Alien Captive

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Alien Captive Page 4

by Jaide Fox

  “Fine sons, we will have,” he said, nipping her full bottom lip.

  She bit him back, and the bastard had the nerve to laugh. “Bastard,” she muttered, her mind going blank when he reached down and rubbed her poor, sore little clit until it plumped beneath his fingers.

  “How dare you!” she said, biting at him, scratching him when she could free a hand. He pinned her wrists above her head and fucked her as hard and fast as he had before, rubbing her nub while he pumped his hard body into her. It didn’t take long for her channel to come quivering to life. Orgasms rippled through her center with unerring accuracy.

  She screamed, angry, coming hard, resentful of the smile on his handsome face. Every muscle in his body went tense, and then he groaned and shook, coming inside her again.

  He collapsed on top of her, trapping her beneath him. His snores soon roared in her ears, but she could do little to get him off of her. His arm across her chest and his legs across her thighs kept her effectively trapped beneath him.

  “Asshole,” she whispered to his peacefully sleeping head, staring daggers at his temple. Adrienne was going to cut his dick off at her first opportunity.

  Chapter Five

  The light streaming through the window behind Adrienne began to dim as dusk settled over the alien planet. She wondered how close to Earth this new planet was, how long the days and seasons, if there were different seasons, and how long the years. Not that it mattered to her. She fully intended on finding her sister and finding a way home.

  Ebony was all the family she had left. She’d never known her father, and their mother had died of Alzheimer’s only a few years before. There was no one left to look for her except for her boss and a few friends—not that anyone would ever imagine that something like this had happened to her. The rental car they’d abandoned would raise some eyebrows, but after those grey aliens had gotten them, she was pretty sure they were good at hiding their activities from the government and the public.

  Her stomach suddenly growled forcefully and angrily. Her tummy hurt. She didn’t know how long it’d been since she’d eaten, but she was about ready to gnaw the large man’s arm off if he didn’t get off her.

  Almost as if reading her mind in his sleep, he rolled, allowing her to move. Adrienne eased to the edge of the bed, watching him closely to make sure she didn’t awaken him. She sat near the edge, then dropped quietly to the stone tiled floor. She was still naked—bastard.

  She knew she couldn’t walk around like this without drawing attention to herself. Hell, she was liable to anyway, given the fact that none of these people had seen a black woman before.

  Adrienne’s feet made sticky tacky noises as she walked barefoot around the room. Between her legs remained the residue of their lovemaking. She grimaced and wiped at it with his sheet.

  At first, the slight sound of her feet on the tile made her cringe, but after her gaze had darted to his naked sleeping form a dozen times, she decided he was out for the night and unlikely to hear her slight movements.

  She darted to the main entrance to the room and was disgusted to find she couldn’t open the door. There was no handle and the blue gel pad glowed with alien numbers that might as well be Greek to her for all that she could understand them. Adrienne angled her head, trying to see if she could discern where he’d pushed buttons before, but the material seemed to prevent that as a precautionary measure. There was a slatted piece of silvered metal that looked like it housed an intercom unit above the gel pad.

  She didn’t think they’d respond to her if she called for help. She was supposed to be his prisoner.

  Looking around the room, she saw it was sparsely furnished with no personal possessions that caught her attention. No photos depicting his family hung on the walls or the small table that stood next to the bed. On the opposite side of the room stood a table with two chairs, probably for dining. No television that she could see.

  It must be mind-numbingly boring here, she decided.

  A small electronic tablet sat on the table, but she didn’t see any pens to stab his hands to the bed with or pick a lock—not that there was a lock to pick….

  On the far wall, she could see a door leading somewhere, so she decided to investigate. Upon opening it, she discovered it was a bathroom. Inside it was his closet, filled with a dozen of the exact same outfit hanging on a rod.

  Adrienne took down one of his many black shirts and slipped it over her head. The fabric felt cool and slinky, as if made for a warmer climate. The hem hung down to her mid-thigh, the short sleeves to her forearms. It made her feel tiny inside it.

  There were no weapons inside the small closet, unless one counted his gigantic shoes lining the tiled floor. She hefted one shoe in her hand. She probably could knock someone out if she could manage to throw the thing any distance. And the toe felt reinforced with some kind of metal when she pushed at it with her thumb. She could go in there and brain him right now while he slept, but the pad on the front door would leave her trapped in there with his dead body.

  They’d probably execute her or lock her away for the rest of her life.

  Adrienne put the shoe down and closed the closet.

  A silver wide rimmed bowl sat on the floor, marking what was obviously the toilet. She used it, delighted to feel a squirt of warm water wash her off when she was done. It was a little uncomfortably high, given the height difference, but not too bad. A pedestal sink matched the toiled, with buttons that released a sprinkle of water on her hands.

  The shelf above the sink held his toiletries, bottled in small glass vials. It seemed like his culture had preferred to use materials gathered from their planet rather than focusing solely on man-made materials, but with just the little experience she had, she couldn’t say that with any kind of certainty.

  She examined the glass encased shower, which reminded her forcibly of showers from home, except with similar controls to what she’d already encountered in the shower room where she’d bathed with all the other women. Actually, everything she’d seen so far made her think that these people were close to the same level of civilized progress as earth. They traveled on the ground, and she hadn’t seen anything that struck her as wildly out of her norm like escalators leading to everywhere like in the jetsons, and she hadn’t noticed any flying cars in her brief outside excursion.

  She could be wrong, though.

  “Do you like your quarters?” a male voice spoke behind her. “Getting familiar?”

  Adrienne whirled around to see Dezec leaned against the jam, blocking the only way out.


  The very sight of so much huge, hard, virile male flesh made her legs go weak. Her heart instantly jumped into her throat and lodged there.

  She glared at his face, trying to cover her eyes’ attraction to roaming over his muscles. Which were abso-fucking-lutetly everywhere and cut a path in the shape of a v down to his very large groin. He was hairless everywhere except his head, but that silky, longish silver hair framed his dark brows and sultry blue eyes with endless appeal. The striking color made her want to bury her face and hands in it. Just roll around like a kitten playing with a ball of yarn.

  Adrienne refused to be enticed by a beautiful body. And that big friggin’ dick. How dare he show it off to her like just the sight of him would send her into a mindless frenzy.

  She was smarter than that. A helluva lot smarter.

  She shrugged and crossed her arms over her chest, remembering that he’d asked her something. She shook off the jelly fogging her brain and tried to recall what he’d said to her rather than just stare at him like an imbecile.

  Oh, yeah. She remembered. “I guess so. That doesn’t mean I’m comfortable here though. How long do you intend to keep me locked up in here?”

  He stroked his chin, watching her. Obviously, he wasn’t ashamed of his body. Not that there was anything to be ashamed about. “Until I can trust that you won�
�t attempt escape again.”

  So he wasn’t as big of an idiot as she supposed. Purty should have come with dumb. Of course, he wasn’t. He wouldn’t be the captain or whatever if he was a big dummy. “I’m hungry. And I want to see my sister.”

  “All good things will come.” He smiled, walking in the room and making the space seem much smaller. “I did feel your stomach rumble and decided you must be famished. Our food will arrive shortly along with some more appropriate clothing.”

  She felt a little embarrassed about that and wondered why. It wasn’t like she could help it or that she’d chosen to be here. “Thanks,” she said, grudgingly. “I’ll let you have some privacy to do what you need to do.”

  Adrienne tried to scoot by him, but the wall of flesh wasn’t having any of that. He grabbed her arms, pulling her close to him. She could feel the warmth of his body seeping through the material covering her. She had a sneaking suspicion that he’d come back for seconds—make that thirdsies.

  “I thought you might enjoy partaking of a shower with me,” he murmured, not bothering to hide a damn thing.

  She tried to pull away. She’d had quite enough of all that. “You’ve got another think coming, then.”

  He tugged at the shirt she wore. “I like seeing you in my clothes. I like seeing you out of them better.” Before she knew what was happening, he’d pulled the cloth up over her head, leaving her naked while he threw it on the floor.

  “How dare you!” she said, fighting to pull away.

  He smiled and closed the gap between them, lifting her to her toes for a kiss. The moment his mouth crushed against hers, she felt lost. A zing of excitement flooded her being, making her warm and tingly all over. Her hunger was completely forgotten in the face of overwhelming sensuality.

  His cock dug into her stomach, and he dropped to grasp her ass in his hands, lifting her effortlessly and carrying her into the shower. The cold stone wall met her back. She gasped and his tongue eased into her mouth, warring with her tongue.

  She fought him with her mouth, but she was fighting a losing battle.

  Hard muscles met her soft curves, melding against her as if they could become one. He sparred with her mouth, massaging her ass sensuously, rubbing himself against her. She felt her pussy dampen with his nearness.

  Pulse quickening, the excitement of his touch rolled through her, making her hate the way he made her body betray her mind. She knew what he was up to, and it royally pissed her off, but the moment those rough hands touched her and that big dick pushed, she turned into mush.

  The cold ice princess hadn’t needed anything but a sexy man to make her as idiotic as a dumb blonde. She felt like one too—totally screwed and helpless in the face of his rampant desire.

  It should’ve made her feel good that he was so insatiable for her, but she rather thought it was their lack of women that had given him this sex drive. And that didn’t set well with her.

  Dezec turned on the water, and the warm liquid streaming down over them only served to heighten her sensitivity. Goosebumps rode her flesh, followed by hard searing mouth, teeth and tongue. He tasted her everywhere he could reach, and those hands rubbing her thick ass drove her wild.

  She found herself with her legs locked around his hips, mindlessly humping him and wanting more. He gave it to her, pushing that mammoth head into her small hole deep inside her. Her cunt trembled, grasping and hungry for everything he could give her.

  “Fuck it,” she mumbled, letting the water course over her face, digging her nails into his hard biceps as he fucked her against the wall of his shower.

  The very idea that he could hold her and do this turned her on immensely. She felt the cream of her body ease his tight passage, until he was ramming into her, ferocious as a rutting beast.

  “You’re so tight,” he ground out, driving mindlessly inside her, harder and faster.

  Adrienne moaned and bit his shoulder. He grunted, like the wildness she displayed, holding her tight against his shallow movements.

  Her clit ground against his groin, feeling glorious. She rode against him, flexing her legs for whatever leverage she could get, moving and pumping until her veins singed with liquid heat. The heat enveloped her, searing her insides. She felt the climax straight to her toes, which curled tight.

  Her scream of passion echoed in the small chamber. Over and over she screamed, until she was limp and weak and he’d finally reached his own culmination deep inside her channel.

  He pressed her against the wall, letting the water flow over them as she came crashing back into reality and realized she’d just let him have his nasty way with her yet again. Well, if this was the plan to lull him, she was doing a damn fine job of it.

  Hell, she should be proud of herself.

  “You’re amazing,” he murmured, allowing her feet to touch the warm floor.

  She swallowed, meeting his sultry eyes and feeling nervous at the look in them. “You’re pretty good yourself.”

  He chuckled. “Thanks. Let’s finish before the food arrives. I’m hungry too.”

  Adrienne got out of the shower and toweled off, then threw him a towel as he turned off the water and exited. She stared blankly at him, watching droplets run down his chest and arms, his armor plated stomach. She’d never seen anyone so fit in all her life—not up close in person. Movies and magazines didn’t count. Those were digitized and airbrushed, or so she’d always convinced herself.

  Why someone this sexy would want her, she didn’t know. And she wasn’t sure if she should be flattered by his attraction to her skin color or not. The very thought of it should have offended her, except when their bodies were intertwined; she hated to admit that seeing it made her incredibly horny.

  She guessed she was as much an animal as he was—ruled by baser instincts. She wanted to believe she was smarter and more refined than that, but it was hard to ignore when he kept making her come. Adrienne had never had a man make her come three times in a row like that.

  She was supremely irritated at his skills and her own lack of restraint.

  She picked up a wide comb from the shelf above the sink and got the tangles out of her hair. “I wish I had something to tame these curls,” she said, mostly to herself.

  He looked her over, clearly thinking. “I will see if I can find something appropriate for you. Maybe an oil or cream would work.”

  “That’d be nice.” As it was, she hadn’t gone so natural with her hair in years. She kind of liked the way the water softened her curls. Maybe it was the soap or some minerals she was unaware of. The humidity wasn’t too bad here, however, or her hair would’ve puffed up to an unruly mess that would have deterred the horniest bastard on the planet.

  A voice called from the other side of the door through the intercom. Their food had arrived.

  Adrienne stayed inside the bathroom, waiting for the person to leave. She didn’t have any clothes on, after all.

  Dezec came back to her, bringing something for her to wear. She was thankful to see it wasn’t see through like the first outfit she’d been given. Silken purple pants clung to her hips and waist but flared out of her calves in long strips of cloth—quite similar to bell bottoms but more comfortable. The shirt was the same color, low cut over the breasts, fitted on the waist, and had long sleeves with slits cut lengthwise down the arm but with cuffs on her wrists. She assumed the slits in the arms and pants were to help control her temperature. The planet must be a warmer one.

  Feeling better, Adrienne stepped out of the bathroom and saw Dezec sat at the table. Three covered dishes sat on the table: one in the center and one before each chair.

  She sat in the empty chair, starving.

  His eyes twinkled. “I hope you find our food to your liking.” He lifted the cover, revealing the contents.

  Adrienne choked back a shriek. Her plate swam with tentacles in blue, green and red covered in suckers. Here and there, she s
aw what had to be the creature’s eyes poking out of the spaghetti tangle of horror.

  From the edges of her vision, she could see his shoulders shaking. She looked up and he covered his mouth. “What’s the big deal?”

  “Were you really going to eat that?”

  She swallowed. “I thought this was what y’all eat. It’s food, right?”

  He laughed. “In some parts of the country, yes. But only when we are desperate.”

  Adrienne frowned at him. “What do you have under your cover?” she said, her voice brimming with suspicion.

  He lifted the dish. Inside were steaming green vegetables, a seared piece of meat that looked and smelled similar to steak, and a pile of what appeared to be rice. It looked delicious.

  Adrienne wanted to kill him.

  “Just what the hell have you got there? Why’d you give me this crap?”

  “I thought it would be funny. We are aliens to you, after all. I’ve always wanted to surprise one of you humans with one of these other dishes.” He couldn’t stop laughing and smirking.

  “You son of a bitch! Gimme your food, you dog!” She wrestled the plate away from the guffawing ass. She stabbed the meat with her fork. It was so tender, she didn’t need a knife, and it tasted as heavenly as the finest steak house back home. Her salivary glands stung with delight.

  “You don’t get in the way of a woman and her food,” she said around a mouthful of steak. “Not and live. Not when she’s hungry.” She hit him in the arm and he finally stopped laughing.

  “My apologies. I’ll try to remember that next time.”

  “You damn well better. I deserve chocolate after this. At least some kind of dessert.”

  “I can give you dessert.”

  “I bet you could.”

  The look on his face made her smile. Hell, she was sure her expression had been extremely gratifying when she’d gotten a gander at that disgusting mess. She’d have thought it funny too if they’d switched places. Damn her if the man didn’t possess a sick sense of humor.


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