Kohima, 826
Kondo, Admiral, 548
Korean War, 968–70
Korysis, M., 394, 417
Kovno, 815
Kremenchug, 717
Kremlin, the, Churchill in consultations in, 600–4, 605–7
official dinner in, 608–9
Stalin’s home in, 610–13
Kristiansand, 207
Kuibyshev, 471, 598–9
Kulaks, fate of, 612
Kunming, 827, 829, 861
Kurile Islands, Japanese Fleet in, 494
Kurita, Admiral, 837, 841–2
Kursk, 715
La Maddalena, 767
Laborde, Admiral de, 638–9
Labour, organisation of, 292
Labour Government, in 1929, 19–22
and McMahon Act, 963–4
atomic research initiated by, 964
and India, 967
and Korean War, 969
Labour Party, Ramsay MacDonald as head of, 14
fails to cope with economic crisis, 21–2
and National Government (1931–3), 22–3, 33, 161
pacifism of, 33, 44, 55–6
fatuity and fecklessness of, 43–4
opposes rearmament, 57, 78, 84
hatred of, for MacDonald, 66
change in leadership of, 76
divided on Abyssinian War, 78
changed attitude of, 84
opposes conscription, 146–7, 215
attacks Chamberlain, 214–15, 228
and National Government (1940), 216, 219–220, 228–9
supports Churchill, 320
Labour Supply, Director of, 293
Laconia, the, 535
Lamlash, 120
Lampson, Sir Miles and Lady. See Killearn, Lord and Lady
Lancaster aircraft, 692, 723
Lancastria, S.S., sinking of, 307
Lance, H.M.S., 485
Landemare, Mrs., 356
Landing Ship Tank (L.S.T.), 299–300
Landing-craft, 297–300
German need for, 328–9
need for armada of, before invasion of Europe, 463, 550
Japanese, at Singapore, 525
shortage of, for “Sledgehammer”, 601
for “Husky”, 681–2
Churchill wants, for Ægean operation, 708–11, 714, 728
for “Overlord”, 710, 714, 728, 737, 748, 755, 775–6
shortage of, 713–14, 737–8
and amphibious operation in Bay of Bengal, 727, 737–8, 747–9, 755
in Pacific, 738–9
for landing in S. France, 745, 749, 775–6, 798
and amphibious operation in Italy, 754–8, 773
returned from India to Mediterranean, 755
rapidity of landing tanks from, 791–2
for Burma campaign, 829
at Walcheren, 848
Landing-craft Tank (L.C.T.), 299–300
Langsdorff, Captain, of Admiral Graf Spee, 179–82, 185
prisoners released by, 198
Lansbury, Rt. Hon. George, leader of Labour Party, 33, 56
resigns leadership, 76
Laos, 970
Lashio, 831
Lattre de Tassigny, General de, 859
Latvia, signs non-aggression pact with Germany, 152
in Russian sphere, 157
occupied by Russia, 195, 281. See also Baltic States
Lauder, Sir Harry, 505
Laval, 794
Laval, Pierre, Foreign Secretary (1934), 53–4
visits Russia, 65
and Goering, 66
and Sanctions, 76
and Abyssinian War, 79–81
against Franco-Soviet Pact, 85
demands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 310–11
Foreign Minister of Vichy Government, 311, 375
mentioned, 638
Laycock, Major-General R. E., 776
Le Mans, 794–5
Leach, Captain John, 475
Leads, Norwegian, question of prevention of German iron ore traffic through, 193, 197–8
mining of, 202, 206
League of Nations, President Wilson and, 3
America abandons, 9
potential strength of, 11–12, 37, 46, 59, 70–1, 85
Germany enters, 16–18
disarmament efforts of, 36–7
Germany withdraws from, 37, 55
and Japanese aggression in China, 42–3
Japan withdraws from, 43
Russia enters, 52–3
examines German treaty violations, 63–5
Abyssinia appeals to, 63
powerlessness of, 65
Baldwin appoints Minister for Affairs of, 66
Anglo-German Naval Agreement a blow to, 68
Abyssinian membership of, 72–3
action in, over attack on Abyssinia, 73–8, 75–6
Baldwin fights election on, 78
led into fiasco, 83, 88
and reoccupation of Rhineland, 86–8
and occupation of Czechoslovakia, 128
Litvinov’s warning at Assembly of, 131
and Russo-Finnish War, 881
Leahy, Admiral W. D. (U.S.), Ambassador to Vichy, 374, 603, 631
at Teheran Conference, 731
confers about atomic bomb, 940
Leathers, Lord, 405, 663
L.C.T., 299–300
Lebanon, 765, 971
Leclerc, Major-General P. E., 654, 795–6
Ledo, 823–4
Lee, Brigadier-General (U.S.), 473
Leeds, air raids on, 365
Leeper, Sir R. W. A., and threat to Czechoslovakia, 132
and Caserta Agreement, 867
and Greek civil war, 869, 872, 875
meets Churchill in Athens, 891
Leese, Lieut.-General Sir Oliver, at Alamein, 626
succeeds Montgomery in Italy, 755, 782
Churchill visits front of, 806–7
Leipzig, 897–8
Lend-Lease, 370–1
effect of, 226
and aid to Russia, 473
schedule of deliveries temporarily stopped, 499
Leningrad, protection of, 195
retreat of Russian Army S. of, 461
Hitler orders capture of, 465–6, 657
threat to, 467
relief of, 659, 810
railway from Murmansk to, 813
Leopold, King of the Belgians, clings to neutrality, 152, 192
Weygand confers with, 249
capitulation of, 255, 258
Leros, 708–9, 711–12, 728
Levant, the, French Army of, 438
German propaganda in, 438
Lewis, Lieut.-Commander R. C., 175
Lexington, U.S.S., 540, 542–3
Leyte Gulf, Battle of, 836–42
Leyte Island, 835–7, 841–3
Liberal Party, and disarmament, 19, 55
break-up of, 22
fatuity and fecklessness of, 43–4
opposes rearmament, 57
changed attitude of, 84
supports rearmament, 99
opposes conscription, 146–7
and National Government (1939), 161
Liberation, Committee of, in Rome, 767
Liberator aircraft, in U-boat war, 536
Liberia, danger to ferry route through, 584
Liberty Ships, 226
Libya, French concede to Italy territory on border of, 54
action against Italians in, 377, 386–7
Rommel in command of Germans in, 421
Auchinleck’s campaign in, 499, 502. See also Western Desert
Liège, 849, 864
“Lightfoot”, Operation, 625–7
Lille, 258
German pincer movement round, 260, 263
British in, 845
Lindemann, Frederick. See Cherwell, Baron
Lindsay, Sir Robert, 108–9
Lindsell, Lieut.-General Sir W. G., 654
> Lingayen Gulf, 495, 843
Linz, 117, 898, 935
Liri, River, 771, 782
Lisbon, 671
List, Field-Marshal von, 657
Lithuania, German claim to port in, 141, 145
in German sphere, 157
occupied by Russia, 195, 281. See also Baltic States
Littorio, the, 385
Litvinov, M., 52–3
on Russian action to support Czechoslovakia, 128, 131
talks between British Ambassador and, 148–9
superseded by Molotov, 149–50
signs United NationsPact, 507–8
Lively, H.M.S., 485
Liverpool, convoys from, 171
air raids on, 365, 391, 403
Combined Headquarters in, 404
Ljubljana Gap, 730, 745, 798, 800, 858
Lloyd, Lord, 74
Local Defence Volunteers, 293
Locarno Conference, 16–17
Locarno, Treaty of, 17–18, 86
German violation of, 86–7, 89
and French guarantee to Czechoslovakia, 126–7
Loire, River, Germans reach (1940), 305
destruction of bridges over (1944), 789
London, Flandin in, 88–9
possibility of air raids on, 138
first air-raid warning in, 161–2
air attacks on, 339, 344–5, 353–65
daylight raids on, 344, 347–8, 354, 358
air raids on Port of, 346, 348
fighter groups covering approaches to, 347–51
night raids on, 348, 353–60, 362–5, 391
anti-aircraft defences of, 354
taking precautions in, 355, 358, 360
incidents in raids on, 355–7
delayed-action bombs in, 359–60
preparations for evacuation of, by Government, 361
problems of government of, during Blitz, 362–3
incendiary bombs on, 362–3, 365, 391–2
raid on City of, 365
“Baby Blitz” on, 392
flying bombs on, 789
London, H.M.S., 470
London Conference (1942), 582–5
Longmore, Air Chief Marshal Sir A. M., 424
Lorient, 793
Lothian, Marquess of, on reoccupation of Rhineland, 88–9
and Dollar Problem, 368, 370
death of, 371–2
Louisiade Archipelago, 541–2
Louvain, 189, 845, 864
L.S.T., 299–300
Lübeck, 899, 912–13, 925, 935
Lublin Committee (Polish Committee of National Liberation), Russian support for, 818, 821, 856–7
attempts to combine with Polish Government in London, 820, 857, 876, 886
Churchill meets members of, 852, 856–7
recognised as Government by Russia, 876
antagonism between London Polish Government and, 882, 885
unrepresentative of Poland, 886
Stalin lauds, 886, 888
“enlarged”, 886
“reorganised”, 889
and Polish Home Army, 889
Lublin Provisional Government, Molotov obstructs widening of, 901–2, 908
and San Francisco Conference, 902
Russian treaty with, 908
Stalin on, 911–12
gains complete control of Poland, 934
Lucas, Lieut.-General J. P. (U.S.), 769–70, 772
Ludendorff, General von, 26
Luftwaffe. See German Air Force
Luleâ. iron ore from, 193, 202
Lumsden, Major-General Sir Herbert, 626
Luneberg Heath, 925
Lützow, the, 207, 718
Luxembourg, 240, 849
Bradley’s H.Q. in, 864
joins Western Union and N.A.T.O., 960
Luzon, 495, 835–6, 841
Lvov, 856, 883, 909
Lyme Regis, 336
Lyons, 802
Lys, retreat to, 249, 258, 260
Lyttelton, Rt. Hon. Oliver, War Cabinet Minister in Middle East, 446
lends Churchill Captain Hornblower R.N., 476
endorses replacement of Cunningham, 489
Minister of Production, 571
mentioned, 356
Lytton Report on Japanese aggression in China, 43
MacArthur, General D. (U.S.), in Corregidor, 268–9
in command in Philippines, 494
in New Guinea, 834
in Morotai, 835
and capture of Leyte, 836–7, 841–3
and command of final operations, 843
takes Philippines, 843
and Korean War, 969–70
MacDonald, Rt. Hon. Ramsay, Leader of Labour Party, 14
Prime Minister, 19–20
National Government under, 22–3, 33
at Disarmament Conference, 32
works for disarmament, 36, 41, 46
pacifism of, 57
on loss of air parity, 60
resigns from Premiership, 66
mentioned, 38
“MacDonald Plan”, 36
Macedonia, 394, 414–15
Maclean, Major-General Fitzroy, 761, 801
McLean, Lieut-General K. G., 693
McMahon Act, 963–4
Macmillan, Rt. Hon. Harold, 866–7, 872
MacVeagh, Lincoln, U.S. Ambassador to Athens, 874
Madagascar, 631
Maddalena, 377
Madeira, Hitler expects attack on, 534
Madrid, 93
Magdeburg, 919
Maginot Line, 155, 187
turning of, 189
deficiencies of, in 1940, 191
and strategic reserve, 244
troops drawn from, 244, 285
penetration of, 305
Magnetic mines, 174–6, 403
Maikop oilfields, 657
Mainz, 893
Maisky, M., approaches Churchill on Russian attitude to Czech crisis, 127–8
and aid to Russia, 467–8
and campaign in Persia, 480
as interpreter, 554
successor to, 721
Malaya, Britain forced to jeopardise defence of, 462, 474
Japanese threat to, 478
Japanese invasion of, 495, 498, 519, 524, 537
Communism in, 968
Malaya, H.M.S., 425
Malcolm, H.M.S., 635
Maldon by-election, 567
Maleme, 428–30, 433
Malmedy, 864
Malta, reinforcements for, 378, 380, 385, 393, 425
an advanced base, 379
air raids on, 392–3, 490
aircraft based on, 424, 487, 625
danger of seaborne attack on, 484
“Force K” based on, 485, 490
Axis abandons intention to take, 577–9
re-victualled and rearmed, 660
“Husky” shipping converge near, 682
Italian Navy escapes to, 704
conference between Churchill and Roosevelt at, 876–7
Manchester, air raids on, 365, 391
Manchester Guardian, demands National Government, 147
censures strong action in Greece, 870
Manchukuo, puppet State of, 42–3
Manchuria, Japanese invasion of, 42–3
League report on, 43
Japan finds reinforcements in, 835
Mandalay, 830–1
Mandel, Georges, 201, 301–2, 310
Manila, 495, 843
“Manna”, Operation, 866
Mannerheim Line, 196–7, 200, 813
Manston airfield, 348
Mantes, 795
Marche, 865
Mareth Line, 645, 661
Margerie, Captain de, 269, 271
Margesson, Captain David (Viscount), in air-raid incident, 357
Margival, 789
Mariana Islands, 833–4
Marlborough, ist Duke of, 896
Marne, River, 305
Marrakesh, Lloyd George in, 82
Beneš in, 125
Churchill and Roosevelt in, 650–1
Churchill’s convalescence in, 756–7
Marseilles, assassination of Alexander of Yugoslavia in, 53
bombing Italy from, 279
bombers prevented from starting from, 289
landing aimed at seizure of, 729
Marshall, Dr. Geoffrey, 655–6
Marshall, General G. C. (U.S.), 235
his relations with Dill, 234, 510
supplies arms to Britain, 283–4
agrees on priority of war against Germany, 512, 553
in London to discuss Second Front, 550–2, 582, 584–5
sends Shermans to Egypt, 565
takes Churchill to Army camp, 566
in disagreement with Admiral King, 581–2
to command “Round-up”, 618
flies with Churchill to Algiers, 666–7
at Algiers Conference, 667–70, 710
and command of “Overlord”, 725, 729, 742, 750–1
at Teheran, 731, 743
Roosevelt cannot spare, 750–1
supports Anzio idea, 758
visits Normandy front, 784, 786
responds for President, 899
frames answer to Stalin’s charge of bad faith, 906
confers about atomic bomb, 940
and N.A.T.O., 960, 962
and economic help to Europe, 962
mentioned, 561–2
Marshall Plan, 962
Martin, John, private secretary, 351–2, 877–8
Martini, General, 531
Martinique, French naval vessels at, 316, 319
Marx, Herr, 15
“Mass of manoeuvre”, French Army lacks, 243–4, 287, 330
British, in Home Defence, 329–30
in Egypt, 395–6
Massachusetts, U.S.S., 636
Massicault, 661
Matapan, Battle of, 434
“Matilda” tanks, in N. Africa, 386
Maxton, Rt. Hon. James, 518
Mayfield, 337
Mechili, 422
Mediterranean, piracy by submarines in, 106–7
question of naval command of, 165, 378–9, 385
French Navy in, 173
suggested concessions to Italy in, 277–8
elimination of French Fleet in, 316–18
Italian aims in, 375
dangerous to military convoys, 375, 378–9, 424, 484–5
danger of German intervention in, 392
naval risk of help to Greece in, 407
convoy of tanks sails through, 423–5
naval position in, after Battle of Crete, 434–5, 484
German losses of ships crossing, 484–5, 620, 625–7
“Force K” brought to, 485
naval disasters in E., 490, 516
minefield in, 490
German air-power in, 516
shortening sea-route through, 604
“Torch” convoys in, 633
operation in, to follow “Torch”, 641, 643, 645, 650
campaign in, discussed at Quebec Conference, 691, 697–9
British commander of operations in, 698, 729
decision reached on operation in, 699
need for subsidiary enterprises in, 707–8, 728, 730–1
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