Earth Lost Without Power

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Earth Lost Without Power Page 14

by L. S. Wood

  The men and woman aboard the Twitchel were all incredibly surprised themselves, just after landing. A new diesel-fuel powered mini bus came rolling right out from the command center and down the runway to great them. It picked them all up for the short ride back to the Kennedy Command Center, and its debriefing facilities.

  Back at the command centers medical facilities everyone received a clean bill of good health. Everyone examined by the space agency’s two medical doctors who examined them one by one for having lived in space for such a long extended period of time. Everyone aboard had broken all American records of living in outer space for such a long stint in time.

  Everyone felt extremely nauseous being back home on earth, and it was not from their extended stay away from home, or living in outer space that was the culprit causing the horrible feelings they were all experiencing.

  One by one during their private physical exams the doctor told them to get accustomed to these new light-headed sickly feelings they were now experiencing. They would become accustomed to them soon, for this was the new way of life for everyone still alive and living on earth. It was not fatigue from being in outer space for so long that they all thought was to blame for it, or from the horrific tumbling act, they had all experienced during their reentry.

  These new sickly feelings were in all animals around the earth.

  The cause was due to the new irrational conditions existing upon the planet at the time. Every one of these sick feelings was being generated by the lack of positive charged particles in the air, and a change in gravitational pull on their bodies. Everything now was surrounded by low negatively charged electrons, resulting from the many billions upon billions and trillions of wild free-floating neutrons floating freely and wildly in and around the earth’s atmosphere.

  Most all the massive neutrons invisibly drifting in the air close to the Earth’s surface, reminiscent a deadly gas viper-snake laying readily in wait to strike out at its next victim at any given moment. It could strike out at anyone, anywhere, except in the shallow depths of the Earth’s crust, fifteen or better feet below the ground’s surface.

  The uncontrolled explosions of all the missiles happening simultaneously were to blame for so many unnatural changes taking place on and around the surface of the earth. These overcharged underdeveloped weapons of mass destruction were not thought out properly, or understood by anyone of the Russians before they made them and placed them into orbit.

  No one knew the long lasting effects or the outcome of so many exploding neutron bombs all taking place at the same time.

  The hurriedly Russian execution in sending all these mismanaged war headed missiles aloft into outer space, and then followed up by the faulty unforeseen neutron invasion from its own weaponry put the world everyone was accustomed to into total turmoil.

  It set up a scene of confusion, placing all creatures on earth in a living hell of eminent danger for every living creature on the surface of the earth. The foul of the air and insects trying to live in its atmosphere would constantly turn out to be in harm’s way. The normal human food supply chain for the populations around the planet fell to an extreme low critical short food supply to feed everyone.

  Thousands upon thousands of innocent people began to starve to death globally, because of the neutron missile crisis. Thousands more unhappy citizens around the planet began committing suicide because of the death of loved ones taken place around them.

  Many of the planet’s citizens did not understand what had happened or knew how to deal with such a crisis placed on them, while thousands more of innocent beings existed as stupefied vegetables in human life form roamed the planet as living zombies. This unnatural invasion of so many neutrons into their bodies all at once left them with an intelligence of a two or three year old child forever, or less should they die of starvation. All these unnatural happenings resulting from the wild effect the massive invasion of neutrons had upon the bodies and minds of many.

  The simplification of so many minds had become a pitiful situation affecting most every nation around the globe, and it was getting worse. These people were helpless, more than babies, for babies had mothers, and these poor people had no one to take care of them.

  The earth had no electrical power on or above its surface. Anything twenty feet or so beneath the earth’s surface was still capable of using, or making electrical power. Even then, it was unsafe to use it openly without caution because of the “Neutron Creature” in the atmosphere above.

  This new man-made monster will try searching for it. It would travel down open corridors, down tunnels, airshafts, or through any opening or slightly cracked window or door, and travel down stairwells in seeking out and destroying the electrical power source. It would also destroy the people around it, who were using it, and the ones trying to make any would perish as well, a most horrendous death of involuntary convulsions and stink a horrendous smell of phosgene gas. Electrical power flows sparingly below ground, in order not to cause the creature in the atmosphere with its evil powerful force to come looking for its source.

  This new invisible creature always wants to upset the positively charged electrons and protons with its multitude of neutrons causing an instant reaction with each other like a high voltage power line falling down into a crowded swimming pool and killing all the innocent people therein.

  The earth changed drastically in a matter of seconds from coast to coast, and everywhere else with the invasion of these wild neutrons released around the world. The timing of the astronauts return from space to Earth was not getting any better for the worst of it. The world had changed drastically, and there is nothing anyone can do at this time to change it back to its natural way of being.

  Whenever this new creature claims another one of its victims, an orange greenish blue gaseous fume of phosgene vapors would rise up off the body of the victim or victims and into the air in a great stench.

  It did not matter the victim be it a human or an animal alike from the attacks upon them, the strong non-electrical force that surrounded these victims, would bleed them totally or mostly dry of any electrical impulse they once had leaving them dead or in a vegetation state they all wishing they were dead knowing its outcome.


  The Loss of Thunder in the Skies

  Planet Earth had not had a good old thunder boomer of an electrical rainstorm ever since the catastrophe of the neutron invasion took place. Torrential rainstorms still fill the skies around the Earth with a floating cover over the earth during bad weather.

  Every rainstorm it seemed brought along a dirty orangey blue light with them. The dirty colored light would shoot around in streaks throughout and around the stormy clouds. The orangey bright-lighted vapor will shoot from cloud to cloud looking similar to an exhaust vapor from a rocket’s exhaust, trailing through the clouds, and sometimes shooting down to the earth below without making any kind of sound with it. The situation is very strange to watch, and not hear anything when it takes place. It leaves whatever it strikes in its travels colored in an orangey mess of toothpick-sized splinters or an animal all wrinkled up with dried out withered skin, whether it is an animal or a human being, it doesn’t really matter as long it is a live living victim at the time.

  It was a truly remarkable unsightly event to witness, especially if one were witnessing an attack on a dear friend or relative by this unforeseen silent creature of death. A sighting taking placed looks horrifying to watch, and there is absolutely nothing anyone around can do about it, or have yet found a way to stop it from attacking when it happened!

  One would have to wear an airtight rubber lined, totally enclosed self-contained breathing apparatus, a hazmat suit, all the time outside while out of doors to protect oneself from this creature living in the atmosphere.


  Tried to Reach Out

  We have continually over the last several months,
attempted many times to get in touch with the space station, ever since you were lost out there. Our many observatories around the planet have kept us well informed of your situation best they could without power to run their high-powered telescopic equipment, and the slowness of our ancient stile communication systems we have now.

  The space observatories around the world had informed NASA about the Twitchel, for she had hooked up with the space station after the deadly explosions of missiles down here.

  We knew at the time it was the only true option you people aboard the Twitchel had that early time in the disaster. You really did not have much of a choice if any at all nor a snowball’s chance in hell, of landing your spacecraft back here on earth safely through that thick cloud of mist, and that creature living and lurking in our atmosphere.

  In the first few days after the blast with the wild neutrons all freely floating around the earth, it would have been plain suicide to attempt such a landing with your craft down through the cloud. You could probably see the immense cloud cover we had over the earth, if the earth was still visible from up there.

  It was a good thing you did what you did commander, and hooked the shuttle up with the space laboratory as your first choice of a safe haven, for now look at all of you, your all back home on earth safe and sound.

  If you had tried to return backs to Earth any time during those first few weeks, the immense force in all the neutralizing neutrons in the air would have surely attacked the Twitchel on reentry and would have killed you all instantly. The neutrons would have attacked the electrical charges in all your bodies at that time, your nervous systems, as well as the shuttles main power, and backup power sources.

  There were but a small handful of the thousands upon thousands of military, commercial airline pilots, and solo civilian pilots flying that day, which did not lose their lives, that lived to tell about it, and even they are troubled some with the simple mind syndrome effect that affected so many people around the world.

  There were some pilots who ejected themselves from their ill-fated aircrafts to live, but did not live to tell about it. These few pilots became the unfortunate ones who were able to eject from their ill-fated aircraft trying to survive. These unfortunate few all floated down to earth as if placed inside a running microwave oven while up in the air with all the wild neutralizing neutrons attacking their bodies. The wild neutrons sizzling, and burning the poor souls all the way down to the ground’s surface as they floated down through its cloud of death.

  Some of these pilots after reaching the ground looked like little Sun burnt orange aliens all wrinkled up and dried out like a sun-dried raisin where they came to rest. Some pilots landed in fields still attached to their tattered parachutes. There were some lucky ones the ones who had survived the attack, and then there were the poor many hundreds or thousands we don’t know who had barely survived but who are now out roaming the fields and forests of the earth trying to survive like mutated mindless lost animals scrounging around for scraps of food. It would have been more humane to euthanize them all than let them suffer the way they do.

  Any pilot that did survive the attack of the creature, and we only know of a couple that did that ejected very close to the ground are among those mindless lost souls.

  It has been truly a sad demoralizing time for man and the animal kingdoms around the world! These once very intelligent military pilots and civilian pilots alike, have become vegetables of simplicity, joining the many thousands upon thousands of unfortunate simple-minded populous around the world, out roaming the streets and back roads. They eat dead animals, or anything they can possibly scrounge up for food as staples just to survive. They all walk around like lost little zombie children, as we have all come to know them around here.

  We try helping these simple people as best we can with limited recourses and supplies we have until we can bring back the big crops of food we once had to feed everyone.

  NASA knew the time was soon approaching, for some very drastic measure to take place up there onboard the space station for the survival of everyone. Either everyone on board the space station were already dead, or the experimental laboratory was about to run out of the necessary equipment of supplies to maintain any type of healthy lifestyle out there with so many people onboard the tiny station to take care of.

  The many telescopes in our worldwide observatory systems require electricity to power up and we have no electrical power to beget their telescopic abilities. This has not allowed anyone to use them to see close enough to or capture any type of movement whatsoever onboard the space station from without.

  If we could have scrounged up but a mere smidgen of electricity to fuel up the high powered telescopes, we could have all been peeping Toms from down here, and could have looked directly inside through one of the side portholes of the station to see if there was some sort of movement inside, but we couldn’t.

  Everyone down here were all quite concerned, and worried sick from the on start with this whole mess, that you and the others up there may have perished in the explosion right from the get go. After the sheen around us cleared away, we could see all the external lights and beacons continually remained lit up all the while around the spacecraft. We figured the neutron monster in our atmosphere did not or could not attack anything outside the Earth’s atmosphere.

  We have no working knowledge or opinion of the full extent or impairment these senseless neutron bombs have had other than here on earth. We did not know at the time if some or any of the damn missiles detonated outside the earth’s atmosphere, and if they had exploded out there, how much damage they would have caused or could have caused in the imbalance of things in the solar system.

  We all presumed seeing the flickering strobe lights of the space station at night all aglow, these massive neutron fields did not reach or affect anything outside the earth’s atmosphere where air is void of materials or elements to carry any neutrons.

  Without any molecules of substance in its makeup, space acted as an insulator of adsorption and protector for everyone outside the huge ring of the ozone layer from the creature’s power.


  The Big Question

  If there isn’t any electricity on earth, sir, then how do all the busses, trucks, and farm tractors we observed from space running around then?”

  “All the vehicles you have been seeing running around down here, run on diesel powered engines. Out of necessity, we have had to install the old-fashioned high-pressurized air regulator styled turbo starters on all these diesel engines, making them all capable of starting on their own.

  When any driver wants to start his or her new turbine outfitted vehicles, they must first release a lever on the floor between two high-pressurized air tanks. This air pressure activates the turbine induced air starter affixed to the diesel engines flywheel and the spinning turbine comes to life for a split second or two of high-pressured turbulent spinning air power to turn over the lifeless engines.

  They work quite similar to that of an electric starter, but without the need for electricity to start the engines. The starters are noisy as hell, with a loud whistling sound that is almost deafening. The only real problem anyone has had with these new air turbine starters so far is generally in very cold weather. If the engine doesn’t start the first try, and sometimes a second attempt if one is lucky enough to have enough spare air reserve of thrust power built up in their air tanks, enabling them to give it another try in an attempt to start the engine a second time. Some use a small amount of starting fluid to make sure their engines start the first time

  One generally only has the single chance at starting his or her vehicles less they push them down the road to get them started. All the vehicles you saw running around down here use the standard shift driver transmissions and clutch method.

  We do not use any automatic transmissions as of yet, for they will not start your vehicle even when y
ou push them as fast as fast can be. Everyone who owns a vehicle these days that runs, owns a standard shift driver transmission for their own, and everyone else’s convenience of starting engines by pushing and rolling the vehicles along, and popping the clutch while in gear if necessary to get their units started.

  Some smart people have learned to leave their vehicles parked on hills, if there are any, just so they can start the vehicle if their starters fail them the first attempt, especially those ones not lucky enough to own an air-induced motor starter yet.

  When the operators of these vehicles want to or need to shut their engines down to turn them off, they must do so by closing off the fresh air intake manifolds flapper on the engines air inlet side, and the lack of fresh air shuts the engine down straight away. Most all vehicles have small air compressors affixed to their engines now, so the air tanks affixed to them will fill themselves up automatically with the extra needed high-pressured air supply the air turbine starters need, in starting the diesel engines up for them. We have come a real long way down here in just over a year’s time gentlemen, and you too, Ann.”

  “When will we all be able to see our spouses, children, and families Sir?” Ann blurted out anxiously and loudly! “You will see them soon Lieutenant, very soon. When we observed a couple of the crew members out crawling around the outer skin of the Twitchel, looking like you were getting your craft ready to fly again, we figured, in anticipation of your return, in notified all the families of the Twitchel’s crew.

  They were all ecstatic to hear you were preparing her, or at least looking like you were getting her ready to come on home. Some of your families are already here in our accommodation sections Ann, while others of your families are on their way here as we speak. Not a one of you will see any of his or her families until tomorrow or the next day though.

  Everyone has to have enough time to readjust to the earth’s atmosphere and gravity before you are able to see any just in case you all become ill for a short period of time do to the lack of gravity you have all gone through out there. The two medical doctors from the flight surgeons office, are in total agreement with each other about this, so please have patients with them and us in reintroducing you back to your kinfolk.


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