Have Me_A mafia romance

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Have Me_A mafia romance Page 6

by LP Lovell

  “Not keen,” he replies. “Miguel might not even be here.”

  I nod. “Option two: try and make it from here to the end of the hall, hoping they don’t see us through the glass fucking wall.” He shrugs, and I sigh. “Okay.” I cross the hall and press myself to the slim stretch of wall, right next to the window. On a deep breath, I get ready to look around the edge, hoping to fuck that someone isn’t standing right there. This in and out only works if you don’t get caught because if we do, we’re fucked. There’s only two of us, and aside from Carlos, no one knows we’re here. Just as I have rats in the Sinaloa, they undoubtedly still have rats close to us. I can only truly trust Carlos and Samuel.

  Steeling myself, I take a look and breathe a sigh of relief when I see there’s a wall of wooden crates only a few feet away from the window. The downside is we haven’t even slightly got a clear shot. I wave at Sam, and we jog down the hall. Now we have two choices; go out into the warehouse or go up the stairs in front of us. He points up, so I go with it, climbing the stairs silently. The office at the top is empty, and the window up here gives a perfect view of the entire warehouse below. There’s the black van, an SUV, and about five men standing between them, pouring over the contents of one of the metal crates. Inside the crates are racks of neatly lined up rifles. In another, there’s a 50. Cal heavy gun, and in another; grenades. I came here to kill Miguel, but I have no doubt that the Sinaloa are buying this shit to use against my cartel. Taking it off them won’t exactly be a hardship. I push one window open, and Samuel crosses the hall to the other office, doing the same. I stare down the sights, fixing Miguel in the crosshairs. He looks just like Dominges: slimy and smug with a layer of corruption that clings to him like the filthy individual he is. I smile as my finger brushes the trigger. I’ve taken a lot of Dominges’ good men from him in the last few weeks. Lieutenants, enforcers, sicarios. His own personal enforcer fell victim to a rogue car bomb just two days ago. I didn’t set that one, so it would seem he’s got more problems than just me.

  But this…I take simple joy in knowing that Dominges is going to be considerably weaker without his older brother. Both strategically and emotionally. I inhale, focus, hold the breath… and then there’s a bang. Miguel drops out of sight, and I swear under my breath. Sam moved too fucking soon. When I take in the scene in the warehouse, it’s chaos. Miguel lays dead, but his men barely get a chance to do anything about it before several more bangs ring out and they start dropping like flies. Glancing through the doorway, I find Samuel storming towards me.

  “What the fuck?” he asks.

  “It’s not me. I didn’t get a single shot off.”

  We crouch down, and my eyes scan over every inch of the warehouse, and it’s then that I catch the muzzle flash, high up on one of the gang walks. Narrowing my eyes, I can just about make out the figure lying down on the metal flooring, sniper rifle in front of them. The black hood covers their face, so I can’t see shit.

  “Come on.” I jump up and jog down the stairs, re-tracing the steps we took to the exterior door. The warm night air greets me as soon as I step outside. Samuel follows as I jog around to the opposite side of the building. The shooting inside has stopped, but I want to know who the fuck is getting involved in our shit. Maybe they want the guns. That would make the most sense here. I hear the metal of the rickety ladder groan under someone’s weight, before the soft thud of feet hitting the floor. I round the corner, gun raised and pointing at the tiny figure clothed all in black.

  “Stop.” They freeze, tilting their face down, the hood hiding their face. Narrowing my eyes, I take a step closer. Dressed all in black…tiny; too small to be a guy really…a great shot. “Una?” No sooner has the word left my lips than I feel the nudge of cool metal against the back of my head. Glancing to my right, I see Sam standing with his hands up, his rifle at his feet.

  “Did you miss me?” Una purrs from behind me in that distinctive Russian lilt. “Drop it.”

  I drop the rifle, and the figure in front of me whirls to face me, sniper rifle clutched to their side. The hood falls away, and golden blonde hair tumbles over her shoulders.

  “Anna,” I breathe.

  Those sapphire blue eyes of hers meet mine, and I don’t know what I expect to see, but it isn’t the cool indifference I find. The black clothing clings to every curve, and I can see that she’s firmer, fitter, honed. Different. She’s so different.

  “Rafael,” she says, shrugging the strap of her rifle higher on her shoulder.

  Turning around, I glare at Una. She places the barrel of the gun against my chest.

  “What did you do?” I snarl at Una.

  “Rafe,” Sam warns.

  Una only smirks. “To Anna?”

  “Of course to Anna.”

  She glances past me to her sister. “I made her strong, just like I said I would.”

  “She was already strong.”

  Anna strolls past us, a duffel bag slung over her shoulder. Even the way she walks has changed. “We need to go,” she says to Una.

  Una lowers her gun and shoves it into her thigh holster, taking a step back.

  “That’s it, you’re just leaving?” A hint of desperation creeps into my voice.

  Una cocks a brow, and Anna drops her gaze to the floor. Despite the front she’s putting on, I know this is almost as hard for her as it is for me. “We didn’t come here to pay you a visit,” Una says.

  I grit my teeth. “You show up in my city without any fucking prior warning. I’d say Nero owes me at least a heads up.”

  “No. Nero doesn’t owe you a thing, and you know it.”

  “Does he know you’re here?” I can’t imagine Nero would be okay with this.

  “That’s none of your concern.” So he doesn’t.

  “Why are you here?”

  Una opens her mouth to respond, but Anna cuts her off.

  “Enough.” Anna steps forward, taking her sisters arm. “Una is helping me. That’s all you need to know.” She goes to move, but I grab her wrist without thinking about it. She pauses, her gaze dropping to my fingers wrapped around her slender wrist.


  Her eyes lift to mine, and for a second everything disappears the same way it always does when I’m with her. The world fades into the background until all I can see is the perfection of her face, my own personal angel. Her breaths hitch unevenly, and she closes her eyes, tilting her face away from me. “We won’t be here long.”

  “You’re killing Dominges’ men…”

  She opens her eyes, and they harden instantly. “You’re not the only one who deserves revenge, Rafael.”

  My thumb skates over the inside of her wrist, and she softens towards me before pulling away and turning around. “Anna!”

  The two of them disappear into the night like shadows, and I’m left standing with my fucking heart beating like a drum.

  “What the hell?” Samuel comes to stand beside me, dragging a hand through his hair. “Anna just shot Miguel.” I nod. “Anna,” he says again.

  “I’m aware, Sam,” I snap.

  “This is going to cause problems.”

  I glance at him. “Why? Either way, he’s dead.”

  He sighs and points at me. “Because of that look on your face. Your priorities have already shifted, and you’ve seen the girl for all of two minutes.”

  I clench my jaw so hard it starts to ache. “My priorities are the same as they’ve always been.”

  He snorts and scoops his rifle up from the ground. “Please. You might be able to lie to yourself, but you can’t lie to me.”

  He walks away in the direction of the gate, and I trail after him, unable to form words about the situation. He’s right. Anna is here. In Mexico, and she’s not only in the firing line—she’s walking right at it. I wanted her as far away from this shit as possible. This feels like all my worst fears realized, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t terrified. For her. And for myself.

  I’m not sure I
can survive losing her.

  The phone rings several times before Nero finally picks up. “Rafael.”

  “I’m hoping you are unaware of the fact that your girlfriend is currently running around Mexico killing off cartel members. Though somehow I doubt it.

  He sighs. “I’m aware that she has gone to Mexico to aid her sister.”

  “You didn’t think to give me a damn heads up?” I’m seething, but trying to keep a lid on it. Emotions are nothing but weakness when dealing with men like Nero.

  “I told them I can’t get involved in the politics of it. It’s bad for business. So no, I didn’t tell you because you were never supposed to know they were there.”

  “What are they doing here?”

  “That’s not for me to say.” And then he hangs up on me. I stare at the phone before tossing it on the desk so hard that the corner of the screen cracks. There’s a knock on the door before Samuel walks in.

  “The guys just got back with the guns. They torched the warehouse.”

  I nod. “Good.” I’d normally just leave his brother’s body for Dominges to find, let him know it was me. But it wasn’t me, and I’m now worried about inciting him too much with Anna this close. She shouldn't be here! Tension contracts my muscles until my entire body screams with it.

  Picking up the decanter of Brandy, I pour a glass, trying to remain calm, but I can’t. With a roar, I launch the glass at the wall and watch the liquid run down the pristine white.

  “Fuck! She can’t just fucking listen, can she?"

  Samuel takes the decanter from me and pours another glass, placing it in my hand. “At least they seem to be on our side.”

  I glare at him. “She shouldn’t be here! I sent her to New York to keep her safe, and instead, her sister turns her into some kind of…assassin, and brings her head first into my war.”

  Samuel pours his own brandy and takes a gulp. “Have you ever thought that this might be Anna’s doing? She has every reason to hate the Sinaloa.” She does, but I hate the idea of her going after them. I want to hunt her down and lock her away from all this because if my enemies get even a hint of the fact that she’s here, it will be open season, and that’s without the fact that she’s just killed off the boss’ brother. I’m mad, but I’m also terrified for her.

  “I can’t focus on the Sinaloa when I know she’s here. They’ll kill her, Sam.”

  He nods. “I know, but you forget, she has Una.”

  “Una is one woman. Against a cartel.”

  “But she’s not alone, is she? You’re also against that cartel.”

  “I don’t think they want to work with us.”

  “So force their hand. This is still your city, Rafe. The last time I checked, nothing happened in it without your say so.”

  I down the rest of my drink before slamming the glass down on the desk. He’s right. I’m soft where Anna is concerned, but right now she’s crossing a line. Did she really think she could just come here and do what she wants? That’s not how this works. “Tell Carlos to find them. Bring them in.” Sam places his glass down on a nod and grabs the door handle. “And Sam?” He pauses. “Tell him to take the kid. It might help.”



  Una paces back and forth, systematically stopping every so often and peering between the bedraggled, drawn curtains. A shaft of red light from the neon sign outside cuts across the worn carpet.

  I sit at the tiny table and watch her, though my mind isn’t really present. We’ve been here for three days, and Mexico has me on edge. Rafael was never supposed to know we were here, and his appearance caught me off guard in every way. I’m here to do a job, and I should be focused and calm, but I’m not.

  “Fuck,” Una hisses from her spot at the window, interrupting my thoughts. She swipes her gun off the tiny coffee table and goes to the door, yanking it open. She fires a single shot into the night, and I leap up, gun in hand.

  “Walk away!” she calls into the parking lot of the run-down motel.

  “Can’t do that,” a familiar voice says lazily.

  “Carlos?” I go to move past Una, but she yanks me back, her finger twitching dangerously over the trigger.

  “You need to come with us, Anna.” I still can’t clearly see him, only the cloud of smoke that drifts out of the shadows hidden from the streetlights.

  “Or what?” I dare, my temper spiking. Who the hell does Rafael think he is to just send his man after me? “How did you find me?"

  He steps forward, and the neon red light bathes his form, making him look demonic beneath that hood. “This is cartel land, Señorita. You can’t run, and you can’t hide. It would be easier if you just come.” A small smirk touches his lips before he places a cigarette between them.

  “I’ll take that as a threat,” Una growls, taking aim.

  “No!” A car door is thrown open before a figure scrambles in front of Carlos. Lucas.

  “Stop.” I place my hand over Una’s gun, forcing it away from my friend.

  “Please, just come with us,” Lucas begs.

  I shove past Una, taking a few steps out into the dirt-covered parking lot. “Tell Rafael that this doesn’t concern him,” I say through gritted teeth.

  Carlos sucks on his teeth, inhaling a cloud of smoke before exhaling it on a laugh. “Somehow I don’t think that will go down too well.” Carlos pushes his brother out of the way and takes a few steps towards me until we’re only a few feet apart. “You see, he’s not a rational man where you’re concerned.” He tilts his head to the side and shoves a hand in his pocket casually. “But do not mistake his weakness for you as weakness in general. You forget who he is, Anna.”

  “I know exactly who and what he is.” I know he’s a bad man, but I just cannot believe that he would ever harm me. If I refuse to go now, what will he do? Una and I will move locations, and I don’t care whether he’s God himself, if she doesn’t want to be found, Una could disappear like an apparition.

  “You can’t just come back and start taking out his enemies and expect him to leave you alone, Anna,” Lucas says quietly.

  Carlos tosses his cigarette to the ground, sending sparks skittering into the darkness. “Last chance. He’ll send more than just me next time."

  I hear the click of a gun behind me, before Una shifts beside me. “A man at war shouldn’t be so eager to waste good men.” She cocks a brow.

  “Ah, you’re welcome too, Russian.” Carlos turns away, strolling towards the Hummer and yanking the door open. “What will it be?”

  Lucas steps into my line of sight. “Please, Anna.” He looks like a puppy, and I can’t bear to reject him.

  With a sigh, I turn to Una. “I’ll go. Talk to him and come back before the end of the day.”

  She snorts. “Seriously, Anna? You’re so naive.”

  “He won’t hurt me.”

  "That’s not what I’m worried about.” Our eyes lock, and she lets out a low growl before lowering her gun and holstering it. She storms in the direction of the car, and I close the motel room door before jogging after her. Lucas smiles at me as he holds the car door open. I ignore him and get in. Him coming here was a low blow. Rafael practically sent him as a human shield. We both know it.

  Lucas closes the door and gets in the front seat. He turns and smiles at me, but I don’t return it. He’s a traitor. “I’m sorry,” he mumbles. “I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  “So you’d betray me?” I snap.

  He drops his gaze and slowly turns around, but I don’t miss the hurt expression on his face. For a moment I feel really bad. Lucas is and has been a good friend to me, but this should have been my choice. If I go to Rafael, I want it to be on my terms. Not like this. This is taking away my choices.

  Una takes her phone out and dials, leaving it on speakerphone. “Morte,” Nero answers, and the way he says that one word makes me blush.

  “I’m en-route to Rafael D’Cruze. Maybe you should call ahead for me and remind him that I wil
l not hesitate to kill him and all his men should he try and detain my sister against her will.”

  “I’ll be sure to have a chat with him, but Una…”


  “Do try to play nice. Too many bullets are bad for business.”

  She hangs up, and Carlos laughs. I hope to God that Rafael doesn’t try anything crazy because I know Una, and I know she’s absolutely serious when she says she’ll kill him.



  I hear the heavy echo of the warehouse door closing long before the sound of several pairs of footsteps reaches my ears. My heart thrums heavily in my chest, and my lungs suddenly feel starved of oxygen. I know she would have come for Lucas.

  There’s a light knock on my office door before Carlos steps inside. He holds the door open, waving Una in after him. She already has her gun in hand and a glare on her face, but my gaze slips straight from her to the figure behind her. Anna. Our eyes lock, and that invisible thread between us snaps tight, yanking me to her.

  Una points her gun at me. “I think you’ve forgotten the way I do things, but I’m happy to remind you,” she growls.

  Carlos raises his own weapon and Anna steps in front of it, allowing the barrel to press into the skin of her chest.

  “Enough!” I snap. “I need to talk to Anna.”

  "No,” Una says. “You talk to us both or not at all."

  “I’m okay.” Anna turns to her sister, and something passes between them. "Just wait outside. I won’t be long,” she says dismissively. She’s so very wrong if she thinks she’ll only be here for a short time. I have no intention of letting her walk out of here.

  Una glares at me and shoves her gun in a thigh holster before pointing at me. “I am walking out of here with my sister. You’re lucky I don’t shoot you where you stand for this bullshit.” She turns tail and walks out of the room. Carlos eyes me before stepping out and pulling the door closed. And then it’s just me and her, and this crater of space between us, brimming with tension. She refuses to look at me, instead, pacing the short distance in front of the door.


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