizabeth Bennet. Since you have spoken with her relatives, what do you think of them, Richard? Please, be objective and not just think of how beautiful Miss Elizabeth Bennet is.” Darcy teases Richard.

  “Alright, in all honesty, I think they were genuinely well spoken, sophisticated, and nice people. They were appropriate at all times, and they looked like they genuinely cared for each other. From their attire, I can tell they have money, but they were not conceited about it. Miss Elizabeth Bennet sounded intelligent, well-read, and considerate. She made everyone feel comfortable around her. I want to remind you that these are my observations only after fifteen minutes in their company. I intend to get to know Miss Elizabeth Bennet better. I do not think I am wrong in my assessment of her; I think she is quite a special young lady. She is vivacious and easy to talk to. She does not put on airs, and she gladly speaks about any number of topics. I do not feel as if I have to limit my conversations when I speak with her. I am certain I will enjoy knowing Miss Elizabeth Bennet very much.” Richard says satisfyingly with a smile.

  “Well, you know that I am worried that any clever or scheming person can potentially deceive Georgie and take advantage of her again. Certainly, I do not want to go through that again. I am not condemning anyone just because they are in trade, but Georgie is naïve, and she has been very sheltered. I fear for her not being astute enough to deal with certain types of people.” Darcy looks serious but is not upset. “Well, I am meeting Bingley at the club for luncheon, and then we will meet Bennington and Whitney afterwards, so I will not be able to be here when Georgie has tea with her new acquaintances. Will you be able to stay with her?”

  “I will be happy to. I intend on seeing and furthering my knowledge of Miss Elizabeth Bennet today.” Richard gladly displays his smile. “You are going to miss out on seeing a most beautiful lady, again – your loss, Darcy.” Richard chuckles gaily.

  Miss Darcy greets her guests most warmly as Richard steps forward
to greet the ladies, charmingly.

  All pleasantries are expressed. Elizabeth is surprised to see Colonel Fitzwilliam here today. She wonders if he lives here with Miss Darcy and her family.

  “Mrs. Gardiner, Miss Elizabeth, my cousin Richard wanted to greet the both of you today and thank you properly for helping me and Mrs. Annesley. My brother William has a previous engagement, so he could not be here to thank you personally. However, he would like to do so; maybe, whenever we are able to see each other again then he could do that.”

  “Miss Darcy, that is not necessary for Mr. Darcy to take his valuable time out to do that.” Mrs. Gardiner states sincerely.

  “Miss Darcy, you have thanked us enough. Please, let us not keep mentioning it. It was truly something that anyone could have done for you. You are quite welcome.” Elizabeth says kindly with an amiable smile.

  Georgiana smiles nicely back.

  “I do want to personally thank both of you ladies for being so considerate and kind to Georgiana. It is not often that a total stranger will go out of their way to be so benevolent to another person.” Richard gives an appreciative smile. “Now, I will leave you ladies so you can visit and have tea in peace. I hope you all enjoy your afternoon.” Richard says charismatically with an attractive smile. “Georgie, I need to write a couple of letters and leave William a note in his study; afterwards, I will be on my way. If you need me, I am at your disposal.”

  “Oh Richard, please do not feel you have to run off on our account. If you are not too busy why do you not have a cup of tea with us before you leave? Will that be all right ladies?” Georgiana turns back to her guests expectedly. “My cousin is always busy with the military, and I rarely have a chance to have tea with him.”

  “Certainly, Miss Darcy. We do not mind at all. As a matter of fact, I think it will be enjoyable to get a man’s perspective on certain things sometimes, will it not ladies?” Mrs. Gardiner asks genially and then looks at Elizabeth.


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