Broken Pieces (The Broken Series Book 4)

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Broken Pieces (The Broken Series Book 4) Page 17

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Twenty? Try thirty,” I shouted as I shook my head. The idea of my baby girl having a baby made my stomach knot. I never got nervous before a fight. The idea of getting hit, or knocked out didn’t bother me, but my daughter and boy? Forget it. She was never dating.

  “Ewww, Dad. I’m never having kids. Do you know what you have to do to have them?” She made a disgusted face as she shook her head at me.

  “As a matter of fact, I do, and you’re right; you’re never having them.” I nodded as I opened the door and held it for her.


  When we arrived at the gym, Riley bounced out of the truck before turning to look at me. “Hey Dad?” Her eyes batted as she pursed her lips together. I knew what was coming. She wanted something. She always did this when she wanted something, and I was a sucker and gave in every time.

  “What is it, Rils?” I sighed as I shook my head.

  “You know…there are a lot more women fighting in MMA now.” She flipped her hand in the air. She looked just like Angela when she talked like this, and I couldn’t help laughing.

  “No.” I chuckled.

  “What do you mean, no? You didn’t even let me ask,” she scoffed.

  “I’m not letting you fight.” I turned and walked toward the door, and she skipped along behind me.

  “Come on, Dad, please? I just wanna be able to defend myself. Boys are mean.” She stomped her feet as we went inside. “Can you just teach me how to hit so I don’t hurt myself?”

  “I’m not teaching my daughter to fight. I don’t want to come to your school and have to bail you out because you hit some boy.” I sighed as I turned to face her.

  “Fine,” she growled as she slammed her hands onto her hips. “I’ll just ask Mom to teach me.”

  I took a few deep breaths to calm myself before I opened my mouth again. I did not want to get myself into something that I couldn’t get out of, but the idea of my sweet little girl wanting to do what I did made my worry level go up about a thousand notches.

  “How about we work on the heavy bag? You learn to hit that, and we’ll go from there. You can practice at home. Sound good?” I didn’t wait for her to answer and began walking back to my office to grab the papers that I came in for.

  “Score,” she hissed under her breath. “I’ll wait over there for you.” I heard her start whistling as she skipped across the gym in the direction of the heavy bags.

  After grabbing the folder that Joey my manager now, had left on my desk, I went in search of my daughter. It didn’t take me long to find her. I heard her before I saw her.

  “Am too!” she yelled. “You don’t know what you’re talking about! Girls are just as good as boys!” I rounded the corner to see her nose to nose with Caleb Malloy. He was a year older than her, but she had him by about six inches. I knew in a few years he’d pass her in height, but he’d never match her determination.

  “Girls are weak,” he sneered. “All you worry about is how you look. You couldn’t win a fight no matter who trained you.”

  “My dad says otherwise.” She crossed her arms over her chest as she puffed it out. “Right, Dad?” Her chin rose as she waited for me to agree with her. I didn’t think girls were weak; hell, Angel has kicked my ass on more than one occasion. I also didn’t want her going after boys just to prove a point.

  “Go get some gloves.” I pointed at the equipment box.

  “Where’s your dad?” I scowled at Caleb.

  “Which one?” he rolled his eyes.

  “Either,” I shook my head at him.

  He shrugged. “Don’t know? I think he had to call my mom or something.” He started to walk away but then turned back. “So are you really gonna teach her how to beat up people?”

  “We’re gonna work on the bag.” I went over to the heavy bag and waited for Riley.

  “Can you teach me too?” He grinned and bounced on his feet.

  “Is your dad ok with that?” I laughed.

  “He won’t care,” he mumbled as he went to get a pair of gloves for himself. “Besides,” he grinned, “I’ve gotta show her that boys are always better than girls. Girls are gross.” He made a gagging motion as he walked by Riley, but she spun and shoved him, causing him to lose his footing. He tripped on the edge of the mat and fell to his knees, which had Riley laughing. He reached out to grab her foot, but she was too fast for him and jumped out of the way. He growled as he slapped the floor.

  “Stop messing around and get over here.” I motioned to her. She made a face at Caleb between skipping up to me. “Be nice,” I whispered as I positioned her by the bag.

  “Whatever,” she shrugged as she waited for my instructions.

  I stood behind her and gripped each wrist while mimicking the motion she should be using for a controlled punch. She was like my puppet, and I her master. She followed my lead and took in everything I said all the while nodding in concentration.

  “You wanna try on your own now?” I released her and backed up. She quickly nodded her head as she stepped back, pulled her arm up into position, and whaled on the bag. It swung toward me, and I gripped it to keep it still as a huge smile began to split her face. “That was really good,” I smiled in approval. For being a little thing, she had a powerful arm.

  “Again!” She growled as she went through the motion, grunting this time with force. The bag wobbled slightly in my arm as she bounced back. Before I could stop her, she switched it up on me. She went through the motion, but as soon as the right fist made contact, the left came over too.

  “Where did that come from?” I gasped as I stared at her, baffled.

  “Where did what come from?” She grinned slyly.

  “That one two punch. Who taught you that?” I released the bag, and she went again.

  “You mean this?” She giggled. “Mom and I spent some time in your gym when you went to the championships last summer. She may have taught me a few things.” She shrugged innocently before she erupted into laughter.

  “So what was all this ‘teach me, Daddy, please’ for?” I narrowed my eyes on her.

  “You’re the expert. I felt bad that you didn’t teach me. I kinda wanted to see if Mom was right, too.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Right about what?” I huffed.

  “That I couldn’t convince you to teach me.” She laughed harder before turning to stick her tongue out at Caleb.

  “Your mother and I will be discussing this later,” I growled as I shook my head.

  “S’ok,” she shrugged as she turned and punched the bag again. “I’ve already surpassed you. I think I need a trainer like Mike now.”

  “You!” I pointed at her.

  “What? I’m just sayin’.” She giggled as she walked over to grab a bottled water out of the cooler. “He’s all yours, Caleb. See if you can learn something so I don’t feel so bad when I kick your butt.”

  “Girls,” Caleb groaned. “Yuck.”

  “I know, buddy. Tell me about it,” I sighed.


  After finishing up at the gym, I swung by my parent’s house and then decided to take Riley out for dinner. We hadn’t had much time together over the last month. I’d been away more than I was home. This last year of fights had been crazy. I’d been challenged several times, and as the birth of my son approached, I’d been seriously considering retirement. I was going to be forty soon, and it was unheard of for someone my age to still be in the sport. It was hard to give up though. I’d missed a lot over the years by being away. I’d come home from a fight to find out that I’d missed a milestone of Riley’s. Angel and I used video chat a lot, and she would call when Riley did something new, but it wasn’t the same.

  As I watched the little girl who called me Daddy beat the crap out of a heavy bag today, I knew that it was time. I wanted to be there for her first date, the first time she crushed on a boy, and unfortunately, the first time one broke her heart. She wasn’t my blood, but I loved her the same, and when those big brown eyes looked u
p at me, I just melted. She was a carbon copy of her mother, spunk and all.

  “Hey, Dad?” Riley brought me out of my daydream.

  “Yeah, sweets?” I chuckled when she scowled. She hated that nickname, but I’d called her that since she was just a tiny thing.

  “Do you think I’m weak?” She took a giant bite of the pizza we’d ordered. “I mean is what Caleb said true?”

  “You’re one of the strongest people I know. You’re just like your mom. Do you think she’s weak?” I too grabbed another piece of pizza.

  “No, but why does he pick on me? Every time I see him he says mean stuff to me.” She furrowed her brow as she examined the pizza.

  I couldn’t help laughing before I released a deep sigh. “He likes you. Boys say mean things when they like girls.”

  “Why?” she scowled.

  “Because boys are dumb,” I shrugged.

  “But you’re a boy.” She pointed at me. “You don’t say mean stuff.”

  “When I was younger, I did. I said and did mean stuff to girls. Your mom straightened me out.” I wiped my hands on a napkin. “Somebody will straighten out Caleb too. When he finds the right girl, she’ll tell him he’s being dumb, and he’ll listen.”

  “Well, I hope it happens soon. He’s a pain.” She wiped her mouth before sliding out of the booth we were sitting in.

  “Well,” I stood, “he’s only twelve. It might take a while. Some of us don’t know a good thing until it kicks us in the head.” I tossed a few bills on the table before we left.

  “Hey, Dad.” Riley stopped and turned to look at me right before climbing in my truck. “Thanks.” I furrowed my brow. “For helping me today at the gym,” she clarified.

  “You’re welcome, Rils.” I nodded. “I’m gonna be around more from now on. I’ll help you whenever you want.”


  8 years later…


  As I drove through town this morning, I couldn’t help getting excited. It was going to be a great day. Caleb was coming home for the summer, and I was going to have coffee with Angie. Wes had volunteered to stay home with their son, Easton, so Angie could spend the day gossiping without an eight-year-old hanging around.

  Summer was starting, and Caleb was supposed to be getting in this afternoon from school. He’d gone to Boston College just like Angie, Wes, and Cole, and he was planning to work a summer job at the gym thanks to Joey. I couldn’t believe my baby was in college. Things had really changed over the years, but one thing remained the same. Angie and I were still the best of friends. Nothing ever changed that. It didn’t matter how long we went between visits, or how far apart we were; we were still stuck together like glue.

  “Hey!” I heard her the minute I stepped inside Cool Beans. She was waving her hand in the air and, as I walked closer, I saw she’d brought Riley with her.

  “Hey,” I called in return before pointing to the counter. I wanted to grab my mocha before sitting down. It wasn’t like I needed any caffeine today, but the stuff was addictive.

  After getting my coffee and sitting down, I smiled at them. “What’s up?”

  “Mom wants to talk about school.” Riley rolled her eyes as she grabbed her iced coffee. “I keep telling her it’s the summer. I already confirmed my acceptance at BC, and there’s nothing more to talk about.” She sighed as she flopped back against the couch behind her.

  “She’s kinda right, Ang.” I shrugged as Angie scowled.

  “You sound like Wes. I want her to think about taking some summer classes. It’ll help her get ahead.” Angie shook her head.

  “Are you nuts?” I scoffed. “She needs to enjoy the last summer she’s going to have free for a while. Let her hang out with her friends or her boyfriend.”

  “Thank you!” Riley shouted as she flung her arms in the air.

  “Just think about it,” Angie mumbled against the lip of her cup.

  “I have. I don’t want to go to school early. I want to enjoy the summer. I want to go to the beach. Meet a guy, you know… have fun.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Meet a guy. What happened to, what was his name? Derek, Davis, something like that?” I wrinkled my nose.

  “Dean and he broke up with me at the prom,” she grumbled.

  “Oh,” I cringed.

  “It’s ok,” she shrugged. “He was a douche anyway.” She laughed lightly as she stood to go throw away her cup.

  “I’ll tell ya later,” Angie murmured. I nodded as Riley shuffled back over to sit down and began scrolling through her phone.

  “Joey says the gym’s doing well,” I offered. “How’s Wes been doing without the fighting in his life?”

  “He’s thinking of training some of the up-and-comers.” Angie smiled.

  “Well, that’s good, right?” I laughed.

  “I guess. How are things with Joey? She giggled as she placed her coffee on the table in front of us.

  “Great,” I sighed as I thought about our night before. It was nice having the place to ourselves. I missed my son terribly when he was away at school, but him being away made it much easier for Joey and I to enjoy ourselves. “I think we may have broken a chair last night though. It kinda collapsed when we sat on it.”

  “Eww gross.” Riley took that moment to pay attention.

  “Oh, stop,” Angie swatted her leg. “How do you think you got here?”

  “You and Dad don’t do that anymore. I know you don’t because that’s just not something that I want to think about.” She made a gagging motion.

  “Sure, we don’t,” Angie laughed, “at least not loud anymore.”

  “Aw, Mom!” Riley shrieked. “I’m gonna walk down to the gym to see who’s working today.”

  “Fine. I’ll meet you there in an hour.” Angie waved as Riley grabbed her purse and shoved her phone in it.

  “She is so much like you it’s not even funny,” I laughed.

  “Please don’t remind me.” Angie shook her head. “That douche bag Dean really messed with her self-confidence. Riley hasn’t said anything to me, but I heard her talking on the phone the other night. He broke things off because she wouldn’t sleep with him. He got a room on prom night. He thought they’d make an appearance at the prom and then leave. Riley had been looking forward to prom all year. When he told her he wanted to leave and go back to a room, she refused. He dumped her right there. If I’d been there, I woulda…” Angie growled as she shook her head.

  “Man, that sucks,” I sighed. “Boys can be so stupid.”

  “I hope Caleb doesn’t do shit like that.” Angie turned to stare out the window.

  “If he does, I’ll kick his ass,” I giggled. “He may be bigger than me, but I still remember all the moves you taught me when we were younger.”

  “We did turn out pretty great, didn’t we?” Angie mused.

  “And we have great kids too,” I nodded.



  “You know that you have to respect the women that come in here right?” I narrowed my eyes on my son. Even though he was technically my nephew, and I was his uncle, I still called him son, and he called me Dad.

  “Yes, Dad,” he groaned as I led him back to the front of the gym. This was his first day on the job, and I was giving him a tour. Even though he’d been coming in here with me since he just a little guy, I treated him as I would any other new hire.

  “You can’t go in the women’s locker room when we’re open, and you can’t accept gifts from clients. Got it?” I pointed at him.

  “Yes, sir.” He saluted me. “Check in here. Fill out this,” he pointed to a clipboard. “No flirting. Now, go away.” He shooed me away as the chime sounded over the door.

  “Looks like you got your first customer.” I waved as I headed to the back where my office was now. I’d moved up in the ranks and now shared a space with Wes. It felt weird sharing a space with him at first, but after all this time I knew I deserved it. I’d been the manager for a while.
br />   ooooooooo


  “He must think I’m stupid,” I muttered under my breath. I’d been coming to this place since I was in a stroller and helping out since I could walk. My dad, Carsen, was a trainer here. As a child, I idolized both him and Mr. McKay. It felt surreal actually working in the same place that they had both trained in.

  “Do you always talk to yourself?” She teased and my head popped up to see someone I definitely wanted to get to know better.

  “Sorry,” I muttered. “Not usually. First day. How can I help you?” I stumbled over my words, and she shook her head at me.

  “I don’t need any help. I was looking for Sam. Is he here today?” She leaned against the counter, and her brown hair fell like a curtain around her face.

  “Nope. Just me and my dad.” I rolled my eyes. She looked so familiar, yet I couldn’t place her. I guess I should’ve come home more last year if girls like this came here all the time.

  “Your dad?” She wrinkled her forehead. “Wait… Caleb?” She backed up and scanned her eyes down my body. A look of surprise followed by annoyance spread across her face before the corner of her mouth curved up on one side, and she started laughing. “Damn,” she muttered.

  “Do I know you?” I stared at her while I wracked my brain. Who the hell was she? She looked familiar, but I didn’t think we’d gone out before. Her toned legs were tan and smooth. A pair of cutoff jean shorts encased an ass that I could stare at for days. And her tits? She had this perfect set. I almost swallowed my tongue thinking about what I could do to her.

  “You used to hate me.” She laughed as she pulled out her cell. “I know that was lie though. Boys are jerks when they like girls; at least, that’s what my dad said.”

  “Who are you?” I gripped the back of my neck and quickly shifted on my feet. My dick had a mind of its own, and I hadn’t gotten laid in months. Finals had kicked my ass this last semester, and I really hadn’t dated.

  “Yeah, dummy. You called me weak.” She smirked, and the pieces started clicking together. “It seems the tables have turned, huh? Looks like I’ve got all the power.” Her eyes dipped down as she zeroed in on where my dick was hardening in my pants.


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