The Temptress

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The Temptress Page 24

by C. J. Fallowfield

  ‘You can’t set a time limit on this, that’s unfair,’ she moaned, her breathing coming as hard and fast as mine was. God, just being in the same room with her was torture enough, to have her pressing against me, her breasts virtually exposed to my starving mouth was too much.

  ‘As is leaving me now, with the memory of your face as you came this morning fresh in my mind. Let me inside you again, my cock is craving the warmth and tightness of that beautiful cunt of yours. I want you sobbing my name, your nails marking my flesh like they did all those years ago as you begged me to come. Stay with me until morning, let me pleasure you, ma belle. Let me pull as many orgasms from this hot body of yours as I can, before I find my own release,’ I persuaded, before lowering my head and laying a trail of kisses along her jawbone, moaning to taste her skin again. Her hands slid up my biceps and clutched my shoulders as small whimpers left her throat. I licked her neck, then gently blew on it and smirked as I felt her body relax and slump against mine. So, I hadn’t forgotten one of her most responsive spots. I started to kiss her there, flickering my tongue as my hips flexed against hers, mimicking thrusting into her.

  Seconds later I grunted in surprise when her hands knotted behind my head as she leapt up onto my hips, seeking out my lips as her tongue snaked into my mouth. I heard a whimper as I palmed her backside, probably still sore from my spanking earlier, and grabbed the back of her neck with my other hand, making sure she couldn’t change her mind and pull away. I groaned as our mouths merged, heat from our duelling tongues surging through my body. I walked over to the wall, backed up into it and clasped her face. I kissed her like it was our first time, full of hunger, passion and need, feeling lightheaded from exertion and sheer pleasure. This woman had no idea how much control she held over me. Right now I could agree to anything to convince her to be mine. If Lulu was my prize, I’d happily let Myrtille ruin me, strip me of every last euro, pound, zen, dollar, ruble, or any other currency that I owned, take my sports cars, my house and my treasured wine collection. A man with a woman like this in his life, would be a rich man indeed.

  ‘I need you,’ I groaned, as she broke off and took a gasp of air.

  ‘I can’t,’ she panted. ‘I shouldn’t have kissed you like that, I’m sorry.’ She slid off my hips and picked her trilby up off the floor and ran for the door. I chased after her, spinning her around and pinning her to the wall of the lobby with my hips, slamming my palms either side of her shoulders, hemming her in.

  ‘Give me something, I need something,’ I demanded, as I was suddenly overcome with jealousy again. ‘You’re leaving me and for all I know you’re going back to his bed. This is killing me. S’il te plaît. Me donner quelque chose!’

  ‘I have my own house, no man other than a relative has ever made it past my front door, Luc. I won’t be having sex with anyone and I actually saw you on the monitor twice, not once. I watched the feed from the Monday night the next day, watched you masturbating in the shower and saying my name as you came.’

  ‘And the other time?’

  ‘Last night,’ she whispered, looking embarrassed. ‘I … I played with myself as I watched you touching yourself in the shower again.’

  ‘Did you come?’ I asked, my voice gruff with desire at the thought of her fingers rubbing that clit as she watched me stroking myself.

  ‘Yes, at the same time, I’ve never come so hard other than when you made me all those times. I’ve never experienced anything like I have with you, Luc. No one compares. You’ve been in my dreams every night since I left you that morning, no matter what happens I think you’ll be in my dreams every night forever.’

  ‘Lulu,’ I groaned, resting my forehead on hers. ‘When did you last have sex? Tell me you haven’t had it since you first saw me last week.’

  ‘No, I promise,’ she whispered, raising her hand to gently stroke her knuckles down my face. ‘When I have sex again, I want it to be with you. I just need to be sure. You can’t follow me out in case she has someone watching the camera feeds in the corridor, my hat will ensure she doesn’t see my face. Stay in your suite, get your new phone and call me. Good luck.’ She let her lips meet mine, a gentle kiss that made my heart swell, not just my cock.

  ‘I’m thirty-five years old, Lulu McQueen. I am done with settling for less than I want and accepting a life that does not make me happy. Let me be clear that I want you and I’m not prepared to waste days, let alone months or years making that happen. I will give you anything you want next weekend, answer any question, but I will expect an answer before I leave.’

  ‘An answer to what?’

  ‘Being mine, exclusively, as I shall be yours. I don’t need time, I delay only to appease your fears. The moment I kissed you in Paris I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that you were the woman for me. We are compatible on every level. Six years hasn’t changed that, nothing you do or say will change that. I need you to trust in my convictions and listen to your own heart.’

  ‘You really feel that way about me?’ she asked, her eyes welling up with tears again.

  ‘I do. Why do you deny that you feel the same?’

  ‘I told you that it’s complicated,’ she sighed, running her fingers over my lower lip, making me hold my breath as I felt the sparks of electricity firing up my pleasurable nerve endings.

  ‘Explain this complication to me, I don’t understand.’

  ‘I can’t, not yet. Please, just trust me, when I feel ready I’ll tell you everything, but I need time to fall at my own pace.’

  ‘But you want to fall?’ I asked, as I tucked her pink hair behind her ear.

  ‘I’ve already started,’ she whispered, those three words slamming into my heart like a runaway train. I closed my eyes and tried to catch my breath from the effect of my reaction to her confession, then gasped as I shot them open again to find she was no longer in front of me. I snapped my head around to see her slipping out of the door and out of my life for another five nights. Five nights that would be the longest of my life.

  A Little Persuasion


  I leaned back against my front door, happy to be back home. I was so wound up. My bottom was smarting from Luc’s spanks, but my body was like a tightly coiled spring, desperate for release. Just looking at him had me turned on, let alone hearing him talk in that accent, saying things that made my heart melt. To know that he’d tried to find me too had really hit me hard. All those years wondering if it was just sexual attraction, two horny people giving in to their basic desires, and now I found out that it wasn’t. He’d wanted me, he still wanted me and God, did I want him back. If it was just me, I’d have been lying naked in his arms now. But it wasn’t. The other man in my life, that I couldn’t let down, was hopefully fast asleep in his bed upstairs, totally unaware that I’d just spent the last hour or so with his father. A father he really seemed to want in his life. But would Luc even want him? Setting aside my feelings for him, I had to be sure that it was in Tristan’s best interests if I was to take this further. I shook myself down and checked my watch. It was only half past nine, I needed a drink. I hoped Claire was still up. It would be nice to have someone to talk to, to distract me from my dilemma with Luc and his vindictive wife. I opened the door to my lounge and was surprised to see Dom and Coco sitting on my sofa with a bottle of wine open, two full glasses and one empty.

  ‘You’re back and what the hell are you wearing?’ exclaimed Dom as he leapt to his feet.

  ‘Undercover mission,’ I shrugged, as I did a twirl for them both to admire the new look.

  ‘Not under much,’ he chuckled as he gave me a tight, much needed, hug. ‘Those tits are about to make a bid for freedom. Been fucking? You look flushed.’

  ‘No!’ I retorted, giving him a playful jab in his side and removing my hat and wig. ‘Not all of us shag at every opportunity.’

  ‘Maybe you’d be happier and less repressed if you did,’ he suggested, earning himself a firmer jab that made him yelp in protest.

p; ‘You do look flushed,’ Coco nodded, as she grabbed the empty glass on the table and filled it. ‘And we know who you were meeting. You need to put Henry through interrogation training, he cracked like a Christmas walnut.’

  ‘Damn him,’ I groaned. ‘Is there any chance we can talk about anything but me tonight?’ I asked, as I went to kiss her cheek and gratefully accepted the wine she offered, before sinking down next to her.

  ‘As much chance as me getting an overwhelming urge to lick pussy,’ Dom chuckled as he sat the other side of me, sandwiching me between them. ‘Which will be never,’ he added with a shudder and put his arm around me. I rested my head on his shoulder with a sigh.

  ‘You’d change your mind if you saw mine,’ Coco teased.

  ‘Yeah right, I’d need a chainsaw to get the bush overgrowth out of the way first it’s been that long since anyone visited. Or a machete to hack my way through it. Hardly testament to something enticing lying underneath.’

  ‘Cheeky sod,’ muttered Coco. ‘Indiana Jones always has to hack his way through the jungle to get to the treasure and there’s an absolute pearl waiting for the right guy to hunt in my forest. Anyway, I bet your growth is worse, your cock spends that much time out, all that sunshine will have turned your manscaping into a dense Columbian rain forest.’

  ‘As if,’ scoffed Dom. ‘Waxing comes with the territory when you’re modelling swimwear. Do you have to buy knickers a couple of sizes bigger to accommodate your bulging overgrown lady garden?’

  ‘I have it regularly mowed as well, just in case, thank you very much.’

  ‘Just in case! Name the last time you were spontaneous and fucked someone?’

  ‘He has a point,’ I nodded, as I knocked back a decent mouthful of wine. ‘When is the last time you allowed anyone entrance? You’re more cautious than me and that’s saying something.’

  ‘I’d rather have no sex than bad sex,’ she retorted. ‘I got bloody whiplash from Marc, I swear my neck still hasn’t healed and it was over eight months ago.’

  ‘That was funny,’ I chuckled, as I remembered her turning up one night with a neck collar on and face of pissed off resignation that her sex life was never going to improve.

  ‘No it bloody wasn’t. Every time I see a woman with a neck brace I want to ask her “sex with Marc?” So you and Luc?’ she reminded, with a shoulder bump. I sighed and filled them in on his visit this morning, then Mrs. Le Grand’s later and finally my meeting with Luc at the hotel tonight, topping up our glasses halfway through. I slapped Dom on the back as he nearly choked when I told them about Luc putting me over his knee to spank me. Coco grabbed some tissues from her bag for us all as I told them that he’d tried to find me as well and what he’d said about not wanting to waste any more time, that I was what he wanted. ‘You lucky cow!’ she sighed, as she blew her nose. ‘Dominant and romantic all in one package.’

  ‘I’ll smack his arse for laying his hands on my little sister,’ Dom muttered.

  ‘He didn’t abuse me, Dom,’ I reminded him. ‘It’s … infuriatingly hot. Don’t tell me you’ve never tried any BDSM?’

  ‘No, of course I haven’t. I’m not into all this delayed gratification shit, get in, get off, that’s my motto when it comes to sex. So what now?’

  ‘I’ll be seeing him Saturday and Sunday night and he’ll want my answer on Monday. Just like his bloody wife,’ I sighed, wriggling out from between them both to go and get a third bottle of wine.

  ‘Have you told him about his son yet?’ Dom asked, draining his glass.

  ‘Of course not!’ I responded with a really? look at him. ‘You don’t understand him, Dom. He’s a man who’s used to getting what he wants, he doesn’t take no for an answer. I need to assess this carefully, I can’t have him barging into Tristan’s life until I’m sure he’s prepared to stay in it, regardless of what happens with us. Please, enough about me, my head’s swimming. You really just turned up tonight to see if I was ok?’

  ‘We were hoping for hot, sexy gossip,’ Coco sighed. ‘You’ve let us down badly. But actually no, we came to celebrate as well.’

  ‘O my God,’ I gasped as I clamped my hands over my mouth in horror. ‘Your interview today, I totally forgot with everything going on with me. I’m so sorry. How did it go?’

  ‘You’re looking at the new head designer for Havershams,’ Dom nodded, gripping Coco in a head lock and kissing the top of her head with a proud smile on his face. They ribbed each other terribly, but it was all a front.

  ‘Seriously?’ I squealed.

  ‘Sssshhhh,’ she laughed. ‘You’ll wake up Tristan and Claire! Besides it’s potential head designer, I haven’t accepted yet.’

  ‘I’m just so excited for you, this is massive. You’d be working with jewels that I can only imagine affording. Havershams is so classy.’

  ‘I know,’ she nodded, then bit her lip as her cheeks coloured up.

  ‘What?’ I asked, as I headed to the fridge. Sod wine, this called for champagne. ‘You have more to tell. He was hot wasn’t he? Did Mr. Haversham throw you down over his desk and part your bush with his tongue like Moses did the Red Sea?’ I giggled and Dom gave me a mock high five across the room.

  ‘Give up with the state of my pubic hair you two, or I’ll be forced to show you, to prove it’s a neat little landing strip.’

  ‘Please don’t,’ groaned Dom, with a grimace. ‘The last time I saw a vagina was when I popped out of the womb and I’m in no rush to see another.’

  ‘So?’ I asked, as I popped the cork and filled up some champagne flutes. ‘How hot was he?’

  ‘Not at all,’ she laughed. ‘He had to be in his mid-seventies with more facial creases than one of Dom’s shirts after the morning walk of shame.’

  ‘No shame from my point of view,’ he muttered, as he took a glass from me and patted the space between them for me to re-join them. ‘I got exactly what I wanted.’

  ‘Point being he was old and wrinkly and so not hot.’

  ‘So what’s got you so flushed? Have you been rolling naked in a huge vault of jewels and precious metals?’ I teased as I snuggled back between them, wincing at the pressure on my tender backside.

  ‘I just had an encounter in the lift on the way back down, that’s all,’ she replied, as I toasted her by clinking her glass.

  ‘What encounter? Hot lift sex?’ I asked. I was so damn horny after my own encounter with my enigmatic Frenchman tonight. Why the hell hadn’t I just let him fuck me?

  ‘No,’ she laughed. ‘Just some guy.’

  ‘Some guy who’s made you blush. Don’t be so stingy with the details, dish,’ demanded Dom.

  ‘What’s to say? He was seriously hot looking, blond and blue eyed with a great body in a very expensive three piece suit, but he was an arrogant jackass that I took an instant dislike to.’

  ‘What the hell happened?’ I asked, Coco wasn’t one to make fast judgements like that.

  ‘It was a two floor journey, two floors,’ she repeated, holding up two fingers for emphasis. ‘He stared at me for a while, then told me that he’d never seen anyone so beautiful.’

  ‘Sounding pretty damn good to me so far,’ I nodded.

  ‘I thought so too, until he moved next to me, squeezed my butt and suggested we head back to his place to fuck, as he had a feeling “his cock and my cunt would get on famously,”’ she uttered indignantly, as she air quoted his expression making Dom and I laugh.

  ‘I like him already,’ Dom confirmed. ‘Why beat around the bush? O wait, that’s why you didn’t say yes, he’d have had to literally beat around yours to see if you actually had a cunt.’

  ‘O sod off,’ she scowled at Dom. ‘I was so taken aback. Here I was thinking he was the most gorgeous man I’d ever set eyes on, then he opens his mouth and says that? I’ve never been so insulted in my life.’

  ‘Please, Dom insults you on a daily basis, I’m sure one of his has been worse than that,’ I laughed. ‘So he’s direct and to the point. It can be q
uite a turn on and sexy, if you overlook the whole crudeness of it,’ I added, thinking of Luc and his dirty mouth, which didn’t help the state of my already damp knickers at all.

  ‘Well I didn’t find it sexy. I slapped him and stalked out, then threatened to castrate him if he touched me again when he chased me out and opened the door for me.’

  ‘So he does have some manners. Does he work there? Are you going to see him again?’ I asked.

  ‘I sincerely hope not. I think he may have been a rep, he had a metal briefcase and was on his way out of the Havershams building too.’

  ‘I hope you do see him again. I’m loving all this drama going on with the two of you at the moment,’ Dom grinned. ‘You’ve both been such bores recently.’

  ‘Thanks,’ we both uttered at the same time.

  ‘Just telling it how I see it,’ he advised, as he leaned forwards to top up his champagne. Coco and I rolled our eyes at each other.

  ‘So why are you stalling?’ I asked.

  ‘It’s a big decision to go from freelance to employed,’ she protested.

  ‘But it’s a set regular monthly income, super generous monthly income,’ I reminded her. ‘With one of the most prestigious jewellery firms in the world. You’d be set for life and can garner some real connections there.’

  ‘Exactly what I told her before you arrived, but does she listen to me?’ stated Dom with a sigh.

  ‘When do you have to give them your answer?’

  ‘By Friday,’ she nodded.

  ‘Well whatever you decide, this is a major compliment and confirmation of what I already knew, that my best friend has an amazing talent. I’m so proud of you,’ I replied kissing her forehead as I put my arm around her and squeezed tightly. ‘You’d still have time to do your own stuff out of hours as well, wouldn’t you?’

  ‘I’d better! They’re really keen to have me too. I told them I work best with minimal interruptions and music, so they’ve promised me my own office on the top floor out of the way. I’d have a team of three to supervise and an assistant too. I met everyone but the procurement director, Hunter Donovan. He flies around the world, sourcing the jewels I’d be working with, apparently he’s an expert in his field. I may need to do some overseas travel with him as well, until he learns what I will and won’t work with.’


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