Sinfully Naughty Vol. 1 (BBW Shape Shifter & Contemporary Romance): Six scorching tales of naughty alphas and their mates!

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Sinfully Naughty Vol. 1 (BBW Shape Shifter & Contemporary Romance): Six scorching tales of naughty alphas and their mates! Page 1

by Milly Taiden





  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Published By

  Latin Goddess Press

  New York, NY 10456

  Sinfully Naughty Vol. 1

  Copyright © 2013 by Milly Taiden

  Edited by Rachel Firasek

  Edited by Dee Carrell

  Cover by Mina Carter

  Formatting by Inkstain Interior Book Designing

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Property of Milly Taiden 2014


  Bitten by Night

  Seduced by Day

  A Hero’s Pride

  A Hero Scarred

  The Bratty Lioness Tamer





  Five minutes. Kiara Cruz glanced at her watch again. Dear God let her survive those minutes before Royce showed up. Royce, the wolf shifter. The man who was totally out of her league on so many different levels she couldn’t even count. She needed a new dose of her heat suppressant, or she’d start meowing like a…well, exactly like what she was—a damn cat in heat. It was bad enough to be in heat, but working among humans meant not all of them knew about her shifter status. Thankfully, her bosses did, and they were very accommodating.

  She washed her face in the bathroom sink with cool water, dissipating some of the anxiety with the cold liquid. That would have to do until she got home. With a deep breath, she headed back to her desk to wait out the last interminable minutes.

  Four minutes.

  She urged the clock forward like a kid in school at the end of the day. She needed to go before Royce showed up.

  Three minutes.

  So close. Steph, her friend and co-worker, would arrive soon to have a cup of coffee with her before her shift started.

  Two minutes.

  Yes! She was going to make it.


  Shit! She had her finger over the shutdown button on her PC when an instant message popped up on the screen.

  Can you bring us the contracts we need to sign?

  She stared at the screen. Then turned to her right and saw the manila folder she was supposed to have delivered to her bosses over an hour ago. She groaned a curse. In her obsession with leaving without running into the third partner of the company, she’d forgotten to bring in the contracts for signature. Great. Now she was late. Manila folder in hand, she stepped into her bosses’ office with a smile.

  “Sorry about—”

  She stopped dead in her tracks. Royce sat across from both Bryan and Brent at a round meeting table.

  “It’s okay.” Bryan smiled that dimpled smile that made her all kinds of stumped. “You look tired. Go home and relax. We’ve had you running around all day.”

  Right. She had to move. But she couldn’t. Instead, she stood there, staring at Royce’s serious face. His blue eyes held her rooted to the spot. Her feline took that moment to rub under her skin. A soft purr worked the back of her throat.

  Heat crowded her cheeks, and she coughed, clearing her throat to cover it up. She rushed toward Brent and passed him the folder. Not even slowing her step, she hauled ass to the office door, but was stopped by Brent’s voice.

  “Don’t forget to leave those employee files on your desk for us. We’ll grab them later.”

  Employee files? Against her better judgment, she turned to face the three men again, forcing herself to stare at Brent and not at the sexy man next to him.


  Brent’s eyes widened. Probably because she’d never had to ask him about something she was supposed to do. But her hormones were all over the place, and she needed to go home and purr and meow without any witnesses to her misery.

  “The ones of employees under probation. You were going to pull the list and then bring us the files with the report.”

  Ah hell. She’d gotten so caught up in a different project she’d forgotten.

  “Okay, no problem.” She turned to leave again.

  “Kiara, wait,” Bryan called out. “This is for you.” He held out a pumpkin colored envelope toward her. “We hope to see you there Friday night.”

  She smiled and excused herself to get back to her desk. Exhaling loudly, she sat down to do the extra work she’d forgotten about. Because being a cat in heat and being attracted to a wolf was normal apparently. And now she still had to do mundane tasks while holding back the urge to purr. Great. Just. Great.

  “Are you sure?” Bryan asked, bringing his attention back to the meeting.

  Fuck. Just smelling the sweet scent of her heat pushed his wolf toward his skin. The beast wanted free.

  To lick. To taste. To fuck. To mate.

  “I’m very sure.” He struggled to get the words past his dry throat. Kiara’s curvy body and beckoning heat had made it nearly impossible to think. All he wanted was to feel.

  Bryan and Brent, his childhood friends and partners stared at him with confusion. They couldn’t understand what being a shifter meant. They were fully human and without the urges of his kind.

  “She’s the one.” Mine. The animal inside tugged at the leash, ready to pounce on the voluptuous beauty.

  “You’ve spoken a handful of words to her,” Brent said, his voice filled with disbelief.

  “I know that.” He glanced from Brent to Bryan. “But attraction and her scent don’t lie. She wants me. Her cat wants me, and I want her.”


  “Save it.” He raised a hand. “You two want Stephanie and you both know it’s a lot more than plain lust.”

  The pair flushed. “Yes, we want her, but we know it’s a probability she won’t go for the two of us.”

  He inhaled, still taking in the sweet scent of Kiara’s aroused tigress and her own human arousal. The combination was addictive.

  “Do you really think Kiara will show up?” Bryan asked.

  “I told Stephanie I’m not coming. Kiara will feel more comfortable to show up if she thinks that.”

  “And you really think she’ll just fall at your feet?” Brent snorted. “If I know one thing about Kiara, she’s not falling at anybody’s feet no matter who they are.”

  “Yeah, I don’t see that happening.” Bryan agreed.

  “I may have to do a little hunting, but the fact remains, that on Halloween night, I’m claiming her.”

  “Wait. Does this mean we’re going to have to get a new assistant?” Brent accused.

  Royce grinned. As far as he was concerned, the moment he got his hands on Kiara’s body, she wasn’t getting away from him. With the full moon and her in heat, he’d keep her in bed for days. Long pleasure-filled days.

  “Yeah, you’ll need to find someone else. At least until her heat passes.”

  “Dammit, Royce. She’s the best we have!” Bryan complained. “All our other assistants turn into idiots when they take one look at us.”<
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  Royce chuckled. “Hey, it’s not my fault they go brain-dead at the sight of two pretty boys.”

  “Stephanie never goes brain-dead,” Brent mumbled.

  If only they knew. It was incredibly uncomfortable for Royce to scent how aroused his assistant was for his two partners. Then again, he knew how hot Kiara was for him. Fucking hell, he loved how sweet her arousal smelled whenever he was around. She tempted him like no other human or shifter ever had. The first look into those gorgeous brown eyes and he’d been lost. The flirty grin when she joked around with Stephanie and didn’t see him coming made his gut clench.

  And that body. All those curves. He wanted to shove his face between her thighs and lick her into screaming his name. Better yet, he wanted to rub her cream all over his face and fuck her until she went hoarse. So yeah, he couldn’t fault his friends for wanting the vivacious Stephanie when he was mentally fucking Kiara every way possible wherever he saw her. Thankfully, he didn’t have to worry about Stephanie wanting him. She was highly turned on by his friends. But her warm personality helped Royce work alongside her without worrying about her attaching herself to him.

  “The party will be your opportunity to see if Stephanie can be talked into something with the two of you,” he said casually, mind still in the gutter with Kiara.

  “You really think she’ll go for it? For us?” Bryan whispered.

  “Yes.” Royce stood, listening to Kiara’s voice outside, telling Stephanie on the phone she’d be right down. “I’ll be back. My little kitten is getting ready to leave, and I want a few more minutes in her presence.”

  “So,” Brent grinned, “is saying you’re pussy whipped accurate? I mean she is a pussy and has a pussy.” He laughed.

  “I think you’re right, bro.” Bryan joined in the laughter.

  “Think what you want, but I know you two will be kissing Stephanie’s feet when she demands it.” He left the office and his two friends grumbling behind.

  Marching down the hallway, he stepped into the elevator just as the doors were about to close. Kiara’s wide-eyed stare pushed his wolf to the surface. They had all but a few seconds.

  “How are you?” He asked, watching her lick her lips in the glassy interior of the car. Her gaze traveled from his lips down his body. His cock turned hard at that single needy look she didn’t think he saw.

  “Good, thanks,” she said in that low, throaty voice he loved. Phone-sex operators had nothing on her.

  “Are you going to the party?” He asked.

  “I’m not sure yet. It’s kind of short notice.” She inhaled deep, and a soft purring sounded.

  Fucking hell, that was hot. She coughed to cover it up, but the damage was already done. He’d already visualized her purring as he fucked her long and hard. Her body cushioning each of his blows into her heat, and her pussy sucking him dry when he came.

  He was too busy trying not to come in his pants from his mental porno movie with her that the door ping caught him by surprise.

  “Have a good night,” she whispered, rushing out of the cab.

  Good? Only if he got to manually satisfy his need for her. The need she’d soon be filling. He knew she’d be his on Halloween. Even if he had to chase her, she’d be his.


  “A Halloween party,” Kiara said. She wasn’t a fan of parties. Heck, she wasn’t a fan of crowds. Cats, or in her case, tigers, were solitary creatures.

  “Yes!” Her friend, Stephanie, leaned forward over the table, excitement sparkling in her dark eyes. “I can’t believe the partners are finally doing something this cool for their employees.”

  Yeah, she couldn’t believe it either. Their bosses, aka the hottest male muscle Kiara had ever come across in all her thirty-two years—Royce “Growly McDaddy” Night and Bryan and Brent “Wonder Twin” Day—the partners and owners of Night and Day Ink were professional. No-nonsense. Owners of the largest corporation of tattoo shops, they were kept busy all the time. Not to mention they had those rough and tough personalities that made women drop at their feet. Royce Night worked nights. Steph was his assistant during that shift. And let’s not forget he was a shifter. The big bad bitey type that didn’t like her kind.

  As a feline, she was the enemy. At least, all through history they had been. Though she’d heard of wolves and felines who’d mated, it was rare and far between. Being a wolf didn’t take away from how hot he was with those piercing blue eyes and the rough and rugged features that screamed, “I’m wild in bed.”

  Dammit! She kept fantasizing about how wild he could be. She had a hard time on the best of days keeping her attraction under wraps. Thank God she only saw him briefly as she walked out the door. Even if she looked forward to those few moments they were near each other, she never crossed the line. She was a cat, and he was a wolf. She’d never be able to work with him. Her tigress went haywire when she got a glimpse of the six foot four hotshot with a body made for licking.

  Then there were Bryan and Brent Day. Those twins were hot enough to make all the women in the office melt on the spot with a single smile. They handled the day-time operations of the business, and were also known as Kiara’s bosses. Though they were handsome in the me-love-you-long-time way, it was Royce who made Kiara’s cat perk up. And lately, the damn kitty was purring way too often.

  “I admit this is very unlike them,” she mused. None of the men appeared to be party animals. Most of the time they were serious, focused.

  “Forget what it’s like and let’s think up costumes.” Steph grinned. “I’m thinking something fun. Maybe I’ll be a sexy dominatrix.”

  Kiara almost choked on her drink, drawing the attention of the other bar patrons. It was Thursday night, and the Cat’s Meow was packed with the usual happy hour crowd of professionals. But this was the time they met up to chat since they had opposite hours at the same office. “Are you out of your mind? This is a work function!”

  “So?” She pouted. “We don’t get to do anything fun because we’re never off the same hours. This will be a first.”

  “No leather,” Kiera groaned.

  “Oh, I know you’ll be something like Little Red Riding Hood, won’t you?”

  “Well…” She’d bought that exact costume the previous year, hoping to wear it for Halloween and hand out candy. Her own personal joke on being a cat and wanting the wolf at the office, but she’d ended up having to lock herself away. She’d been in heat without a partner. Heck, with the way her body was acting, she anticipated having to skip the party if her cat went into full-blown heat again. She was already demanding sex, and she was popping her heat suppressants like tic-tacs.

  “Yeah, real exciting.” Stephanie rolled her eyes. “I want fun.”

  “What about a—”

  “Oh!” Steph opened her eyes wide, her mouth formed into a perfect circle. “I’ll be a belly dancer.”

  “You have been taking the classes and can get away with it.” Kiera nodded. She, on the other hand, could only get away with shifting into her tigress and biting someone’s ass if they weren’t careful.

  “It’s not like I plan on performing. But I already have the clothes for the upcoming show we’re doing at my dance class.”

  As long as she wasn’t strutting around smacking her co-workers or—God forbid—her boss with a paddle, they’d be fine. If Steph went anywhere near Royce in any kind of more than the boss-employee way, she’d have a problem with Kiara’s snarly tigress. But Kiara knew poor Steph had the hots for the wonder twins.

  “I haven’t been feeling well, so I’m not sure I’ll be there,” Kiera murmured, not really convinced. Besides, the last thing she needed was to go into heat and be in the same room with Royce.

  “Royce won’t be there,” Steph said. Was she that transparent that Steph knew what she was thinking?

  “Why not?”

  She shrugged. “He has some other thing going on. Something about ‘getting a mate’ were his words. I hardly understand him when he talks in riddles.�

  That’s right. Halloween would have a full month this year. As if going into heat wasn’t bad enough, most of their kind chose that time to find a mate. Or to claim those they already knew they wanted. If he didn’t go to the party, then maybe she could go after all.

  “I know you like him.” Steph winked, sipping on her drink.

  “I do not!” Liar. She went so hot around him, she swore she would internally combust.

  “Don’t bother denying it. The few times we’ve been in the elevator together I swear the temperature shoots up and I feel like I’m going to watch you attack each other at any moment.”

  “You have a very active imagination.” Kiara laughed.

  Shit. Had she been that obvious? She’d known she was attracted to Royce and his rough and rugged features to the point she almost purred whenever he was near. Those blue eyes focused on hers made her skin sizzle. But for Steph to notice was strange. Kiara was sure she’d been professional at all times. Well, most of the time, unless she was daydreaming with the big bad wolf frolicking with her kitty.

  “Too bad he won’t be at the party.” Steph sighed. “It would have been your chance to talk to him outside the office.” She wiggled her brows. “Maybe even do something about that explosive attraction between you two.”

  Oh, hell to the no. Thank you very much. She did not need to go near the wolf and make her already horny cat that much more interested in him. They’d had a handful of words spoken between them. Besides, with the way she’d been feeling lately, it was quite likely she’d end up attacking him.

  Kiara glanced around the large house, her palms sweaty. Her cat pushed under the skin, wanting loose. She’d taken the heat suppressant before she’d left for the party, but it seemed the stupid pills hadn’t taken effect. Now, all she wanted was to strip bare and find the only male she’d been daydreaming about—who happened to not be at the party—to rub on for relief. Disgust over her present situation rolled through her along with the beginnings of a purr.


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