Camp Jameson

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Camp Jameson Page 12

by Wendy Lea Thomas

  It was then I realized I really hadn’t wandered that far at all. Here I was on full display to everyone looking out the back to the courtyard, including Avery. Everything stopped. The music stopped. The crickets stopped, and even the frogs. The DJ on the second floor balcony even pulled the record. At first, it was still, so very quiet. It was sadly beautiful, but then it came. It started out so distant but it quickly grew like a small wave breaking against a rocky shore but this one grew into a tidal wave. The laughter rose like a thunderous tsunami until it reached my ears. The entire camp roared. All the Cubs stood overlooking the balcony laughing at me joining the chorus of Kittens crowded along the fire pits. I’m pretty sure someone even whistled. I was right smack in the middle of the courtyard for the entire camp to see.

  At that very moment, I was praying to God, like that poor defenseless animal that someone would knock me out and put me out of my misery. But then my subconscious reared up and reminded me, you’d just be a knocked out drunk with her pants pulled down around her ankles. So, I did what any sensible drunk would do; I hurried to pull my pants up, I lowered my head, and ran like hell.




  The laughter echoed throughout the camp as I pushed quickly through the bushes that lay off to the side of the great back lawn. Why was I too lazy to walk to the bushes? Other people were sneaking into them to piss when the restroom was busy. I should have, too. God, I was such an idiot. That’s what I get for being stupid and not going inside the Main Lodge to pee, I could always count on my fucking head to tell me what I did wrong. Well guess what? Everyone just caught you peeing in the middle of the lawn, my subconscious sneered.

  I clenched my fists and ran toward my cabin. I didn’t want to be alone. But I couldn’t go back to the fire, certainly not now after the most embarrassing moment of my life. I slammed the door of our cabin hoping it would diffuse some of my frustration. Then abruptly, I strode to my bedroom determined to pack my things and find someway out of this hell. I was sure that if I started hiking west through the woods I’d come out on a road eventually. I didn’t care if I had to walk all the way back to Ohio. I was out of here.

  The door opened behind me and Sara stepped toward me. I just turned my head into her shoulder and cried. I could feel her try to sooth me, but I could feel her tension even more. I pulled away and looked up at her. Sara was beyond pissed. There were only two times since I knew Sara that she had been this angry. The one was when she caught Jake cheating. The second was when Nate Gregor took my virginity and tossed me away like a piece of trash. This was number three and she was furious.

  “What is it?” I looked back at Sara.

  “After the lights mysteriously lit up the lawn like a football stadium guess who came back laughing her ass off and gloating that she felt like giving you the spotlight tonight,” Sara said through clenched teeth.

  “That bitch!” I seethed. “I’m going to find her and kick her fucking pretty girl ass,” I said, heading towards the door.

  “Wait! We have to deal with this by more sinister means,” Sara said. “But not in a way that will get us kicked out. I want to see her suffer publicly. We need to humiliate her in a more dignified manner and knock her out of that ivory tower and it’s going to take some thinking. We have to study her and find out what makes her tick then use that to embarrass her. But first I have an idea to get things started in the right direction. Think of it as an appetizer. Wait here a moment.” Sara turned on her heel and headed toward her bedroom.

  “Where are you going?” I asked.

  “I’ll be right back,” Sara replied. She disappeared into her bedroom and in few minutes she returned clutching a brown paper bag. I looked at her quizzically. “Come with me,” Sara said.

  I followed her out the rear sliding door and down the steps of our back deck. Sara scanned the area looking around to make sure no one saw us. Then we headed across the back lawns and decks at the rear of the cabins, paying attention to remain covered in the shadows hidden from any pathway lights.

  The new moon made it extremely dark and we moved easily undetected toward Caitlyn’s cabin. Once on the back deck, Sara dug in her pocket and pulled out two slim metal pins. Actually, they were bigger than pins but much thinner than pencils. Sara handed me the bag as she knelt down and started working the two rods into the keyhole, picking the lock. My eyes widened.

  “I didn’t know you knew how to do that,” I said. The door popped open and Sara smiled proudly at me and stood.

  “Who do you think broke in and stole that Chem final our senior year.”

  I gaped at her. “That was you?”

  “Later. I need you to focus, Aria.” She stepped into the cabin and checked to make sure we were alone. I was sweating bullets. I had never done anything like this. My stomach was doing somersaults. An owl screeched outside and I nearly jumped out of my skin. I sucked in a deep breath trying to calm myself down. I didn’t know what Sara was up to. What the hell was in that bag?

  I followed Sara into one of the rooms as she opened up the closet. She shook her head. That must have been Kennedy’s, her roommate’s, room. We ducked out of the room and moved across the living room to the other bedroom. The layout was exactly like ours except the color scheme was beige and burgundy.

  Sara moved to the closet, bent down, and pulled out a black pair of Jimmy Choo’s. She squinted at the shoe size and smiled valiantly. What the hell was she going to do with an overpriced pair of designer shoes?

  Sara set the bag down in front of her and pulled out an identical pair. She quickly swapped them out and closed the closet door.

  “This will be a good opening salvo. Now come on, let’s get out of here,” she whispered.

  We were halfway to the front door when we heard the voices outside the door coming down the walkway. It was Caitlyn and she had someone with her. Sara gripped my hand and pulled me toward the back sliding door, but before we could get there the front door started opening. We quickly reached for the hall closet. We both dove inside and miraculously Sara was able to get the door closed as I fumbled to catch the sweeper from falling over and crashing into the wall. I righted the sweeper back to its standing position and breathed a sigh of relief. That was close.

  I turned slowly, rubbing against Sara but making sure I didn’t bump anything else in the process. Sara cracked the door and peeked through. The space was not more than an inch but surprisingly we had a decent view of the living room. The lamp burst on and I could see Caitlyn guiding an older man to the couch. She leaned forward, grabbed his chin and kissed him roughly on the mouth. The Spanish man smiled widely up at her.

  “Wait here, Rodriguez. I have something very special for you,” Caitlyn’s snarly voice said. Rodriguez was one of the gardeners at camp. He was somewhat short with balding peppered black and gray hair with a belly that looked like it encased a bowling ball. It hung bubbling over his belt like it was its own country. I passed by him often when I was out for a run or heading to class.

  Rodriguez shifted in his seat in anticipation and when Caitlyn turned away he quickly adjusted himself. Yuck. How could he be turned on by this woman?

  Sara let the door creak open and took a step forward but then quickly snapped back. Rodriguez was too close to us. We couldn’t sneak out without being seen. Damn it. I was going to kill Sara for this. I took a step forward to follow but when Sara jumped backwards I slammed into Sara’s back. My feet tumbled over the sweeper and I stubbed my toe. I threw my hand over my mouth to try to silence my outburst.

  “Shhh,” Sara whispered. Damn that hurt.

  Caitlyn returned to the living room wearing a black see-through teddy and carrying a large beige nylon bag and handed it to Rodriguez. “Go put this on and meet me back here. Hurry, I’ll get us some shots of Patron.” He nodded and stood. He disappeared into her room and Caitlyn turned toward the kitchen. Shit. We still didn’t have a chance to bolt free. The kitchen and li
ving room were wide-open layouts and both Sara and I could easily see her and she could see us if we tried to move. I was afraid we’d be here for a while.

  “What are we going to do?” I whispered to Sara.

  “We’ll wait them out. They can’t go all night, can they?”

  I scowled at her. God, I hope not. Why couldn’t they go back to her bedroom? Why did she have to make such a show of all this?

  Then I realized whom I was talking about. Caitlyn made a show of everything. She probably wanted her roommate to come home and join them. We both peered through the crack of the door as we heard bobbling from the other room. Whatever he was doing in there sounded like a lot of effort. I’m not sure what was happening in there but it sounded like he fell over.

  Finally, the doorknob jiggled and turned and out walked Rodriguez in a large white furry bunny costume. Caitlyn stepped back into the living room carrying two shots with her and not looking like anything out of the ordinary was happening. Meanwhile, in the tiny flyspeck closet both Sara’s and my eyes were so wide we could have passed for owls.

  “Sit,” she commanded to her bunny fellow, setting down the shots on the end table beside the couch. Rodriguez, in his full bunny suit, sat in the middle of the couch. Caitlyn downed her shot then straddled the gardener and started grinding on him.

  “Oh my god, I know what this is. She’s a furry!” Sara whispered. A furry what…rabbit?

  I didn’t know what she meant. So, I peered around Sara to see Caitlyn reaching into his crotch and pulling out Rodriguez’s penis or rather it looked like a penis but much smaller. I fought back my snicker at Caitlyn’s grimace as she continued to use her thumb and index finger to stroke him. She was having a hard time pulling on his little wee willie and trying not to bump into his belly with her hand as she stroked him. Then she started getting angry as her little fingers started pumping really fast like the piston of an old Chevy.

  Rodriguez winced in pain from her rough…fingers but then he wrapped his hands around her waist and drew her near. He moved Caitlyn on his lap as she groped his tiny tent pole trying to get it inside of her. They fumbled and bounced as she tried everything to get him inside her. It was so bizarre. His petite penis, soccer sized bulbous belly, and furry rabbit costume were all working efficiently to keep his winky from entering her cold cut combo.

  Several more tries and a moan later and Rodriguez was cuming all over Caitlyn’s very expensive manicured hands.

  Sara smothered her giggle and I could feel her tense up in front of me. I was so close to losing it that I thrust my hand in my mouth and bit down. It really hurt but it was worth it for this show. Suddenly, I felt so much better.

  “Get out,” Caitlyn barked at Rodriguez as he pulled off the head to the bunny costume.

  “I’m sorry, Senorita,” he apologized.

  “I said. Get. Out.”

  Rodriguez quickly jumped up and changed back into his clothes and in record time he was flying out the door.

  Caitlyn flipped the light off, stormed back to her bedroom and slammed her door so loud that the walls shook slightly.

  I could hear the sound of the shower stirring. Sara grabbed my hand and pulled me to the back sliding glass door. We stumbled onto the patio barely containing our laughter. Sara and I took off toward our cabin. As soon as we were a hundred yards or so from Caitlyn’s we fell into a fit of giggles and both fell to the ground rolling over and over covering ourselves in dirt and leaves as we laughed hysterically.

  “What’s a furry?” I said as I tried to catch my breath enough to form the words.

  “You just saw it first hand. He was going to fuck her with the bunny suit on.”

  We laughed even harder then as I paused catching my breath. “Why did you switch out her shoes?”

  “You’ll see tomorrow night at the theme party. Come on,” Sara said as she rose to her feet. “First things first, you need wine and a hot bubble bath.” I smiled as we headed back to our cabin.




  Saturday night came quickly. I kept mostly to myself yesterday preferring to blow off the day’s activities. But Sara would not let me skip tonight’s theme party. Sara and I entered the Jameson Main Lodge. I wore my black hot pants, a black rhinestone leather corset with a sweetheart neckline, and little black lace panties with leather platform knee boots. I really wasn’t ready to face such a massive room full of people, but Sara forced me here.

  Tonight’s party theme was Leather and Lace. As we got comfortable, I left Sara to go to the bar for a shot. I ordered my usual, a double. I scanned the crowd and realized everyone was here. Forty Kittens and forty Cubs with thirty instructors and the handsome Avery Jameson all crammed into the same room. What could be worse?

  “Isn’t that the girl that was peeing in the courtyard?” A woman in an uptight bun said to her friend. Scratch that. My night just got worse.

  I almost let the comment get to me but I finally found my bearings, calmed down and headed to the ladies’ room. I quickly closed the door behind me and leaned my back against the wall. I rubbed my eyes, trying to block out my inner thoughts. I stopped mid-rub, remembering the inch of make-up that Sara had applied. I looked at my hands and I was thankful nothing rubbed off. I stepped to the mirror to check my makeup.

  Caitlyn wobbled in wearing an irritated expression. She quickly replaced her scrunched up brow with a fake smile. I tweaked my eyeliner, running my finger under my eye to remove a light smudge, as Caitlyn took narrowed unstable steps toward the sink.

  We exchanged brief acknowledgements. I kept expecting her to gloat for being clever enough to expose my peeing habits to the whole camp but she was definitely preoccupied. So, after finishing, I decided to head to the bar. I found a different bartender, in case the other one was counting my drinks. We’re not suppose to get too drunk… ‘Inability to perform if in a drunken state, blah, blah, blah,’ Avery said. I ordered whiskey because I needed something with a little more edge and a little more pain, plus it numbed my mind. I liked it. Yummy. They weren’t counting. Maybe Colt said something to them.

  In a short time, I’ve had three shots on an empty stomach. I was pretty sure that I was swaying in my boots.

  Avery’s voice resonated through the room, welcoming everyone, and I quickly asked the bartender for another shot, trying to block out his voice and the constant whispering around me.

  “Tonight we’ll be having the first qualifying rounds of the pole dancing competition. Second round will not be held next Wednesday as it’s the Fourth of July Masquerade Ball but qualifying will resume next Saturday. The other judges and I will choose three Kittens each night to advance to the semifinals. Top six advance to the finals that will be held during the Camp Olympics. Remember, the winner of the Olympics gets an all expense paid trip to Hawaii. So good luck, Kittens,” Avery said.

  “There you are. I wondered where you disappeared to.” Sara studied my face. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I’m just getting drunk is all.” Liar. I quickly snuffed out my relentless subconscious.

  She narrowed her eyes at me and frowned. “You need food.”

  I didn’t have the strength to argue so I shrugged my shoulders and said, “Okay.” I downed another shot then followed Sara to our table. We joined Travis, Maya, Sienna, Sean, Colt and Pierce. Colt quickly introduced Sara and me to another instructor named Kara.

  Everyone settled into idle chat and dinner was served. I munched on my roll and enjoyed my buzz.

  “You better sober up some,” Sara said handing me the roster for the pole-dancing contest. “You’re on the list to dance tonight. I’m counting on you to win this.” What a fucking buzz kill. I took the paper from her and glanced down at it. I was last.

  “Are you serious?” I asked. So much for getting drunk tonight.

  “Once you’re up there dancing no one’s going to remember you’re the girl who peed. Well, they might re
member, but they won’t care because they’ll be so turned on. That is if you do a good job,” Sara said.

  “Fine.” I scanned the crowd and took in the sea of black leather and lace. The women were magnificent. Each outfit was different. There were so many variations of each one pressed firmly against their skin. I noticed that it was mainly the women who dressed up for the Theme Parties. The men as usual, wore dress pants and button up shirts.

  By the time dinner arrived, my mouth was watering for the chicken and veggies I ordered, or Sara ordered, I wasn’t quite sure. I giggled to myself because this was the first time I could honestly say I didn’t have the answer to such a simple question, and I didn’t care.

  After dinner, the chatter of the room escalated. I sipped on my beer when the DJ’s voice rang out into the microphone. “Judges, please report to the judging table.”

  Colt, Sienna, Travis, and Maya stood and went to the judge’s table to join Avery.

  “Kennedy Myers, please report to the DJ booth,” the DJ’s voice added, then a Three Miles Out song ‘Comfort Zone’ broke the silence of the room.

  Kennedy sashayed up to the booth in her killer black leather knee boots and emerald green lacy panties. More than one set of eyes were on her as she smiled and leaned over to give her song request to the DJ. She had poker straight medium length blonde hair. Her platform boots made her 5’4” frame appear taller. Her sun-kissed skin glowed as she stepped up onto the stage into the dancing lights. The song changed to a dance beat as she braced the pole. Now all eyes in the room were on her. The room had never been more full. Was everyone going to watch?

  Kennedy sauntered around the pole, dipped down and shook her ass. She lit up the stage with her megawatt smile and her seductive moves. Her rhythm was flawless. She was confident in her technique and as she finished the ‘Cleopatra’ and ‘Daphne’ moves the crowd applauded loudly. Then it was Caitlyn’s turn.


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