My Beginning With Mr. Darcy [Book One]

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My Beginning With Mr. Darcy [Book One] Page 45

by Lauren King

  “That is fine, Jane; do what you feel is best for you. I think Mr. Morgan is a confident, stable gentleman; he will understand with your assurance.”

  As the two sisters speak to each other, Bingley also speaks to Darcy at Darcy House that same morning.

  “Darcy, Miss Bennet still will not allow me to call upon her. What am I going to do? I have to find a time to ask her again. I have to explain to her. Oh God! She looked so happy with Morgan. As a matter of fact, all four of you looked really joyous and pleased with each other. Indeed, I am happy for you and Miss Elizabeth, BUT that could have been me with Miss Bennet. Damn it! DAMN IT!” Bingley blurts out crossly. “What will I do if she still refuses to let me explain?”

  Darcy is very sorry for his friend’s frustration, but Jane seems to have decided against Bingley which does not surprise Darcy. Bingley did retreat from their budding relationship. “Bingley, I am sorry she refused you.”

  “Darcy, please, just help me find a way to speak to Miss Bennet.” Bingley presses urgently.

  At half past one o’clock, Darcy arrives at the Gardiner residence to have luncheon with Elizabeth.

  “Good afternoon, dearest. Did you rest well?” Darcy states while holding Elizabeth’s hand contentedly.

  “Thank you; I did, darling. Did you?” Elizabeth smiles contentedly.

  “Yes, I did.” Darcy sighs and then says, “Bingley visited me again this morning, and he is very troubled and perturbed that Jane refused to speak with him, again. Do you know if Jane is absolutely set against Bingley calling upon her to explain to her?”

  “Jane has decided that the next time they see each other she will allow Mr. Bingley to call upon her because she wants to make it very clear to him about where they stand.” Elizabeth replies straightforwardly.

  “That is good, then. Bingley knows he made a grave mistake in regards to Jane, so it is good that she asserts her decision pertaining to him in order to eliminate any misunderstandings between them.” Darcy caresses Elizabeth’s hand with care. “Well, I hope it works out for everyone. Dearest, would you like to go for a walk after luncheon?”

  “Yes, that would be nice. Where shall we go?”

  “How about we go to the museum and enjoy those French and Italian sculptures which I did not get a chance to appreciate last time because I was so distraught over a certain young lady that refused to be in a courtship with me?” Darcy teases; he is thrilled that is no longer true.

  Elizabeth pouts prettily, “Darling.” She bats her lashes at Darcy, and then she says, “If I remember correctly, a certain gentleman was walking again with two other young ladies that day. Maybe…he was not that wounded.”

  “Oh, trust me; he was plenty wounded. Moreover, he was not walking with those two young ladies. He was asked – forced, actually – to go walking by his cousin and his very good friend. The very good friend brought those two young ladies without the gentleman knowing.” Darcy explains plainly.

  “Well, if he says so, then I shall believe him. I will always trust him and never deliberately hurt him.” Elizabeth says lightly but sincerely.

  “Just as I trust you completely. I will never purposely hurt you in anyway.” Darcy says firmly and gazes at her lovingly, after which he kisses her cheek warmly.

  As Darcy, Elizabeth, Jane, and Georgiana leisurely take their last turn about the museum, Darcy sees Mr. and Mrs. Hurst along with Miss Bingley walking towards their direction. Darcy, Elizabeth, and Jane are about twenty feet away from Georgiana where she is observing some original sheet music for a symphony in the 1590’s behind a glass case. Alone, Miss Bingley walks towards Georgiana. She greets Georgiana nicely and Georgiana curtsies back politely as she always does.

  When Darcy sees this, he tells Elizabeth to stay with Jane so he can retrieve Georgiana straight away. Darcy approaches Georgiana and decisively says, “We no longer acknowledge Mr. Bingley’s younger sister, Georgiana.” Darcy extends his arm to his sister. She immediately takes it, and, without another word or look at Miss Bingley, they walk away towards Elizabeth and Jane.

  Darcy can see Miss Bingley turn beet red in the face and a few people standing nearby discreetly turn their heads to see who was making the cut. Darcy’s face is serious and unsympathetic as he walks away without any recognition of Miss Bingley. Elizabeth could see the embarrassment, shame, and mortification radiating from Miss Bingley from whatever William just said. When Elizabeth and Miss Bingley make eye contact, Elizabeth looks austerely at her and turns her face casually away with abhorrence. If Elizabeth was able to see with the side of her head, she would see Miss Bingley fuming with silent rage.

  Caroline is humiliated by Mr. Darcy’s cut, again; others around their vicinity certainly heard it also. She never thought she would be in this position, especially with Mr. Darcy. She likes him so much that she feels she deserves him. She has all the positive attributes over Elizabeth Bennet, yet Elizabeth Bennet gets Mr. Darcy. How is that fair? God, she hates Elizabeth Bennet! This is all Elizabeth Bennet’s fault! Caroline has been patiently waiting, but ever since Mr. Darcy met Elizabeth Bennet, he has completely changed his attitude towards her. She truly thinks that this is also her brother’s fault for not securing Mr. Darcy for her sooner.

  As Darcy approaches, Elizabeth takes his extended arm and then Georgiana releases his other arm to walk off with Jane. Elizabeth does not have to say a word to William; they understand each other well. They will always support each other no matter what. The four of them relaxingly proceed to the last few artworks before leaving the museum.

  After the museum, they all go to Matlock House to speak with Lady Matlock and get some advice and guidance from her in regards to their wedding breakfast. They talk with her for a couple of hours after which many issues are decided; Elizabeth is glad to have Lady Matlock’s assistance and counsel. Elizabeth and Darcy will send out wedding invitations tomorrow. They are very delighted that things are progressing so well.

  Darcy finally agrees to speak with Mr. Bennet regarding the costs of the wedding breakfast after Elizabeth genuinely insists. She was not happy when William told her that he would simply pay for everything. She explained her reasoning and he explained his. In the end, she settled on Darcy discussing the costs with her Father; Darcy was not going to relent on Mr. Bennet paying for everything because he knows everything is much more expensive in London. Additionally, Mr. Bennet has to worry about Miss Lydia’s situation which will surely require more money to be laid out for a resolution to come about – money that will put a dent into their family’s savings. Therefore, he does not want for Mr. Bennet to have to shoulder additional costs right now. The cost to their wedding is not a hardship for Darcy, in any aspect. He will explain to Elizabeth that since he wanted the wedding sooner, then it is his responsibility to pay. He will appeal to her logic for her to accept his paying.


  Darcy has invited Elizabeth and Jane over for luncheon today, thus he is on his way to the Gardiner residence to collect the ladies. Darcy is filled with lovely thoughts of his beautiful, entrancing fiancée and their marriage; their betrothal is progressing very well. Darcy could not ask for a better fiancée.

  After a relaxing luncheon, they enjoy Georgiana’s playing on the piano forte and then Darcy announces that he and Elizabeth will be out in the garden. Jane says that she and Georgiana will join them later.

  Darcy points out all the roses in different colors; Elizabeth likes them very much because she has always liked a lot of colors in her flower arrangements. Darcy tells Elizabeth what he has planned for their wedding.

  “Dearest, I want to ask my Godfather Nicolas to officiate over our wedding at noon so that we can have the wedding reception by two o’clock – will that be convenient for you? We can change the time if you want.” Darcy asks thoughtfully.

  “I think that is a good time.” Elizabeth smiles contentedly at her betrothed as they hold hands, lovingly.

  “What do you think of us relaxing at Darcy Ho
use for two weeks and then we can go back to Pemberley afterwards for a couple of months. After that, we can go to the Darcy Estate in Scotland when the weather is better to travel. We can come back here whenever we want. Or would you prefer to go to Brighton in the summer? Actually, we could go to Brighton, in any case.” Darcy is keen on taking Elizabeth to all the places that she has always wanted to visit. They will travel anywhere she wants, to her heart’s delight.

  “Whatever you like is fine with me, darling. I have not traveled to any of those places, so it will be exciting no matter where we go, as long as I am with you.” Elizabeth says most affectionately as she caresses his hands back and forth.

  “I do not mind where I am as long as you are with me.” Darcy boldly leans in to kiss Elizabeth’s lips tenderly. Afterwards, while holding both of her upper arms he bends down so they are eye to eye and he says, “I cannot wait until you are officially my wife. I love you so very much.”

  Elizabeth blushes with the intensity of his look and words; she becomes shy. She blinks bashfully and then responds most honestly, “I love you more than I can say.” Her own hands hold onto his arms securely to show her affections for him.

  At her words and action, Darcy leans in to kiss her lips again; this time the kiss lingers. There is no doubt that he is addicted to her. His mind runs away with him. He wants to smell the crook of her neck and suck it; afterwards, move down to her soft full bosom and rub his face on it. Her skin there will surely be very soft to suckle. Good Lord! He needs to stop thinking in this manner or else he will have to separate from Elizabeth to keep from embarrassing himself. His mind will not let him leave the thought of kissing her soft, luscious, creamy bosom.

  In his head –he is kissing her, and he is being careful not to leave a mark on her because of his enthusiasm; that would not be acceptable. He does not want anyone to see evidence of his physical love on her except him. He will mark her in places where only they will be able to see. He wants to remind her of his love. He knows exactly where to mark her, and it will please him to no end when she knows that he has marked her there.

  Stop! He needs to stop thinking about this….he simply wants to devour her body, but he has to restrain himself – twenty eight more days. God, please make time go by faster!

  Darcy sees that Elizabeth is still bashful from his kisses, so he says, “Lizzy, are you offended by my eagerness and openness to kiss you?”

  Elizabeth replies quietly while looking down at William’s chest because she is too bashful that they are being so open with each other about this subject. Her blushes making her feel hot is not helping, either. “No, I am not offended. I know you do it out of love for me. I just hope that you do not think that I am shameless to accept your gestures when we are not even married yet.”

  Darcy interrupts instantaneously, “Sweetheart, no!” Darcy says most adoringly but adamantly while he tilts her chin upwards. “I would never think that about you. Never. I love you. You are exactly the way I wish. I already think of you as my wife; that is how much I love you and respect you. Never think that I would even consider such things about you. I will not have you thinking that, all right?” Darcy encourages.

  Elizabeth nods gently while looking ingenuously at William. Then, she is sweetly surprised again when William opens his great coat and hugs her tightly up against his body. He encompasses her entire body within his arms; her arms instinctively encircle his back. Afterwards, she feels his kisses on top of her head. She has never felt so loved and cherished; she is thrilled at his show of affection. No other man other than her Father and Uncle Edward has ever hugged her, this closely. This hug from William feels different and intimate; she does not mind it. She relishes it. She knows, unquestionably, that William is not a rake trying to get his way with her. He honestly loves her…as his wife. Her mind and heart cheer with great joy; she is at ease again.

  After William kisses the top of her head, she looks up at him and says fondly, “I love you with all of my heart.”

  Darcy closes his eyes for a second to savor her words – her most precious emotions of love clearly displayed on her beautiful, captivating face. He could not be happier with anyone else on Earth. No one else!

  “Lizzy! Did you see all the different colors on all the flowers? Are they not pretty?” Jane calls out to Elizabeth from the entrance of the garden to alert her and give her a chance to prepare for Jane’s and Georgiana’s approach.

  “We are at the end of the garden, Jane.” Elizabeth replies and then giggles quietly at William because he let go of her so quickly that it was almost like he shoved her away from him.

  Darcy playfully narrows his eyes at her before grinning handsomely at Elizabeth’s teasing. He was afraid of getting caught being intimate with his betrothed, even though he was only hugging her. He will not be fearful when they are married; surely he will not flaunt their closeness, but even if someone sees them in a hug or something similar, he will not be so anxious about it. He cannot wait to be her husband.

  Jane and Georgiana come to where Darcy and Elizabeth are standing and they gaily talk about how pretty the roses are. A few moments later, the butler, Mr. Brooks, comes out to the garden and stands to await Darcy’s attention. Darcy excuses himself to go speak to Mr. Brooks.

  “Mr. Darcy, Mr. Bingley is requesting an audience with you, sir.” Mr. Brooks says sedately.

  “All right, show Mr. Bingley into my study, Mr. Brooks.” Darcy replies casually.

  Darcy moves back to the ladies and tells them that he has to attend to something for just a short while in his study. Elizabeth smiles at him dotingly as he walks back inside. Goodness, she even loves the way he walks; she is thoroughly besotted with him. She giggles cheerfully inside her own mind. That is right; she is smitten with William.

  Darcy wonders if Bingley has heard about his cut to Miss Bingley and now he is here to have it out with him. Well, if that is what Bingley wants, then Darcy will not restrain from speaking his mind. No one deliberately embarrasses his betrothed and gets away with it. He was containing his indignation towards Miss Bingley that night out of friendship to Bingley.

  “Bingley, what a surprise; I did not forget about a meeting with you at the club, did I?”

  “No, no, Darcy. I just need someone to talk to, if you do not mind. Did I disturb you from something?” Bingley is clearly still very distressed.

  “I have guests, but that does not mean I will not help you if you need me. What is the matter?” Darcy knows full well that it pertains to Jane.

  “I agonize over not being able to talk to Miss Bennet. I do not know when I will be able to run into her next so that I can request to call upon her.” Bingley says miserably.

  Darcy sees Bingley’s true suffering expressed all over his face and his demeanor. Bingley is irritated, agitated, and perturbed. He frowns; he is contemplative and less talkative. He looks and sounds sad and forlorn – nothing like his old self. Darcy decides to try to resolve this, here and now, if everybody is amenable. It will not benefit anyone if this is dragged out longer.

  “Bingley, excuse me for a minute, I will be back momentarily. Please, have some tea.”

  “I am sorry for coming by unannounced. I can come back a different time. Let me leave. I will come back when you do not have guests.” Bingley stands up, but Darcy stops him.

  “Bingley, you are fine; give me a moment so I can let my guests know. They are with my sister. I will be back, and then we can talk.” Darcy wants to help Bingley as much as he can; Darcy feels badly that Bingley is so miserable and distraught.

  Bingley sits back down dejectedly with his head in his hands.

  Darcy walks towards Elizabeth, and she can tell that he wishes to speak with her privately; therefore, she moves towards him while Georgiana shows Jane other flowers.

  Darcy says quietly, “Dearest, Bingley is here. He arrived unexpectedly. He is in my study, but he does not know that you and Jane are here; I did not tell him. He is despondent and desperate about speaking
to Jane. I think since Jane is willing to talk to him anyways then this would be the perfect time to get this over with. Afterwards, they can try to move on; otherwise, it will hang over them. Furthermore, this way Jane will not have to officially allow a call from Bingley. What do you think?”

  “I totally agree with you. Let ask Jane if she is willing.”

  Jane and Georgiana come over to where Darcy stands. Darcy asks that Georgiana give them a few minutes because he and Elizabeth wish to ask Jane something personal. Georgiana cheerily says that she will be in the music room practicing on the piano forte.

  “Jane, you do not have to speak to Bingley if you do not want. I did not tell him you were my guest out here.” Darcy says considerately.

  “You are right, though, William; I should get this over with.” Jane responds serenely, and then she turns between William and Elizabeth to ask, “Will the both of you remain in the drawing room with me and Mr. Bingley?”

  “Certainly we will.” Elizabeth replies reassuringly.

  “All right then; allow me a few minutes to lead him into the drawing room. I will come back to get both of you.” Darcy says warmheartedly.

  Back in Darcy’s study, he says, “Bingley, I have to let you know that my guests in the garden are Miss Elizabeth and Miss Bennet.”

  Bingley instantaneously stands up from his chair and stares at Darcy in great surprise. “Really, Darcy?” Bingley asks excitedly.


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