The Temptress

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The Temptress Page 37

by C. J. Fallowfield

  ‘Remember how I told you I wanted your legs wrapped around my neck, now is that time, ma belle,’ I warned as I dove face first into her sweet cunt, running my tongue up her length, sweeping over her clit as I let out a groan to coincide with her own. No one had ever tasted so good, no one had ever been so damn wet for me, it was a serious rush. She wasted no time in doing as I asked, her legs dragging me against her as she leaned back on the swing, forcing herself against my face. I went to work, not that this could be considered a chore, I’d happily die of suffocation with my face buried in her delicate folds, but she’d been patient and I’d promised her pleasure. I teased her slowly as she rocked against my mouth, plunges to her heated centre, lazy circles around that sensitive little clit of hers, nibbling it gently between my teeth, sucking on it forcefully with my lips, breaking each pattern as she approached her climax. I didn’t want her to come until I was inside her, I wanted to feel her muscles rippling around my shaft so forcefully as she cried my name in my ear, our bodies moist from exertion. She started sobbing above me, writhing on her seat, pushing one moment, pulling away the next until she could maintain control no longer.

  ‘Please, Sir. Please, please … please. I need you, I need you inside me, don’t tease me any more,’ she mewled. I took one last suck on her still slick flesh, no matter how fast I lapped at her, she produced more, she couldn’t get enough of me, which pleased me so much.

  ‘Then you shall have me. Release your legs,’ I ordered, impatience suddenly hitting me at the thought of finally being inside her again. I reached out to flip the switch, lowering her until she was level with my raging cock, he was like a Japanese Samurai, poised to strike, deadly and efficient. I pushed her back as I positioned myself, then gripped the chains and pulled her forwards, running her through with a roar of contentment as she screamed with pleasure. I pulled and pushed, controlling the pace and force of each of my thrusts, bending my head to take one of her nipples into my mouth. It was barely two minutes before she was panting and screaming, tensing up around me. I slammed into her harder and harder, fighting the urge to release until I felt her reach her peak, then let go as we exploded in a powerful mutual orgasm that ripped through my body and had her almost break my cock with the power of her contracting muscles. I savoured the headiness of the moment for a while, before reaching up to undo her wrist bindings and she flopped forward into my arms. Still inside her, I carried her past the flogging horse and St Andrews Cross, to the four poster bed on the far side, kitted out with numerous hooks on the struts and on the headboard. We were going to have so much fun in here, especially exploring the toy chest together, I’d stocked it with vibrators, anal beads, paddles, crops like the one I’d used on her earlier, nipple clamps, handcuffs and chains. But for now, she was exhausted and I just wanted to hold her. When she was rested, we’d fuck, long and hard, I planned on giving her so many more orgasms today. I gently set her on her side in the bed and removed her blindfold, then hopped in and pulled the duvet over us, drawing her into my arms.

  ‘Hi,’ she smiled as she looked at me.

  ‘Hi,’ I replied back, gently kissing the tip of her nose.

  ‘You’re so … wow.’

  ‘It takes two to tango, so I hear, you have no idea how much you turn me on. If you weren’t so tired I’d be ready to go again.’

  ‘Seriously?’ she looked at me wide eyed, making me chuckle.

  ‘Always for you. So, are you frightened of the playroom, or would you like to return soon?’

  ‘I’m happy to return,’ she nodded, as she twisted her head and looked around, seeing it for the first time. ‘It’s not red, like I’d imagined.’

  ‘Cliché,’ I chuckled. I wanted it warm and inviting, the taupe walls were teamed with the cream carpet, mahogany furnishings and gold accents with some tasteful contemporary erotic art on the walls. ‘If you need to freshen up after resting, there is an en-suite as well.’

  ‘I am in desperate need of freshening up, but I don’t think I can move, you’ve worn me out.’

  ‘Then we shall not move, making you happy is my primary mission,’ I replied, kissing her nose again. I frowned as I looked into her eyes and saw them fill with tears. ‘What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?’

  ‘My bottom stings, I got the message, but no I just feel really emotional. This is … we’re having a serious relationship and I’ve never had one before.’

  ‘I am pleased to hear this news, but I don’t understand why? You are the most stunning woman, you are intelligent, kind, caring, beautiful inside and out. Why has a man never captured your attention before.’

  ‘I never wanted to settle for someone that couldn’t be everything I needed him to be, not just for me, but for Tristan too. Before I had him I was very careful, scared of being hurt after my first boyfriend cheated on me, then I met you and everything changed.’

  ‘How?’ I asked, as I cupped one side of her face and gently stroked it.

  ‘I’ve never had sex that fast, Luc. You took my breath away, you showed me how passionate a relationship could be, how it should be when two people want each other so badly and when I ran from you it’s like I left that ability to feel so strongly with you. Then I was pregnant and had to think of Tristan, I only wanted a man in our lives if he could fulfil the fantasy of how I imagined my life with you would have been. It’s crazy, it was one night, one night, but you changed everything.’

  ‘As did you for me, who is to say this is crazy? The heart and mind know what they want, some people search a lifetime for their perfect match and end up settling for second best, they give up hope and make do, others find that person after years of searching and failed relationships but still take time to realise what they have. Who’s to say that fate cannot bring two people that were meant to be together and have them instantly realise that this is the person who will forever hold their heart, who stirs such passion in the soul, makes them crave each other like oxygen and leave them pining when apart. It is rare for this to happen, but it does, we are living proof of this, ma belle. We are the one in a million.’

  ‘You’re the one in a million, Luc,’ she whispered, as she placed her index finger on my lips. ‘You’re my one in a million, you stir such passion, you make me crave, you make me pine and you hold my heart. I’m sorry I haven’t said it sooner, but I was scared of letting myself feel, only to be hurt again, but I’m not scared anymore because something deep inside of me is telling me that you are my one in a million. I love you, Luc Le Grand. I think I’ve loved you from the moment you chased me, held my face and kissed me in the lift of The Domville in Paris, but I never admitted it to myself until now. I’ve loved you for six years barely knowing you, but now I do … I’m crazily, madly, unconditionally in love with you.’

  ‘Lulu,’ I moaned against her finger, my heart racing, my stomach doing somersaults. Never had I wanted to hear anything so badly.

  ‘I’m not done. I need to tell you why I love you, so you believe me, because someone who has never experienced love may not understand what it really means to be loved. I love you because you have spent thirty-five years starved of it, yet you give it so freely. So many men would be hardened and closed off after what you went through as a child, it breaks my heart to think how you suffered. Frightened, alone, cold and hungry. You should have been cherished, nurtured and loved, unconditionally. I love you because you’re courageous, tenacious and determined. You set your sights on something and you make it happen, no matter what the obstacle and you don’t tread on others to get there. I love you because you’re thoughtful, kind and giving, emotionally and sexually. I admire all of those qualities in you so much and I can only hope our son inherits those traits, because if he does he’s going to become the most incredible man, just like you. I love you because even when you’re hurting, and I know you’re hurting so badly over Tristan, you still put on a brave face to try to take away my burden of guilt that I can’t do more to make him accept you in his life. I love you because I have no othe
r choice but to, you stole my heart in Paris and it has always belonged to you. It will always belong to you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that before, but I’m telling you now and I’m going to tell you every day for the rest of my life, a life in which I’ll look after you every bit as well as you look after me. I love you, Luc.’

  Her words were so full of emotion it actually hurt my heart to accept them. As a child I’d been ignored and neglected, as a businessman it was a total contrast, suddenly everyone wanted something from me, be it my skills with fluctuations in the markets, my considerable wealth, even my sexual prowess, but no one had ever wanted me, the man behind all of those superficial things. She saw me, she got me, she hurt for me and with me. No one else had ever chastised me for spending money on them, no one had refused sex to ensure I got a good night’s sleep, no one had cooked meals for me without me paying them, or just called me to tell me that they missed me. I blinked as she smiled at me and shook my head as I felt water on my face. It took me a moment to realise that I was crying. I had not cried properly like this in years. Not since the first night I huddled under the railway bridge as a twelve year old, trying to keep warm curled up inside a cardboard box that I’d dragged from the alley behind a white goods store. That cardboard box, that was once home to a washing machine, became my home for nearly a year, until the harsh winter rain rendered it to a mushy pulp that started to cling to my dirty, ragged and stinking clothes and gave me pneumonia. I’d been found under the bridge close to death and rushed to hospital. I’d survived all these years by being strong, by not letting my emotions get the better of me, but Lulu had somehow seeped her way into my heart, just like that rain did to my cardboard home all those years ago. Since I’d been reunited with her, she’d moved me to tears on more than one occasion. To hear her tell me that she loved me, suddenly validated all of that hardship. I’d had to go through it so that I could be truly appreciative of how precious her gift of love to me was. I’d never take it for granted or squander it. I’d treat it like a rare orchid, water, feed and tend to it, nurture it to make it grow and blossom. The more I loved her, the more love I’d receive in return and I had so much love to give.

  ‘Luc, you look so sad,’ she observed with a frown.

  ‘Non, not sad. Neither am I merely happy. I am ecstatic. You have no idea what hearing these words means to me. I have nearly everything I’ve ever dreamed of, Lulu McQueen, one more piece in the jigsaw and I have achieved the pinnacle of life’s very purpose.’

  ‘Your son,’ she whispered, as she wiped my tears away.

  ‘Oui, mon fils. I can be patient, I have the love of his mother, that is more than I dared to hope for.’

  ‘And one day I know you’ll have his love too, no one is more deserving.’

  I pulled her tightly against my body and kissed her with a raw passion. We had bared ourselves to each other, but I’d never felt stronger.

  We spent the rest of the day in bed, dozing in each other’s arms full of contentment, before making love and having a bath together. I’d tried to do some more work on my laptop while she busied herself in the kitchen preparing a meal for us both, but I couldn’t focus, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her. I waited until she’d put the lid on the casserole she’d prepared, shoved my laptop to the side and leapt up, striding over to grab her hand.

  ‘Again?’ she gasped.

  ‘I could go all day,’ I chuckled, ‘but I have some paperwork in my office to give to you first.’

  ‘Paperwork?’ she frowned as I tugged her along behind me. ‘I thought there wasn’t going to be any sexual contract for your playroom.’

  ‘Our playroom,’ I corrected. ‘And no this is a financial contract.’

  ‘Financial? I’m even more confused.’

  ‘Then let me show you and all will become clear.’ I led her into my office and sat her down on the comfortable sectional sofa, then opened my safe and extracted the item in question. I smiled to see the black Havershams box on the top shelf. I’d acquired a number of yellow and white diamonds from them, most of which they held in my own personal safety deposit box, situated in their vault which was far more secure, given their value, but I’d had a pair of earrings and bracelet made for her to match her pendant and they were working on another piece for me as we spoke. I’d surprise her with breakfast in bed tomorrow with the jewellery box, a gift in exchange for the priceless one she’d given me today. I returned to sit by her and handed the paperwork over. She scanned it with a puzzled frown, then gasped and looked up at me shocked.

  ‘What is this?’

  ‘You gave me the idea when we were discussing how I could protect some of my assets. I wanted to ensure that you and Tristan would be provided for, if ever I wasn’t around to take care of you. I invested in diamonds that have been “gifted” to my new girlfriend and a substantial trust fund for my son, for which you are the trustee. A proportion of the income will be yours to ensure you always have money to care for him, the other portion will be reinvested and he will inherit the lump sum on his twenty-first birthday.’

  ‘Luc, this is too much,’ she replied, shaking her head.

  ‘Non, it is not and I will do the same for each child we have together. They will never go hungry or homeless, you understand why this is important to me.’

  ‘I do,’ she sighed. ‘Then thank you. But I really don’t need the income, I have my own, alter it to reinvest it for him.’

  ‘No. It is done, no arguments,’ I warned. She scowled at me, then jumped as her phone rang and she pulled it from the back pocket of her jeans.

  ‘Shit, sorry it’s Mum’s number, I’d better take it.’

  ‘I can leave,’ I advised, making to stand up.

  ‘No, stay,’ she smiled and grabbed my arm, pulling it around her as she snuggled into my chest and pressed the accept button.


  ‘Mum is everything ok?’ I asked, filled with concern. I’d spoken to Tristan a few hours ago and he’d seemed fine.

  ‘Everything’s perfect, he’s tucked up in bed and we’re about to have a story, but he wanted to talk to you,’ she advised.

  ‘Put him on then,’ I agreed, breaking into a happy smile. I put the call on speakerphone, so Luc could listen in.

  ‘Mummy?’ he called. I felt my heart flutter, I never tired of hearing his little voice.

  ‘I’m here, darling. Is everything ok?’

  ‘I miss you,’ he moaned.

  ‘I miss you too, darling. So much.’

  ‘Are you at home?’

  ‘No, I told you that I was staying with your daddy this weekend, he has his own house out in the country.’

  ‘You’re with Luc?’

  ‘I am,’ I confirmed.

  ‘Uncle Dom says his name is Luc Haw He Haw,’ he giggled.

  ‘Does he now! Well I’ll be having words with Uncle Dom as it’s not very nice to tease people.’ I frowned at Luc, who was laughing. It wasn’t funny, Dom was going to get an arse kicking for this.

  ‘Will you come home tomorrow?’

  ‘I’m coming home on Monday, darling. You’re spending tomorrow with Grandma and Grandpa.’

  ‘Please come home, I really miss you.’ He sounded so insistent. It wasn’t like him, he always told me he missed me, but he’d never asked me to return on the first day of being apart. I sighed and pinched the top of my nose.

  ‘Go,’ whispered Luc. ‘I’ll take you back, he obviously needs you.’

  ‘Are you sure?’ I asked, looking up at him. He nodded with a half-smile and kissed my forehead.


  ‘I’m here, darling. Ok, I’ll come home and we can have chicken dinner.’

  ‘With Yorkshire puddings,’ came his happy voice.

  ‘Yes with Yorkshire puddings,’ I confirmed, giving Luc a don’t ask look.



  ‘Can my daddy come too?’ he asked, making me sit bolt upright on the sofa and Luc take a shocked gasp
of air. I looked around at him and he nodded, a smile spreading across his face.

  ‘Of course he can, darling. Shall I ask him to bring the zoo set so you can play together?’

  ‘Yes please,’ he squealed and Luc and I laughed as we heard him clapping down the phone.

  ‘O darling, I do love you. Be a good boy for Grandma and we’ll see you tomorrow. Can you put her back on for me?’

  ‘Ok,’ he replied.

  ‘Your dad will be upset, he had a whole day planned out with him,’ she warned as she took over the call.

  ‘I’ll make it up to him, I promise. I can’t believe he just asked for Luc to come too. What prompted that?’

  ‘Tristan, Grandma is just going to the toilet, I’ll be back to read to you in a little while, ok?’

  ‘Ok,’ he agreed and I heard her footsteps on the wooden floorboards.

  ‘Sorry Lulu, I can talk now. He’s been playing with your dad and Dominic today and was asking lots of questions, confused how his grandpa could be yours and Dominic’s dad too. Then started asking more about Luc and they told him that they’d met him and how great he was. I think it’s piqued his curiosity.’

  ‘Thank God, I just hope he doesn’t change his mind tomorrow.’

  ‘Don’t let him, you and Luc should be there when we drop him off, children are resilient, I’m sure he’ll soon fall in love with him.’

  ‘He’s an easy guy to fall in love with,’ I replied, turning to give him a smile and I could have sworn his face flushed a little as he squeezed my hand.

  ‘Love? Lulu McQueen, did I just hear you use the word love about a man?’ Mum gasped.

  ‘You did,’ I laughed. ‘About time at the age of thirty, eh?’

  ‘O darling, I’m so happy for you. I’m going to keep everything crossed for you for tomorrow. Shall we bring him back for about midday?’

  ‘Perfect,’ I confirmed.


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