Kevin (The Ace’s Mc Book 2)

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Kevin (The Ace’s Mc Book 2) Page 5

by Roxanne Greening

  The sound of our bikes firing up brought a small amount of peace. I had another problem and it was waiting for me back at the club house.

  Whoever Maya was she was trouble the kind that got messy but was one heck of a ride.

  Chapter 21


  The feel of the bed dipping had my heart stopping and my palms sweating. I dreamed I was free and I never wanted to wake from that beautiful nightmare.

  Fingers brushed my forehead the calloused tips ruff against the smooth soft skin.

  “Wake up,” a male’s voice whispered.

  My eyes shot open wide it was so fast my eyes didn’t have time to adjust to the light. Tears filled my eyes as the stinging pain shot through them.

  “Maya?” he asks.

  Swallowing I peak at him through my lashes. His dark hair, brown eyes, and strong jaw had me frowning. Who was he? I thought for sure Dimitri was back to punish me.

  “Who are you?” I croak the question out through a dry ruff throat.

  His smile was blinding. Perfect white even teeth and soft kissable lips. I wanted to reach up and press my lips to his.

  What the fuck? After everything I wanted to kiss a man?

  “Kevin,” he tells me.

  “Huh?” I ask in confusion.

  “My name is Kevin,” he tells me, his voice filled with amusement.

  I could only stare at him like a lost puppy.

  “Want to tell me what brought you here?” he asks.

  I stare at him for a minute I mean he was out there, earlier right?

  “Lark,” I tell him in all seriousness.

  His eyes widen, and his laughter echoed around the room.

  “Something tells me I’m in for one hell of a ride,” he mumbles.

  Did he take a hit to the head? Maybe he needed to see a doctor more than I did.

  “What happened that Lark, brought you here?” he elaborated after another good hard laugh.

  “Lots of things mostly dickish men,” I tell him sweetly.

  His eyes got bigger. I thought they might fall out of his head. I wanted to laugh. Fuck what was wrong with him and what the hell was wrong with me?

  “Really? Dickish men?” he asks, his voice strained.

  “Yes, the first group didn’t like the second group,” I tell him with a smile.

  “What happened Maya,” his voice went low and his eyes went serious.

  “I worked at a biker bar,” I tell him with a shrug.

  As if what happened was shrug worthy, but I didn’t want anyone to know how damaged I really was.

  “Do we need to worry about anyone?” he asks me.

  I look at him should I tell him I was a lost cause that he should shove me out the door and lock it behind me? That Dimitri more than likely was never going to let me go?

  “Yes,” I tell him honestly.

  “Then you need to tell me,” his voice was calm, with a hint of darkness.

  “Dimitri will be coming for me,” my voice was low.

  “Dimitri?” Kevin, asks.

  “I’m not sure if Lark, killed him,” my voice was harsh, a small tremble escaped.

  “If Lark went in, no one but you both came out,” his voice was firm, letting me know he believed he was telling the truth.

  He had no real idea what or how he was dealing with. I was thankful for the reprieve, but I knew I needed to hit the road and try to put as many miles between me and that family as I could.

  Chapter 22


  It’s been a few days since that night he came and told me his name and he hasn’t left my side or let my out of his sight. Women scantily clad walked around looking for one of the brothers, as Kevin calls them to take them into a room.

  Something I’m sure is for my sake if the glares I was receiving from the std committee was anything to go by. They hated me, and the feeling was mutual.

  Kevin hadn’t even looked their way or tried to slip away to have a little fun. It was weird, but he even stayed in the same room as me. Every night he would come into the room and hold me while I slept. Sometimes it kept the nightmares at bay but other times it didn’t.

  I was falling for the strange, hot biker. I’ve never felt safer than I did wrapped up in those large strong arms. I felt his hand circle my waist as he pulled me close pressing his face into my hair.

  “What are you thinking about?” Kevin asks me.

  “You,” I tell him honestly.

  “Me?” he sounded shocked but pleased.

  “Yes,” I tell him, as my checks heat from the embarrassment.

  “What about me?” he asks, his voice filled with humor.

  Should I tell him I longed to be kissed by him? That I want him like I’ve never wanted anything in my life? I know it’s been only three days, but I needed him. Remember Maya, you are strong. I repeated the words in my head. I could and would do this.

  “I want you,” I tell him, my voice low and husky,

  “Maya?” he sounded concerned.

  I don’t wait for him to say no. I turn in his arms and press my lips to his, they were just as soft as I hoped they would be.

  Heat suffused me. I wanted more then this innocent kiss I wanted him to lay me down in the bed we shared and show mw what it was like to be cared for to be a well-loved woman.

  Chapter 23


  The sheets were smooth against my heated flesh. Kevin leaned over me slowly running his calloused fingers over my soft stomach.

  I moaned gently as his fingers found my nipples and plucked at them. My shirt had disappeared over his shoulder minutes ago.

  “Fucking perfect,” he whispered, as he leaned down and took one taunt nipple into his mouth. As he suckled gently, my back bowed up pressing my breast further against his mouth.

  I wanted more, no I needed more. He was going too slow and I felt over-heated and needy almost to the point of pain. Releasing his shoulders, I reached down and tugged at his shirt I wanted to feel his skin against mine.

  The moment it was gone I ran my fingers over his chest and down his abdomen. Across his abs until I reached the button of his pants. My fingers fumbled as I tried to undo them.

  “Maya, wait,” Kevin’s voice was husky.

  “NO,” I demanded. I wanted him now why did he want me to wait?

  “Shit,” he growled, as my fingers made it to their prize.

  I felt his thick hard hot length with my fingers and moaned loudly.

  “Please I need this,” I tell him, my tone filled with the desperation I felt.

  It was like I set off a wild man. My pants and panties went over his shoulder and he shimmed out of his before I could say another word, he was pressing against my pussy.

  I cried out in pain and relief as he slid deep inside me I felt him stiffen as he broke the barrier that marked me as inexperienced.

  Maya,” he growls. “Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?”

  Leaning up I press my lips to his kissing him deeply.

  “I wanted you,” I tell him honestly.

  “You should have fucking told me,” he tells me.

  “You wouldn’t have finished,” I tell him because I knew he wouldn’t have.

  My muscles loosen and begin to relax as my pussy accommodated his large, hard cock. Not another word was spoken as he started to slowly rock inside of me.

  My nails sunk into the flesh of his back as he pulled out further and further before slamming harder and harder back inside of me.

  Screams were pulled from somewhere deep inside of me as pleasure like I’ve never known before rushed through me, making my blood hotter then lava.

  I burned for more I burned for this man.

  “Harder,” I moaned.

  The bed slammed into the wall loudly. Bangs and grunts followed by screams and the sound of flesh hitting flesh echoed through the room.

  “Faster,” I cried, as my orgasm washed over me taking me deep into the stars. I felt heat fill me as Kevin, presses as
deep and as far as he could go and orgasmed himself.

  “Mine,” he whispered into my ear.

  For the first time in a long time I felt loved. I felt peace I knew where I belonged, and I never wanted to leave. Little did I know I would be doing just that.

  Chapter 24


  The next morning was different I felt different. Kevin was holding my back to his front spooning me and holding me close.

  The warmth from his body was relaxing and distracting. Slowly lifting his arm, I climb from the bed doing everything I can not to disturb him.

  I thought about taking a shower, but my stomach growled loudly. I would have been embarrassed if anyone had heard it.

  Quickly pulling on my clothes I leave the room and set out on a hunt for something to fill the hungry monster.

  “How long until he gets tired of her?” a high pitch voice asked.

  I stop dead in my tracks. I hated the std committee.

  “Kevin never stays with a woman long, he likes being free,” one of them tells the other.

  “Yeah she’s like a shiny new toy that will soon lose its luster,” another adds.

  Tears of humiliation sting my eyes. I know they’re right. After last night my days are numbered.

  “Well, I for one can’t wait until he gets sick of her and comes back to me,” the first one to speak says.

  I try for the life of me to remember their names, but I never wanted to know it, so I just didn’t listen. Slowly backing down the hallway I head back to our room.

  Soon it if what they say is true it will be just his room again. I knew that was true deep down. I was just here until he grew tired of the same thing and moved on.

  Men like Kevin, like a variety liked being free and I was no old lady I don’t think I would ever be old lady material. I was pulled from my thoughts when strong arms pulled me in close.

  “I missed you this morning,” Kevin whispered close to my ear.

  I shivered as his hot breath caressed it. Once again, the desire I had for this man was stroked to a fever pitch. For a moment I forgot about the other women and wanted nothing more than for him to take us back to the room and show me all the wonderful things he did last night.

  “Maya?” Kevin’s voice held a note of concern.

  “I’m hungry,” I tell him sheepishly.

  His laughter brought a warmth to me that was all consuming. I was a fool, but I think I was in love with this complicated man.

  “Come on let’s fill that hungry monster before you get all grumpy,” he says, with a laugh.

  My right hand moved before I registered what was happening I had slapped him in the abdomen. His rock-hard abs hurt. Shaking my hand, I try to elevate the sting.

  “You wound me baby,” he tells me sweetly.

  The bastard didn’t even have the decency to pretend I did some damage.

  “Asshole,” I mutter, out loud.

  He just laughs as he drags me down the hallway and into the kitchen that hosted the std committee. By their looks they were thinking what I had been just a few minutes earlier.

  I felt sick at the thought. It was like a slap to the face these women had experienced what I did last night with this very man.

  “Maya?” Kevin was once again concerned. I had stopped dead in my tracks and was looking at the other woman like I was in a nest of vipers and I guess in a way I was. They were poisonous.

  “Sorry,” I mumble, just loud enough for him to hear.

  He turned me so I was facing him, and I could see no one else.

  “Baby what’s wrong?” his voice was gentle.

  I looked at him scanning his face for a hint of the feelings I had for him. But I came up empty he was like a rock completely unreadable.

  “I just don’t like them,” I told him honestly.

  Before I could laugh it off I was facing his back.

  “Get out,” he tells the other women.

  “What?” they all sputtered at the same time.

  “I said get the fuck out,” his voice had gone cold.

  I shivered as the temperature dropped what felt like ten degrees. I listen as their heels click and clacked over the concrete as they made a hasty retreat.

  “Better?” Kevin asks, once he was again facing me.

  I nodded feeling foolish. A small spark was lit within me when I realized what he did. He told them to leave to make me feel better.

  “How about I make some pancakes?” he asks me.

  I look into his brown eyes and smile.

  “Yes!” I shout.

  I loved pancakes and the fact he was making them for me made them all the better. When was the last time someone did something so sweet?

  Grabbing his neck with both my hands I pull him in close and press my lips to his. Darting my tongue into his mouth I deepen it.

  Kevin pushed us backward until my back hit the wall and his hands went to my pants and mine to his. I needed him with an intensity that should have terrified me.

  He spun me around so that my cheek was pressed into the smooth surface of the wall. He grabbed my hips pulling my pants down and dragging my ass closer to him.

  Before I could beg for him to take me ,he was slamming home. Pounding deep and hard over and over as I screamed into my fist.

  I could feel every vain as he filled me over and over to the point I felt over stuffed. There was a slight spark of pain my pussy still being sensitive from last night.

  Moisture gushed from between my legs coating his dick and making his relentless pounding easier. He pulled out to the tip before slamming back inside me his cock pressing against my womb as he blasted me with his cum.

  It set off my own orgasm. I clenched down on him over and over milking his cock. My legs couldn’t hold me any longer as they gave out. Kevin’s strong arms surrounded me pulling me closer to him. his cock was still longed deep inside me.

  “Shit baby,” his whispers into my hair.

  “I know,” I tell him, there really was no words to describe what just happened.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up and the I’ll make us breakfast,” he says, as he pulls up my jeans and swings me up into his arms. I couldn’t stop the squeal as it escaped.

  Chapter 25


  This was a fucking nightmare. I stare in shock at the woman who just walked into my club house.

  Kevin,” she screams in excitement.

  Maya looked ready to bolt as Short Stop ran to me like I was the love of her life.

  “I need to talk to you Kevin,” Short Stop, whispers close to my ear.

  After the night and morning, I had with Maya, this was the last thing I expected. Maya went to stand. She was leaving grabbing her knee I hold her in place.

  “Stay,” I tell her.

  Short Stop frowns at Maya.

  “Look Kevin, I really need to talk to you it’s about the baby,” her voice is full of animation.

  Baby? What the fuck? Maya stands and darts from the room.

  “What fucking games are you playing here?” I demand.

  “No games Kevin, I’m pregnant.

  “Not my kid and you know it,” I tell her coldly.

  She looks around the room as everyone is watching.

  Kevin,” she starts.

  My glare had her swallowing hard.

  “I didn’t fuck you I let you suck my dick and that’s it,” I remind her harshly.

  Her cheeks turn pink.

  “Whatever scam you’re trying to pull, cut it the fuck out,” my voice was like a whip.

  She looks ready to cry and for a moment I felt pity.

  “You can stay here for now, but don’t fucking pull something like this again do you understand me?” I say as with my voice low and dark.

  She nods quickly before backing away. I don’t stay to help her get situated. I don’t show her to a room instead I take off after Maya.

  The door to our room was ajar. How the fuck was I going to fix this shit? Woman had a strange
way of twisting shit. Pressing my had against the door I open it. The room was empty with no sign of Maya.

  Chapter 26


  What was I thinking? I was in this fairytale that Kevin could and would love me. I don’t bother wasting time thinking on the what if’s. I grab a few changes of clothes and leave out the back door.

  Sam was standing there staring at me. Kevin and everyone else calls him Tom. He told me to call him Sam. I laugh as he raised an eyebrow at me and my hasty escape.

  “I can’t stay here,” I tell him honestly.

  He nods his head almost like he knew what just happened and who knows maybe he did.

  “I’ll give you a ride,” he tells me, before walking swiftly around the corner.

  I run to keep up.

  “If you don’t want him to catch us, you need to speed the fuck up,” Sam tells me.

  I couldn’t move fast enough. The moment we reached his bike I swung my leg over like I was some sort of pro. I knew time between escape and Kevin, finding me was swiftly shrinking.

  The bike took off at a speed that had a gasp of surprise leaving my throat. As we speed down the road, tears of heart break filled my eyes.

  Kevin did what the others haven’t been able to do; he broke me. I felt small and lost as the road took us further and farther from the small slice of heaven I had found.

  Chapter 27


  Sam was looking at me as I took the stack of cash he held out to me. We were at a used car lot and the keys to the car he had just bought me weighed heavily on my heart, even if they were light in my hand.

  “You sure this is what you want?” Sam asked, again.

  “No, but it’s what I need,” I tell him sadly.

  With a nod he starts his bike.

  “Watch yourself out there,” he yells over the rumble.

  I nod in response. It was time for me to start a new chapter of my life and to really start living it. To follow all those dreams I had dreamed as a child.

  First thing on my list was the ocean. But not just any ocean. I wanted the burning hot sand against my feet as I padded down to the warm, clear green sea.

  I wanted to feel the warm sand as I sunk deep into it. As the small waves took more and little grains as it pulled it out to sea.


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