Operation Family

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Operation Family Page 7

by Dobson, Marissa

  “Don’t see a choice, Commander.” Rebel threw his equipment back in his pack.

  “Whiskey and I will get the others.” Bad Billy grabbed the fallen member of the team, leaving Whiskey to grab Britt.

  “Let’s go.” Mac nodded to Ace and Boom who had the smoke grenades ready.

  “Mac?” A soft female voice called through his thoughts. “Hey, are you okay?” She laid a hand on his shoulder and it took him a moment to realize it was Nicole.

  “Fine.” He closed his eyes and forced the memories back in the bottle he kept them in, stored away where they didn’t haunt him every second of the day.

  “I wanted to apologize. I didn’t mean to upset you, I just didn’t know.” She leaned against the pillar, her gaze on the ground instead of looking at him.

  “Don’t worry about it.” He slid his thumb over the screen and brought the picture back up. “I failed my men, but I won’t fail you or the girls. That you have to believe.”

  “I don’t believe you failed them. Just in the few days you’ve been here I know you’re not the type of man who would be careless. You did everything you could to bring everyone home safe and in one piece.” She brushed against his shoulder with her fingertips, rubbing along the collarbone. “No one understands the cost of war better than the troops, but you have to remember what we’re fighting for. What your men died for.”

  “What’s that? Honestly, some days I wonder if I even know what we’re fighting for anymore. Even when the country isn’t at war, there’s always some mission. It should be to keep our country safe, but it seems like every time we make our land a little safer, another threat pops up. Will we ever have a safe world for Gabriella and Sophia to be raised in?” He tipped his head, pressing the side of his face against the back of her hand. “Even after losing my men, I didn’t doubt we were fighting for a better future. Now I look at those two little girls and think of how many children have lost their parents because of war.” What if I’m the next casualty?

  “No one understands the losses more than you and the others who serve, but in the end, isn’t our country worth it? Nine-eleven started this latest battle, and lives have been destroyed and lost, but that doesn’t mean what we’re doing is wrong. I’ve seen the protestors as the funerals, but I’ve also seen the patriot guard riders who form a guard around the families to keep the harassment at bay. You can’t tell me what you do isn’t worth it. You keep dangers at bay that we don’t even know about. That’s honorable and courageous.”

  “Amore.” It slipped out before he could stop it. What was he thinking calling her love? She was too young for him. Instead of letting his mind take over, he pressed his lips to the back of her hand, gently placing a kiss there. “You have the heart of a saint, but you have no idea what you’re getting into. Do you?”

  “I don’t, but I’m about to dive in head-first.” She gave him an easy smile. “That doesn’t change things, I’m still committed to it.”

  He let the silence fall over them like a comfortable blanket, just enjoying the moment with her, trying not to question the future he couldn’t change. If the military life was too hard on her, he was willing to step back and let her bring the girls back to Texas. She’d raise them and he’d be as involved as he could. It was the right thing to do, not only because of his career but also because of her love for the babies. His life had always been about doing the right thing, no matter the cost or personal discomfort, and this would be no different.

  “García is Italian, and so is amore…but you don’t look it.”

  “You mean my blond hair and blue eyes makes you doubt I’m Italian?” He joked. “I was adopted at birth, my adoptive parents were Italian. It throws people off guard, when they hear Mac García they expect someone with deep olive skin and dark hair.”

  “Do you speak Italian then?”

  “My parents made sure I could speak their language. I’m bilingual, and would like to raise the girls the same way. If you’d like I can teach you.”

  “I’m not a very good student. In order to graduate high school I had to take two years of a foreign language, mine was Spanish. Let’s just say if it wasn’t for my teacher taking pity on me I would have never have made it out of school.”

  “The way you learn in a high school class is basic words and it can be detrimental for some. It can be easier learning in real life situation.” The thought of high school reminded him of the age difference between them. What the hell was I thinking? Why would she be interested in an old man like me?

  “I’d like to try, but you’ve been warned.”

  “Nicole, how old are you?”

  She sat down next to him, stretching her long legs out in front of him. “Didn’t your mama teach you it’s impolite to ask a woman her age?”

  “She’d wash my mouth out with soap if she knew, but sometimes you have to be indelicate to make sure you’re not making a mistake.”

  “Mistake on my age, or a mistake on the desire you mention earlier?” She cocked her head to the side, her gaze on him.

  “You’re making this harder than it needs to be.” With a deep sigh, he rubbed the arch of his nose. “I’m an old man set in my ways and no matter how desirable I find you that doesn’t change things.”

  “I’m twenty-four.” She kept her tone soft, as if she didn’t want to say it out loud.

  “Merda.” What was he thinking, letting her get into his thoughts as she had? She was the twins’ nanny, a possible friend, nothing more. He couldn’t think of getting involved with her.

  “Mac, age isn’t anything but a number.” She pressed her hand to his thigh, giving it a squeeze.

  “I’ll be forty in January. That’s sixteen years’ difference. A lifetime.” Damn it. Why did I have to make myself sound older? I couldn’t just say thirty-nine. No, I had to make it the big four-zero. He’d been learning to drive when she was born. It was insane to even think about them together. Damn, he needed to get out of here and back to Virginia. His work would keep her out of his thoughts; a mission would put distance between them. Too bad he promised his team no training until after the New Year, and hopefully no missions would interrupt the holidays. They deserved the downtime, even if he’d kill for something to call him away from Nicole, so he could rebuild the walls that had to separate them.

  You cannot get involved with her.

  The tension that had developed between them had Nicole ready to scream. She’d have lied about her age if she had known Mac would react this way. Why did age have to play into anything? She could feel the attraction between them and he had already admitted it, so why did he put up barriers? She had tried to talk to him before they left for the airport but the girls had gotten up earlier than expected, and then they had to be on their way.

  It wasn’t something she had wanted to discuss on the plane, not that they could have. Traveling with the girls had been as much of a nightmare as she expected, and the flight had been the worst part. Now all that was left was the drive to his house, and then maybe she could have a quiet moment with him after they got the girls settled and fed.

  “Since my truck doesn’t have room for the baby seats, I arranged for my dad to bring his car over and take my truck this morning. I also called Mr. Batty before we left. He said he’d make sure Shawn’s SUV was shipped for you. Should be here in a week if we’re lucky. In the meantime, Dad said we could use this one.”

  “Won’t he need it?”

  “He can use Mom’s if he needs to, or he can have my truck. We’ll work it out.” He steered the luggage cart toward a red mid-size four-door car. “I should warn you, they’ve already told me they’ll be over tomorrow to meet the girls.”

  The idea of meeting his parents set butterflies loose in her stomach. “It will be nice that the girls will have additional family, though they’ve never been around many people since they’ve been born.”

  “They’re about to get their first dose of family.” He lifted Sophia’s car seat from the stroller and went
around to the other side of the car. “Some of my team is at the house.”


  “I checked my voicemail while you were in the restroom changing Gabriella, and they left a message. I didn’t expect them to stick around after the task but they did.” He ducked his head inside the car and buckled the car seat in without waking Sophia. “I’ll get rid of them as soon as I can.”

  “How many are we talking?” she whispered, repeating his motions with Gabriella’s car seat.

  “Ace, Boom, and their wives. Maybe Bad Billy.”

  She swallowed, thankful it was only five not a whole group. “How many men do you command?”

  “My squad is made up of seven men, eight if you include me. Ace and Boom are the only two married. Boom is actually married to Ace’s sister Wynn.” He walked around to the back of the car where he parked the luggage cart and begin to load the trunk. “I called them because between Gwen and Wynn were sure to get the house to a point where we could bring the girls home. Ace and Gwen have a daughter the same age, and Wynn would be able to get what I asked her to, since with her boutiques she has the connections.”

  “What did you ask them to do?” She grabbed the diaper bag from the top of the cart and placed it on the floor in the backseat.

  “You’ll have to wait until we get there, I don’t like to spoil surprises.” He laid the stroller on top of the bags and shut the trunk.

  “I’m not much for surprises.” She eyed him over the roof of the car.

  “Too bad.” He smirked and for the first time since the age issue came up there seemed to be a relaxed moment between them.

  “Should I expect a house like a typical bachelor? Pizza boxes, beer bottles, clothes tossed everywhere.”

  He waited to answer until they got into the car and he put it in gear. “No, I’m a clean bachelor, plus since I was just on a training exercise I haven’t been there in two weeks.”

  She relaxed against the stiff seat as he pulled out of the airport parking lot, knowing she’d have her work cut out for her. Not only would she have to deal with his friends, she’d have to clean the house. She doubted after two weeks things would be clean enough to set up a temporary nursery. The next few days were going to be long and trying. Tonight she’d have to set up a temporary bed for the girls in the portable playpen, but then they’d have to get cribs and other baby supplies tomorrow.

  For a fleeting moment, she thought of Mac’s friend who owned the baby boutiques, wondering if he’d asked her to bring something. Even if he had, knowing how expensive this stuff was, she doubted Wynn would bring much of anything.

  “You’re worrying too much.” He glanced at her as he pulled into traffic, leaving the airport behind them. “Your forehead is all scrunched up, it’s a clear sign. There’s no training exercise until after the New Year and unless we’re called for a mission I’ll be here to help you adjust. It’s going to be fine.”

  “There’s just so much we need to do in order to get the girls settled and I know they aren’t going to make this easy. They’ve been through so much lately, and this move has just increased the tension. They need things to calm down, a secure life without the ups and downs they’ve had so far.”

  “We’re going to give them that.” He took her hand in his and laced their fingers together. “Everything is going to work out and the girls are going to be happy and healthy. They’ll love Virginia and so will you. You’ll see. We’ll make this Christmas something special…for all of us.”


  “This is a new beginning, it should be special.”

  She wasn’t sure how to take that comment but she’d had about enough of the mixed signals to last a lifetime. Either he was interested in her as something more than just a means to keep his career and the girls, or he wasn’t. If he wasn’t, he shouldn’t be intertwining their fingers and making comments that hinted at more one moment, and nothing the next. Her heart could take rejection, but not repeatedly.

  Maybe making the journey to Virginia to be with him and the girls was a mistake. It seemed like a good thing for the babies, but what was it doing to her future? She was putting her life and the possibility of love on hold in order to raise them with a man who could never look at her as more than just a nanny. Her mother might have been right when she told Nicole to wise up and think of her own life.

  Someday she wanted a husband and children of her own. She wouldn’t get that if she was in a going nowhere agreement with Mac to raise Gabriella and Sophia. She just wasn’t sure she had the strength to walk away from the two little girls who captured her heart and brought meaning back into her life.

  “We’re here.” Mac announced as he pulled into the driveway of a huge French colonial.

  It was everything she pictured and more, the rectangular, symmetrical design, with all the classic features of the style: five windows across the front, a raised basement, exterior stairs, full-length porch and a large roof that covered the porch. The antique white house with mahogany trim around the windows, doors, balcony, and pillars. Even with the work that still needed to be done it was grand. A true gem that deserved to be brought back to its former glory.

  “It’s beautiful!”

  “It’s come a long way since I purchased it and there’s still tons to do but it’s home.” He continued down the long driveway. As they neared the house, she noticed it wasn’t just one exterior staircase but actually two that met in the middle allowing someone to come up on either side of the house. “When I bought the house, I had considered flipping it but now that I’ve put so much work into it I can’t picture selling it. With six bedrooms, it was too big for me, but now with you and the girls it will feel like a home.”

  “Six bedrooms,” she exclaimed, unable to believe it.

  “There’s also a library, home office, and my favorite part…a home theater.” The car came to a stop between an SUV and a large truck. “I bet you’re wondering why and how.”

  “A little. Mostly why…why would you want a house so large for just you?”

  “Dad had his own construction business until he sold it two years ago, and every day on his way home he’d pass this place. He saw the potential in it and was drawn to it. When it went on the market I purchased it, hoping it would be something we’d be able to restore together. I had hoped to give it to them, and take their house since it’s closer to the base. I thought they’d enjoy it, but Dad refused. He said it was too much house for them, and that I would need it one day. He said I’d have a family of my own and could raise my children here.”

  “Guess he was right.”

  “Looks like they’ve spotted us.” He tipped his head to the steps as a woman came down. “That’s Ace’s wife Gwen, they have a daughter named Roulette who’s the same age as the girls.”

  “Playdates.” She suggested it not only for the girls, but because it would be nice to have another woman helping her adjust to military life. “Let’s get the girls inside before they catch a chill.”

  She opened her door and stepped out, her gaze going to the back seat where Gabriella and Sophia slept peacefully. They’d end up paying for the nap this close to bedtime but for the brief peacefulness it was worth it.

  “You must be Nicole, I’m Gwen.” She held her hand out.

  “Where are my men?” Mac asked as he came around the car with Sophia. “I thought I’d put them to work to carry in the luggage.”

  “They just delivered what you asked and had to go help Whiskey. Wynn is upstairs doing the final touches, why don’t I handle the girls and you go show Nicole what you arranged.” Without waiting for an answer, Gwen opened the car door and leaned in to unhook Gabriella’s car seat.

  “I can do that.” Nicole tried to argue but it was no use.

  “Come on, Gwen is a natural.” He slipped his free arm around Nicole’s waist. “If I make it inside with Sophia sleeping I’ll put her car seat in the living room and we’ll be down in a few minutes.”

  “Take your time.�
� Gwen fell into step a few feet behind with Gabriella and the diaper bag.

  “What did you do?” Nicole asked as they made their way up the exterior steps.

  “The girls needed a nursery, so I asked Gwen and Wynn for help to get them settled in tonight. It’s just the basics but it will give them a place to sleep that isn’t a playpen.” He opened one of the French front doors and ushered her inside. “Come on, I want to see what they’ve done.”

  Anticipation churned her stomach as they made their way up the grand staircase just off the living room. “I know it’s been a long day but once we’re alone and the girls are asleep, we need to talk.”

  “As long as I can have a cold beer, I’ll do whatever you ask.” He paused at the top of the steps. “You lead the way. It’s the last door on the right, sandwiched between the master bedroom and what I thought could be yours.”

  “Here I thought I’d get to choose which of the five spare bedrooms I wanted.” She joked as she strolled down the hallway.

  “You’re more than welcome to pick another room and I’ll be sure to get it done for you quickly. Right now, the room I offered you and the nursery were the only two bedrooms complete. After the master, the bedrooms were low on my priority list.”

  “I was just teasing, anywhere is fine with me. It’s better that I’m close to the girls anyway.” She reached out, about to wrap her hand around the door handle before it flew opened.

  “Oh.” A pregnant woman with shoulder length blonde hair stepped back. “I was just going to tell Gwen to send you up, things are ready. By the way, I’m Wynn.”

  “Nicole.” It came out shallow but her thoughts were elsewhere. The nursery was beautiful. The warm butterscotch walls with white wainscot set off the ebony cribs as if it were planned. The large window cast streaks of the early evening sun around the room.

  “I know it’s not everything you need, but we did our best in the time we had.”

  “You did more than I expected. Thank you,” Mac told Wynn while Nicole neared the ebony rockers that sat near the cribs.


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