Camp Jameson

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Camp Jameson Page 2

by Wendy Lea Thomas

The room was large, with a row of mirrors from floor to ceiling that surrounded the dance floor on the far side. The staircase on the other side floated in its space and was ornate with crooked carved branches resembling deer antlers. Hand carved archways rose above the doors. The artisanship was meticulous. The dance floor was made from some exotic wood I didn’t recognize. We had a lot of pine at my house back home and this wasn’t pine. Everywhere you looked large wooden beams braced the ceiling like giant ribs in the belly of some great wild beast.

  “Welcome to the fifth annual Camp Jameson. I’m Avery Jameson. I fully expect each and every one of you to read and abide by the Camp Jameson Manual. As it notes on page one, I will not tolerate idiocy. On a lighter note, soon, I will introduce the fine men and women I have chosen for you as your instructors,” he said.

  Instructors…for what? Don’t you mean counselors? Wait, did some guy just grab my ass? I looked quickly, but there were too many people around, I couldn’t see who grabbed me and several tall guys in front of me blocked my view of the stage.

  I continued looking for my traitorous friend. My eyes found Sara as I squeezed my way through the oppressive crowd. I was going to get the answers from her to what was really going on if I had to choke it out of her.

  “Our attendance is high this summer,” he continued. “You will enjoy the many new experiences. So many newbies, I can’t wait to see what this summer holds for all of you.” I grabbed hold of Sara’s hand and pulled her from Colt’s grasp.

  “What the hell is going on here?” I said stepping in front of Sara with my back to the stage.

  “Aria, can this wait until after he’s done?”

  “No. Why are you avoiding me?” I narrowed my eyes at her. “What are you hiding?”

  Sara shifted nervously. “Please. I need you to keep an open mind,” she said.

  Open mind about what? Maybe it was the anxiety building inside of me. Maybe it was anger. I’m pretty sure it was anger.

  “Spill it, Cox,” I shouted.

  The crowded room had just dropped to a stark quiet as Avery Jameson paused between his words, but my words continued to echo and bounce loudly across the large atrium.

  Many onlookers nearby snickered. I was mortified as the room turned its attention to me. I could hear faint whispers but I couldn’t make out their words. After a brief moment, he regained the crowd’s attention.

  “I will explain everything. Let him finish his speech first,” Sara urged in a hushed whisper.

  “Lover’s quarrel already?” Avery Jameson’s warm velvet voice gushed from the high priced speaker system. Sara froze like a deer in headlights, her face blushing.

  “No,” she giggled. But Sara never blushed. She was always on her toes and no one had ever intimidated her. Why was she being so shy?

  “Do I bore you, Kitten?” Avery’s warm sensuous voice trilled.

  I looked at Sara. She mouthed the words ‘turn around’ and raised her eyebrows toward the man on the stage. I turned slowly, ignoring the gazing stares, and locked eyes on the most beautiful man I had ever seen. His brows were scrunched together, but in an instant, his eyes widened and he sucked in an audible breath. He blinked twice trying to collect his thoughts.

  “What’s your name, Kitten?” Avery said, as his voice echoed through the speakers.

  “Aria,” I choked out dryly as more and more people focused on me rather than the stage. Take a picture, people.

  “Well, Aria, if you are quite finished, I would like to continue tonight’s festivities. Take it to the mattresses, ladies, if you need to expel pent-up energy.”

  Take it to the mattresses? I don’t need a nap. Surely, he couldn’t mean it any other way. This was getting very awkward. I couldn’t get my mouth to respond so I nodded politely.

  “Good, now then,” he said turning back to address the crowd. “Lockdown commences immediately. Your signature binds you to the contract, so does your blood,” he chuckled. “Just kidding, remember as always, no means no. Never touch someone without his or her permission. Any unruliness, cameras or use of cell phones and you will be quickly assigned to aid our kitchen staff, or banned from the premises; so, once again, no one in or out from this moment on. You’ll have forty-two days of magnificent bliss as you fulfill all your sexual curiosities and make all your fantasies come true. Welcome to sex camp!” he concluded.

  What the fuck? Was my only dumbfounded thought.


  Avery Jameson’s words echoed through my head like an annoying skip of an old scratched vinyl record, forcing me to repeat the same line over and over… make all your fantasies come true. Welcome to Sex Camp?

  The crowd milled about waiting for the second part of the program. The bar opened and lines formed as people raised their glasses of Champagne in toast.

  Everywhere I looked, strangers were laughing and greeting each other, happy to start their sexual adventure while I stood gaping, pressing crescent indentations into the palms of my hands as my blood boiled. I was flabbergasted.

  Sara had some audacity. My impetuous bi-curious roommate had tricked me into coming to sex camp. I had trusted her to make plans for the summer. She assured me this vacation would be everything I ever dreamed of, but sex camp? Really, what the hell was she thinking?

  I wasn’t a virgin, but I have only had sex with one man in my life and it was a one-night stand. I was inexperienced. I was living in my own Big Bang Theory like a female Dr. Sheldon Cooper.

  “Don’t be mad, Kitten,” Colt chided.

  “Fuck you, Colt,” I responded.

  “I’d love to. But I’m your instructor now and it’s against the rules. Plus, my woman promised herself to me tonight,” he said, wrapping his arm around Sara and bringing her to his side. She gave me a pathetic puppy dog look and tried to diffuse my mood.

  For the second time in five minutes, I stood gaping. I needed air. I closed my mouth and turned to escape the chaos that was now my summer. But I hadn’t noticed Avery Jameson coming up beside me. I hadn’t seen anything except his button up dark blue dress shirt and black sport coat when I collided into him. I breathed in his sandalwood and citrus cologne and stepped back. I blinked, trying to reorient myself as his gorgeous face settled into view.

  “Aria, I’m Avery Jameson. I wanted to personally welcome one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen to my camp.”

  My body seemed to come alive at the sound of his voice breathing in my name. Why did he affect me like this? I shook my head at him and bolted for the door. I could sense his eyes on me as I fled outside. I wanted to be alone and gather my thoughts so I headed toward the lake.

  The path was inlaid with granite stepping-stones, but because I was so freaked out, I didn’t take in the beauty of it for the first five minutes of the walk. I didn’t stop until I made it to a clearing by the shore. I was still pushing epithets from my mouth as I plopped down on a large boulder beside the water’s edge. The sun was setting and a warm orange glow glistened off the surface of the water. I inhaled, slowly breathing in the smell of fresh air, pine, and the lake for the first time. This place was so beautiful and so peaceful…but peace can quickly give way to war, my subconscious sneered.

  “Your friends told me how they got you to come here,” he said.

  Startled, my eyes looked to the sound of the voice that made my stomach do flips. Avery had followed me from the lodge. I took in the glorious man with dark chestnut hair and emerald colored eyes. His five o’clock shadow lightly traced his square jaw and I suddenly wanted to know what he would feel like inside me. What was wrong with me? I have never been that girl to swoon over a guy before.

  “You’re still mad,” he said. “I can see it in your beautiful brown eyes. Don’t be too hard on them. They just wanted to surprise you. They knew you wouldn’t have come if they told you where they were taking you. Soon, you won’t be thinking about them.” He let his eyes linger over every curve of my body. “You’ll be thinking more about your body and what
it feels like to be a totally free woman. And by free, I mean sexual freedom. You have a wonderful opportunity to explore your sensuality. In my camp, no one will judge you, or look down at you, or repress you. Here you can explore your every desire and your every fantasy. I promise that will outweigh any raw emotion you are feeling at this moment.”

  “Seriously? You don’t know a thing about me. And why do you even care? I thought you were supposed to be deranged?” I asked.

  He crooked an eyebrow at me in mischievous dissatisfaction. “Maybe I am or maybe I’m not, but I’ll tell you what, I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”

  “That’s juvenile,” I said hoarsely.

  “You’re barely nineteen or twenty, who’s really the juvenile here?”

  He’s got me there. He had to be in his mid twenties. I scoffed and rose to my feet. I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes while locking my stare to his. Asshole, I thought.

  He took a step toward me and I backed away. “Let me see if I’ve figured you out,” he said, taking another step closer. I took one step back. “I can see passion in your eyes. You’re confused but intrigued. Was it the moment you first saw me on stage, or just now as I step closer?” he said.

  I tried to slow my breathing but the closer he stepped the more my body seemed to come alive like it was force fed by a live wire. He looked to my chest rising and falling as if I had just run a marathon.

  “Careful, you wouldn’t want to wear yourself out too soon. We’re just getting started,” he said, and he was right. I had never felt so emotional about anything. What was this place doing to me?

  “You are so full of yourself. What makes you think this has anything to do with you?” I asked, backing away until my back pressed against a large oak tree.

  He closed the gap between us. “Don’t think, Aria. Just feel.” His voice seared through me. All of my senses heightened. I could feel my heart pushing through every cell of my body. The tingling started in my tiniest toe and moved upward, curving through my every muscle and every tissue. The static charge widened my eyes and pouted my lips. I trembled involuntarily and my breath shortened. I didn’t know my body could respond like this.

  “What is your body telling you right at this very moment with me standing so close to you?” he said, as he breathed in and closed his eyes. When he opened them, his green eyes had grown darker. He brushed the back of his hand down my cheek and let his eyes drift to my lips. Unknowingly, I ran my tongue across the bottom of my lip moistening them.

  “You’re not sure, are you?” he said as he lowered his voice. Oh my, he was sexy as hell when he did that. Jerk.

  “I’ll tell you what I think,” he whispered. “Your breathing increased three-fold the moment I stepped closer. Your pupils are dilated. Why is that, Aria? Do you like what you see?” He smirked knowingly then raised his voice a little. “They are all telltale signs of lust and desire. Use that spark to drive you. Let go of your fear and let your body guide you,” he said.

  I could feel his warm breath dance on my lips. I had never been so aroused by a man’s words. I couldn’t speak. If I did, I was sure the only thing escaping my mouth would have been a moan.

  “Avery, time for Instructor introductions,” a tall man called out, stepping out of the woods and interrupting our heated discussion. “Well, well, well, look what we have here. Avery, did you catch a butterfly in your web?” the dark haired, hazel-eyed man said, gawking at me.

  Avery leaned closer and whispered in my ear. “A very beautiful butterfly. And she has me completely hypnotized.”

  I rolled my eyes in exaggeration but secretly I was barely standing on my quivering knees. He captivated me. I had just met the Avery Jameson and I had lost all sense of reason when he touched me. Never say never. My subconscious reared its ugly head reminding me that I was so sure earlier that I’d never sleep with anyone at this camp.

  I returned my stare to the green-eyed Adonis, secretly begging him to touch me again. His eyes searched mine for a moment, and then he pulled away from me and squared his shoulders. I felt bereaved by this. I wanted to reach out and pull him back to me.

  “Travis, let’s go,” Avery commanded. “Coming Aria?”

  I nodded and followed behind them back to the Main Lodge. That was the second time he’d said the word come, and I smiled crookedly as my childish thoughts outweighed my anger. But there was an underlining emotion I couldn’t place. Maybe I was intrigued by the idea of sex camp, or maybe I was irritated that we were interrupted, because now all I wanted was to keep Avery all to myself.

  Once back inside the Main Lodge, I couldn’t seem to take my eyes off Avery as he stepped back up to the microphone.

  “Kits and Cubs, please allow me to introduce your instructors.”

  Standing on either side of Avery were thirty of the hottest men and women I had ever seen. Including Colt. Each person was of movie star quality and dressed in a white polo shirt with green trim. The logo of Camp Jameson was on the front of the shirts with ‘staff’ embroidered below the logo in script text.

  The crowd stared toward the stage and whispered, audibly this time, how they would like to sleep with them.

  “Before we get started, I would like to go over a couple rules,” Avery continued. “Do not frolic with the staff, and staff, vice-versa. We are professionals, not prostitutes. There will be controlled areas where we will push your body to the limits of pleasure. You will meet with your instructors tomorrow to go over your likes and dislikes. We range from petting to soft swap to full swing. You can learn pretty much whatever your little heart desires.” I swear he was looking right at me as he spoke.

  “Anything goes people,” he continued. “Your welcome backpacks have found their way to your rooms. Use what you wish. Deposit anything you may not want in the bin beside the door. Though, I couldn’t see why you’d want to waste any of it. And remember, safety first.” Avery clasped his hands behind his back and looked toward me. A small smile crept on his lips. “Now, enough talk. Let’s have some fun.”

  The meet and greet turned out to be more fun the more alcohol I drank. I watched as all the gorgeous women stood in a large circle around Avery along with a group of men.

  “Brought you a treat,” Colt said. “Jello shots. A whole tray of them.” He was trying to kiss my ass for tricking me into coming here. I looked at Sara as she fought back a grin. They both knew Jello shots were my weakness. I plowed through five of them as I watched the women swoon over Avery. I rolled my eyes at their desperation.

  “Hi Avery, I’m Caitlyn,” I heard a blonde say.

  The women were endless. I felt sorry for him. It was like an episode of The Bachelor except I was watching it from ten feet away, not through a television. Avery didn’t seem phased by any of it. He spoke openly to everyone.

  I ran my pinkie finger around the perimeter of another Jello shot and looked out over the massive crowd, thankful that I wasn’t among them. My eyes landed on Avery as I sucked off the Jello residue from my finger, savoring the taste of whipped cream vodka. His eyes widened as I drew my finger away from my mouth. I kept my gaze on him as I tilted my head back, brought the Jello cup to my mouth, and let it fall in. Avery blinked and shifted nervously. His lips turned up into a crooked smile. The crowd faded into the background and I felt like there was no one else in the room except us.

  “Avery, you have to tell me about the yacht you just bought.” Caitlyn interrupted my wonderful imaginative moment by stepping between us with her back towards me. She could’ve been Barbie’s twin and I quickly had fantasies of sneaking into her room at night and smearing Rogaine onto her knuckles and maybe the tops of her feet.

  Avery’s eyes never left mine until I returned the smile.

  “Avery?” she cooed.

  I nodded toward him and turned to share my Jello shots with Sara and Colt when a hand reached out beside me and snatched one.

  “Tease,” Avery’s warm breath said in my ear. I swallowed nervously, forcing myself
to smile at a very curious Sara and Colt.

  “Avery, why did you run away? I wanted to hear about your yacht…” Caitlyn’s metallic voice cut off. “Oh, hello,” she said as she stepped up to our circle, eyeing Sara and me as her competition. Then her eyes fell on Colt. Colt instantly wrapped his arm around Sara and drew her to his side.

  Sara smirked as she introduced everyone. She was a better person than I was. I probably would have slapped the bitch if someone were eyeing my man like that.

  Avery stepped in front of her towards me and I had to fight back a snicker as Caitlyn’s mouth fell open in shock. Avery blew her off for the second time in five minutes.

  “Can’t resist a Jello shot,” he said as he ran his tongue around the rim of the cup and I almost combusted as his tongue coaxed the Jello into his mouth in one piece. I whimpered in silence as he ran his tongue over his bottom lip and looked at me. “So, Aria and Sara, what cabin are you staying in?”

  “Jasmine,” Sara said. I was glad she spoke for me because I was sure it was going to come out shaky.

  I finally pushed away my nervousness and spoke. “How many cabins are on the grounds?”

  “Just over one hundred and twenty-five. I hope to have almost two hundred by next summer. There are sixty cabins for the guests. Most are single occupancy but some are double like Jasmine. The rest are for the instructors and the wait staff. I made sure the staff had their own cabins. Except for a few like Colt here, who can only help when he doesn’t have class.”

  “I only have two more semesters then I’m all yours.” Colt looked at me. “Aria, you may not know this but Avery and the University have allowed me to study under him to complete my last year of apprenticeship for my architecture degree.”

  “That’s great,” I replied. How did I not know this? I had been so wrapped up in studying to even realize he landed an internship. There was a huge crash of glass behind the bar. Everyone turned to see one of the bartenders grimace at her clumsiness.

  “Excuse me, I need to make sure everyone is okay,” Avery hurried off to the ‘Employees Only’ door and came out with a broom and dustpan. Instead of letting his staff clean it up, he made everyone step back and tackled the job himself.


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