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by Lestewka, Patrick

  “Overton and the surviving members of his gang were sentenced to forty consecutive life sentences and remanded to the Saugeen Valley Penitentiary in the fall of 1982. Two weeks ago, Overton and three of his disciples escaped. From what’s been pieced together in the aftermath, the break was planned over several years. Since the men rarely had personal contact, they communicated via a code-system tapped out on the walls of their adjoining cells. Neither the prison guards nor the warden believed them capable of such cunning.” A rueful smile. “Obviously they were mistaken.”

  The men appraised Marcus Overton’s mugshot. But they did not see the same image. Overton’s facial features varied wildly according to each man:

  To Tripwire, Overton’s hooked nose, angular bone structure, and ice-pick eyes reminded him, jarringly, of his father.

  To Crosshairs, Overton’s switchblade sneer, sunkissed skin, and ironically-cocked eyebrow made him a dead ringer for Len the card-shark.

  To Oddy, Overton appeared as a black man whose features were a fusion of his father and Dade, men he loved and hated in equal measure.

  To Zippo, Overton’s ghostly-pale skin, immaculately-coiffed hair, and pouty, come-hither expression made him the ultimate GLAAD poster boy. Fucking gift-giving ass bandit, he seethed inwardly. Shitstains like you give serial killers a bad name!

  Only Answer saw the mugshot as it truly appeared: a grainy, out-of-focus photograph of a man who resembled, and quite possibly was, ex-president Richard M. Nixon. Answer kept this to himself.

  “After stabbing a guard to death with a sharpened toothbrush, Overton successfully freed five of his fellow inmates. They caught the control room guards unawares and massacred them all, losing two of their own in the process. The remaining three, led by Overton, stole weapons and winter clothing before clearing the prison’s perimeter. They are currently at large somewhere in the four-thousand square miles of forest ringing the penitentiary.”

  Grosevoir switched off the projector and sat on the edge of the coffee table. With knees drawn up and fists balled at his hips he resembled a gargoyle perched on the ledge of a crumbling gothic manor. “My request is a simple one,” he said. “Locate Overton. Kill him.”

  The pendulum on an ivory wall clock produced a steady tick-tock, the only noise to impinge on an otherwise pervasive silence. Crosshairs crossed his legs and sipped his beer nervously, thinking, I need money—but do I need it that bad?

  “Why?” Oddy said.

  “Why what?” Grosevoir said.

  “Why us, for starters? The youngest of us is, how old are you Answer, late thirties? Me, I’m mid-forties. It’s been years since any of us went out on recon.”

  “None of you are old, all of you are seasoned, some of you,” Grosevoir nodded at Answer, Zippo, Oddy, “work in fields that will be helpful on this assignment. I have no need for youthful bravado; I’m seeking competence and an ability to execute.”

  Zippo hated the way Grosevoir looked at him: the man’s gaze felt like cockroaches scuttling up his neckline. “Why go through the trouble?” he said. “Tracking us down, firing off letters, no guarantee we’re going to show? Hell, I know crews—professional, ruthless mercs—who’d’ve taken the contract for less than you’re paying us for a meeting. These guys aren’t advertising in Soldier of Fortune, but they don’t take much legwork to track down. Besides, we haven’t worked together in twenty-odd years. One of us,” pointing at Tripwire, “looks like he stepped out of the potato patch at a kibbutz, and our sniper is missing half his fucking face, in case you didn’t notice. No offence, guys.”

  Crosshairs flicked a bottle cap at him. “None taken, shitbird.”

  “I’m a neophyte in the business of hiring contract killers,” Grosevoir said. “I have a connection in the U.S. Armed Forces who told me your unit was the most highly-decorated in the Vietnam conflict.”

  Something tightened inside Tripwire like a wet rag being wrung out by hand: an image of them all receiving the combat infantry badge for slaughtering a boatload of children.

  Grosevoir continued, “This friend of mine was able to secure your most recent mailing addresses. All I did was send the letters.”

  “I still don’t get why you need us,” Crosshairs said. “I mean, the woods have got to be crawling with task forces, Mounties or whatever tracking Overton down—”

  “And besides,” Tripwire added, “wouldn’t those woods be full of animals—wolves and bears, maybe…badgers?”

  “Yeah,” Zippo snorted. “Gotta watch out for those rabid badgers.”

  “Oh, yes, there are some terribly vicious creatures in those woods,” Grosevoir said. “But, as I said, the escapees are armed and cunning. I have no doubt they’re alive. Excusing the cliché, I feel it in my bones.”

  Crosshairs was highly dubious of Grosevoir feeling anything, be it in his bones, his heart, his soul, or elsewhere.

  “As for the Mounties,” Grosevoir continued, “I’m sure they’ll eventually track Overton down. Then what? Another trial, more media exposure, another book deal inked, panties and marriage proposals from adoring fans? Back to prison with nothing to lose, the opportunity to kill again? No. I can’t have it. I want the Mounties to find bodies—stiff, lifeless, headless bodies.”

  Tripwire was reminded of a movie he’d shot in southern California. An homage of sorts to Disney’s The Apple Dumpling Gang, he’d titled it: The Grapple Humping Gangbang. The plot, such as it was, involved a gang of female desperadoes, led by Charity Chest as “Bitch Chas-titty,” escaping jail on the day they were to be hanged for wanton promiscuity. The sheriff, a young Johnny Wadd, assembled a posse of sexual lawmen—including two full-blooded Navajos skilled in ancient “Grapple Humping” techniques—and eventually shanghaied the lasses frolicking, stark naked, in a babbling brook. The posse, unhinged by lust, descended upon the helpless nymphs. A massive gangbang ensued.

  Tripwire doubted the assignment Grosevoir had tabled would end so agreeably.

  “You still haven’t answered my question,” Oddy said. “Why do you want this guy dead? Don’t play it off as some kind of samaritanism, ’cause I’m not buying it.”

  Grosevoir gave Oddy a look. It was the look a top-rank boxer might give his sparring partner after being tagged with a hard shot: a look of stunned surprise. Perhaps Grosevoir assumed he’d known these men, their financial difficulties and moral shortcomings, and hadn’t expected this level of questioning. He applied to his face an expression of soul-wrenching sadness and removed a picture from his pocket.

  “This was my family,” he said quietly. “June and Allison Grosevoir. Do I need to tell you who slaughtered them?”

  The photo was passed around. As had been the case with Overton’s picture, no two men saw the same image. Each of them saw two women who resembled, in some way, their mothers, or sisters, or girlfriends loved and lost. Again, only Answer saw the photo for what it truly was: a stock picture frame insert featuring a towheaded boy and a golden retriever, with the frame size—8 in. x 10 in.—stamped prominently in the left-hand corner. He looked up from the photo to see Grosevoir eyeing him impassively.

  “So that’s what this is?” Crosshairs asked. “A mission of revenge?”

  “Revenge” Grosevoir challenged, “or social obligation? When a vicious animal escapes its cage, what’s a responsible human being to do?” A weary shrug suggested the answer was too self-evident to bother vocalizing. “Overton should be dead already. If he’d committed his crimes in Texas, he and his sadistic cronies would be ashes. But bleeding-heart Canadians outlawed capital punishment, so he lives. And the thought of that monster drawing breath while my wife and daughter lie entombed, the thought he might outlive me…no, it’s intolerable. Plain and simple, I want them dead.”

  “You want him iced, fine. He offed your family; must eat at your guts. I can sympathize.” Zippo ran his tongue across his teeth. “But the question remains: how badly do you want him dead?”

  “Down to brass tacks, are we?” Grosevoir rubbed
his hands together. “As you’ve no doubt surmised, I am a wealthy man. I leave my net worth to my accountants, but the simple fact is I have more money than I could possibly spend should I live to be a thousand years old.” The little man chuckled, as if the thought of such longevity was amusing. “I’ve never put a price on my peace of mind before, but in this case I’d say my peace of mind is worth exactly one million dollars…for each of you.”

  Tripwire’s jaw couldn’t have dropped any lower had Hulk Hogan wedged a crowbar between his teeth and pried with all his might. Crosshairs looked like Iron Mike Tyson had just busted him one in the chops. Even Oddy had a tough time keeping a straight face.

  One million dollars each?

  “Wait a sec,” Zippo said, blinking away the dollar signs that flashed before his eyes. “You’re going to pony up a million bucks if we—”

  “Five million dollars, one million each, if you track down and kill the men who slaughtered my wife and daughter, yes,” Grosevoir said. “Does that sound fair?”

  Does it sound fair? Crosshairs’s mind boggled at the concept. A cool mil’ to rub out some degenerate rat-fucks who murdered kids and old ladies? He’d have had a more profound crisis of conscience had he been asked to stomp a cockroach! Fifty grand would clear his debts, but a million would rocket him to the top of the high-roller list. He pictured himself at World Series of Poker, Binion’s Horseshoe Casino in Vegas, sitting at the final table behind multicolored stacks of chips, staring across the felt at Stu Ungar and T.J. Cloutier and Johnny Chan, matching wits with those leather-assed road gamblers. The other men entertained fantasies of their own. A million dollars. That kind of cashola could change anyone’s life.

  “How do we know you’re gonna pay?” Oddy said. “We don’t know you from Adam.”

  “Because I am neither bored enough to plan all of this as a hoax, nor foolish enough to believe you’d react charitably if I did,” Grosevoir said. “This venture requires trust on both sides. I trust you to kill Overton. You trust me to pay.” He removed an alligator-skin checkbook from his blazer. “Perhaps I should cut a check for, say, two-hundred thousand dollars to each of you—a good faith gesture?”

  “Before you do, we’ll need to discuss your offer,” Oddy said. “In private.”

  “Of course. I’ll wait in the bedroom.”

  A strained silence followed Grosevoir’s departure. Zippo reached another bottle of Moosehead from the minibar, cracked the cap, drank deeply. “What’s to discuss? You want in, get in. If not, don’t let the doorknob hit you where the good lord split you.”

  “Not arguing that,” Oddy said. “We’re grown men, each of us will make his own choice. But he contacted all of us. He wanted Blackjack. He wanted the Magnificent Seven.”

  “No chance of that, is there, Sarge?” Answer said. “I mean, barring a séance.”

  It was the first time anyone had invoked the deaths of Slash and Gunner. “You’re right on that, son,” Oddy said, biting back a caustic rejoinder. “But what I’m saying is, he didn’t want one of us, or two, but everyone.”

  “I don’t know how you guys’ve spent the last twenty years,” Tripwire said. “But me, I’ve been sitting on my rapidly-expanding ass. The only explosions I’ve witnessed recently are Peter North cumshots. Any recruit fresh out of munitions training could run circles around me.”

  “And I haven’t fired a rifle in years,” Crosshairs said, rapping his knuckles on the prosthesis. “My peripherals are all fucked. Doesn’t mean I don’t want in on the deal…but it is odd.”

  “Ninety-nine percent of these deals are odd,” Zippo said. “Trust me. And at least this fruitcake has a decent reason for wanting someone dead.” Zippo’s tone suggested Grosevoir’s motivation was, in his experience, rare. “Hell, I’d cold-cock Jesus H. Christ himself for a million bucks, but this Overton fuck truly deserves to get smoked.”

  Oddy said, “So you’re decided?”

  Zippo nodded. “Hell, it’d be swell to have you boys along for old times’ sake, but I’m set to go this solo.”

  “What about the rest of you?”

  Crosshairs nodded. Answer nodded. Tripwire said, “Depends. Are you going?”

  Oddy felt like a man trying to hold his ground against a tornado or a tidal wave. It was hopeless. You could only go limp, give yourself over to the gathering momentum, and pray you’d be left relatively unscathed.

  “Yeah, okay. I’m in.”

  Tripwire said, “Then so am I.”

  “So it’s settled!” Grosevoir said, exiting the bedroom. He brought his stench with him; Zippo momentarily envied Crosshairs’s immunity to odors. “This is simply marvelous! Everything’s ready; I’ll have a limo take you to the airport, where a Learjet is waiting to—”

  “Hold on,” Oddy interrupted. “We’re going to need warm clothes, maps, guns—”

  “Yes, yes,” Grosevoir said. “All under control. But time is of the essence!”

  The men rose. Grosevoir made a show of patting their backs, “It’s a noble thing you’re doing, terribly noble.” Crosshairs didn’t see anything noble about hunting down other human beings, even cold blooded killers, in exchange for a bagful of money. The gaudy specter of cash rendered any notions of nobility hollow as a termite-ridden elm.

  Tripwire stared out over the blackened cityscape, even squares of darkness and light laid out in a patchwork grid. He had no idea it would be the last time he’d see Toronto’s, or any city’s, skyline. For a few of them, the following hours would comprise a series of lasts: their last car ride, their last decent meal, their last casual and thoughtless interaction with people other than the men they would fight and die beside.

  Answer was the last to exit. Grosevoir grabbed his shirtsleeve. Answer stared down into Grosevoir’s wet-ruby eye, seeing his own image reflected in it, swelled and monstrous. The way Grosevoir appraised him was disconcerting: as if Answer was a suit coat that, with the proper alterations, would make a perfect fit. Answer tried to pull free. Grosevoir held him for a moment before releasing his grip. His gray teeth resembled weather-beaten tombstones.

  “Run along now,” he whispered.

  Answer did as he was told.

  — | — | —

  Excerpted from the Slave River Journal,

  April 16th, 1986:



  “A Good Boy, But Always So Curious,”

  — Says Tearful Mother

  By Adriana Fellows

  Fort Simpson, NWT: Michael Fulton, intrepid cub reporter for this newspaper, has gone missing somewhere around Great Bear Lake. Unbeknownst to family, friends, or his editor, Fulton hired famed backwoodsman Herman Kint and set off into the wilderness, following “The Path of the Missing,” as it is now called. This same path was set down by search and rescue parties headed by Ed “Mad Dog” Rabidowski and Earl Triggers—twenty men in total, all now missing. RCMP Spokesman Sid Grimes, fielding questions about an area that seems to be Canada’s equivalent of the Bermuda Triangle, had this to say: “The urge in cases such as this is to rush to conclusions. Well, I’m not a rusher. Never have been. We have assembled another search and rescue crew, and will continue with due vigilance.”

  Stella Fulton, the missing reporter’s mother, said, “The boy would do anything for a story–for a ‘scoop,’ as he was forever calling them. Even as a boy he was curious, always searching, never satisfied.”

  Aerial photography of the terrain indicates…

  — | — | —


  dream of a

  northern land

  Northwest Territories

  December 6th, 1987. 2:17 p.m.

  The thrum of CH-113 Labrador helicopter blades filled the cabin. Five-hundred feet below, the snow-crusted scrubland of the Canadian Shield was a white-and-green blur at 350 mph. Out the west-facing porthole, the Rocky Mountains rose in sheer spires of schist and granite. Five middle-aged men sat in canvas web-seats, feet shod in bal
listic nylon combat boots. Five Jack Wolfskin backpacks rested in the cargo hold, pockets crammed with camping gear and dehydrated food packets.

  The pilot’s face was obscured by a smoked-plastic visor. He said, “Five minutes to drop-off.”

  Oddy recounted the events of the past twelve hours. From the hotel, they took a limousine to Pearson International. On the way, Grosevoir made telephone arrangements to transfer a quarter of a million dollars into five Swiss bank accounts. They taxied to a private runway and boarded a Learjet, arriving five hours later at an airstrip near Fort Nelson, British Columbia. Waiting in a supply shed was an arsenal to rival a small war-mongering nation. Some of the weaponry was so cutting-edge that nobody had even heard of it.


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