Just Ride: Legion of Guardians

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Just Ride: Legion of Guardians Page 8

by Turner, Xyla

  “Bronx, my VP will be heading up the search and the detail for Ms. Mills.” He pointed to the black guy.

  Ms. Mills?

  “Apollo, my Associate VP. He’ll run point on the search and capture,” Razor continued as he pointed to the long-haired guy.

  “Dash, my treasurer. He’ll secure all the financial details.” His thumb jabbed in the last guy’s direction.

  “Sounds good,” my dad said. “As I explained over the phone, there have been a few incidents. My wife is sick, so I’m taking care of her. My baby girl, Kylie, refuses to come and stay with me as she would like to tend to her job, life, etc. I get it, but I want her to be safe. So, I’d like to find the bastard who’s stalking her, and I want her to be protected.”

  Razor was staring at me, and I could feel his intense vibe from ten feet away. He finally tore his eyes from mine and asked, “What incidents?”

  “Some crazy calling her and hanging up. When she was on tour, she received a few letters and now last night, some guy was in here and wrote horrible things on the mirrors in her lipstick. It’s sick.” My dad shook his head.

  I hated that he had to see those things written about me. Not that he would know any of them were true, but it was still equally embarrassing.

  Razor nodded, and then said, “Okay. I think we have what we need from you. If you go and talk with Dash, he’ll get you set up while we get an idea about Ms. Mill’s schedule.”

  My dad nodded and went to the back with the guy, Dash. Bronx came over to me and said, “You have any idea who this might be? Any angry ex-boyfriends or crazy fans?”

  “Well, now that you say that, there is my ex-boyfriend Jaz, but he broke up with me. I doubt that it would be him thought,” I answered. “I also can’t remember any overzealous fans.”

  “Jaz, where does he live, and who are his affiliations?” Bronx asked.

  “Uh, he last lived in Mount Joy, and he was a member of the Nine Snakes MC club.”

  Apollo whistled loudly and said, “Damn, girl. You sure know how to pick them.”


  “He’s an ex for a reason,” I snapped at him.

  “He ever lay a hand on you?” Razor said as he looked up from his pad.

  “No, not physically. But me walking in on him fucking my backup singer and him continuing to fuck her even he saw that he was caught was pretty much beat down enough.”

  Apollo whistled again, but didn’t say anything. Razor’s eyes stayed on me. He looked like he was about to comment but instead he put his head back down and continued to write on the pad. After about a minute, he left, and Bronx and Apollo kept asking me questions about anybody who could have caused a problem in the past, including the guys from a few weeks ago at Wiley’s.

  The Guardians explained how they operated in regards to who my bodyguards would be and how they would rotate guys. All of them would not wear cuts. Each of them had been highly trained, even if they weren’t full-time bikers. Not only did they know how to use a weapon, computers and other necessary tools in their arsenal, but they were well-versed in hand-to-hand combat. Some of them were doctors, lawyers, accountants, while others were simply bikers. The Guardians did not discriminate based on blue or white collar jobs, color or creed, but elected officers were held by men only. They seemed like a well-oiled machine. They had shifts, protocols for each person, and I, their current assignment, would need to keep Bronx abreast of my whereabouts at all times.

  Apollo was the Sergeant-at-Arms, and his skills included proficiency in search and rescue. He was going to assemble a team that would execute the mission.

  It became clear why my father seemed to admire these guys and entrust them with my safety. What they were doing was beyond admirable, and they were also professionals about it.

  And Razor was their president.



  My job was to be objective.

  I had to lead my team.

  I had to be objective.

  “Bronx, need you man.” I called his room in the compound.

  “On my way.”

  A few seconds later, he was in my office and with his eyebrows raised asked, “What’s up?”

  “Just got off the phone with Kylie’s father. The Mayor of Millersville,” I emphasized. “Says his daughter’s being stalked. Broke into the home last night and wrote in lipstick all on her mirrors.”

  His upper lip twisted, then he said, “Fuck, they think it’s you?”

  “Naw, man. He wants protection for her. Wants us to protect her.”

  “Oh, shit.” Bronx sat down on the sofa. “What do you need? It’s done.”

  “I can’t lead point on this. Fuck, I want to but there is no way I could make an irrational decision when it came to her. I…”

  “No, I get it.” Bronx finished for me. "I'll run lead."

  "Bronx, man." I ran my hand through my hair and continued, "This has got to be tight."

  "I got you brother."

  "I know." I sighed.

  It hurt me to let it go, but I knew it would be in the best of hands. I also knew that I'd be too caught up in Kylie and not able to professionally handle her protection. I was already too close. After she told me to go and that it was too much, I realized she was right. It was even too much for me to come to grips with. And I had twelve years on her.

  We discussed our plan, and then brought in Apollo. My role was to basically take a back seat in the operation and observe. I wasn’t allowed to take over or even interfere. Bronx and Apollo were the only ones who could even step to me about that shit, but if I felt like something wasn’t working, we would definitely need to revisit the strategy.

  When we arrived at the house, I wasn’t sure what to expect from Kylie. Her father was the one that called, but it was only the day before that she told me to be gone.

  My goal was to remain professional since we were a business. I probably should not have come, but if the mayor called, then my ass needed to come.

  As Mayor Mills talked about what had previously happened with Kylie and hearing about her ex in that crazy ass Eastside gang, I wanted to pound on something. There was so much I didn’t know, and it only solidified even more why I should not run the point. I’d kill a man for fucking with her like that with the calls, letters, breaking in and violating her space.


  As I left Apollo and Bronx to get Kylie’s schedule, I surveyed the house to see what exactly was written on the walls. The term that stood out the most was ‘biker dick.’

  No one really knew that she and I had a thing, but if her letters had started when she was on tour, it could have been about the other biker. But why strike now, unless the person knew there was an us. Bonnie came to mind as a potential culprit, but she was more of the cat fight, confrontational person. We’d have to verify that because I also didn’t put anything past anyone.

  Will’s room was empty, leaving me to assume he was either with his grandparents, or his mom came to get him. I had not heard much about the sister and nobody ever mentioned her either. This was being noted as well.

  By the time I finished going through the house, Bronx and Apollo had finished up with Kylie.

  “Where’s Will?” I asked.

  She turned towards me and answered, “My sister came and picked him up after I explained what happened.”

  I nodded my head.

  Bronx frowned and asked, “She didn’t offer to let you stay with her?”

  “Yeah, I just refused. She lives in Orlando.”

  “You’re not staying here tonight.” I chimed in.

  “Yes, I am.” She stood up and squared her shoulders towards me.

  Walking towards Kylie, I got in her face, “No, you’re not. We have to upgrade your surveillance tenfold. There’ll be drilling, hammering and all types of shit going on all night. So, pick your poison because you’re not staying here.”

  “Fine. I’ll stay with Shay.” She tipped her nose up.

�Good.” I backed away. “Alright guys, the clean-up crew is on their way, and then the surveillance team.”


  “Bronx will give you a lift to Shay’s.” I told her.

  “I’ll get my bag.” She left the room.

  “Any leads?” I asked.

  “A few,” Apollo answered. “Won’t know for sure until I get back to the office and contact my guys.”

  “Good.” I grabbed my pad and started to leave. “I’m trusting you guys with this.”

  “She’ll be fine.” Bronx reassured.

  I nodded and left her house for the second day in a row.

  Take Me to Razor


  When I arrived at Shay’s, she gripped me towards her in a hug that felt like she needed it more than me.

  “I’m good,” I reassured her.

  “Yeah, yeah.” She backed away and said, “Come on in.”

  Shay lived in a nice apartment on the west side of Manor. It really suited her because she was stylish and everything in the apartment was very modern. That summed up Shay. She was a ‘woman’s’ woman. She had moved out of her parents’ house when she turned twenty because she always wanted to be independent, so she saved up. Her mom understood, but her dad did not. He would occasionally stop by to check on his only daughter. Mr. Russell was no joke, and everyone in town knew it. The crazy part was that neither was Mrs. Russell or their daughter. I think that was the real reason why Shay and I were so close. Individually, our moms and dads were very strong-willed and so it was only natural that we were too.

  “So, I’ve got plenty of ice cream and movies I ordered from Amazon Prime, and there are more on Apple TV.”

  I smiled as I sat on the couch after I took my light jacket off. “Cool. I think I just want to go to sleep. You have a security system, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, girl. My dad wouldn’t let me move in here without one. For the first three months, he called me at eleven at night to make sure I set it. The man’s a control freak.”

  “He’s smart.” I raised an eyebrow at her. “I need to get a job and get my own place. If I’m going to be here, I don’t want to have to be dealing with staying with my folks. It was one thing since my mom was sick, but now that my dad has her, and he’ll get her the medical help she needs, I feel tons lighter. Does that make me a bad person?”

  “Girl, no. That’s a lot for any one person.” She shook her head. “And you didn’t tell anyone either.”

  “Yeah, my mom swore me to secrecy. You know how she is when it comes to her and her pride.”

  “I know. My point was, that is a lot. I completely understand why you wouldn’t want to live off them or even with them. All those controlling people in one house – somebody might die.” We laughed. “You see why I had to go.”

  “Yeah, I got to as well. Lori’s still with her parents? Right?” I asked.

  Shay rolled her eyes, then gave me the side eye. “Yes, girl. I keep trying to tell her. But I swear she is waiting on Apollo, and the way he is ignoring her ass, I don’t know if that will ever happen.”

  “It’s that bad?”

  “Yes, and I’m putting it mildly.”


  I got up and went towards the kitchen, then asked, “What type of ice-cream do you want?”

  “You already know.”


  I grabbed her famous chocolate and my famous strawberry. When I returned, she had the movie, Silver Lining’s Playbook on.

  “This is what we’re watching?” I asked.

  “This one is a funny movie. It’s dealing with mental illness, and I’m not sure if I can relate because of the doctor’s office that I work at, but I swear I know these folks.” Shay shrugged and said, “I like it, anyway.”

  “Okay, cool.”

  “Speaking of silver linings, how did it go with the Guardians? Well, specifically, Razor after your dad called?”

  “It was fine. I didn’t know how serious the Guardians were. My dad was all about them and their business. I guess I always thought they were only a bunch of bikers, you know? But besides that, I got at least two men on me all the time, and I’ll know who they are. My dad felt safe enough with them watching over me, so I feel at ease a little.” I licked the spoon of the ice-cream.

  “And…” Shay prompted.

  “Oh, they are installing cameras and security footage at my mom’s house, and I gave them my schedule so they can help to keep tabs on me. I didn’t have much on the schedule, but I’m required to update them in the morning.”

  “Girl, I was asking all that. Spill it about Razor!” Shay said impatiently.

  “There’s nothing to share. He was there, and called me Ms. Mills the entire time. Can you believe that shit? Asked me a couple of questions, but besides that, acted like he didn’t even know me. Even after my father left.” I shook my head. “So, that’s that. He musta got my point.”

  “Damn, I guess.” She licked her spoon. “I was hoping he’d fight a little harder.”

  “Like I said, it really wasn’t that serious.” I lied to myself again. “It’s cool.”

  “It’s not, but I get it.”

  Shay took a big scoop of the creamy, icy treat and she gazed at the floor to a faraway place.

  “Why won’t you talk about you and Bronx?” I asked. “It’s like you try to block it out or something, like it never existed.”

  “Because I wish it didn’t. Talking about it or even acknowledging his presence makes it true. I ain’t saying that shit is right, but Kylie, I really don’t want to remember.”

  Alarm bells started to go off.

  “Did he do something to you?” I stopped eating and looked at her.

  “Oh, no. Girl, nothing like that. But you know how Lori is all over Apollo and shit. That’s how I was about Bronx. I swear to God, I loved that man, in love with that man. Well, at least infatuated with him. He acted like he was interested, we fucked, and then he got a call, turned over, and was like, ‘Oh, I gotta run.’ The bastard got up and left.”

  Shay put her ice cream down, “Girl, you know I ain’t new to this, so don’t try to run game on me. I told him, well, fuck you very much. Glad you got what you came for. Then I rolled over, grabbed his clothes and threw them at him. He was trying to explain and tried for a month or so, but I ignored his ass so bad, now we just keep to our own. That was three years ago.”

  “Damn, Shay!” I exclaimed. “Y’all haven’t talked since then?”

  “Hell no! Blair Wilson, also known as Bronx, can kiss my brown ass again.” She shook her head and took another mouthful of ice cream.

  Damn. I thought I had some shit with me.

  “O-kay. Well, I get you now. Why not share?”

  “Kylie, that’s embarrassing. You see how Lori is. That’s fucking humiliating. I keep telling her to leave Apollo’s ass alone and just move on, but she’s stuck. I refuse to be like that again over any guy. It never ends well. I’d rather not remember the time I was dumb as shit. I’d like to move on from that.”

  That made sense. I still felt slighted a bit, but it made sense.

  “I get it, Shay.” I nodded my head. “I get that.”

  We ate our ice-cream and laughed hysterically at the Silver Lining’s Play Book. Jennifer Laurence and Bradley Cooper were fantastic together.

  The next morning, Shay did go to work, and I went back home to begin my plan. Apollo and Bronx were already at the house when I arrived. There were two guys on bikes behind me, but I forgot their names that fast.

  As promised, I had a new security system in place that Apollo showed me how to use. He also showed me the pictures of the guys who were on duty at the time. Bronx let me know that my house had been bugged and there were cameras on the inside and the outside perimeter. He said that the feed was monitored at the compound.

  I felt fine when they were there, but it was when they left is when I became a little scared. After going to the window a few times and not seeing anyone, I
texted Apollo.

  Me: Am I still being watched, because I don’t see anyone.

  Apollo: Yeah, ur good.

  Me: Shouldn’t I see them?

  Apollo: Babe, if u see em, then the stalker will 2

  Me: Ok, good pt.

  Apollo: Relax

  He was right, because I did need to relax. This whole ordeal shook me more than I’d care to admit. Every little noise or crack kept freaking me out. Every time I looked in the mirror, I felt like I saw something. The words, shadows…

  Shay was no longer responding to my texts, and Lori couldn’t because they weren’t allowed to have phones on the job. She went to school for engineering and worked on some secret projects or so Shay and I liked to believe. I was working their nerves anyway with my incessant calling and talking about absolutely nothing.

  Included in my daily routine was going to see mom, and the crazy part was that she looked ten times better than the last time I’d saw her. Dad said she was doing the chemo, had a live-in nurse, and was on some better medication. He even had brownies on the table for her. She must have had a sweet tooth.

  Every night, something kept me up- the creaking of the old house settling or the crickets outside. I was convinced they were warning me. I tried to rationalize it, and every night, I texted Apollo just to be sure there was someone out there until he started to ignore my texts as well. I started to reconsider moving with my parents just so there would be someone else in the house. I did not scare easily, but the thought of someone being in my space… My house. Shit, my own bathroom was a bit much when I actually thought about it more.

  By Thursday, I was freaked out completely and operating on no sleep. Today I had to go grocery shopping as my yogurt and turkey sandwiches were reminding me of being on tour. Nothing substantial or nourishing. Just food for survival.

  I was walking down the aisle when I saw a guy approaching me from the other end of the store. He had on a hoodie, and it was pulled tight. It reminded me of the weird-acting guy in Razor’s store. The closer he came; I started turning around to see if any of the guys were with me. I knew who was supposed to be with me, but I hadn’t seen them yet.


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