The Second World War
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at Teheran, 731, 742
on British Constitution, 742
and commander for “Overlord”, 750
illness of, 903
in Moscow as Truman’s envoy, 933
mentioned, 370, 566–7, 645, 648, 650
Hore-Belisha, Rt. Hon. Leslie, War Minister, urges conscription, 146
in War Cabinet, 167
supports Vote of Censure, 569, 572–3
Horn Reef, scheme for artificial island in (1917), 298–9
Home, Rt. Hon. Sir Robert, 59 n.
Hornet, U.S.S., 540, 543–6
Horrocks, Lieut.-General Sir B. G., 626
Horthy, Admiral, 412, 858
Hostile, H.M.S., 209
Hotspur, H.M.S., 209
Houffalize, 865
Hove, 325
Howard, Leslie, 671
Huals Fiord, 478–9
Hughes-Hallett, Rear-Admiral J., 694
Hull, air raids on, 391
Hull, Cordell, 109, 372, 811
Humber, River, 324, 332
“Hump”, air-lift over the, 823, 826–7
Hungary, Communism in, 10
signs Rome Protocols, 46
demands of, on Czechoslovakia, 133, 136, 142
in German camp, 145
attack on Yugoslavia through, 411–412
suicide of Premier of, 412
postwar, 733
and attack through Istria, 807
Russia and, 810, 812, 913
Russia on frontier of, 815, 858
Hitler battles for, 851, 876
Churchill-Stalin agreement on, 852–3, 856
a Russian satellite, 958, 965
Hunter, H.M.S., 209
Hurricane fighters, 62, 136, 138
in France (1940), 240
lost in Greece, 424
sent to Russia, 465
sent to Singapore, 524
“Husky”, Operation, 682–3
Hyde Park, President’s home, 562–3, 704
Hydrogen bomb, 963
Hyères, 802
Hythe, 337
Ibn Saud, King of Saudi Arabia, 971
Iceland, bases for escort groups and aircraft on, 401–3, 535
in U.S. Security Zone, 403
U.S. base in, 404
Churchill visits, 478–9
joins N.A.T.O., 960
Illustrious, H.M.S., 384–5
Ilmen, Lake, 870
Imphal, 825–7
Indaw, 825, 827
Independent Labour Party, 518
India, self-government for, 19–20, 966–7
troops from, in Iraq, 437, 439
Wavell appointed to Command in, 445
threat to, through Persia, 480
danger of Germany and Japan joining hands in, 539, 551–2
threat to, from Japan, 551–2
planning for action from (1943), 663–4, 691, 695–6
assault shipping transferred from Mediterranean to, 708
Japanese thwarted in attempted invasion of, 824–7
Moslem-Hindu strife on interchange of population in, 967
Indian forces, in Middle East, 482
in N. Africa, 488, 578, 620, 626, 628
meet Americans in N. Africa, 661
trained for occupation of Rhodes, 708–9
at Cassino, 771, 774
in Burma, 826–7
in Greece, 868. See also Fourteenth Army
Indian Ocean, Graf Spee in, 179
U-boats in, 535, 680
British Fleet driven from, 548
Indo-China, Japanese occupation of, 478
Communism in, 968, 970
French driven from, 970
Inglis, Major-General L. M., 578
Inönü, President of Turkey, 652–4, 750
Inskip, Sir Thomas, 33 n., 96–7
Invasion of England, her chances of withstanding, 261–2, 327–30
organisation of defence against, 274, 284, 293–6, 329–32
Weygand on, 288
German realisation of difficulties of, 323, 335–7, 339–41
conjectures on results of, 327
German plans for, 329–31, 333–42
gathering of forces for, 330, 338–40
factors influencing date of, 331–2
air superiority necessary for, 333, 336, 338–9, 343–4
date for, 336, 339–40, 343
formally called off, 352
U.S. doubtful of result of, 473
Stalin discusses with Churchill, 601–2
Invasion of France, landing-craft for, 328, 550, 601
need for air superiority in, 328, 601
planned for 1943, 550–3, 600, 602
requirements for, 550–1
planned for 1944, 691, 696–7
choice of site for, 693, 695. See also “Anvil” “Overlord” “Sledgehammer”
Iraq, German assistance to, 437–8, 440
British troops sent to, 437, 445
Wavell reluctant to reinforce, 438–9, 444
victory in, 440–1
Russia recognises Rashid Ali’s Government in, 452
detached from Middle East Command, 592–3, 595
Ireland, Britain loses use of ports in S., 120–1, 171, 397–8, 401
shipping diverted round N. of, 397
“Iron Curtain”, 932, 955, 958–9, 965
Ironside, Field-Marshal Lord, on Polish Army, 159
C.I.G.S., 234, 248, 262
reports on conditions in France, 250
becomes Commander-in-Chief of Home Forces, 252–3
and defence of Calais, 257
plans of, for Home Defence, 295
replaced by Brooke, 325
Irrawaddy, River, 830–1
Ismay, General Sir Hastings (Baron), Staff Officer to Churchill, 205–6
Deputy-Secretary (Military) to War Cabinet, 232–4, 236
in France (1940), 243, 245, 269, 286–8, 301
in Moscow talks, 470–1
in America, 561, 564, 566, 663
takes news to Eisenhower about changes in British command of “Torch”, 594
story of conversation with Montgomery, 594
and “unconditional surrender”, 648
at Algiers Conference, 668
in Turkey, 728
at Teheran Conference, 731
in Cairo, 749
and postponement of D Day, 779–80
mentioned, 296–7, 324, 384, 423–4, 521
Isonzo River, 913
Israel, State of, 972
Istria, attack through, to support “Overlord”, 730, 745, 798–800
Tito promises help in, 802, 807
attack through, in place of “Anvil”, 800, 807
Italia, the, 704
Italian Air Force, in attack on England, 323, 385
and control of Mediterranean, 378, 384
in Syria, 438
in Iraq, 440
in N. Africa, 487
Italian Armistice Commission, in Syria, 438
Italian Armoured Division, in N. Africa, 425, 620–1, 626
Italian Army, in Abyssinia, 74–8
in Spain, 110
attacks France, 278–9
in N. Africa, 375–7, 379, 385–7, 393, 487
in E. Africa, 376
casualties and prisoners in N. Africa, 377, 380, 385–6, 628–9
invades Egypt, 379–80
military formations of, 379
defeated by Greeks, 381–4
Yugoslav chance to attack, in Albania, 411, 414
stranded by Germans after Alamein, 628
in Tunisia, 637
in Balkans, 668, 684, 689, 767–8
demoralised in face of German occupation of Italy, 703
garrisoning Ægean Islands, 708–9, 768
in Yugoslavia joins Partisans, 761
Italian Navy, and control of Mediterranean, 77, 378
disabled at Taranto, 384–5
submarine of, cripples battleships, 490
br /> oil shortage in, 660
German plans to seize, 689
escapes to Malta, 704
Italy, Communist threat to, 10
rise of Fascism in, 10
at Locarno, 17
clash of interest between Germany and, 45
supports Austrian independence, 46, 51–3, 113
aims of, in Mediterranean and Africa, 52, 54
French concessions to, 53–4
uneasy at German rearmament, 53, 63–4
threatens Abyssinia, 63–4, 72–74
joins Germany, 72, 80, 92
defeated at Adowa, 72
sanctions against, 74, 76–7, 80, 113
attacks and conquers Abyssinia, 75–8, 82, 84
French agreements with, 80
and Spanish Civil War, 94, 105
Chamberlain seeks settlement with, 105, 110, 123, 140–1
Eden’s view of settlement with, 106, 110
and German action in Czechoslovakia, 127
claims of, on France, 146
annexes Albania, 146
Roosevelt approaches, 146
resolved to keep out of war, 154–5, 158–9
waits upon events, 165, 275, 277
bombing of, 270, 278–9
British friendship with, 275
French attempts to buy off, 277–8
declares war, 278–9, 321
offers help in attack on Britain, 323, 385
prepares to invade Egypt, 375
invades Egypt, 379–80
invades Greece, 380–1, 384
Iraq retains relations with, 437
question of attack on, after conquest of N. Africa, 603–4, 664–6, 683–4, 710, 712
question of exclusion of, from “unconditional surrender”, 647
intensifying pressure on, 650
need to drive out of war, 663–4
collapse of, 684
King restored to command in, 684–8
Hitler tries to hold, 689–90
under Mussolini’s dictatorship, 688
German troops held in, 689, 698, 735, 754, 773–4, 798, 803, 809, 861
peace moves from, 696, 701
decision taken about invasion of, 698–9
surrender of, 703, 708
invasion of, 701–6
escape of King and Government of, 703
German reinforcements to, 710, 712–13, 798, 803, 808
declares war on Germany, 712
British reinforcements needed in, 712–14, 729
Allied troops diverted from, for “Overlord”, 713, 731, 738, 797
campaign in, hampered by shortage of landing-craft, 714, 738, 745, 754–6
holding Pisa-Rimini Line in, 729, 797, 799
battle impending in, 739, 782, 801, 804
amphibious landing in, 739, 754 (see also Anzio); importance to “Overlord” of campaign in, 753–4, 774
President agrees to holding landing-craft in, 757–8
effect of surrender of, on Yugoslavia, 761
resistance movement in, 767–8, 917–18
civil war in, 768
help to British prisoners in, 768
weather prevents advance in, 773–4, 808, 861
enemy communications attacked in, 782, 915
Allies break through in, 783, 797, 917
Allied troops diverted from, for “Anvil”, 797, 799–800, 803–4, 861, 918
Churchill in, 801–7
Greek Government in, 805, 866
Churchill meets political leaders of, 805
German troops withdrawn from, 807
troops sent to Greece from, 868, 872
withdrawal of troops from, for N.W. Europe, 877
need to follow up surrender in, 877
elections in, 889
preliminary talks on surrender of Germans in, 903–6, 915
last German stand in, 915
German surrender in, 917, 925
joins N.A.T.O., 960
Jacob, Hon. Major-General Sir Ian, 234, 475
tells of Gott’s death, 593
carries letter to Auchinleck, 594–5
on Churchill’s attitude to defeat of Rommel, 595–6
Jajce, Bosnia, 762
Jamaica, H.M.S., 722
Japan, Britain ends alliance with, 9
invasion of China by, 42–3
withdraws from League, 43
and failure to oppose Italy, 78
harmful effect on, of recognising Italian position in Abyssinia, 109
Russian promise to attack, 151, 738–9, 745, 748–9, 857, 941
demands closure of Burma Road, 321
possibility of war with, 378, 387, 462, 474–5, 517
aggression of, in Indo-China, 478
Anglo-American-Dutch action against, 478
attacks Pearl Harbour, 491
Britain at war with, 491–3, 515
captures Hong Kong, 498
success of, in Malaya, 498, 579
possibility that U.S. will concentrate on war against, 499–500, 581, 584–5
British disasters due to, 515
seeks to expand her successes, 537–9, 544
under-estimates her opponents, 537, 539
and German victory, 539
loses command of Pacific, 549, 675
defeated by German defeat, 584
keeping up pressure on, 650
tide turns against, 675
Britain’s part in defeat of, 691, 698, 929
conquests of, 823, 832
U.S. naval tactics against, 833
America breaches outlying defences of, 834, 843
desire in, to end war, 835
cut off from supplies, 843
use of atomic bomb in defeat of, 940–3
in state of collapse, 941–3
surrender of, 942, 950
Japanese Air Force, in Malaya, 519, 524
in battles in Pacific, 548
broken in Formosa, 836
suicide bombers of, 841
Japanese Army, in Burma, 824–5, 827, 830–32
losses in, 827, 829, 831–2
advances in China, 829–30, 861
ordered to fight to finish, 835
Japanese Navy, 9, 42
at Pearl Harbour, 494
attacks in Philippines, 495
in Battle of Coral Sea, 541–3
in Battle of Midway Island, 544–9
strikes at Western Aleutians, 544–5, 548
loses cruisers in collision, 548
dependence of, on air-power, 548
weaknesses of, 834–6
attempts to defend Marianas, 834
fuel shortage in, 835
in Battle of Leyte Gulf, 836–42
loses opportunity of success, 842
suicide bombers of, 841–3
ceases to exist, 941
Java, 823
Jean Bart, the, 316, 636
Jeanneney, Jules, 303
Jefferis, Major-General Sir M. R., 294
Jehol, 42
Jellicoe, Admiral of the Fleet Sir John (Earl), 171
Jerusalem, 747, 866
Jews, Hitler’s hatred of, 10, 24–6
persecution of, in Germany, 28
political-mindedness of, 866
in Israel, 972
Jibuti-Addis-Ababa Railway, 54
“Jim Crows”, 358
Jinnah, Mr., 967
Joad, C. E. M., 41
Jodl, General, 137
extract from Diary of, 115
and invasion of Norway, 199
and invasion of England, 339, 341
on news of Pearl Harbour, 495
and German surrender, 925
mentioned, 185, 411
Johore, battle in, 519, 521–2
Joint Intelligence Committee, and German attack on Russia, 449
on voyage to Washington, 663
Joint Planning Committee, and follow-up of “Torch”, 641, 645
on voyage to Washington, 663
rd Passage, 541–2
Jösing Fiord, 198
Juin, General, 634, 636, 796
“Jupiter”, Operation, 552–3, 580 n., 585
Kaga, the, 547
Kalamata, 418
Kalinin, 471
Karelian Isthmus, 195–7
Karlsbad, 919
Kassala, 376
Kassel, 897
Kasserine, 660, 726
Keitel, General von, plans invasion of Norway, 199
and halting of German armour, 256
on invasion of England, 323, 339
on invasion of Yugoslavia, 411
on Hitler’s orders as to treatment of Russians, 455
hears news of Pearl Harbour, 495
signs ratification of German surrender, 927
mentioned, 127, 790 n.
Kelvin, H.M.S., 785
Kennedy. Captain, of Rawalpindi, 177
Kennedy, J. P., U.S. Ambassador, 303–4
Kent, Canadian Division in, 324
likelihood of invasion in, 331
German attacks on airfields of, 338, 347–8, 353
air raids on, 345
air cover of, 348
simulated troop concentrations in, 777
Kenya, Italian threat to, 376
Kersun, 810
Kesselring, Field Marshal, moves Air Force to East, 392
offensive of, against Malta, 490, 577
in Italy, 698, 706, 712, 798, 861
and Anzio landing, 770, 773
and withdrawal of forces from Italy, 774
defeat of forces of, 782–3
counterattacks of, 808
question of surrender of, 905–6, 915
in command in S. Germany, 924
Key West, 534
Keyes, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Roger, 214
supports Vote of Censure, 569–71
Kharkov, 715
Khartoum, 376
Khurramshahr, 480
Kidney Ridge, 626–8
Kiel, 898
Kiev, Russian defeat at, 467
German defeat at, 717, 810
Killearn, Lady, 617
Killearn, Lord (Sir Miles Lampson), 446, 590, 652
Kimberley, H.M.S., 802
Kincaid, Admiral (U.S.), 837, 841–2
King, Fleet Admiral E. J. (U.S.), Chief of Naval Staff, 235
wants to concentrate on Pacific war, 581–2
in London to discuss Second Front, 582, 585
at Teheran Conference, 731
visits Normandy front, 784, 786
King, Rear-Admiral, 430–1, 433
King, W. L. Mackenzie, 505
represented at Vichy, 374
and Quebec Conference, 691
Churchill made Privy Counsellor of Canadian Cabinet at instance of, 700
King George V, H.M.S., 497, 758
“King-pin”, 631
Kirk, A. C., U.S. Ambassador to Egypt, 726
Kiska Island, 545, 548
Kittyhawk aircraft, 661
Kleist, General von, 240, 657
Kluge, General von, 256, 790, 794
“Knightsbridge”, battle for, 559
Koblenz, 893, 897