Earth Lost Without Power

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Earth Lost Without Power Page 9

by L. S. Wood

  The new Soviet leaders knew they were in great trouble for the horrendous folly they had caused to materialize in their governing control over Russia and their time in history. They had now became caught up in their own schemes of things to prove their supremacy to all on earth, and now very vulnerable to their own deadly forces of power of destruction that they caused from above as were the rest of the world. Their damn star wars game had gone array on them and backfired! The poor quality put into the supreme guiding systems implanted in the missiles proved faulty, for the missiles flying in from outer space had no justifiable reasoning in their courses of directions they took for their intended targeted positions where they were supposed to be tracking to.

  The Soviets true course of avenue to prove and show their own supremacy to the world was now a true blunder. It had failed and now proved deadly against the ones who had created this deadly monster in the first place.

  With several missile sightings by pilots of reentering missiles into the earth’s atmosphere taking place, the many fighter pilots in the skies over the earth set off after them.

  They, too, met their premature deaths as did the first sighting proved deadly to the squadron pilots who were in hot pursuit of their enemy. The demand to end this damn invasion by their own missiles came to the new Soviet leaders loud and clear as this enemy to all they had created for their own destructive weaponry arsenal was now slaying their own pilots by the droves.

  It did not matter anymore. No matter what was to happen to the many astronauts in outer space. The Soviets knew someone had to push the damn panic button now and destroy this out of control advancing enemy from outer space. It was already too late for the many that had already died a senseless useless death because of the greedy ones.

  If the panic button was to be pushed previous to any stray missiles reentered the earth’s atmosphere, none would have suffered except maybe the astronauts. Again it was a very poor judgment call in timing on the scared Soviet leader’s part in destroying their own advancing fleet of attacking missiles. By this time in history, every missile carrying their death wish had been safely in orbit, prior to receiving the signals from the many other activated missiles. All this caused by the passing of many small comet fragments of ice and stone particles activating just a few number of rockets, and they all in turn activated all the rest. Every one of them had already reentered back into the earth’s atmosphere prior the button being pushed, readying themselves to deploy their already armed and deadly cargos to their predetermined points that were anywhere now.

  It would have been less deadly to the citizens around the globe having exploded the hundreds of missiles loaded with mass destruction in outer space in a much more timely fashion, than to have waited for so long in doing so.

  They chose to push the panic button after the fact when all the warheads were all now flying around in the earth’s atmosphere again, and then pushed it to destroy them all at once.


  The Big Flash

  Watching as the missiles broke through the earth’s atmosphere from outer space, the crewmembers aboard both the international space station and the crew members aboard the space shuttle Twitchel, witnessed a most spectacular seen unfold before their very eyes in the skies that surrounding the earth below, their home.

  Pushing the button to destroy the masses of descending missiles proved to be as deadly to some as if they had been sitting right on top the bombing devices themselves as they exploded. They did not die directly from the explosions of the many bomb-laced missiles or from the massive doses of neutrons produced by them all exploding at once. They died from the destructive resulting forces the trillions upon trillions of activated neutralizing neutrons had on all the electrically operated equipment known to man in the world.

  It was similar to the sun having a huge solar storm flare up on its surface causing titanic sized black spots that caused massive power outages of electricity around the world. The astronauts aloft observed as whole rockets with their activated cargo stores exploded along with hundreds of smaller already deployed neutron missile bombs on their way to their predetermined destinations all exploding in midflight all at once.

  The shock wave of the sudden release of neutrons from the many missiles both large and small hitting the earth was immense, and overly destructive in so many other ways. There were storms of lightning and neutron induced colors of the rainbow engulfing the air of the earth, causing huge storms to develop in the sky around the globe, the likes no man had ever witnessed before, except he saw an atomic bomb explode from a distance.

  The many colors of a rainbow; reds, violets, browns, greens, and others danced among the newly developed clouds above the earth, and caused lights to fill the air as bright as someone welding steel together or using a cutting torch to cut some steel in half.

  The many astronauts above watched in awe. They could not believe what was taking place on the planet of their homeland below. The earth suddenly became a large orange glistening ball of haze, drifting alone in space below them like a fluorescent orange ball. The sky above the earth was gone. It looked as though someone or something had just painted the atmosphere of the earth with a mist of orange paint, and none could see below its thick surface of color. The haze of orange blocked out any chance of seeing any landmasses or sizable continents of noticeable size. It looked like the earth had vaporized right in front of them while they all watched it disappear. The earth now looked more like the planet Jupiter, totally covered in its dusty storm clouds. The earth had no rings around it, but it was impossible to see if it was still there or if it had really vaporized the way it sure looked like it had.

  The once happy hearts of all in space, sunk to the bottom of happiness with fret, fear and concern for the welfare of their loved ones beneath the orange mist. The two space vehicles could hear one another trying desperately in vein to raise a friendly voice from anyone, far below them on earth that could answer them back. After an hour of trying to no avail, the two crews decided to talk to one another.

  What was the Twitchel to do now? She had enough emergency food, oxygen, and water supply onboard for the crew to survive in orbit for two weeks and then they would have to attempt a return trip to back to earth, or die from lack of life support supplies and functional necessities to keep them all alive in space.

  In talking to the commander of the space laboratory, Commander Ivan Khrushchev and Commander Colonel Nelson Anderson in charge of the Twitchel decided it best for the welfare of all to rendezvous with each other, to hook up their crafts together, and wait out what was happening below. The space station needed a vehicle for transport if anything went wrong aboard it in the near future, and the Twitchel’s crew needed a safe place to call home until it was safe to return back home to the earth.

  The International Space Station laboratory was equipped with an experimental oxygen producing system, made up of natural plant life and mechanical re-breathers. The original design in the oxygen system’s capacity limited the number of crewmembers the space station could carry at one given time, which would allow them to live within the laboratory’s chambers for a long time to come. With the space station filled to capacity with astronauts, another several astronauts added to the system would put a strain on the delicate balance and ability of the system to support more life for a greater time than a year or less. Within that time period, the two crews hoped the earth would be back to normal, if not lost forever.

  They had outfitted the space laboratory with its own extended winged cubicle-styled garden growing facility, a special ultraviolet lighting system powered by exterior solar powered electrical panels for ultraviolet light for plant life growing purposes and to produce a limited amount of fresh food to eat aboard the space station.

  The cubicle also was capable of recycling human waste into usable fertilizer to help in plant life growth after the sterilization took place in one of the laboratory’s ma
ny solar powered sterilizing mechanisms along with a large supply of fresh and recaptured filtered wastewater used daily for fresh chilled water to use for bathing, drinking, and cooking.

  The International Space Station was a self-sufficient floating city all alone in space with intentions that it might live on in space forever. Its only exception was that it needed recharging once in a while with new filters for purification to its life support systems, and now would have numbers beyond its original design living aboard it that would tax it beyond its limitations.

  The linking up of the two space vehicles proved to be very beneficial for the crew of the Twitchel and the space station crew. The sky above the earth was now covered with a nontransparent sheen of orange greenish glowing mist so the occupants of the space station and crew from aboard the shuttle could not see what was really taking place on the ground below or in the skies above the earth. The horrendous effect on the earth from the many neutron bombs exploding all at the same time in its atmosphere had a devastating crippling outcome on the human occupants, as well as all the animal life on the planet. The massive scattered explosions of condensed neutrons let loose in the atmosphere, neutralized the abilities of power plants worldwide to mass-produce electricity, earth lost without power.

  The earth became a huge celestial ball void of electrical power lost in space. It was similar to a huge round junk pile littered with nothing but dead machinery scattered around its surface as useless scrap heaps of metal and plastic standing whole, but dead empty without any life supporting blood of electrical current flowing freely through any of its many wired veins for its life.

  The earth below the space station was lost without power to communicate to them or to the earth as well. The earth as man once knew it became a neutralized planet. There were no more strong negative or positive charges left on the face of the earth to deal with, to produce any type of electrical power they once knew, and so well enjoyed. Gravitation upon the earth became less with polar caps slightly neutralized.

  The electric power around the earth had been absorbed by the massive release of the many neutrons all being released at the same precise time. Man had finally invented and set off a weapon of destruction around the earth that the earth could not reclaim in just a matter of a few quick seconds, days or months ahead.

  The highly condensed neutron bomb proved to be the ultimate of all situations which the earth could not handle naturally, or was it man who couldn’t handle what he had invented and caused? The magnets of the world would not counteract with each other in opposing fields strong enough to produce electricity without becoming glazed over in a mass of greenish orange slime, then became almost instantly oxidized, rendering them useless for man to try to produce electricity with them.


  Devastation in the Air

  All commercial airliners around the planet with their many passengers of fare in flight that day or night, depending upon what time zone they were flying at the time were subject to doom. All electronic and electrically operated controls onboard them required to fly the large airliners along with the internal lights flickered and went instantly dead in midflight.

  Only a small handful of lucky people flying their aircraft in daylight around the earth were lucky enough to have survived the big blast. With manually operated flight controls and not flying very high up in the air, they were able to glide their aircrafts to a safe landing area if there was a safe place to land them in sight, had the masses in neutrons not already taken the lives of the ones onboard the aircraft most especially the pilots. Helicopter pilots and other poor souls in their crafts fell from the sky. Planes flying at night lost all concepts of visual and artificial horizons making instruments in their cockpits useless due to the mist of orange sheen that covered the earth, blocking out the true horizon with it illuminated by the bright moon from above.

  Many airplanes fell from the sky for the lack of the pilot’s ability to see where they were safely going to land because of darkness and the misty orange green sheen they were in, if they were still alive. Many pilots experienced severe vertigo for the very first time in their years of flying long hours that they were very accustomed to flying. Only the lucky people sitting in airliners on the airport tarmac waiting for other commercial airplanes in front of them to taxi out onto the runways for takeoff were the lucky ones.

  The poor people on any aircraft that had just barely taken off from the ground and had become air born fell like rocks from the sky, scattering aircraft parts, people, luggage, and debris all over the ground beneath them. The small number of fortunate pilots were able to save themselves, lucky to make a safe landing amounted to less than the number of fingers on a person’s single hand.

  All others in flight that horrible day perished mostly from being instantly sucked dry of every flicker of natural electrical impulse generated in their nervous systems. Emergency lighting equipment in all buildings around the world flickered for a split second and then went instantly dead. All other electrically powered equipment within the confined structures of manmade edifices followed suit. Escalators came to a sudden stop. Tall building having elevators with mechanical brakes suddenly jolted to a sudden stop as they started to plummet towards the bottom of their shafts. Elevators with electrically operated magnets for stopping mechanisms for brakes sank quickly to the bottoms of high-rise buildings at great speeds, demolishing the elevator cars while mutilating everyone riding inside of them.

  People with artificial hearts that ran on battery packs for power slumped quietly in their seats as others fell dead to the ground where they were walking. People with battery power operated defibrillators were sucked dry of electricity, as their own electrical impulses were rendered useless.

  Emergency-generating generators never had a chance to start up because of their highly charged starting batteries went instantly dead, sucked dry of their readily charged electrical power.

  Cars, busses, trucks, trains, planes, ships, and more, became idle as if they all had had an electrical heart attack all at the same precise time in history.

  The only operable equipment still running on the face of the earth were but a few diesel powered engines, not requiring the need of electricity to operate them or to keep them running.

  Diesel powered trucks with faulty electrically operated air shut off solenoid valves remained running, and would only shut down when the driver closed the breather flap on the engine manually. That is, if the drivers of those vehicles were lucky enough to live through the horrendous invasion of the massive neutron attack, depending on the elevation of the highways they were driving over at the time.

  Truck drivers going over the Great Divide in the Western hemisphere of the United States, along with everyone else on the mountain roads that day, died from being sucked dry of their life giving natural electrical charges they needed to survive.

  The entire different categories in transportation-alamode in equipment around the world came to an abrupt halt. Cars engines on thoroughfares stopped running as millions of drivers pulled their lifeless vehicles off to the sides of the roadways, if they were still alive to do so.

  Some vehicles just pulled up to a dead stop in the middle of some roadways with their almost dead drivers and passengers thrashing about in massive convulsions behind the steering wheels and in seats of the vehicles.

  Trucks, cars, aircraft, busses, and the like ceased to operate that day, as did many millions upon millions of lives that were lost in a matter of only a few tormented seconds, minutes, and hours depending where they were when the Russian leaders pushed the panic button.

  Some diesel engines in emergency power generating plants that were unfortunately running, using electrically operated computer sensors to govern their speed controls, went from a dead stop idle, to running as fast they could without a governor to slow them down. These engines ran full speed till they either ran out of diesel fuel they needed to operate or un
til they exploded from running in excessive revolutions per seconds beyond their capabilities of running, as parts from these engines went flying everywhere when their crankshafts, pistons and other movable parts from within all came apart from exploding.

  Death to thousands of individuals that day, their many livestock and pets, along with many species of birds in the air, and other flighty creatures living in the sky were instantly crucified in an untimely misfortune that took place around the globe.

  Citizens of the earth died trapped in elevators while others died just out taking their little pet dogs for walks, their pets succumbing right along with their owners on that sunny afternoon in parts of the world, as did thousands of other people on operating tables in hospital operating rooms.

  Hundreds upon thousands of ill-fated people died falling from out the skies in aircrafts over the globe in the many doomed commercial airliners as did thousands of unfortunate military pilots trying their damnedest to save the world from a horrific catastrophe about to take place, but all failed.

  Innocent campers and their families out in the wilderness of nature enjoying the nice quiet of the day died, along with millions of office workers in high-rise buildings trying to flee. Every one of them died trying to escape the horrific approaching disaster.

  Young new mothers in higher elevations died in their homes while nursing their young babies. Some babies were lucky enough to have died right along with their mothers, or they would starve to death while lying in the still of their dead mother’s quiet lap and arms of their deceased mothers. Some babies were not as fortunate as others.

  Simple electrical communications around the globe came to an abrupt end. The masses of computers, telephone lines, radios, shortwave signaling devices, teletype machines, and countless more electric communication devices around the planet came to a threatening end to all of the inhabitants of the world in a matter of split seconds.


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