Nomad's Journal: A Kurtherian Gambit Series (Terry Henry Walton Chronicles)

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Nomad's Journal: A Kurtherian Gambit Series (Terry Henry Walton Chronicles) Page 7

by Craig Martelle

  Kim’s husband Auburn was enhanced, too, because she couldn’t abide watching her husband grow old, which was the curse of the enhanced. When he turned sixty, he went into the pod doc and even though it wasn’t to the level of the one Bethany Anne used, he still came out a young thirty-five. He was the logistics chief for the FDG. He wouldn’t fight. That wasn’t his thing, but he could make sure everyone had their gear, and he could raise cattle.

  His family ran the stockyards outside Chicago. He wondered how many cattle would fit aboard the ship before him. If they were going to space, he wanted steak, to take the edge off as he had explained to the others, but they hadn’t been listening.

  Terry and Char’s natural daughter, Cordelia and her husband Ramses tried to see past the others. They settled for a spot next to Joseph and Petricia. Cory had been special from the moment she was born. It was now rare for Werewolf bitches to give birth and virtually unheard of with a human partner. Cory glanced at her parents, feeling how they radiated love. It was how she had grown up. She had never lost her appreciation for it, or had taken their love for granted.

  Cory had the gift of healing. She could ‘encourage’ her nanocytes to heal others. She’d even healed Akio at one point, but some of his nanocytes had flooded back into her bloodstream. From that point forward, her eyes glowed blue. She wore sunglasses when they took her on night operations, unless they needed to use her like a flashlight.

  She wasn’t too keen on that.

  Charumati’s pack was there, as well. Standing farther away from the ship, away from the Vampires.

  Sue, Timmons, Shonna, and Merrit shuffled impatiently. Two mated Werewolf pairs. They fought for their alpha. They fought for their friends.

  The Weretigers, Aaron and Yanmei were relaxed in the company of the Werewolves. The pack had been together for a long time, exactly one hundred years since Yanmei joined.

  Ripples across the etheric were hitting the most sensitive of them like waves slapping against a beach.

  A lower hatch on the ship opened and a stairway unfolded itself to the ground.

  Akio walked out first. Terry exhaled heavily. He hadn’t realized he’d been holding his breath. Char released his hand and wiped the sweat on her pants.

  She moved in closer and wrapped her arm around Terry’s waist. He turned and kissed the side of her head. When he looked back, he saw that Akio had been joined by six others.

  Char recoiled as they approached. Terry had guessed that they were the Elites who had been trapped.

  Now he was sure.

  Akio stopped and the Elites fanned out behind him. Akio bowed deeply, deeper than ever before. Terry and Char bowed together, to a perfect ninety-degree angle. Terry and Char’s children bowed. They’d spent a great deal of time in Japan with Akio and Yuko when they had received the nanocytes by way of Akio’s pod-doc.

  A long time had passed since then, but they had not forgotten their manners or their respect for Akio. The Vampire stood up straight before approaching and shaking hands with Terry and then Char. Akio waved awkwardly to the people standing around.

  Cory smiled widely and waved back.

  The Elites remained stoic. They had been freed from their prison earlier that day. They were happy to be anywhere other than their underground prison, but they were still getting used to people and regenerating from the massive energy Michael had bestowed upon them, personally shoving energy into their nanocytes, making them come alive, rejuvenating their bodies.

  A group left the ship, strolling casually toward TH and Char. The Elites stepped aside, creating a tunnel through which they could pass. A dark-haired beauty walked at the side of a man who wore a long black cloak. His eyes took in everything while remaining focused on Terry Henry.

  They stopped before passing the last of their Vampire escorts. The woman’s eyes glowed red. She glanced from one face to the next, stopping at Joseph. Her lip pursed a moment of their own accord, pausing as she considered the Forsaken.

  TH stepped between them, drawing the attention of the Elites. Their hands seized pistol grips and sword handles. Terry held his hands up.

  The cloaked man chuckled silently. The shorter woman smiled crookedly.

  “We’ve met before, Empress,” Terry said. He dropped to one knee and bowed his head before continuing. “I’m sorry. Akio asked us to help him prepare this world for your return, and I’ve failed him. I’ve failed you.”

  Char stepped forward and put a hand on her husband’s back. Her eyes glistened. It was supposed to be a joyous return, but TH, as he always did, took responsibility for everything, whether in his control or not.

  “Cut the Empress bullshit Terry, I remember you from the Antartica operation. You were in hypothermia if I remember correctly before you were put in the Pod Doc. I’m Bethany Anne to you and I’d like to introduce Michael,” she said, taking in the sights and sounds of San Francisco. “Things look pretty damn good from where I’m standing.” She turned to the purple eyed woman next to T.H. and winked, “And you must be Char.”

  Bethany Anne held out her hand, no hint of subterfuge. “Trust me, behind every strong man is a strong woman.” There was a snort from behind Bethany Anne who caught the slight glint of humor in Char’s eyes from Michael’s unsaid comment.

  “I am. Pleased to meet you, Empress,” Char replied, taking BA’s warm hand and shaking firmly.

  Bethany Anne rolled her eyes. “Oh for fuck’s sake, stand up, TH! You’re making me feel weird.” Terry stood as she eyed him. “And don’t apologize again. It would be pretty embarrassing for me to kick your ass upside down and sideways in front of your wife and kids. For the record, I trust you. If you trust your people, I trust your people.” BA nodded toward Joseph and Petricia.

  “I trust them with my life,” Terry said.

  Bethany Anne nodded. “Listen up, people,” she said, projecting her voice to be heard for those without enhanced hearing. “Would you stop looking like a police academy cadet review?” She nodded them forward. “Come here and let’s talk like people who have kicked some ass and now are going to get a little R&R.”

  The group hesitated, but Char waved them over. Felicity dragged Ted toward the front of the mob. She looked down and stopped abruptly, grinning.

  She pointed, “I just love those boots!” Felicity exclaimed in her southern drawl.

  Bethany Anne put up a finger to stop the next comment she just knew Michael was straining to keep in. “I know, right? Finally! A woman with taste.” She turned to him. “See? It’s all about the shoes.”

  “San Francisco has some of the best shopping in the world if you can spare a few minutes,” Felicity replied.

  Bethany Anne looked up at Michael. He struggled mightily, his jaws worked, he grimaced, before surrendering, and letting his eyes roll.

  “And he’ll go, too,” BA said. “I’ve been away from this hunk of mostly hairless hot stuff for way too long.”

  Michael pursed his lips and commented, “It’s growing. It’s just taking a while.”

  She watched as the group arranged in a semicircle around her. “I wanted to meet you personally and thank you for everything you’ve done both in my name and on your own to help make the world a better place. Akio said that he could not have chosen better, even if he had a choice.” She paused a moment before continuing, “What we’ve found across the universe is that no matter how hard we try, evil will never be defeated.”

  She shrugged. “It can be stomped into the ground.” Bethany Anne put up her fingers, just an inch apart. “It can be sliced into little fucking pieces, but where one is removed, another takes its place. Fucking cockroaches all! We can relegate them to the dark places, the slime and swamps in which they breed. But they’ll always be there. No matter. You helped make the world safe for humanity once again. You carved a chunk out of life’s cesspool and you handed it over so they could make their own way. Self-determination and all that.

  She sighed, “And now you have some choices. One of which is
to take the rest you deserve. God knows you deserve it and you will absolutely receive it if that is what you want.” She smiled a moment, “However.” She winked at Terry Henry. “you knew there was going to be a however, right?”

  She received the chuckles she was looking for. “I want to invite you to take the War Axe through the Annex Gate and join my father in securing and expanding the brand new Etheric Federation. There is a little side business called The Bad Company that I think you and your people would be perfect to slide right into. What do you think about exporting justice to the universe, TH?” BA didn’t wait for an answer before continuing.

  She pointed up. “The sky beckons the warriors. Come home to me, TH. Earth will survive without you, because you have taught it so. You’ve done your duty. Your legacy will live on, but I have a new mission ready for those willing to step up. To take your skills and get-shit-done attitude in a place that will cause your eyes to pop-out. Come home to the stars. Come home to the Etheric Federation.” She looked over the group, “All of you.”

  Terry squeezed Char’s hand. They turned and smiled at each other. He looked at the rest of the eager faces. It was everything he never knew that he wanted. He opened his mouth to speak…

  Before he could answer a huge dog, looking like a German Shepard vaulted from the ship and raced in a wide arc around the Elites and slid to a stop near Terry and Char, wagging its tail furiously as it looked at him.

  “Who’s a good boy?” Terry said wearing a ridiculous grin as he took in the dog. Char tried to keep her face calm with her husband who just couldn’t stop himself.

  Michael answered. “He knows who the good boy is. This is Dokken, he’s pretty smart. When and if you get a chip in your head, you’ll be able to communicate with him,” Michael finished before turning to the panting creature. “Yes? Are you sure? Okay. Have it your way.” Michael said aloud, speaking to the dog. He looked back to TH. “He says to tell you that he thinks you’re a good boy, too.”

  Terry started to laugh, in a way that a person does when they’re among friends.

  Author Notes - Craig Martelle

  Written August 27, 2017

  Thank you for reading this small piece of Terry Henry Walton history

  We had to skip bits of time here and there throughout the storyline in order to keep things moving forward. We were severely limited by the ten books (okay, that was a self-imposed limitation), so we had to cover 150 years!

  The series was still ¾ of a million words strong.

  And we still needed these short stories to fill in some of the gaps. I’m sure there are many more stories that could be written, but it is time to move forward.

  Is this the end of Terry and Char? Hell no! The story of Terry and Char on Earth ends with Book 10, but there's a whole galaxy out there that needs to be explored. Nomad's Galaxy - an end and a beginning.

  If you wonder about a character, don’t hesitate to drop me a line. I have in my head what happened to them all. If you believe there is a positive outcome for certain characters, then it will be positive. Hope for a wonderful future is something that I believe in. If it’s not turning out as you like, be like TH and shape your future with your own hands.

  Control what is in your control.

  With that, I’ll leave you to it. Break’s over for me, I need to get writing on The Bad Company before the boiling pepsi and pitchforks crowd appears in my driveway.

  Peace, fellow humans.


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  Thank you for reading the Terry Henry Walton Chronicles!

  Author Notes - Michael Anderle

  Written September 09th, 2017

  First THANK YOU for not only reading this book, but these author notes as well!

  Right now in Florida, many of our collaborators (JIT / Fans / Operations / Collaborators) are either hunkering down for Hurricane Irma, or are leaving to a safer location. We wish you safety always!

  I want to give a shout-out to Andrew Dobell for not only this cover, but DOZENS of covers that he has put together over the last year and a half working with myself, and then the collaborators on so many of these stories. He started with Death Becomes Her and then has worked not only on the Terry Henry Walton Chronicles, but those for Natalie Grey, Ell Leigh Clarke, and Sarah Noffke. Covers you will see soon include those for authors S.M. Boyce, JN Chaney, myself (Tabitha series), and Tom Dublin.

  Hell, I might be missing a few, if so sorry Andrew!

  If you are curious about Andrew’s other covers and artwork - check him out here:

  Andrew also writes books (which is why I know about him, he was in the 20BooksTo50k group) and you can find his stories here:

  This crazy story about Terry Henry Walton, Charamuti and the group around them is both ending, and beginning. Their time on Earth has come to a close, now they get to go and spread their metaphorical wings just a little more.

  Once more, good friends, we go unto the breach.

  Stand fast, good friends, as wave after wave strive to overtake us.

  Go forward, good friends, looking evil in the eye and yell ‘Eat this sword, feel the pain as we bring justice so painfully into your lives!’

  Ok, so no (good) poet ever penned those words. But hell, I can imagine saying it.


  Ad Aeternitatem,

  Michael Anderle

  Craig Martelle

  (click to go see books on Amazon)

  The Terry Henry Walton Chronicles

  A Kurtherian Gambit Series

  Book 1 – Nomad Found

  Book 2 – Nomad Redeemed

  Book 3 - Nomad Unleashed

  Book 4 - Nomad Supreme

  Book 5 – Nomad’s Fury

  Book 6 – Nomad’s Justice

  Book 7 – Nomad Avenged

  Book 8 – Nomad Mortis

  Book 9 – Nomad’s Force

  Book 10 – Nomad’s Galaxy

  Free Trader Series

  Book 1 – The Free Trader of Warren Deep

  Book 2 – The Free Trader of Planet Vii

  Book 3 – Adventures on RV Traveler

  Book 4 – Battle for the Amazon

  Book 5 – Free the North!

  Book 6 – Free Trader on the High Seas

  Book 7 – Southern Discontent (2017)

  Book 8 – The Great ‘Cat Rebellion (2017)

  Book 9 – Return to the Traveler (2017)

  Cygnus Space Opera – Set in the Free Trader Universe

  Book 1 – Cygnus Rising

  Book 2 – Cygnus Expanding

  Book 3 – Cygnus Arrives

  End Times Alaska Series, a Winlock Press publication

  Book 1: Endure

  Book 2: Run

  Book 3: Return

  Book 4: Fury

  Rick Banik Thrillers

  People Raged and the Sky Was on Fire

  The Heart Raged (2017)

  Paranoid in Paradise (Short Story – 2017)

  Short St
ory Contributions to Anthologies

  Wisdom’s Journey (stand alone novella)

  Earth Prime Anthology, Volume 1 (Stephen Lee & James M. Ward)

  Apocalyptic Space Short Story Collection (Stephen Lee & James M. Ward)

  Lunar Resorts Anthology, Volume 2 (Stephen Lee & James M. Ward)

  Just One More Fight (stand alone novella)

  The Expanding Universe, Volume 1 (edited by Craig Martelle)

  The Expanding Universe, Volume 2 (edited by Craig Martelle – June 2017)

  The Misadventures of Jacob Wild McKilljoy (with Michael-Scott Earle)

  The Tide, a multi-author, single story extravaganza

  Metamorphosis Alpha, Chronicles from the Warden, Volume 1 (with James M. Ward)

  Michael Anderle

  Kurtherian Gambit Series Titles Include:

  First Arc

  Death Becomes Her (01) - Queen Bitch (02) - Love Lost (03) - Bite This (04)

  Never Forsaken (05) - Under My Heel (06) - Kneel Or Die (07)

  Second Arc

  We Will Build (08) - It’s Hell To Choose (09) - Release The Dogs of War (10)

  Sued For Peace (11) - We Have Contact (12) - My Ride is a Bitch (13)

  Don’t Cross This Line (14)

  Third Arc (2017)

  Never Submit (15) - Never Surrender (16) - Forever Defend (17)

  Might Makes Right (18) - Ahead Full (19) - Capture Death (20)

  Life Goes On (21)

  **New Series**

  The Second Dark Ages


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