Q. If you were to find a magical ATM like Mia, what would you do with the money?
A. Aha! The 64,000-dollar question! I think I’d splurge a little (redoing the kitchen, taking my daughter to Paris) and then make sure I had money tucked away for my children’s education, my retirement, etc. And I hope I’d follow Mia’s example and give a good bit of it away.
1. Mia has her tarot cards read by Fred’s mother, Bev. Bring a set of tarot cards and do readings for your members. (You can use the book Tarot Made Easy by Nancy Garen, to help beginners interpret the cards.)
2. Mia, the lead character in Breaking the Bank, works on a book about environmental awareness. Discuss ways your book group can make a difference and adopt one “green” habit. Many web-sites can provide suggestions, such as www.campaignearth.org.
3. To find out more about author Yona Zeldis McDonough, check out her official site, www.yonazeldismcdonough.com, which includes information about her other titles as well as biographical information.
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